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1、IDL遥感应用,SeaDAS SeaWiFS 数据分析系统,NASA/Goddard Space Flight Center,SeaDAS 软件处理 SeaWiFS数据,参变量: - 水体辐射亮度 - 气溶胶辐射度 - 有色物质浓度 - 叶绿素浓度 - 浅水 - 逆向水体辐射亮度 - 漫射光 - 云或者冰 等等.,SeaDAS 软件 用于 SeaWiFS数据,AVHRR-NOAA - Venezuela SST = 水体表面温度,AVHRR - NOAA Venezuela,7,ENVI is Ready for TERRA,And in 2001 AQUA!,MODIS 也同样服务于海洋学领

2、域,MODIS的36个不同波长通道中包含一些以前从未采集过的数据。这些数据包括大量新的海洋和大气数据信息,而这些信息以前并没有从全球的角度进行过分析处理,它将对所有的研究机构全面开放。 MODIS的海洋产品包括三大系列:海水颜色、海水表面温度和海洋初级产品。增益后的大气数据将对于海洋信号中的大气校正有着更好的结果。它们将用于调查研究海洋环境、海水循环、海洋生物和包括海水中碳循环的海洋化学。,Instantaneous Photosynthetically Available Radiation July 2-3, 1998 SeaWiFS radiances processed through

3、 MODIS algorithms (K. Carder) Data acknowledgement: SeaWiFS Project & Goddard DAAC, NASA/GSFC Processing acknowledgement: University of Miami/RSMAS,迈阿密大学的 Dr. Ed Kearns和 Dr. Bob Evans处理的影像,开发海洋学应用的私人公司. 通过GPS 定位,用户获得来自海洋的海岸虚拟影像. 也可以配合2D 和多媒体数据使用. 可应用于海上搜救.,Cetemar -西班牙,Cetemar - 西班牙,VADO 海洋学数据的可视化及分

4、析 海洋科学研究院 巴塞罗那西班牙,VADO 计划,能够提供例如温度、盐度等物理参数的数据库,该数据来自于船用CTD剖面仪。 未来计划: 融入生物地球化学的数据 兼容例如锚泊、浮标等其他设备的数据,国家环境卫星数据和信息服务中心 (NESDIS) 厄尔尼诺现象分析,Problem Needed up-to-date, accurate information for the National Hurricane Center and other organizations predicting global weather patterns Solution Data from a geost

5、ationary and polar orbiting satellite are collected and twice weekly analyzed with IDL programs and produce mapped images of SST (sea surface temp) anomalies Benefit Navigating safe courses for ships Fishing industry use the reports for where the sought-after fish will most likely be Farmers receive

6、 long-term predictions to decide on crop rotations, etc.,”IDL is the driving force behind our web-based graphics by using it, we quickly get accurate climatory averages at the desired grid points.“,Chris Duda, Physical Scientist,遥感和环境中心 (CRSEO),Problem CRSEOs group mission is collection and analysis

7、 of data from space sensors and instruments carried on ships for ocean experiments Solution Enlisted Terry Figel at the University of California to develop graphical user interfaces that make data easily accessible to scientist at CRSEO Figel recommends IDL because of the built-in mapping capabiliti

8、es and because the scientists needed both numerical and visual solutions to their problems Benefit Easy-to-use application that allows the scientists to navigate the large amount of data being collected,USING FORTRAN: “ there were far too many loops, so IDL was much faster.”,Terry Figel, University

9、of California,空间气象局 天气预报应用 (SIDAS),Problem The SIDAS application, Satellite Image Display and Analysis System, needed to be updated from a competitors software in which the application was originally written Competitors software was not being enhanced to keep up with the customers needs Solution AFW

10、A hired RSIs Professional Services Group (PSG) to reengineer their (SIDAS) application using IDL AFWA purchases site-wide IDL license Benefit SIDAS application is updated with IDLs advanced functionality AFWA personnel more productive through the site-wide licensing of IDL,AFWA gathers satellite ima

11、gery as well as ground- and air-based observations. They combine this information with numerical forecast modeling into forecast maps that they distribute to the field.,NOAA 与RSI公司签署了IDL license使用协议,Problem Some members of the research teams were not able to access the needed applications built in I

12、DL Solution NOAA purchases site-wide license Benefit Higher productivity Better communications Lower cost per user Licensing issues eliminated,IPS Radio 澳大利亚空间预报中心,Problem Need to monitor and report on Solar activity that could potentially cause damage to satellites, and interfere with radio and tel

13、ephone signals Solution Used IDL to read, monitor, analyze, and report data results 24/7 via IPS Radio web site Benefit Accurate forecasting Timely reporting Damage to satellites minimized Interference to communication signals minimized,HF Radio,Target Location,Hourly Updates,Solar Activity Level,地理

14、信息分析及环境模拟,支持地理数据,具有高分辨率地图数据集 内建19种地图投影 图像可以变换到任意地理坐标,地图投影分析,Orthographic map projection of North and South America as a color shaded relief image,三维地形模拟,Great Sand Dunes National Monument in southern Colorado,三维漫游飞行,卫星轨道分析,Zurich苏黎世大学GIS实验室 交互式地形数据可视化,Problem GIS tools often lack interactive visuali

15、zation capabilities Cross-platform deployment required Solution Built an IDL cross-platform, interactive visualization environment called DataScaping Features include spatial interpolation, detection of “outliers”, and false model assumptions of Arc/Info data, 3- and 4D representations, dynamic link

