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1、How to Write a World Class Paper From title to references From submission to revision,Elsevier Author Workshop Template,How to use the template for speakers,Thanks for your great help to our author workshop! This is a presentation template on scientific writing. To adapt the presentation to the back

2、ground of the audience, please feel free to make modifications according to your own experience. The examples in the template are selected from several different subjects. All of them are marked by . You are welcome to add more examples in your subjects or delete the irrelevant ones. Remember to rem

3、ove after you delete or accept an example. Finally, please REMEMBER to delete THIS PAGE after you finish working on the slides!,Example,Example,3,Outlines,Current status of Chinese articles Why do scientists publish? What is a good manuscript? How to write a good manuscript for an international jour

4、nal Preparations before starting Construction of an article Technical details Revision, and response to reviewers Ethical issues Conclusion: what gets you accepted? Appendix: Language,4,Current status of Chinese articles Why do scientists publish? What is a good manuscript? How to write a good manus

5、cript for an international journal Preparations before starting Construction of an article Technical details Revision, and response to reviewers Ethical issues Conclusion: what gets you accepted?,5,Current status of Chinese articles,High quantity exponential growth since 1999 Low quality China is at

6、 70% of world average,6,Comparison: China and US acceptance rates for Elsevier journals,Selection of Elsevier Editorial Outflow Statistics * Number of submissions from the country / Total number of submissions Elsevier received.,7,One reason of the explosion in quantity: Publication is the most impo

7、rtant measure for researchers in China,Number of publications Number of publications in international journals Number of publications included by EI, SCI Impact factor of the journal in which an article is published ,8,High submissions + Low quality STRESS for editors and reviewers,Editors and revie

8、wers are the most precious resource of a journal! Editors and reviewers are practicing scientists, even leaders in their fields. They are not professional journal staff they do journal work on the side of their own research, writing and teaching. They are busy people who work for journals to contrib

9、ute to science. Editors may receive a small payment, but reviewers are UNPAID.,9,An international editor says,“A great deal of excellent research is submitted from China.” “I have encountered the following serious issues on an occasional basis (but more often than I would like)” Multiple submission

10、of the same manuscript to two or more journals Submission of a paper already published in Chinese Plagiarism (especially of small parts of a paper)” “The following problems appear much too frequently” Submission of papers which are clearly out of scope Failure to format the paper according to the Gu

11、ide for Authors Inappropriate (or no) suggested reviewers Inadequate response to reviewers Inadequate standard of English Resubmission of rejected manuscripts without revision Paul Haddad, Editor, Journal of Chromatography A,10,and our publishing advice is as follows:,Submit to the right journal (sc

12、ope and prestige) Submit to one journal only Do not submit “salami” article Pay attention to journal requirements Pay attention to structure Check the English Pay attention to ethical standards,11,Current status of Chinese articles Why do scientists publish? What is a good manuscript? How to write a

13、 good manuscript for an international journal Preparations before starting Construction of an article Technical details Revision, and response to reviewers Ethical issues Conclusion: what gets you accepted?,12,What is your personal reason for publishing?,However, editors, reviewers, and the research

14、 community dont care about these reasons.,?,Get promoted?,Get funding?,PhD degree?,13,Scientists publish to share with the science COMMUNITY something that advances, not repeats, knowledge and understanding in a certain field. “In determining the suitability of submitted articles for publication, pa

15、rticular scrutiny will be placed on the degree of novelty and significance of the research and the extent to which it adds to existing knowledge in separation science.” Aims and Scope, Journal of Chromatography A,Example,Why should scientists publish?,14, Thomas H. Adair, Professor, University of Mi

16、ssissippi,Publish or Perish?,“There are three necessary steps in useful research: the first to begin it, the second to end it and the third to publish it.” M. Faraday,Being published Immortality!,15,Your paper is worthless if no one reads, uses, or cites it,“A research study is meaningful only if so

17、meone else uses it in his/her studies. For this to happen a paper has to be written in a way that arouses other scientists interest and allows others to reproduce the results. Only an understandable study can be reproduced. Only a reproducible work enables others to follow the lead. The number of sc

18、ientists following the lead is a measure of the impact of a research study. Thus, in a way, a research study has to make a sale to other scientists.” ZHOU Yaoqi, Professor. Indiana University School of Informatics, IUPUI http:/sparks.informatics.iupui.edu,16,Even high impact factor journals have art

19、icles that get no citation or very low downloads,Articles with low downloads Selection from the Full-text usage report: Cell, articles published in 2005 (2007.6),Example,17,Non-cited papers in high IF journals Citations of the Articles published in Cell at the year of 2005. (2007.6),Example,18,Edito

20、rs now regularly analyze citations per article. “The statistic that 27% of our papers were not cited in 5 years was disconcerting. It certainly indicates that it is important to maintain high standards when accepting papers. nothing would have been lost except the CVs of those authors would have bee

21、n shorter” Marv Bauer, Editor, Remote Sensing of Environment Articles will increasingly be checked on originality and relevance. Acceptance will get even harder.,Journal publishers do not want zero-cited articles,19,A journal is the gateway to a COMMUNITY of researchers with a common interest.,Journ

