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1、希捷(苏州)员工工作餐服务项目竞标方案 Suzhou CANTEEN SERVICE TENDER,胜乐食品集团介绍 Select Group 工作餐投标表格 Tender Document 供餐规划 Meals Proposal 菜单示例 Menu 额外服务 Add. Services 管理团队 Institutional Catering Team 厨房卫生管理 Kitchen Hygiene 食品卫生管理 Hygiene Assurance,目录 Content,供餐运输管理流程 Process Flow 个人卫生管理 Personal Hygiene 就餐应急管理 Emergency

2、Meal Supply 食物中毒应急管理 Food Poisoning Emergency 环境,健康和安全 Environment, Health & Safety 额外优惠 Add. Preferential 资质与执照 Certification,胜乐食品集团 Select Group,挂牌交易于新加坡自动报价股 Listed in SGX-SESDAQ 胜乐食品在新加坡是居于前沿的一站式提供工商业和家庭餐食服务的公司 Select has been the leading food service provider to people of all walks of life in S

3、ingapore for over a decade. 在新加坡我们已建立起工厂包餐,公司和家庭餐食服务以及零售食品服务的良好品牌效应 We have established a sustenance brand presence in institute, corporate and domestic catering services and retail food management industry in Singapore. 胜乐食品集团包括以下子公司: Select group consists of the following companies: 胜乐餐食服务私人有限公司 S

4、elect Food Management Pte Ltd 胜乐饮食管理私人有限公司(马来西亚) Select Food Management Sdn Bhd 胜乐餐食投资有限公司 Select F&B Investment Pte Ltd 胜乐食品(苏州)有限公司 Select F&B (Suzhou) Pte Ltd 胜达餐食服务私人有限公司(回教餐) Stamford Catering Services Pte Ltd SCS餐食服务私人有限公司 SCS Food Services Pte Ltd 乐泰酒楼私人有限公司 Lerk Thai Restaurant,2019/5/18,sin

5、ce 1995,胜乐食品在苏州工业园区的介绍 Select in Suzhou,350万美元注册资金 工厂位于苏州工业园区中央娄葑东区敦煌路 工厂占地面积6500平方米 中央厨房的面积为4000平方米 园区A类包餐公司 中央厨房已经正式进入ISO 22000和HACCP的认证辅导期 Pay-up Capital = US$ 3.5 millions Located at Suzhou Industrial Park, Dun Huang Road Total area of 6,500 sqm Central kitchen total area of 4,000 sqm Obtained A

6、 grade institutional food catering company In the progress of obtaining ISO 22000 & HACCP,苏州公司的主体业务介绍 Select in Suzhou,A:工厂送餐 Institute food catering (off-site management) 我们的中央厨房每餐可以提供35,000份工厂餐,并且按照我们的运送方式和效率和工厂的实际需要,为工厂分段送餐并提供新鲜可口的饭菜,让工厂的所有员工都能够享受到最接近于现场烹饪的菜肴和美食. We have a central kitchen which h

7、as the capability to supply 35,000 meals a day though our state-of-the-art equipment and management. B:工厂厨房的现场服务 (on-site management) 我们会派出专业的厨房和服务人员到贵公司的厨房现场进行各种操作,并且按照贵公司的要求和标准,为贵公司提供专业化、标准化(菜肴配方)和个性化(工厂的特点)的服务。 We have a team of matured and responsible management team and policies to manage your

8、kitchen by delivering professional services and know-how to improve food quality and your kitchen operation. C:上门到会服务 (Buffet Services) 可以根据客户的需求和上门服务的性质,如公司的奠基、开幕仪式、婚礼、生日庆祝会、新居乔迁等,我们会有专业的设计师来设计出不同的环境,并且使用精致的餐具及提供相应的餐饮现场服务。 We provide buffet services to company & private functions, like corporate op

9、ening ceremony, AD&D, family day, staff day, farewell party and even regular corporate meetings through our central kitchen. We have the capability in customising (hotel styles) meal to over 2,000 pax according to your needs, though our imported equipment.,组织结构 Organisation Chart,胜乐食品优势 Select Benef

10、its,A:高科技的机械设备 State-of-the-art facilities 使用了德国制造万能烘烤箱。4xGermany imported Combi Ovens which can cook, bake, steam, grill 1,200 meals in 15 mins. each. 使用意大利进口的集成式洗涤机,集洗涤、消毒和烘干于一体。2xItaly imported dish washers which c/w washing, sterilizing and drying functions. 最为标准的餐食运送箱运用在苏州工业园区的工厂包餐的运送过程中。Over 1

