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1、Digestive System 消化系统,Composition 消化系统组成,Digestive tract 消化管,Mouth 口腔 Pharynx 咽 Esophagus 食管 Stomach 胃 Small intestine小肠 Large intestine 大肠,Duodenum 十二指肠,Jejunum 空肠,Ileum 回肠,Digestive gland 消化腺:大消化腺,小消化腺,Superior digestive tube 上消化道,Inferior digestive tube 下消化道,Major salivary glands 大唾液腺 Liver 肝 Pan

2、creas 胰,Function: ingestion, digestion, absorption, egesting,The Esophagus 食管,General features 位置及形态 a muscular tuber about 25cm long, connecting the pharynx at level of C6 vertebra, at level of T11 vertebra enters the stomach. Division: Cervical part 颈部 Thoracic part胸部 Abdominal part腹部,Three constr

3、ictions食管3个狭窄 第一狭窄:起始部At its beginning, 15cm from incisors, lies at level of C6, is the narrowest part of the esophagus 第二狭窄: 与左主支气管交叉处Where it is crossed by left main bronchus, 25cm from incisors, lies at level of intervertebral disc between T4 and T5. 第三狭窄:穿膈处 Where it passes through the esophagea

4、l hiatus of diaphragm, 40cm from incisors, at level of T10,The Stomach 胃,Shape形态、分部 Two surface两壁: anterior前壁 and posterior后壁. Two curvatures两缘 Lesser curvature 胃小弯 : short, concave and directed to the right and upward, Greater curvature 胃大弯: long, convex and directed to the left and downward. Two o

5、penings两口 Cardia 贲门 Pylorus 幽门,Position 胃的位置 Mainly parts is situated in the left hypochondriac region左季肋区, small in the epigastric region腹上区;,The Small Intestine小肠,About 5-7m long, Divided into Duodenum 十二指肠 Jejunum 空肠 Ileum 回肠,Duodenum十二指肠,Four parts Superior part 上部 Duodenal cap 十二指肠球 Superior du

6、odednal flexure 十二指肠上曲 Descending part 降部 Major duodenal papilla 十二指肠大乳头 Minor duodenal papilla 十二指肠小乳头 Inferior duodenal flexure 十二指肠下曲 Horizontal part 水平部 Ascending part 升部 duodenojejunal flexure 十二指肠空肠曲,Jejunum空肠 and ileum回肠,Large Intestine 大 肠,Approximately 1.5m long, Five parts: Cecum 盲肠 Vermif

7、orm appendix 阑尾 Colon 结肠 Rectum 直肠 Canal 肛管,Cecum 盲肠,Blind sac, first part of large intestine, with largest diameter and thinnest wall Lies in right iliac fossa The ilium enters the cecum obliquely, and partially invaginates into it, forming the ileocecal valveconsists of two folds, probably delays

8、flow of ileal contents into large intestine,Vermiform appendix 阑尾,位于右髂窝,长约6-8cm。,阑尾根部体表投影( Mac Burney麦氏点),右髂前上棘与脐连线的中、外1/3交点处。 Surface marking of the base is at the so-called McBurneys point which is at junction of lateral and middle thirds of line joining right anterior superior iliac spine and umb

9、ilicus,Colon 结肠,Ascending colon 升结肠 right colic flexure 结肠右曲 Transverse colon 横结肠 left colic flexure Descending colon 降结肠descends almost vertically from left colic flexure to sigmoid colon at left iliac crest. Sigmoid colon乙状结肠extends from descending colon to rectum at level of S3.,Rectum 直肠,Positio

10、n: within pelvic cavity, extends from S3 to pelvic diaphragm. Curves两个弯曲: Sagittal plane Sacral flexure 直肠骶曲 convex backward Perineal flexure 直肠会阴曲 convex forward.,肝 Liver,概述 Introduction,肝的功能: 合成分泌胆汁; 参与物质代谢,蛋白质、脂肪和糖; 代谢解毒,药物、激素转化分解; 吞噬及免疫防御 ;,一、肝的形态,肝呈不规则的楔形,分膈面、脏面和上下缘。,(一)膈面 Diaphragmatic Surface

11、,Right Lobe of Liver 肝右叶,Left Lobe of Liver 肝左叶,镰状韧带,肝圆韧带,右叶,三、肝的体表投影,肝的上界与膈的穹窿一致,肝最高点。 在右侧相当于右锁骨中线与第五肋的交点处。 在左侧相当于左锁骨中线与第五肋间隙的交点处, 肝的下界,右侧大致与右肋弓一致,在腹上区可达剑突下。,胆囊 gallbladder,形态 位置 分部 底、体、颈、管 胆囊底体表投影 胆囊三角(Calot三角),输胆管道 Bile Duct,包括肝左管、肝右管、肝总管、 胆囊Gallbladder与胆总管。,肝左管,肝右管,Common Hepatic Duct 肝总管,Gallbl

12、adder胆囊,Cystic duct 胆囊管,Common Bile Duct胆总管,Fundus of Gallbladder胆囊底,Body of Gallbladder胆囊体,Neck of Gallbladder 胆囊颈,Hepatopancreatic Ampulla 肝胰壶腹,胆汁排泄途径,平时 肝 肝左管、肝右管 肝总管 胆囊管 胆囊 进食 胆囊 胆囊管 胆总管 肝胰壶腹 肝 肝左管、肝右管 肝总管 十二指肠大乳头 十二指肠,小结,肝的形态 肝的位置 肝的体表投影 肝外管道,Pouches陷凹 In malerectovesical pouch 直肠膀胱陷窝 In female Rectouterine pouch 直肠子宫陷窝between rectum and uterus Vesicouterine pouch 膀胱子宫陷窝between bladder and uterus,


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