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1、Airway & Ventilation Methods: ALS,Pharmacologic Assisted Intubation (“RSI”) Neuromuscular Blockade Contraindications Most are Specific to the medication inability to ventilate patient once paralysis is induced Advantages enables to provider to intubate patients who otherwise would be difficult or im

2、possible to intubate minimizes patient resistance to intubation reduces risk of laryngospasm,Airway & Ventilation Methods: ALS,Pharmacologic Assisted Intubation (“RSI”) Mechanism of Action for NMB agent acts at the neuromuscular junction where ACh normally allows nerve impulse transmission binds to

3、nicotinic receptor sites at skeletal muscle depolarizes or does not depolarize specific to med blocks further action by ACh at receptor sites therefore, blocks further depolarization resulting in muscular paralysis,Airway & Ventilation Methods: ALS,Pharmacologic Assisted Intubation (“RSI”) Disadvant

4、ages & Potential Complications Does not provide sedation or amnesia Provider unable to intubate or ventilate after NMB Aspiration during procedure Difficult to detect motor seizure activity Side effects and adverse effects of specific meds,Airway & Ventilation Methods: ALS,Pharmacologic Assisted Int

5、ubation (“RSI”) Common Used NMB Agents Depolarizing NMB agents succinylcholine (Anectine) Non-depolarizing NMB agents vecuronium (Norcuron) rocuronium (Zemuron) pancuronium (Pavulon),Airway & Ventilation Methods: ALS,Pharmacologic Assisted Intubation (“RSI”) Summarized Procedure Prep all equipment a

6、nd medications while ventilating patient Hyperventilate Administer induction/sedation agents & pretreatment meds (e.g. lidocaine or atropine) Administer NMB agent Sellick maneuver Intubate per usual Continue NMB and sedation/analgesia prn,Airway & Ventilation Methods: ALS,Examples of Secondary Tube

7、Placement Confirmation Devices (From AMLS, NAEMT),From AMLS, NAEMT,Airway & Ventilation Methods: ALS,Needle Thoracostomy (chest decompression) Indications Positive sx/sx of tension pneumothorax Cardiac arrest with PEA or Asystole when the possibility of trauma and/or tension pneumo exist Contraindic

8、ations Absence of indications,Airway & Ventilation Methods: ALS,Tension Pneumothorax Sx/Sx severe respiratory distress or absent lung sounds (unilateral usually) resistance to manual ventilation Cardiovascular collapse (shock) asymmetric chest expansion anxiety, restlessness or cyanosis (late) JVD o

9、r tracheal deviation (late),Airway & Ventilation Methods: ALS,Needle Thoracostomy Prep equipment Locate landmarks: 2nd intercostal space at midclavicular line one-way valve,Airway & Ventilation Methods: ALS,Chest Escharotomy Indications In the presence of severe edema to the soft tissue of the thora

10、x as with circumferential burns: inability to maintain adequate tidal volume even with PPV inability to obtain adequate chest expansion with PPV Rarely needed,Airway & Ventilation Methods: ALS,Chest Escharotomy Considerations must rule out the possibility of upper airway obstruction Procedure Intuba

11、te if not already done Prep site and equipment Vertical incision to anterior axillary line Horizontal incision only if necessary Cover and protect,Airway & Ventilation: Risks & Protective Measures,BSI Gloves Face & eye shields Respirator if concern for airborne disease Be prepared for coughing spitting vomiting biting,Airway & Ventilation Methods,Saturdays class Practice using the equipment orotracheal intubation nasotracheal intubation gastric tube insertion surgical airways needle thoracostomy combitube retrograde intubation,


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