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1、Lipoprotein Lipase (LPL) Deficiency Increases Plasma Lipid Level and Enhances Neointima Formation After Carotid Artery Injury in apoE Knock-out Mice,Candidate genes in lipoprotein metabolism,Lusis et al Circulation. 2004,Lipoprotein Lipase in the Arterial Wall,Pentikinen et al Arterioscler Thromb Va

2、sc Biol. 2002,Lipoprotein Lipase in the Arterial Wall,Pentikinen et al Arterioscler Thromb Vasc Biol. 2002,Hypothesis,LPL,Arterial response to injury,hyperlipidemic conditions,?,A 1x2-mm strip of filter paper saturated with 10% FeCl3 solution was applied to the adventitial surface of the surgically

3、exposed carotid artery for 3.0 minutes, then removed. The surgical incision was sutured with 40 monofilament, and the animal was returned to its cage.,Common carotid arteries of apoE-/-, LPL+/- (ELK)mice (A) and apoE-/-, LPL+/+ (EK)mice (B) 8 weeks after ferric chloride injury,neointima formation af

4、ter carotid artery injury by FeCl3 for 8 weeks,ELK,carotid artery stained with H&E,EK,noninjured,injured,neointima formation after carotid artery injury by FeCl3 for 8 weeks,carotid artery stained with H&E,ELK,EK,noninjured,injured,Mean Intimal and Medial Cross-sectional Areas of EK and ELK Mice 8 W

5、eeks after Injury,EK,ELK,*,*,lipid deposit after carotid artery injury by FeCl3 for 8 weeks,ELK,EK,control carotid artery stained with ORO,noninjured,injured,lipid deposit after carotid artery injury by FeCl3 for 8 weeks,ELK,EK,carotid artery stained with ORO,noninjured,injured,lipid deposit after c

6、arotid artery injury by FeCl3 for 8 weeks,ELK,EK,carotid artery counterstained with ORO and haematoxylin,injured,noninjured,lipid deposit after carotid artery injury by FeCl3 for 8 weeks,ELK,EK,carotid artery counterstained with ORO and haematoxylin,noninjured,injured,Macrophage stain for 8 weeks,EL

7、K,EK,ELK,EK,Von Willebrand Factor Stain for 8 weeks,*,*,NS,NS,*,*,NS,NS,NS,EK,ELK,neointima formation after carotid artery injury by FeCl3 for 4 weeks,carotid artery stained with H&E,lipid deposit after carotid artery injury by FeCl3 for 4 weeks,ELK,EK,carotid artery counterstained with ORO and haem

8、atoxylin,Reference,Mary Beth DeYoung, Clifford Tom, David A. Dichek, et al Plasminogen Activator Inhibitor Type 1 Increases Neointima Formation in Balloon-Injured Rat Carotid Arteries. Circulation. 2001;104:1972-1977 Koichi Kaikita, Agnes B. Fogo, Lijun Ma, John A. Schoenhard, Nancy J. Brown, Dougla

9、s E. Vaughan, et al Plasminogen Activator Inhibitor-1 Deficiency Prevents Hypertension and Vascular Fibrosis in Response to Long-term Nitric Oxide Synthase Inhibition. Circulation. 2001;104:839-844 Yanhong Zhu, Peter M. Farrehi, William P. Fay, et al Plasminogen Activator Inhibitor Type 1 Enhances N

10、eointima Formation After Oxidative Vascular Injury in Atherosclerosis-Prone Mice. Circulation. 2001;103:3105-3110 Marianne Pynn, Katrin Schfer, Stavros Konstantinides, Martin Halle, et al Exercise Training Reduces Neointimal Growth and Stabilizes Vascular Lesions Developing After Injury in Apolipoprotein EDeficient Mice Circulation. 2004;109:386-392,Future Works,PAI-1,LPL,Neointima formation,?,?,Other Pathways,?,Thank You!,


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