2018--2019学年人教版必修三Unit 5 Canada-The True North grammar课时作业 (2).docx

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1、Unit 5 Canada-The True North grammar课时作业.用所给词的适当形式填空1She has many acquaintance(acquaint) in the business community.2Her own mistakes made her very tolerant(tolerance) of the faults of others.3The date of the meeting was advanced(advance) by four days.4The plan was doomed to failure(fail)5He was then

2、 suffering (suffer)from extreme poverty.6The sweets should be_shared(share) among the four kids.7Many students made fun of his irregular(regular) and ugly teeth.8We could see the reflection(reflect) of clouds on the water.9The expansion(expand) of the factory will mean the employment of sixty extra

3、workers.10They exchanged a final kiss before parting(part).用方框中所给短语的适当形式填空1He has been abroad since he parted_from his family.2Youll be accompanied as_far_as the border then you must find your own way.3TV is entertaining but at_the_same_time it causes many problems.4He is a friend in word as_well_as

4、 in deed.5When does the birthday party take_place?6China wishes to trade_with all countries on the basis of equality and mutual benefit.7Industrial progress should go hand_in_hand with the development of agriculture.8His mother quickly stepped forward to take_hold_of his hand when he wanted to run a

5、way.9More and more students become_interested_in English.10Liu Huan is_known_as a singer.翻译句子1据说昨晚的降雨是入夏以来最大的一场。It_is_said_that_the_rain_yesterday_evening_was_the_heaviest_in_this_summer.2这座城市的水果驰名全国,尤其是无核葡萄。The_city_is_nationally_known_for_its_fruits_especially_the_seedless_grapes.3那的确是她第一次做兼职工作。It

6、_was_the_first_time_that_she_had_taken_a_parttime_job.4虽然他很努力,但他考试没有及格。Although_he_worked_hard_he_failed_in_the_exam.5是因为她母亲病了她才没有来上学。It_was_because_her_mother_was_ill_that_she_didnt_go_to_school.单句改错1Kate is really a friend of mine who would share her last penny to me.towith2In a dynastys high poin

7、t the people have ample food and clothing.InAt3As soon as I can remember there were few people in the village after the enemy left.soonfar4He is a fail as an artist but a success as an art teacher.failfailure5It was in the street where I saw Li Ping yesterday.wherethat.完形填空Robert Frost was one of Am

8、ericas bestknown and most honoured serious writers. But his fame came _1_ in his life. He was forty _2_ Americans began to read his poems and praise them. Once his _3_ was set up however it grew stronger and stronger during the rest of his long life. His success came from _4_ traditional forms of po

9、etry with American words _5_ in a clearly American way. Frost _6_ the same speaker for many poems so the _7_ poems formed a large unity. He created this speaker carefully. He felt that his readers would believe his poems _8_ he put the words into the mouth of a wise person who lived in the country,n

10、ot the _9_. Many people thought the speaker was Frost himself. In fact the speaker was _10_ person. Frost the _11_, tried to become the imaginary person he _12_ for his poetry. Robert Frost is always linked to the land of cold winters in the northeastern United States the area called New England. _1

11、3_ he came from the other side of the country San Francisco California. He was born there in 1874. He lived in California during his early _14_. This man who was born in the _15_ and became linked with New England was named for the chief southern general in Americas Civil War. The generals name was

12、Robert Edward Lee. The poet was named Robert Lee Frost because his father wanted to _16_ the general. Someone once asked another American _17_, Ernest Hemingway how to become a writer. The _18_ thing,he said,was to have an _19_ childhood. If this is true Robert Frosts childhood was unhappy enough to

13、 make him a very _20_ writer.1A.soonBlate Cquickly Dearly解析:从后文可知他成名很晚。由文中第三句“He was forty .”可知。答案:B2A.since Buntil Cbefore Dafter解析:据前后逻辑关系,在他的诗被大家所读或认可之前他就40了。答案:C3A.fame Bname Cpoem Dfamily解析:表示“名望”。答案:A4A.working Busing Cputting Duniting解析:他的成功在于把诗歌的传统形式与美国语言结合了起来。答案:D5A.spoken Bmade Cbuilt Dfor