11、20xSpecially custom-made delivery cabinets (according to HACCP standard),B:高卫生标准 High hygiene standard: 对卫生标准的高要求一直是我公司的立身之本,我们是园区A类包餐公司。 Being a A grade food catering company, we have stringent management policy in our hygiene standard. 如在我们的中央厨房中,我们墙角没有垂直线,这样避免了厨房的卫生死角。另外在我们的中央厨房中,所有的排水沟都设计成地下沟,避免

12、了厨房地面的积水。 Our kitchen is specially designed with round-edge corners system to prevent trapping of dust & dirt and proper drainage system to prevent flooding in the kitchen.,胜乐食品优势 Select Benefits,C: 高运送效率 High delivery efficiency 独厚的地理位置,20公里的辐射半径几乎含盖了现有的园区的所有工厂。Strategically located within 20km ran

13、ge around all SIPs factories 5 货车 和 1 大客车, 5xdelivery trucks for food delivery & a 42xseater bus to delivery personal, 运送过程中使用运送保温箱,平均每箱的服务人数在500人左右,而且运送保温箱还可以保证运送的高卫生标准和餐食的新鲜。Uses 60xconcealed holding cabinet which can hold 500 meals each to ensure high hygiene standard and food quality. 我们也将目前国际上最

14、为标准的餐食运送箱第一个运用在苏州工业园区的工厂包餐的运送过程中,这一种运餐车,由于可将餐食保温在75度。先进的高科技的机械设备不但保证食品的口味,而且也将食物中毒的可能性降到最低。Select implemented international standard in food delivery method by maintaining 75 deg.C temperature to maintain food quality, hygiene & thereby reduces food poisoning tremendously. Select is the only company

15、 which can provide such standard in SIP.,胜乐食品优势 Select Benefits,D:科学的操作过程 International standard processes 根据在新加坡长期积累的经验和参照国外先进公司的经验设计了现在中央厨房的操作模式。Specially designed kitchen according to HACCP standard and accumulated experience in Singapore. 对于食物的处理,我们遵循HACCP(食物安全分析控制点)的最高国际食物安全标准,每个原料的处理决不会出现交叉和重复

16、处理。Adopting HACCP standard in each & every food processing procedures, steps and methods. 整个中央厨房的处理,尽量使用最先进的机械,如全电脑控制的万能烘烤箱和全自动化的洗涤机。Making used of the state-of-the-art equipment to support the whole processes and work efficiencies.,胜乐食品优势 Select Benefits,其他 Other facilities,致: 希捷国际科技(苏州)有限公司 江苏省苏州市

17、工业园区苏虹中路200号 215021 电话: 86-512-62735051 传真: 86-512-62735170 张焕丽 来自: 胜乐食品(苏州)有限公司 江苏省苏州市工业园区娄葑东区斜塘敦煌路8号 215123 电话: 86-512-65471803 传真: 86-512-65476678 电邮: 主题: 希捷国际科技(苏州)有限公司员工工作餐 投标人已经充分理解了招标文件的全部要求, 对以上项目出具以下价格: 价格组成: a) 员工正餐餐盘价: RMB5.00 员工茶点餐盘价: RMB1.70 商务午餐价: RMB7.00 b) 管理费: RMB1.00(工厂管理&运输) c) 合

18、计正餐总价: RMB6.00 合计茶点总价: RMB2.70 签名,工作餐投标表格 Tender Document,我公司会严格根据希捷公司的生产安排,无条件保证每周7天工作日24工作小时在希捷公司指定的场所内为公司员工提供清洁, 卫生的工作餐(早晚班的正餐和茶点)服务. 完全按照希捷公司要求的餐食内容供餐. Select will strictly fellow Seagate production arrangement provide hygienic meal 24 hours daily at Seagate canteen according to agreement 2. 根据希

19、捷公司的具体安排, 保证每周5天工作日为公司管理层提供贵宾区午餐. 完全按照希捷公司要求的餐食内容供餐. We also provide VIP lunch daily according to Seagate requires 根据希捷公司的要求及预定的标准提供各种商务餐, 西餐, 招待会, 宴会, 自助餐以及其他特殊活动的餐饮服务, 费用另行商定和结算 . According to Seagate requirement ,We do provide western food,High Tea,Banquet also Buffet services,供餐规划 Meals Proposal

