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1、初中英语人教版七上,Unit6 Do you like bananas?,Section B(1a-2c),3c Ask your classmates about the food in the chart. Find out what they like and dont like.,tomato,hamburger,strawberry,milk,chicken,salad,banana,Does it like?,It likes rice. It likes fish very much. It doesnt like hamburgers.,rice / ras/,fish /f/

2、,hamburgers,Does it like?,carrots /k r ts/,milk / mlk/,chicken / k n/,It likes carrots very much. It doesnt like milk at all. It doesnt like chicken.,Does it like?,meat / m i: t/,bread / bred/,eggs / eg/,It likes meat very much. It likes eggs. But it doesnt like bread.,Review,比一比:试着读出下面的文章,看谁读的又快又准!

3、,I like , , , and,I dont like .,My brother likes and,But he doesnt like .,My sister likes ,and . But she doesnt like .,Presentation,Before listening,Write the number of each word next to the correct food.,orange 2. salad 3. eggs 4. apple 5. ice-cream 6. hamburger 7. banana 8. chicken 9. rice 10. car

4、rots,3,4,7,10,6,1,2,9,8,5,How many other fruit or vegetables do you know?,fruit,cherry,watermelon,mango,pineapple,Hami melon,How many other fruit or vegetables do you know?,mushroom,bean,vegetables,onion,pepper,cabbage,What do you like for,breakfast?,dinner?,For,breakfast, I like 或者I have,lunch, I l

5、ike ,dinner, I like ,lunch?,请说说你早、中、晚三餐喜欢吃什么。,I have _,_ and _for breakfast. 2. I have/like _,_and _for lunch. 3. I have/like _,_and _for dinner.,While listening,Task1: Listen for the general idea.,The main idea of the conversation is _. A. Toms likes B. Tom and Sallys likes and dislikes C. Sallys d

6、islikes,Task2: Listen for the specific idea.,1) Listen and circle the food you hear in 1a.,Task2: Listen for the specific idea.,2) Listen again. Fill in the chart.,vegetables,salad, fruit (bananas, oranges apples, ice-cream ),apples,vegetables,3) listen to the tape a third time and let them complete

7、 the tape scripts.,S: Do you like carrots? T: Yes, I do. I like all _. S: How about _? Do you like _? T: Yes, I do. Its great. Do you like vegetables? S: No, I _ _ vegetables. Well, only salad. But I like _. I like _ _. T: How about _? I dont like apples. S: Yes, I like apples. And do you know what

8、I really like? T: What? S: Ice-cream.,vegetables,salad,salad,dont,like,fruit,bananas,oranges,apples,Post listening,Pair work,Work in pairs to ask and answer about Toms and Sallys likes and dislikes.,Does Tom/Sally like?,breakfast _,Look at the breakfast, lunch, and dinner in activity 1a. Are they Sa

9、llys or Toms? Write “S” or “T”.,lunch _,dinner _,Sally likes for breakfast / lunch / dinner. Tom likes for breakfast / lunch / dinner.,S,T,s,Sally likes eggs, apples and bananas for breakfast.,Tom likes hamburgers, oranges and carrots for lunch.,Sally likes salad, chicken, and ice cream for dinner.,

10、Writing,Write short article about Toms and Sallys eating habit according to 1d.,I have two good friends Tom and Sally. They like different foods. Tom likes.,You can begin like this:,Thank you,Do you think hamburgers are healthy? Do you think milk is healthy? Do you think chicken is healthy? Do you t

11、hink salad is healthy?,Questions,Talk about your favorite food.,What do you have for your breakfast every day?,What do you have for your lunch every day?,What do you have for your supper every day?,Read the passage fast and silently to find the general idea.,1. The main idea of the magazine article

12、is about _. A. sports star B. Cindys eating habits C: sports star likes fruit,While reading,Task1,Read the magazine article quickly and answer the questions:,Does Cindy eat healthy food? Does she have good eating habits?,Yes, she does.,Yes, she does.,Task2,Read the text carefully and silently to fin

13、d the specific ideas.,1Read the magazine article and circle the food words. 2. Read the magazine article again,then tell these statements true(T) or false( F). 1) Cindy is a singer. ( ) 2) For breakfast, she has eggs and milk. ( ) 3) For lunch, she likes salad. ( ) 4) For dinner, she only has soup.

14、( ),F,F,T,F,3. Read the magazine article again and answer the following questions. 1) What is Cindy Smith? _ 2) What does she like for breakfast? _ 3) What does she like for lunch ? _ 4) Does she like chicken for dinner? _ 5) Does Cindy eat ice-cream after dinner? _,A volleyball star.,She likes frui

15、t.,She likes salad.,Yes, she does.,No, she doesnt.,Post reading,Task1,Read the magazine article again and complete.,Sports Star Eats Well! David asks the volleyball star, Cindy Smith, about her _ David: Hello, Cindy. What do you like _breakfast? Cindy: I love fruit. I think its _. David: OK. So what

16、 fruit do you like? Do you like _? Cindy: Well, I dont like bananas.,eat habit,for,healthy,bananas,But I like oranges and apples. David: What about lunch? Do you like salad? Cindy: Yes, I _ like it. David: Hmm . and do you like _ for dinner? Cindy: Oh, no, theyre _ healthy. I like _ for dinner. Davi

17、d: OK, well, one last _ do you eat ice-cream after dinner? Cindy: Err . I like ice-cream . But I dont eat it. I dont want to _.,really,hamburgers,not,chicken,question,be fat,Write five sentences about Cindys eating habits.,Cindy likes healthy food. Cindy _. She _. She _. Cindy doesnt _. She doesnt _.,loves fruit.,eat ice-cream after dinner.,likes oranges and bananas.,likes salad for lunch.,like hamburgers for dinner.,Write about what you and your partners like and dont like for breakfast, lunch and dinner according to your survey.,Homework,


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