14、med解析:它们是被用一种清晰的美国形式表达出来的。答案:A6A.thought of Bpracticed Cused Dmet解析:他用同样的作诗方式写了很多首诗。答案:C7A.old Bseparate Cfamous Dexcellent解析:于是这些零散的诗歌就组成了一个庞大的组合体。答案:B8A.while Bwhen Cif Dwhere解析:此处主从句间存在条件关系,须用if。答案:C9A.city Bvillage Cstate Dcontinent解析:用city与前面country相呼应,形成对比关系。答案:A10A.a famous Ba real Can imagin

15、ary Da historic解析:后面“become the imaginary person”给予暗示。答案:C11A.artist Bman Clady Dofficer解析:the man为Frost的同位语。答案:B12A.loved Brespected Cadmired Dcreated解析:他尽量想成为他诗歌中所创作的虚构人物。答案:D13A.In this way BYet CThough DTherefore解析:上下句之间是转折关系,故选用yet。答案:B14A.childhood Bwritings Cwork Dpaintings解析:前面谈及他的出生时间和地点,这儿

16、应该是谈论他的童年。答案:A15A.east Bnorth Cwest Dsouth解析:根据常识,旧金山是在美国西部。答案:C16A.learn from Bknow Cstudy Dhonour解析:因为他的父亲想纪念这位将军。答案:D17A.teacher Bwriter Cpainter Dleader解析:由下文“how to become a writer”可知这里应该是问的另一位美国作家。答案:B18A.quickest Bworst Cbest Dhardest解析:“(当作家)最好的事情是”,陈述条件。答案:C19A.exciting Binteresting Cunluck

17、y Dunhappy解析:根据下文最后一句可知“(当作家)最好的事情是有不幸的(unhappy)童年”。答案:D20A.great Bpoor Cyoung Dgifted解析:由句意知“他童年时代的不幸把他造就成为一名伟大的作家”。答案:A.阅读理解 Whitman was one of the most original and inspiring American poets well known for his art and his role as a poet. He devoted himself to poetry praising the native American ex

18、perience. As Americas first epic poem,Leaves of Grass ran nine editions with more than 400 poems all written in free forms that is poetry without a fixed beat or regular rhyme scheme. The tide implies rebirth renewal or green life. As Whitman once said “Leaves of Grass was the outcropping of my own

19、emotional and other personal naturean attempt from first to last to put a person,a human being freely,fully and truly on record.” For Whitman science democracy(民主) and spirituality(灵性) were the three things that underlay the structure of modern poetry. Whitman tried to combine the world of science,t

20、he democracy and the spiritual feeling of life into his poetry. For Whitman the poetic form should be free. Therefore,he threw aside the traditional form and had his own form. Both the form and content of his poems are revolutionary. With its frequent use of oral language and everyday events ,his po

21、em represented a turning point in the history of American poetrypoetry fashioned out of specially American experience in a clear American idiom. Whitmans unique poetic creation has developed a very significant tradition in American poetry. In his poems he celebrated new America rather than regretted

22、 it. He was against slavery idolized (崇拜的) Lincoln supported strikes and combined the ideal of the common people and that of the_ragged_individual.1Which of the following is right? AWhitman called on others to write poems like him. BWhitman praised the native rich Americans. CWhitman wrote poems to

23、tell about the native Americans experience. DHe wanted to become a great poet.解析:从第一段“He devoted .”一句看出,他致力于赞扬当地的人们。A、D两项文中没有提到,B项所述片面。答案:C2_ in Whitmans poems. AThere are fixed beat and regular rhyme scheme BWe could see rebirth,renewal or green life CWe could only see science,wars and damage DTher

24、e are not emotional nature解析:从“rebirth,renewal,or green life”看出他的诗充满激情。A项应该用否定句。D项应用肯定形式。答案:B3Whitman invented his own poem form_. Aby giving off the traditional form Bwithout colloquial language Cby telling English history Dagainst poetic creation解析:从第二段“Therefore.”一句看出惠特曼抛弃传统的诗歌形式,采用通俗的语言,讲述每日新闻,有创造性,排除B、C、D三项。答案:A4What does the phrase “the ragged individual” mean? AThe rich people. BThe poor people. CThe poem writers. DThe American lawyers.解析:这是一道词义猜测题目,要根据上下文猜测单词意义。惠特曼的诗反对奴隶制度、支持罢工、把普通人和穷人的民主意识融合在一起,这样的理解符合本文的主题大意,即他的诗歌不拘泥于传统,形成自己的风格,主要讲述老百姓的故事,rag“破布”,ragged“衣褴破烂的”。因此选B项。答案:B


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