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1、雅思写作公开课 素材运用系列公开课媒体类 赵赵老师,赵赵老师,赵赵老师 贵学教育集团济南分校教学校长。 雅思写作,雅思核心语法,托福阅读,GRE写作首席主讲。 外国语言学及应用语言学硕士研究生。 曾应邀出席“无忧雅思”网络访谈, 独立担任大型雅思预测峰会主讲人及 国际环保项目会议首席口译。 具有多年雅思教学经验, 培养出诸多高分学员,新浪微博: 贵学教育济南 赵倩贵学,,赵赵老师微信号:Kelly_zhaoChina,微信:GXJYJN,3. 素材积累,大作文素材运用系列公开课媒体类,1. 常考话题,2. 常用词汇,4. 范文精析,Governments should control the

2、amount of violence in films and on TV, which can help reducing crimes. To what extent do you agree or disagree? 政府对媒体控制 媒体中的暴力 2. Studies suggest that children spend more time watching TV than they did in the past and spend less on doing active or creative things. Why do you think it is the case? Wh

3、at methods can be used to tackle it? 电视节目对孩子的作用和影响;思想上引导,精神上鼓励,方法上吸引 3. Today, advertising has a powerful influence on our lives. Do you think the positive effects of advertising overweigh the negative effects? 广告的利弊功过,4. Nowadays, people think journalists cannot be trusted. To what extent you agree

4、 or disagree? (记者是否可信) 5. Newspapers have a remarkable influence in peoples opinions and ideas. Do you think it is a positive or negative change? (报纸、杂志、新闻各类媒体媒介的利弊) 6. Detailed description of crimes on newspaper and TV can have bad consequences on society, so this kind of information should be rest

5、ricted on the media. To what extent do you agree or disagree with this statement? (犯罪细节的描述),媒体 大众媒体 / 公共媒体 (MEDIA) (The Mass / Public Media) 电视 广告 报纸 记者,Merits: 传播 (spread / promote / inform current affairs) 连接 (bridge / connect / associate) 就业 ( employment / job oppotunities ) Demerits: 虚假 (mislead

6、ing / deceiving) 浪费 (a waste of social wealth and media resources) 浮躁 ( superficial humanistic environment),媒体类常用词汇,Information era 信息时代 sensational 轰动的 journalism 新闻业 the latest news 最新消息 do reportage on 报道 exclusive news 独家新闻 news agency 新闻社 news censorship 新闻审查 freedom of the press 新闻自由 hit the h

7、eadlines 上头条 current affairs 时事 mundane news 生活新闻 celebrity 名人 outcry 强烈抗议 rise to fame 声名鹊起 invade ones privacy 侵扰了的隐私 misleading 误导的 get access to接近,获取 audience ratings 收视率 live in a virtual would 生活在虚拟世界中 meet different tastes 满足不同口味 follow the fashion blindly 盲目追逐时尚,媒体类常用词汇,keep one informed abo

8、ut something 使人们了解 information-explosion society 信息爆炸的社会 revolutionize the way we acquire information 改变了我们获取信息的方式 various thrilling programs 各种各样激动人心的节目 poor-quality programs 低质量节目 promote economic development 促进经济发展 psychological illnesses 心理疾病 ( isolated,solitary 孤僻的) be addicted to 对上瘾 be depend

9、ent on 依赖 second-hand information 二手信息 create topics of discussion 制造交谈话题 Critical and abstract thinking 批判性思维,媒体类素材积累: 电视,思想核心:电视作为新兴教育媒体同一些传统的教育方式之间的差异及矛盾 弊端:1) short of critical and abstract thinking 2) isolate children from physical and social activities; make them aloof to the real world; lead

10、to a drop in their interaction with others 3)radiation would damage health 利好: 1) provide an escape for children under great pressure in the daytime 2) strike a balance between entertainment and academic activities,媒体类素材积累: 广告 思想核心:广告是否只是一种娱乐方式,利好:1) revolutionize the way we acquire information brid

11、ge the gap between consumers and manufacturers inform consumers of new products enable a more qualitative choice between products and consumers 2) encourage competition in quality encourage product innovation 3) enable greater volume to be sold promote economic development 弊端: hardly provide full di