20、,菜单示例 Menu,主食 香港炒米粉 Hong Kong Bee Hoon 炒米暹 Fried Mee Siam 炒马来面 Fried Mee Goreng 新加坡炒饭 Singapore Fried Rice 炒意大利面 Fried Spaghetti 星洲炒米粉 Sin Chow Fried Bee Hoon 茄汁罗纹面 Braised Tomato Noodle 福建炒饭 Fried Hokkien Rice 冷点心/色拉 鸡蛋三文治 Egg Finger Sandwich 吞拿鱼三文治 Tuna Finger Sandwich 果酱三文治 Cheese Finger Sandwich

21、 杂菜色拉(千岛酱) Mixed Vegetable w Thousand Island Dressing 正餐 凉拌海蛰 Cold Seaweed 茄汁鱼腩 Tomato Paste w Fish Stomach 蒜泥白肉 Minced Garlic White Meat 芙蓉虾仁蛋 Foo Yong Shrimp Egg 红溜双菇 Braised Two Type Mushroom,热点/煎炸类 炸鱼排 Fried Fish Finger w Tomato Sauce 炸鸡块 Fried Chicken Nugget w Tomato Sauce 炸苏东丸(跟甜面酱) Deep Fried

22、 Sotong Ball 咖喱饺 Curry Dumpling 热点/蒸煮类 迷你鲜肉包 Mini Pork Pau 蒸饺 Steamed Dumpling 葱油花卷 Onion Biscuit 椰丝球 Coconut Ball 甜点 蛋挞 Egg Tart 蛋糕(奶油、薄荷、巧克力)Assorted Cake 曲奇 Quqi Biscuit 甘露酥 Ganlusu 甜品 玉米羹 Corn Creamy Soup 西迷露 Saigo 冰糖百合 Rock Sugar BaiHe 杂果冰 Assorted Mixed Fruit,菜单示例 Menu,新加坡特色餐 Singapore food,西餐

23、 Western food,日式餐 Japanese food,额外服务 Add. Services,我们能够提供以下各种服务 We provide varieties dishes,面食 Noodles,点心 Snack,甜品 Dessert,额外服务 Add. Services,额外服务 Add. Services,BUFFET,自助餐,额外服务 Add. Services,宴会,BANQUET,额外服务 Add. Services,Vincent Tan 陈祖坤 Managing Director & Founder 董事长&创建者 18 years F & B experience 1

24、8年的餐饮行业经验,Sally Ang 翁碹珍 General Manager (Institutional Catering) 总经理 18 years F & B experience 18年的餐饮行业经验,Wu Wei 吴炜 Operations Manager 营运经理 12years F & B experience 12年的餐饮行业经验,Benson Tan Teck Boon 陈帝文 Operations Manager 营运经理 14 years F & B experience 14年的餐饮行业经验,Zhou Shi Ming 周世明 Operations Manager 营

25、运经理 25 years F & B experience 25年的餐饮行业经验,Liew Kiam Chung 刘锦松 Plant Manager 厂长 12 years F & B experience 12年的餐饮行业经验,Tan Chin Hua 陈振华 Executive Chef 行政总厨 14 years F & B experience 14年的餐饮行业经验,管理团队 Institutional Catering Team,人的运行道是人的运行道,而物的运行道是物的运行道,甚至于对人的运行道我们严格地区分为“进道”和“出道”,而每一次走入“进道”,必须走过“消毒踏水池”和“洗手

26、消毒池” Human & food are delivered separately, adopting separate entry & exist path through sterilizing pool before entering the kitchen. 对于蔬菜:粗菜粗加工+5的粗菜保鲜房+12恒温精加工+5的精菜保鲜房厨房处理 Separated vegetables processing in a +5 to +12 deg.C controlled temperate. 对于荤菜:原料粗加工-20的荤菜粗菜冷冻房+12的恒温加工+5荤菜保持间厨房处理 Separated

27、meats processing in a -20 to +20 deg.C controlled temperate. 对于餐具的洗涤,我们严格的将外运餐具和内部使用餐具分开两个洗涤间,这样将有效的控制交叉感染的危险 。 Uses 2 separated dish washing to wash internal utensils and external utensils separately. 为了厨房拥有充足的新鲜空气流通,为了保持菜肴在加工过程中的新鲜,每个不同的工作间都严格控制在合理的温度。我们在每一个操作间中都装备了进风机和抽风机, Kitchen is designed wit

28、h controlled fresh-air and exhaust-air system to ensure proper control of humidity and working environment for our staff. 为了保持菜肴在加工过程中的新鲜,我们将蔬菜和荤菜的精加工间设计为12的恒温室。菜肴在15以下的环境中,细菌是难以滋生的。 The whole kitchen environment & food processes within controlled temperature ensured food quality & thus reduces cont

