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1、Unit 4 What would you do?,1.sharewith sb 和某人分享 2.put it in the bank 把它存进银行 3.give it to charity 把他给慈善机构 4.medical research 医学研究 5.If I were you ,I would wear a shirt and tie. 如果我是你的话,我就穿衬衣打领带 6.give advice on 提有关的建议 7.what if 如果怎么办呢? 8.everyone else 别的每一个人 9.What would you do if you had a million do

2、llars? 如果你有一百万美圆你会做什么? 10.I hope I could fly to the moon. 我希望我能飞到月球上去。,短语:,短语:,11.get pimpels 长粉刺 12.take a big exam 参加一次大的考试 13.help with this problem 帮助解决这个问题 14.take a long walk 长时间散步 15.in public/in a public place 在公众场合 16.do a personality survey 做性格调查 17.give a speech /make a speech 作演讲,发表演说 18

3、.in front of the whole school 在全校师生面前 19.without permission 未经允许 20.be in a movie 拍电影,短语:,21.be friends with sb. 和某人成为朋友 22.have a cold 感冒 23.introduce oneself to 向作自我介绍 24.wait for sb. to do sth. 等某人做某事 25.invite sb. to do sth. 邀请某人做某事 26.not in the slightest/not at all 一点也不 27.annoy sb. 令某人生气 e to

4、 sb. 来到某人身边 29.rather than 胜过,而不是 30.would rather do than do 宁愿而不愿,31.all day . 整天 32.have confidence in sb. 对某人有信心 32.be confident of doing sth. 对做某事有信心 33.at lunch time 在午餐时间 34.an English speech contest 英语演讲比赛 35.represent the class in the school contest代表班级参加学校的比赛 e top in the school exams在学校考试中

5、名列前茅 37.let down 让失望 e up with /think of/think up 想出,想到 39.the solution to the problem 解决问题的办法,短语:,40.know of 知道有,听说 41.be faced with,face sth面临,面对 42.a first-aid book一本急救的书 43.on the nearby shelf .在附近的书架上 44.have a lot of experience dealing with teenagers多关于处理青少年问题的经验 45.have experience in sth.在某方面

6、有经验 e out出版 47.by accident /by chance偶然 48.cover sth. With sth.用把盖住,短语:,49.be covered with 被覆盖 50.fall downstairs 摔下楼梯 51.hurry to 急忙去 52.medical help . 医学救助 53.find out 查明,找出 54.put the burned area under cold running water 把烧伤部位放在凉的流动的水下冲。 55.get along (well) with/get on (well) with 与某人相处 56.plenty

7、 of 很多的,足够的 57.in history 历史上,短语:,58.hide sth. from sb. 隐藏某物不要某人看见 59.ask sb.for advice 向某人寻求意见,A:短语大盘点: 1.与相处 8.未经许可 2.偶然地 9.征求某人许可 3捐给慈善组织 10.一点也不 4.如果会怎样? 11.在的陪伴下 5.医学研究 12.事实上 6.变得紧张 13.大量的 7.比起更喜欢 14.使沮丧,现在考考你!,get along with,by accident,give it to charity,What if -,medical research,get nervou

8、s,prefer - to-,without permission,ask ones permission,not in the slightest,with the company of,in fact,plenty of,let - down,What would you do if you had a million Yuan?,give it to charity 捐到慈善机构 give it to medical research 捐给医学研究 give it to the zoo 捐给动物园 buy a big house for my family给家里买栋大房子 buy sna

9、cks买零食 buy a car 买辆车 travel around the world 周游世界 put it in the bank存到银行,I would-,Report: _ is a kind boy/ girl, he/she said that if he/she had a million yuan, he/she would _. I am glad to have such a good friend. And I think I should learn from him/her.,表可能的假设: If 从句+ 一般现在时,主句+ 一般将来时。,Translation:

10、如果你认真学习,你将取得好成绩。 如果明天不下雨,我们就去逛街。 如果你去北京,我也将跟你去。 如果他不来,晚会将推迟。 如果你不吃早餐,你就会很快饿。,If you study hard, you will get good grades.,If it doesnt rain tomorrow, we will go shopping.,If you go to Beijing, I will go with you.,If he doesnt come, the party will be put off.,If you dont have breakfast, you will get

11、hungry quickly.,中考考点,grammer,Subjunctive Mood(虚拟语气),概念: 表示与事实相反或根本不可能实现的事. if 引导虚拟语气的条件状语从句,从句为非真实条件句,一般用过去时主句用“should/ would/ could/ might动词原形”. eg: If I had time, I would go for a walk. (事实上我现在没有时间,不能去散步) If I were invited, I would go to the dinner. (事实上没有人邀请我,我也不能去参加宴会) If I had a million dollars

12、, I would put it in the bank. (事实上我没有一百万美元,也不可能存在银行),用括号中所给词的适当形式填空。 1. If I _(know) his number ,I would phone him. 2. I_(not buy )that coat if I were you . 3. I _(help )you if I could ,but Im afraid I cant. 4. If we had the choice ,we _ (live) in the country. 5. Youre always tired .If you_( not go)

13、 to bed so late every night , you wouldnt be tired all the time. 6. If I were you ,I _(not wait). I _ (go) now.,中考对对碰!,knew,wouldnt buy,would help,would live,didnt go,wouldnt wait,would go,translate these sentences into English.,如果我是你,我就穿上套装. 如果我有一百万美元,我就买一栋大房子. 我不知道是否该去参加那个聚会. 如果你是我,你该怎么办? 如果你努力学习英

