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1、,Unit 4 I want to be an actor,授课人: 邵 德 贵 单 位:山东省东营市利津县汀罗一中,人教版七年级下册,Studying aims,1.Make the Ss master the important words or expressions: uniform, thief, dangerous, give,get,wear, late,kind of,money in the day,2.Make the Ss learn about some jobs.,3.Make the Ss master the key sentences: What does he

2、 do ? what do you want to be? I want to be a doctor.,4.Practising using the key words and sentences.,Can you guess?,Step 1,I work with people and money. People give me their money or get their money from me. What am I?,give Sb.(某人) Sth.(某物),give Tom a book,give a book to Tom,give Sth. to Sb.,给某人某物,给

3、汤姆一本书,A bank clerk.,money 金钱,give 给,get 得到,getfrom 从得到,She wears a white uniform and she helps doctors. Sometimes she works in the day and sometimes at night. What does she do?,A nurse.,uniform,制服,in the day,at night,在白天,在夜晚,Wear 穿,His work is interesting but kind of dangerous. Thieves dont like him

4、. Whats his job?,thief-(复数)thieves,小偷,贼,A policeman,kind of a little,有点,一点,dangerous 危险的,She often interviews(采访) many people. She meets interesting people every day and ask them questions. What does she do?,A reporter,中央电视台,Jack works late. Hes very busy when people go out to dinners. what is Jack?

5、,A waiter.,late 晚,My uncle is very busy. He teaches students. What does my uncle?,A teacher.,Ask and answer,Step 2,He is a teacher.,What does he do?,What is he?,What is his job?,他是干什么的?,What is he?,He is a player.,What does he do?,He is an actor.,What is her job ?,She is a bank clerk.,What does he d

6、o?,He is a doctor.,What is she?,She is an actress.,What does he do?,He is a policeman.,What does she do?,She is a reporter.,What do they do?,They are students.,Mary Jim Jane and Linda,his father his uncle,A guessing game,Step 3,Jack,A teacher,A nurse/doctor,Lisa,Marys sister,A policewoman,Jane,A ban

7、k clerk,Step 4,Describing the jobs,ItS an exciting job.,She is a policewoman.,Its a fun job.,She is a reporter.,exciting busy difficult dangerous fun boring interesting great,Make a survey,Step 4,Yao ming wants to be a policeman.,What does Yao Ming want to be?,I want to be a teacher.,What do you wan

8、t to be?,What does Yao Ming want to be?,He wants to be,a policeman,What does Yao Ming want to be?,He also wants to be,a reporter,Reason(原因),Wants to be,Name,Please ask your 6 classmates the question,“what do you want to be?”Then write the answers in the chart.,Step 5,Listen to the tape,Listen and fi

9、ll in the chart.,policewoman,reporter,reporter,dangeruos but exciting,busy but fun,interesting,Step 6,Lets check,根据要求做题,1.He gives me a book.(同义句) He _ a book _ me. 2.His job is kind of dangerous.(同义句) His job is _ _ dangerous. 3.What does he do? (同义句) What _ he? What _ his _? 4.He is a teacher.(提问)

10、 _ does he _? 5.He wants to be a policeman. (提问) _ _ he _ to be?,gives,to,a little,is,is job,What do,What does want,根据短文回答问题,Tom is a waiter in a restaurant. He works very late and he is very busy when people go out to dinner. His manager likes him very much. But he doesnt like his job . He wants to

11、 be an actor very much. He says its very exciting. Now he often read some books about actors. I believe he is gong to be an actor one day.,1.What does Tom do? 2.Is he busy? 3.Does his manager like him? 4.What does he want to be? 5.What book does he often read?,课 堂 知,识 迁 移,Transportation of Knowledge,写作,你现在做什么工作?在哪里?将来你想做什么工作? 为什么希望做这个工作?为了实现你的理想你应该 怎么做?根据以上描述写一篇作文,字数在左右,Good bye,


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