16、ing of windows, parallel viewing of multiple layers in different scales, and animation Benefit More accurate analysis without data conversion hassles,”IDL is a very good environment for easy and complex GUI building.,Eva-Marie Stephan,European Space Agency 欧空局 地中海地区监测海上泄油污染,Problem Oil spills threat

17、ening marine life Ships difficult to identify at night Lack of reports to assess the situation Required to use ERS radar data Solution Coast Guard uses IDL application built by ESRIN, an arm of the European Space Agency Application utilizes ERS radar data Benefit Coast Guard can monitor situation 24

18、/7 Target recognition of ships easily identified Timely, accurate reports readily available,IDL allows me to perform many of my operations without my manual intervention, which saves me a lot of time. Because IDL is so powerful, it only takes a few seconds for the image processing to occur.“,Dr. Pet

19、rocchi, ESRIN,NASA Saving the Hubble,Problem Hubble Telescope malfunctioning Solution Investigation Definition Team selects IDL for its fast, accurate assessment of data Compiled several IDL applications under one GUI interface Benefit IDLs journal mode allowed for numerous scientist to work interac

20、tively with real data IDLs cross-platform capability made it possible to efficiently share their work,“We saved more than a year of labor over the course of three years by adopting IDL over other alternatives as a matter of fact, a colleague of mine has been known to say that with IDL you can be pro

21、ductively working on your data after only a couple days exposure to the environment.“,Paul Scowen Investigation Definition Team Member,三维数据可视化,可视化分析,流线分析,数学分析,对象分析,图像、信号处理,Data Visualization,信号分析,Earthquake vibration control data displayed with Plot,时序分析,DSTO - Australia Shows all external noise ave

22、raged over 24 hours with impulsive noise and spikes removed.,噪声分析,DSTO - Australia Shows for at one instant.,特定时刻噪声分析,DSTO - Australia Geographic representation of signal return from the backscatter ionospheric sounder, azimuth by range.,信号地域分析,DSTO - Australia Shows busy, clear and forbidden freque

23、ncies by color, topped by the entire external RF spectrum passively monitored. Designed to select suitable radar operating frequencies with regard to noist channels, and civilian commercial and emergency RF bandspace.,信号处理,自动矢量化,实时图像处理系统 Customizable interface built using IDLs GUI Toolkit,Problem Ne

24、eded to deploy application on multiple platforms Interface must be customizable by users Solution Using the PC, scientists control the acquisition, processing and analysis of images through a graphical user interface (GUI) that was built with IDL Benefit The easily configured, flexible interface ena

25、bles users to rapidly customize the system (using pull-down menus) to their requirements and therefore focus on looking for better ways to understand tokamak plasmas The ability to define user-parameters and to specify image processing routines allows the support of many types of applications,Fernan

26、do Meo, Centre Canadien de Fusion Magnetic Varennes, Quebec,“Because IDL supports such file formats as HDF, JPEG and TIFF and is portable across different computer platforms, it makes it possible to acquire, display and store images on the PC then transfer them to the server for archiving. As a resu

27、lt of this portability, image analysis can be done on different platforms.“,RSI产品用于海洋领域,海洋学领域的典型用户,NOAA NASA/Goddard Space Flight Center Ocean Surveys, Inc. Oceanweather Inc. Bigelow Laboratory for Ocean Sciences Woods Hole Oceanographic Inst.,Ocean Research Institute of China Instituto Ciencias del

28、 Mar de Barcelona CEFREM, France KORDI - Korea Fisheries and Oceans, Canada CSIRO Land and Water, Australia Maritime Command Shore Info Systems, Australia,Topex/Poseidon 数据 时间上的动态模拟,France - CEFREM 海洋环境监测研究中心,被应用于不同方面的几种工具: CTD (Conductivity-Temperature-Depth), 水流计 Sediment traps, 光学和气象学传感器 各种海洋数据的可

29、视化及与时间、空间相关的分析,多种数据集成,数据: 风、流、温度以及水、粒子流等的生物学和化学参数的时间序列 不同格式的数据 不同的机器和操作系统,“.We also wanted our work to include (scale and vector) cartography and animation. The latter would enable us to easily visualize long-term changes in the marine environment.“,IDL 识别并追踪地中海的溢油,运行问题 如果不能快速收集数据并准确定位船只,特别是在夜间,海岸方位

30、部门确认并起诉污染者的努力将受到阻碍 解决方案 ESRIN开发的IDL将协助欧洲空间代理中心,用ERS雷达数据准确跟踪并监控地中海的溢油污染 优点 实现全天24小时监测溢油污染 易于确认并跟踪船只 当船只仍在海里时海洋防卫部门就可以得到及时报告,El Nio Effect - 小波分析,其他ION应用,科 研,渔业声学使用声音来实现水生物的探测、制图以及统计分布,IDL 应用与ION 发布,软件开发基于IDL的系列产品,IDL - Interactive Data Language ION - IDL On the Net VIP - Visual IDL Programming ENVI - Environment for Visualizing Images RiverTools - Analysis for digital terrain and river network modeling NOESYS - Organize, visualize & share HDF data,遥感影像/数据的解决方案,IDL可视化编程工具,互联网数据管理工具,地形及河流网系分析系统,三维可视地理信息系统,Questions?,谢 谢!,


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