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1、考前思考与对策 书面表达部分,金华市教研室 诸才章,学生的写作能力现状如何? 课标和高考的要求是什么? 学生的分究竟怎么丢的? 学生还有多少提升空间? 写好书面表达的保障是什么? 最后阶段教师们还能做什么?,现状分析 时间投入大 实际效益低 高分不多,低分不少 教师很纠结? 学生很受伤!,课标要求(八级) 能写出连贯且结构完整的短文,叙述事情或表达观点和态度; 能根据课文写摘要; 能在写作中做到文体规范、语句通顺; 能根据用文字及图表提供的信息写短文或报告。,浙江省高考写作要求 满分30分。要求考生根据题示,用英语写一篇100120个词的短文,提示的形式有图画、图表、文字等。 (1) 清楚、连

2、贯地传递信息,表达意思; (2)有效运用所学语言知识。,近5年高考书面表达题回顾 07年:结合自己英语学习的体会,就英语课的教学语言发表自己的看法。 08年:围绕“人们完成工作的方式”展开讨论,谈谈自己对独立做事和小组合作 做事的看法。 09年:以“学生记者”的身份写一则新闻报道,叙述学生志愿者去阳光敬老院的一次活动。 10年:为班级黑板报写一篇题为“每周一星”的短文,即要求叙述李越的事迹及其对同学的影响,有要求做出评论。 11年:就校园中存在的随意涂写和乱丢垃圾的行为,给校长写一封信。,近5年高考书面表达题特点 1. 所设计的情景真实性程度较高; 2. 贴近当前社会实际; 3. 符合考生的认

3、知水平和生活经历; 4. 写作要求明确,要点提示简明; 5. 必写内容有一定的控制性; 6. 要求考生发表意见和看法等,有一定的开放性; 7. 考生的作文在语言功能和句式的使用具有多样性; 8. 试题的效度和区分度增强。,书面表达评分标准 要点全面、表达准确、语句连贯; 能用书写体熟练清楚地书写,格式、连笔、词距、标点符号正确; 行文及礼貌用语等无严重错误; 基本语法和常用句型无严重错误,意思表达清楚; 鼓励使用多样的句子结构与新颖词汇,连接顺畅。,近五年高考书面表达难度系数 2007: 0.45 2008: 0.43 2009: 0.52 2010: 0.42 2011: 0.44,失分原因

4、分析 (1)词法方面 (2)句法方面 (3)语篇方面,(一)词法方面 1. 单词拼写错误 2. 词义、词性、词形混淆 3. 介词搭配误用 4. 形容词、副词误用 5. 动词用词不当 6. 代词视角转换(前后不一致,上下文不吻合),二、句法方面 句子部分缺失 时态混乱 主谓不一致 主动被动混淆 主从结构紊乱、不完整、连接词错误 汉式英语的痕迹 不知所云或错误百出影响交际的句子,三、语篇方面 没有把握重点,文章不完整、遗漏主要信息 离题、偏题 内容拖沓累赘,没有明确、清晰地传递信息 死记硬背套路明显 上下文连贯词使用无实际意义,写作能力的培养 Process Writing 1. 罗列关键词(Li

5、sting) 2.打草稿(Drafting) 3.修正稿(Revising) 4. 定稿(Editing),最近,你所在的城市就中学生网上交友问题展开了一次民意调查。调查结果显示,不同的观点并存。请你根据以下表格内容和要求,为当地报纸的英文栏目撰写一篇报道文章,并加以评论。,Checking Time I have checked for the end punctuation. I have checked for the capital letters. I have checked for each verb in its correct form. I have checked for

6、 the correct form of each noun. I have checked for the completeness of each sentence. I have made a new paragraph for each new topic.,书面表达(三阶段) 对! 好! 妙!,当他听到这个消息,他非常高兴,When he heard the news, he was very happy.,Hearing the news, he was very happy.,Hearing the news, he was full of happiness.,Hearing

7、the news, he was full of joy.,Hearing the news, he was wild with joy.,Some people think it is good to make friends on line.,Some people think it a good way to make friends.,Some people approve of the away to make friends.,It is easy to make a lot of friends.,It helps students to make more friends.,I

8、t makes it more convenient for students to make friends on a larger scale.,Students neednt worry when they are talking about themselves.,It allows students to express their thoughts freely.,Students are free to express their thoughts.,Students can have a chance to learn foreign languages.,It is a go

9、od chance to learn foreign languages.,Students can learn some foreign languages at the same time.,It will waste a lot of time.,A lot of time will be wasted.,It is a waste of time.,It is not good for students study.,It will have some bad effect on students study.,It may affect students study.,Student

10、s may be cheated by their on-line friends.,Students may get cheated on line.,I think it is good for us to make friends on line.,As far as I am concerned, it is good for us to make friends on line.,Personally, we can benefit from making on-line friends.,Recently more and more students make friends on

11、 line.,In recent years more and more students make on-line friends.,Nowadays it has become more and more popular to make on-line friends among students.,Different peopaale have different opinions.,There are different opinions among people.,People take diverse attitudes.,Recently more and more studen

12、ts make friends on line.,In recent years more and more students make on-line friends.,Nowadays it has become more and more popular to make on-line friends among students.,Different peopaale have different opinions.,There are different opinions among people.,People take diverse attitudes.,Others thin

13、k it is not good to make friends on line.,Some other people dont agree to it.,Some other people hold the opinion that making friends on line has a negative influence on students.,We must be careful when we choose our friends. .a,We must be careful when choosing our friends.,We can never be too cauti

14、ons to choose our friends,Nowadays it has become more and more popular to make on-line friends among students. People take diverse attitudes. Some people approve of the way to make friends. It makes it more convenient for students to make friends on a larger scale. Students are free to express their

15、 thoughts. Students can learn some foreign languages at the same time. Some other people hold the opinion that making friends on line has a negative influence on students. It is a waste of time. It may affect students study. Students may get cheated on line. Personally, we can benefit from making on

16、-line friends. We can never be too cautions to choose our friends.,常用过渡词 并列关系:and, as well as, also 递进关系:besides, and then, whats more 转折关系:but, yet, however, although, otherwise, or, instead of, 时间顺序:while, when, soon after, before, finally, first, then, next, as soon as 比较、对比:like, unlike, on the

17、other hand 总结: in a word, in short, above all, after all 进一步阐述:in other words, that is to say, for example, such as 因果关系:as a result, so, thus, therefore,In recent years it has become more and more popular among students to make on-line friends, to which people take diverse attitudes. Some people ap

18、prove of the way to make friends. First, it makes it more convenient for students to make friends on a larger scale. Second, it allows students to express their thoughts freely. Besides, students can learn some foreign languages at the same time. However, some other people hold the view that making

19、friends on line has a negative influence on students. Not only is it a waste of time, but also it may affect students study. In addition, students may get cheated on line. Personally, we can benefit from making on-line friends. But remember, we can never be too cautious to choose our friends. (129 words),一篇好文章包含: 1. 含盖所有信息 2. 表达通顺、流畅 3. 行文连贯、逻辑性强 4. 用词地道、老练 5. 句型丰富、多变,最后阶段做什么? 1. 归纳话题 2. 建立word bank, idea bank 3. 准备精品范文,结束语 写好一篇作文的保障: 1. 丰富的词汇 2. 大量的阅读 3. 长期的积累 4. 不断的操练,THANK YOU QQ:407977146 E-mail:,


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