12、sclosure of product characteristics abuse the consumers trust exploit their lack of experience or knowledge,媒体类素材积累: 报纸,利好:News media, especially newspapers, can help communicating information to viewers and keeping them informed of what is happening in the world. 扩展: (赵赵老师原创) We are living in an in

13、formation era, when most people can hopefully get access to the current affairs and various reportage from the mass media. Such kind of information would be of general interest for the public, allowing them to know unexpected more without going out. Consequently, a bridge of communication between pe

14、ople and the outer world has been successfully established through the media in all forms, such as newspaper.,媒体类素材积累: 报纸,弊端:To some degree,because of their freedom, newspapers may have insufficient respect for privacy of people and give an exaggerated account of an issue. 扩展: (赵赵老师原创) Most people b

15、elieve in public news at all cost. But pitifully, information without restraint causes public outcry and invades peoples civil rights like their privacy. If the ethical standards will be universal, they would satisfy everyone and if the journalists follow them, there is no need for governmental intr

16、usion into the freedom of the media.,媒体类素材积累: 记者,记者的压力: Journalists always are affected by political pressures and commercial or economic interests. 来自于记者的不实信息:Journalists collect conceived / fabricated news to cater audiences interests and meet different tastes. 扩展: (赵赵老师原创) In general, a diversity

17、 of internal and external pressure influence journalists decisions on which news and stories are covered, how issues are explained and the emphasis given to them. These pressure can sometimes lead to bias or unethical reporting. internal: journalists qualification as professionals sensational effect

18、s of news and stories external: governments and authorities audiences and viewers,媒体类素材段落 sample 1,Frankly, the news media provides people with vast amounts of information in various forms. We can obtain it by listening to the radio, reading newspapers and magazines, watching television and by surfi

19、ng the Internet. The ability to get access to news media is important for individuals and organizations because we make many decisions based on the news provided to us. Some of these decisions are mundane. We check the weather forecast to see whether we should take an umbrella to work. Other news, s

20、uch as that about the business world, could influence whether we invest our savings in certain companies.,媒体类素材段落 Sample 2,Languages may be a more subtle form of bias. Use of a word with positive or negative connotations rather than a more neutral synonym can form a biased picture in the audiences m

21、ind. That is what second-hand information particularly brings to us. It makes a difference whether the media calls a group of “terrorist” or “freedom fighters” . Consequently, news censorship would lay more emphasis on the language use in the media.,媒体类MODEL ESSAY: Information on TV and in films is

22、not proper all the time, so it should be restricted on the media and experiences censorship by governments. To what extent do you agree or disagree with this statement?,In this information-explosion age, modern people can get almost any kind of information from films, TV or the Internet and such way

23、 of getting messages is developing at a staggering rate. Concerning this issue, people deem that some information can have negative influences on young people and even our society. The following essay discusses whether there should be strict censorship of information in the society or not.,媒体类MODEL

24、ESSAY:,To begin with, some information is harmful for children, which is supposed to be the root cause why censorship should be in power. To put it simple, children are easily influenced and they cannot distinguish what is right or real and what is wrong or unreal, as they are immature. They even pr

25、obably imitate what they have seen. As a consequence, we should protect children from some adverse information such as excessive violence or bloody scene so that they can grow up to be valuable citizens of the society.,媒体类MODEL ESSAY:,Another point to bear in mind is that some information is mislead

26、ing and deceiving, which may cause chaos in the society. For example, some material that encourages racism, violence or terrorism threatens social security and it might lead to some serious social problems, such as crimes; also, deceiving information, such as exaggerating advertisements may cause il

27、legal competition in business world. Therefore, governments should set a strict limit to information in films, newspapers or on TV.,媒体类MODEL ESSAY:,However, people do have the right to choose what they want to know and they should be allowed to get access to most information. Furthermore, most adult

28、s are good people and will not be influenced in a negative way easily, thus they should have the freedom to decide what they want to know and the government should not censor all information, as any government is only a group of people after all.,媒体类MODEL ESSAY:,In conclusion, people should strictly

29、 control what they themselves and their children watch or read and governments should censor such information in films or websites. In addition, governments should ban some information which encourages racism, violence and terrorism, as it is harmful to society.,新浪微博: 贵学教育济南 赵倩贵学,学校地址:山东大学中心校区西临 山大路数码港大厦C座4层,赵赵老师微信号:Kelly_zhaoChina,微信:GXJYJN,


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