14、语,你会通过考试的. 他不知道是否该带礼物去.,If I were you, I would wear a suit.,If I had a million dollars, I would buy a big house.,I dont know if I should join that party.,If you were me, what would you do?,If you work hard on English, you will pass the test.,He doesnt know if he should bring a present.,Exercise,If I

15、 _(be) a bird, I _(fly) in the blue sky. If I _(find) a purse, I _(give) it to the police. If you _(have) something important, you _( can go) now. If he _(have) no time, lets ask Tom instead. If she _(come), please tell me. If I _(be) you, I _(choose) this one.,were,would fly,found,would give,have,c

16、an go,has,comes,were,would choose,Unit5 Review,It must belong to Carla.,1.寻找物主: 2.推断:,Whose book is this?/Whose is this book? Who does this book belong to? Who is the owner of this book?,一定,肯定: 可能,也许: 不可能,一定不:,Its Lucys.,It belongs to Lucy.,Lucy is the owner of this book.,must This book must be Lucy

17、s.,could/might It could be Jims.,cant This book cant be mine.,Tom must/could/might/cant be watching TV.,(三)标出短文中出现的本单元重要的单词、词组或句型。,1.一定在跑步 _ 2.看上去担忧 _ 3.奇怪的声音 _ 4.在空中 _ 5.尽力做 _ 6.用光 _ 7.装死 _ 8.赶上 _ 9.数不尽的 _ 10.从逃跑 _ 11.上/下(车/飞机等)_ 12.被采访 _ 13.小心 _,must be running,look anxious,something strange,in th

18、e sky,attempt to do,use up,pretend to be dead,catch up with,oceans of/an ocean of,escape from,get on/off,be interviewed by,be careful of,(四)练习:完成下列英语句子。 1.在梦里,我在花的海洋里微笑。 _ my dream, I was smiling _ _ _ _ flowers. 2.由于考试,他感到非常担忧。 He is _ _ _ the test. 3.大量的人围拢在他的周围。 _ _ people crowded round him. 4.努力

19、学习,你就能赶上别人。 Study hard, and you will _ _ _ others. 5.那个小偷从监狱里逃走了。 The thief _ _ the prison.,In in an ocean of,anxious because of,Oceans of,catch up with,escaped from,6.纸快要用完了,请再拿些来。 All the paper will _ _ _. Please get some. 7.在街上要小心车辆。 _ _ _ the traffic while you are walking in the street. 8.刚才他假装没

20、有看到我。 He _ _ _ _ me just now. 9.我们班由30个男生和25个女生组成。 Our class is _ _ _ 30 boys and 25 girls. 10.他一定是在跑着赶公共汽车。 He _ _ _ to _ a bus,be used up,Be careful of,pretended not to see,made up of,must be running catch,A.根据句子意思,用must, could/might或cant填空。 1.A.Whose hamburger is this? B.I think it_ be Toms. He i

21、s the only one who ordered a hamburger. 2. A.Whose earring is this?B.It_ be Lucys. She wears earrings sometimes. 3. A.Whose video is this?B.It_ be Toms. Hes been looking for it for an hour. 4.A.Is this book Toms? B.Yes, it _ be his. There is his name on the cover. 5.A.Whose jeans are these? I found

22、them on the chair. B.They _ be mine. Mine are on my bed in my room. 6.A.Whose red bike is this? B.It _ be Toms or Johns. They both have red bikes.,must,could/might,must,must,cant,could/might,B.单项选择。 1.This pair of shoes _ Lucys. They are too big for her. A. must be B. could be C. cant be D. might be

23、 2.This football _ Jim. A. is B. must be C. belong to D. belongs to 3.She _ know the answer, but Im not sure. A. must B. may C. has to D. mustnt 4.The ground is wet this morning. It _ have rained. A. cant B. must C. need D. should 5. This basketball _ John. He is the only one who has a basketball. A

24、. cant be B. can belongs to C. must belong to D. must be 6. Its 7:00 now. They _ having breakfast. A. must B. must be C. be D. must is,C,D,B,B,C,B,C.句型转换。 1. This football belongs to Jim.(划线部分提问) _ _ this football _ _? 2. The red bike is hers. (就划线部分提问) _ _ the red bike? 3. Lucy owns this book.(变同义句

25、) Lucy is the _ _ this book. 4. The red bike must be Johns. (变同义句) The red bike _ _ _ _. 5. Whose earring is this?(变复数) _ _ _ _? 6. He must be reading, _ _?(完成反意疑问句),Who does belong to,Whose is,owner of,must belong to John,Whose earrings are these,isnt he,A:汉英对对碰: 1. ZhangYimou is a famous _ .(导演) 2

26、. Three _ escaped from the zoo. (猴子) 3. I think what you said was _ true. (可能) 4. He gets on well with his _ .(邻居) 5. Look! Many _ are looking for food. (蚂蚁) 6. Can you help me lift the _? Its too heavy. (石头) 7. He was _ by the local newspaper. (采访) 8. He wants to go swimming in the _.(海洋) 9. We mus

27、t do something to prevent the _ pollution. (噪音) 10.Dont be a _ boy.(不诚实的),director,monkeys,possibly,neighbors,ants,stone,interviewed,ocean,noise,dishonest,B:单词选秀:,1. He pretended _ dead when a bear wanted to eat it. 2. He feels _ about his son. His son is ill. 3. The cat chased the mouse and finally

28、 the cat _the mouse. 4. I attempt _ less food and take more exercise. 5. Be _ ! The ice is too thin.,1. He is _ anxious about his test. 2. I _ you for a long time. I miss you very much. 3. Look! He must _ English. 4. There could be two boys _ soccer. 5. This book belongs to _.,to be,worried,caught,to eat,careful,extremely,havent seen,be reading,playing,him,


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