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1、Unit 7 Why Do I Go to College?,前景,基础英语,综合教程 1,说 课 流 程,2,3,学情分析,1,教材分析,教学目标,7,预测教学效果,1. 教材分析,1.1 教材 本课程选用前景基础英语综合教程1 ,李桂兰总主编,复旦大学出版社,2012年5月第一版。本教材是职业教育低起点教材,针对学生英语基础薄弱的现状从零开始,由浅入深,循序渐进,阶梯式上升。教材强调“文化类课程的文化性、工具性、实践性和应用性”,使学生掌握一定英语基础知识和基本技能,培养学生在日常生活和职业场景中的英语应用能力。,1.2 课文 本次课为第七单元课文精读课,本单元计划授课9学时,本次课为本单

2、元的第3-4学时。 课文内容:讲述作者为实现当护士的梦想而上大学的原因,培养学生对家庭、社会的责任以及为实现梦想不懈努力的精神。,1. 教材分析,2012级B级学生,2.学情分析,英语词汇量少,基础普遍较差,听说读写能力均弱。,能在老师的指导和监督下学习,但缺乏良好的学习自主性、自觉性。,沟通意识较差,参与课堂活动的积极性较低,缺乏合作精神,缺少人与人之间的人文关怀。,学习 能力,知识 能力,情感 态度,情感目标 1、增强学生的合作意识。 2、培养学生对周围的人和事的人文关怀并具有肩负家庭、社会的责任以及为实现梦想不懈努力的精神。,能力目标 1、能听懂、读懂有关表述梦想的相关材料,并能较准确地

3、进行简单的英汉互译。 2、能用简单的英语表达自己的梦想及原因。,知识目标 1、理解文章内容,掌握一般过去时的用法。 2、熟记并掌握课文的重点词汇与句型。,3. 教 学 目 标,4. 教学重点与难点,重点,难点,复述课文,对话编练,一般过去时,理解课文,重点词汇,讨论法,视听法,任务 驱动法,5. 教 法,Teaching Procedures 教学过程,6. 教学过程设计,一次完整的课文说课 (90分钟),1. A place where you can see a doctor when you are ill. 2. A person who is your fathers mother.

4、 3. A person who takes care of the sick people in the hospital. 4. A place where you can receive higher education.,6.1 Warming up(热身活动),hospital,grandmother,nurse,college,Guessing game,Da Ming,Lili,I want to be a doctor.,I want to be a teacher.,讨论法,常用职业的英语单词:nurse护士,director导演,singer歌唱家,dancer舞蹈家,wr

5、iter作家 ,actor演员,artist画家,reporter记者,engineer工程师,civil servant公务员,6.2 Prereading(读前活动),Why do you go to college?,Happy Proud,6.3 Whilereading(读中活动),领会全旨,了解特定信息,理解课文(一般过去式、重点词汇学习),深度理解课文,Step 1: Listening,6.4 解决重点方法一:视听,Listen to the tape of the text and choose the answer to the following question. Q1

6、: Why does the author go to college? -Because she wants to be a .,A,B,C,D,B,视听法,Q2: Who influences her most in her career choice? .,A,B,C,D,D,To ask the students to scan through the passage and finish the T or F questions after it. 1.The authors parents had no time to take care of her grandmother. 2

7、.The nurses showed much care to the patients. 3.It is very easy to become a nurse in the United States. 4.The author will try her best to make her dream come true.,T,F,T,F,little,hard,Step 2: Scanning,6.5 解决重点方法二:跳读,1、 Questions: To ask the students to read the passage carefully again, and try to ge

8、t the general idea of the passage.,Step 3: Intensive reading,Q1:What always happened to her grandmother when the author was young? Q2:Why didnt the authors parents take care of her grandmother? Q3:Who had to look after the grandmother? Q4:What did the author find in the hospital? Q5:What did the aut

9、hor make up her mind to do? Why?,6.6 解决重点方法三:精读(理解课文),任务驱动法,I play football every day.,call him,6.7,引导发现法,2、language points 一般过去式,I played football yesterday.,called him,To ask the students to find out the differences between the simple present tense and the simple past tense. (2)To ask the students

10、 to try to find out the forms of the past tense. (3)To ask the students to find out the sentences with past tense in the text. (4)To ask the students to change the verb forms of the important phrases into past tense.,workworked, livelived, studystudied, stopstopped,6.8,讲授法, 重点词汇学习 get sick , go to h

11、ospital , be busy with , take care of look after, make up ones mind , come true,The difference between “take care of” and “look after”,e.g. She stayed at home and took care of her mother yesterday. She stayed at home and looked after her mother yesterday.,昨天她呆在家里照料她母亲了。,Children must take good care

12、of their eyes. Children must look after their eyes well.,Difference: take care of 照顾、照料 = look after,可以互相替换 take care of有“保管、保护”的意思,look after 没有,孩子们要好好保护眼睛。,引导发现法,3.Extension,What can you learn from the author?,a sense of responsibility to the family,a sense of responsibility for society,a spirit o

13、f pursuing a dream,引导发现法,family, sense, responsibility,society, sense, responsibility,spirit, pursue, dream,6.9 解决重点方法四:精读(深度理解课文),6.10 Postreading(读后活动),Step 1: Story-retelling: Retell the story with the help of the following pictures and some key words.,get sick go to hospital be busy with, take c

14、are of,look after not kind enough to make up ones mind,任务驱动法,6.11 解决难点方法一:复述课文,Step 2: Role-playing: Five students in a group to make a dialogue and act as the author, the grandmother, the father, the mother and the nurse with the help of some key words.,get sick go to hospital be busy with take car

15、e of look after make up ones mind,6.12 解决难点方法二:对话编练,角色扮演法,一般过去式: 学生总结,重点词汇: 教师总结,课文理解: 师生共同总结,6.13 Summary(课堂总结),6.14 Assignments(作业),.Fill in the blanks with the past tense of the words. 用括号中所给动词的过去式填空。 .Fill in the blanks with the words or phrases given below.选词填空。 .Read aloud and recite the text. 朗读课文并背诵。,因材施教,以应用为目的,实用为主,够用为度为原则,教书育人,6.15 设计理念,7. 预测教学效果,1、学生能有效掌握和解决本课重 点、难点。 2、学生的听力、阅读技巧、运用语 言能力有所提高。 3、激发了学生的学习兴趣和调动学 生的求知欲望。 4、增强了学生的自主学习和主动参 与课堂的意识。,Thanks !,敬请各位领导、专家批评指正,


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