29、amination of food.,厨房卫生管理 Kitchen Hygiene,厨房卫生管理 Kitchen Hygiene,胜乐食品 (苏州)有限公司 SELECT F&B (SUZHOU) CO., LTD,每日检查报告 Daily Inspection Report 由外场主管/经理执行确保达到ISO相关标准 Carry out by our site manager to ensure ISO standard is met 每月QA检查 Monthly QA Inspection 由总部QA执行人员再次检查确保所有卫生方面达到要求 Conduct by our HQ QA man

30、ager to double ensure all hygiene aspects meet requirement 食品卫生健康证和食品卫生课程培训 Hygiene Certification and Hygiene Course 所有食物操作者必须拥有食品卫生健康证并必须通过食物卫生基础的知识培训 All food handlers must have the hygiene certification and pass the basic hygiene course conduct by the authority 4. 防火和害虫防治课程培训 Fire Fighting And Pe

31、st Control Course 所有岗位人员通过防火和害虫防治培训课程以达到EHS的要求 All key personnel must attend fire fighting course to meet EHS safety aspects,食品卫生管理 Hygiene Assurance,备注:每日营运检查人 外场经理执行&营运经理确认 每月QA检查人 QA执行员&总经理确认 Note: Daily Operation Checklist Conduct by Site Manager & Approve by Ops Manager Monthly QA Audit Conduct

32、 by QA Officer & Approve by Managing Director,食品卫生管理 Hygiene Assurance,食品卫生管理 Hygiene Assurance,我们全程采用“食品卫生危害分析关键控制点(HACCP)”这一国际标准保证食品的最大安全 We implement all our processes by using HACCP(Hazard Analysis Critical Control Point) standard operating procedures to ensure maximum hygiene assurance,Product

33、Recall Programme产品反馈,Contingency Plan突发事件应对计划,Pre-purchase factory / warehouse visit对供应商的管理巡视 Document Check All items对供应商的各项资质检查 QA check on product conditionQA对进货的品质检查 Temperature check on Product and delivery Truck对温度和运输方式的检查 Shipment VS DO/Expiry Dateetc对食品食用期限的检查等 Storage temperature check对储存温度

34、的检查 Work area condition check对工作区域的检查 Product quality check对菜品的品质检查 Storage condition check对盛放环境的检查 Work area condition check对工作区域的检查 All display equipment temperature check对保温设备的温度检查 Check dining area condition对就餐区域的检查 Ensure all cutleries are properly washed确保餐具的有效清洗与消毒 Good storage for next use 适

35、当的存放,Raw Material 原材料,Incoming Goods 进货,Preparation 备货,Cooking 烹饪,On Display 展示,Customer 客户,After Use 用餐结束,我们并且全程采用ISO22000这一国际标准来检查食品的生产到现场的服务 We also implement all our processes by using ISO22000 to ensure maximum hygiene assurance,食品卫生管理 Hygiene Assurance,食物必须来源于正规的渠道( 食物必须经过食物卫生,健康组织的认证 ) Obtain

36、 food from a qualified source ( Source approved by the local Agri-Food by food type) 不可以把食物放在地上(至少15-30厘米以上) Do not store raw or perishable food on ground/floor (At least 15cm-30cm abov e) 标签化/日期化 Properly label/date 防止污染(用包装,盖住的方式) Protect from contamination (Wrap,lid sneeze guard) 遵循“先进先出”的原则(冰库冰箱

37、里的备货需要在24小时内用完) Practice “First in/ First out” ( Prepared food in chiller/freezer used within 24 hours) 食物损害或污染后要丢掉 Discard food with observable spoilage/ contamination 不可以重复使用食物 Do not re-use food,食物的来源与储藏 Food Sourcing and Storage,食品卫生管理 Hygiene Assurance,1 清洗 - 洗手和经常清洁表面 CLEAN -Wash hands and sur

38、faces often 保持手,表面,用具的时刻清洁 Keep hands,surfaces,and utensils clean 2 隔离 -不要交叉感染 SEPARATE - Dont cross-contaminate 分开生肉,禽畜类产品与海鲜以及其他食品的接触 Separate raw meat,poultry & seafood from other foods 3 冷藏 - 尽可能冷藏 CHILL - Refrigerate promptly 温度要小于或等于5 摄氏度 Maintain temperatures at_ 5C 4 烹制 - 烹制到适当的温度 COOK Cook

