高考英语Unit 5 period 3 (32).doc

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1、Unit 5 period 2基础知识A单词拼写1The car drew up a_ the policeman who signaled to the driver to stop.2The company decided to a_ Mr Clark as manager. 3Bruce recognized the _ (潜在性) for error in the method being used.4The _ (飓风) destroyed the seaside town.5The manager asked me to draw a(n) _ (图表) to show how t

2、he machine works.6These policemen usually wear _ (头盔) to protect themselves when they are on duty. 7We gave them some _ (调查表) for collecting data.8Its impossible to _(估计) the results without knowing more about the research.【答案】1.alongside2.appoint3.potential4.hurricane5.diagram6.helmets7.questionnai

3、res8.evaluateB用括号内所给单词的适当形式填空1. The government has an interest in importing scientific _ (equip)2. Most researchers believe that, in theory, mobile phones are _ (absolute) safe.3. These films are _ (suit) for adults only because they are violent.4. _ (actual), on second thoughts, I dont think I want

4、 to go out tonight. 【答案】1.equipment2.absolutely3.suitable4.ActuallyC. 用适当的介词填空1. _ the distance, you could see the tall chimneys of the factory.2The mountain is covered _ snow all the year round.3The lava _ the volcano buried the whole village.4Mary quickly moved out _ the way, and Donald took down

5、a box.5Lots of students_ all over the world come to study at Oxford University.6It was my first sight _ Mr Green dancing after he retired.【答案】1.In2.with / by3.from4.of5.from6.ofD完成句子1买票之后我们走进了戏院。_ _ _ _,we went into the theatre.(buy)2他向加油站驶去。He _ _ _ _ the filling station.(make)3他随身携带街道图。He _ _ _ a

6、street plan.4我们正要出发,突然下起雨来。We _ _ _ _ when it began to rain.(start)5由于没有上课,他们昨天去公园了。_ _ _ _, they went to the park yesterday.(there)6我们是好朋友,我们应该同甘共苦。We are good friends and should _ _ _ _ _ of life.7. 你最好戴上太阳眼镜,因为它们可以保护你的眼睛不受到太阳的伤害。Youd better wear your sunglasses, because they can _ _ _ _ being hur

7、t by the sun.8. 我们班是由25个女孩和30个男孩组成的。25 girls and 30 boys _ _ our class.【答案】1.Having bought our tickets2.made his way towards/to 3.equipped himself with4.were about to start5There being no classes6.share the joys and sorrows7.protect your eyes from8.make upE单句改错1Most of the teachers are young in our

8、school,and quite few are beautiful women._2I tried to stop him, but he pushed me out of that way._3I was about to giving up and quit the competition when he came to encourage me._4He would like to make an appoint with your manager to talk about this._5The job not finishing, we couldnt go to the thea

9、tre._【答案】1.在few前加a2.that改为the3.giving改为give4appoint改为appointment5.finishing改为finished完形填空阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的A、B、C和D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。Growing up in a nice house in a middleclass area in Bolton England, I had a very happy childhood.My mother _1_ herself to bringing me and my brothers and sisters up.As

10、 a child, I was quite dynamic and _2_ in school.I wouldnt listen to anyone and thought I _3_ everything.At home, I was always breaking things and _4_ everyone.Dad was worried, so when I was eight, he took me to boxing classes in an _5_ to draw my energy away and keep me out of trouble.It made a huge

11、 _6_ to the way I saw life and taught me discipline(行为准则)It also taught me respect, because Dad make it clear that if I didnt _7_ properly, I would not be able to go back to the gym._8_ it hadnt been for him, there is no doubt that Id have just _9_ my life.Dad was surprised when people at the gym st

12、arted saying that I had the _10_ to be a champion.His _11_ had been to keep me off the streets, not to make me a worldclass boxer.But he was so proud, _12_ when I won a silver medal in 2012 London Olympics.I was only 17 and I know Mom and Dad were _13_ about my safety because I was just a boy, yet I

13、 was a fighting man.I dont have to _14_ the business of my career because Dad takes charge of all that.He deals with the lawyers, making sure my fight contracts(合同)are all up to the date and _15_ property .Dad is always at the ringside during my _16_ to make sure that I am safe.Mum _17_ coming when

14、the fights got harder, because she couldnt bear to see the blood.She will _18_sit at home or in the hotel, waiting until its all over.The boxing world can be a very lonely one, and Im so _19_ every day to have Dad and my whole family behind me.It would be unthinkable if I didnt have their _20_.1A.ab

15、andonedBdevotedCadjusted Dadapted2A.brave BcarefulCnervous Dnaughty3A.imagined BchangedCknew Dexpected4A.annoying BinspiringCcomforting Damazing5A.ambition BattemptCargument Dapproach6A.assignment BdecisionCdifference Dinstruction7A.behave BexpressCmanage Dcompete8A.Since BWhileCUnless DIf9A.begun B

16、lostCwasted Denriched10A.goal BpotentialCpatience Dpractice11A.purpose BtaskCresponsibility Dability12A.immediately BnormallyCsurprisingly Despecially13A.upset BworriedCuncertain Dserious.14A.deal with Btake outCgive up Drely on15A.prepared BrecognizedCmade Dended16A.lessons BshowsCbreaks Dfights17A.stopped BrememberedCconsidered Denjoyed18A.still BthusCalso Djust19A.proud BawkwardCgrateful Dcalm20A.respect BsupportCtime Dpermission【答案】15BDCAB610CADCB1115ADBAC1620DADCB


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