39、to proper temperatures 使用温度计定时检查温度 Use a clean thermometer to regularly check temperatures,防止食物污染的关键方法 key areas to prevent contamination of food,食品卫生管理 Hygiene Assurance,预热插电保温箱 73C Pre-heat Concealed holding Cabinet 73C,制作菜肴,烹饪之时和结束后测量食品温度,对食品加盖All cooked food temperature will be record and covere

40、d,装车,确认安全卫生后, 送到客户处After packing and ensure, Deliver to site location,菜肴做好, 食品留样后,再次由QC测量食品温度后放进保温箱内Food sample will be collected and QC inspection before sending into Concealed holding Cabinet,提前清洁,预热好客户处的保温台clean and Pre-heat services counter,1,2,3,供餐运输管理流程 Process Flow,所有流程皆有温度控制和记录All process re

41、corded,食物上台后,再次测量食品温度again food temperature taking,个人卫生管理 Personal Hygiene,食物操作者必须在每次换班时进行过检查(无疾病,无表面创伤) Food handlers are medically cleared to work each work shift(not sick ,no open sores) 必须使用每日的卫生检查表来记录员工的健康状况,并且要有员工生病时的替代计划 Vendor uses daily checklist to document health status prior to start of

42、work shift and has plan for worker replacement should one become ill at work 食物操作者必须穿着干净的制服,包括鞋子,发罩 Food handlers wear clean uniforms,including shoes ,and hair restraints 高卫生必须时刻保持住(手和指甲也必须干净) Good hygiene is consistently practiced ( Hands and nails are clean ) 手套要适时更换(当用餐和备货前) Gloves used &changed

43、appropriately( When handling ready to- eat or partially cooked food ) 食物操作者必须尽可能保持个人卫生的所有方面(远离仓库,配货区,服务区) Food service workers properly store personal items (Away from food storage, preparation,service area) 手套破损后必须丢弃 Hand towels are discarded when soiled 泥土必须远离配货区,服务区 Soiled linens are stored away

44、from food preparation/service areas,着装必须定期清洁更换,以防食物受污染危害 Clothing must be clean and changed regularly to protect food from risk of contamination 制服必须是配货区,服务区所特别要求的 Clothing must be maintained solely for food preparation/service 食物操作者不可以穿着工作服进入其他非工作区域 Food handlers should not travel to /form work in

45、clothing/uniforms 非工作衣物与个人东西不可以带入食物操作区 Outdoor clothing and personal effects should be stored away from food handling areas 工作帽必须时刻穿戴以免头发落入食物,长发必须扎到头后 Head covering must always be worn and must prevent hair from falling into food ;long hair must be tied back 参观检查者如要进入食物操作区,必须穿着干净的制服,并且在接触餐食用具前洗净双手 A

46、uthorized visitors to food preparation/service areas are provided with clean over clothing and required to wash their hands before touching equipment etc,个人卫生管理 Personal Hygiene,有效洗手的基本要求Minimum requirements for effective hand-washing 洗手池 Washbasins 流水 Running water 洁手物质:肥皂,消毒液 Materials for cleanin

47、g the hands:soap,sanitizing agent 高卫生的擦手物质:纸巾 Materials for hygienically drying hands:paper towels 洗手五步骤 Five Hand Washing Steps 1 流水中湿手 Wet hands under running water 2 肥皂擦手 Soap hands ,lathering well 3 手指互相擦拭 Rub thoroughly,including wrists and between fingers 4 清水洗净 Rinse in cleaned water 5 纸巾擦干,无

48、湿迹 Dry thoroughly on paper towel,leaving no moisture on the hands,个人卫生管理 Personal Hygiene,就餐应急管理 Emergency Meal Supply,0000 hrs,0015 hrs,0015 - 0100 hrs,0130 hrs,0200 hrs,使用备用餐,其他外场的现场操作也能用于食品应急 Spare ration will be issue during emergency at all outlet,对于发生食物中毒或者疑似食物中毒时,本公司将采取下列相应措施: Process to food

49、 poisoning or suspected food poisoning : 立即停止现场供餐活动,提供备用餐 Stop all event and provide spare ration immediately 2. 把中毒时间、餐别、人数等情况及时通知报告所在卫生防疫部门 Time and headcount must be notified at once to the Health Ministry 及时将中毒人员送往医疗卫生单位进行救治 Food - borne poisoning personal must be send to the hospital immediately 4. 及时通知当日就餐的员工及顾客到局卫生所、医院进行检查或观察治疗 Consumer will also arrange for medica


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