22、als are the prime carrier of scholarly communication. New research relies on relevant information Journal Editors + Reviewers + Authors + Readers A community of scientists You paper is your passport to your community,20,Editors and reviewers invest time in considering, revising, and editing your pap

23、er; Researchers invest time in exploring your ideas and findings; Publishers invest time and resources organizing the review process, and building reviewing systems,When you submit a paper, many people invest in you.,21,QUALITY and VALUE is at the heart of the scholarly communication system. Journal

24、s do not want: Reports of no scientific interest Work out of date Duplications of previously published work Incorrect/unacceptable conclusions “Salami” papers: datasets too small to be meaningful “Just because it has not been done before is no justification for doing it now. ” Peter Attiwill, Editor

25、-in-Chief, Forest Ecology and Management,Is your paper worth peoples time?,22,Current status of Chinese articles Why do scientists publish? What is a good manuscript? How to write a good manuscript for an international journal Preparations before starting Construction of an article Technical details

26、 Revision, and response to reviewers Ethical issues Conclusion: what gets you accepted?,23,Content is essential Contains a scientific message that is clear, useful, and exciting Presentation is critical Conveys the authors thoughts in a logical manner such that the reader arrives at the same conclus

27、ions as the author Constructed in the format that best showcases the authors material, and written in a style that transmits the message clearly “Good science deserves good presentation, not the sloppy accounts I read too often.” Peter Thrower, Editor-in-chief, Carbon Writing a Scientific Paper: I.

28、Titles and Abstracts, Carbon (2007), doi:10.1016/j.carbon.2007.07.009,A good manuscript leads readers to scientific significance immediately.,24,Work hard to satisfy readers expectations.,What readers want “The potential readers of your paper have a diverse level of expertise in your fieldthe paper

29、should be written simply enough to make it understandable and reproducible by graduate students and deep enough to attract the interests of experts.” “All scientists (students or their advisors) are usually very busy. They usually hope to find the most important information in a paper very quickly.i

30、t is important to write a well-structured (linked) paper that allows readers to search for information quickly.” “In addition, a paper will be widely cited/used only if its significance can be understood without much effort. Letting readers to find things where they expect to find is the key to the

31、clarity of a paper. ” ZHOU Yaoqi, professor, Indiana University School of Informatics, IUPUI http:/sparks.informatics.iupui.edu/Publications_files/write-english.pdf,25,Current status of Chinese articles Why do scientists publish? What is a good manuscript? How to write a good manuscript for an inter

32、national journal Preparations before starting Construction of an article Technical details Revision, and response to reviewers Ethical issues Conclusion: what gets you accepted?,26,How to write a good manuscript for an international journal Preparations before starting Construction of an article Tec

33、hnical details,27,1. Check the originality of your idea at the very beginning of your research.,Have you done something new and interesting? Is there anything challenging in your work? Is the work directly related to a current hot topic? Have you provided solutions to any difficult problems? If all

34、answers are “yes”, then start preparing your manuscript.,28,TRACK the latest results regularly in your field. New and relevant articles get published all the time.,“Save as Alert”: Remind yourself about the new findings.,Example,29,2. Decide the type of your manuscript,Full articles/Original article

35、s: the most important papers; often substantial, completed pieces of research that are of significance. Letters/Rapid Communications/Short communications: usually published for quick and early communication of significant and original advances; much shorter than full articles (usually strictly limit

36、ed). Review papers/perspectives: summarize recent developments on a specific topic; highlight important points that have been previously reported and introduce no new information; often submitted on invitation.,30,Self-evaluate your work: Is it sufficient for a full article? Or are your results so t

37、hrilling that they need to be shown as soon as possible? Ask your supervisor and colleagues for advice on manuscript type. Sometimes outsiders see things more clearly than you.,2. Decide the type of your manuscript,31,3. Who is your audience?,“One seldom writes for oneself. it is of great importance

38、 to identify the sector of readership for which a paper is meant. A paper written in abstruse mathematical language cannot be appreciated by the practical engineer who is interested in acquiring something for immediate use. On the other hand, for a scientific conference, a paper written in the style

39、 of a practicum would probably put the author to disgrace.” Mooson Kwauk, Academician, Chinese academy of Sciences,32,Topics of local or national relevance are sometimes not interesting for an international audience.,Can you distinguish a trend in these articles that do NOT get cited?,Example,33,4.

40、Choose the right journal,Investigate all candidate journals to find out: Aims and scope Types of articles Readership Current hot topics (go through recent abstracts),Example,Example,34,You must get help from your supervisor or colleagues. Chase them if necessary. Articles in your references will lik

41、ely lead you to the right journal. DO NOT gamble by scattering your manuscript to many journals. Only submit once! International ethics standards prohibit multiple/simultaneous submissions, and editors DO find out!,4. Choose the right journal,35,5. Read the Guide for Authors! Again and again!,Apply

42、the Guide for Authors to your manuscript, even to the first draft (text layout, paper citation, nomenclature, figures and table, etc.). It will save your time, and the editors. All editors hate wasting time on poorly prepared manuscripts. It is a sign of desrespect.,Example,36,“Guide for Authors” of

43、ten contains useful instructions on scientific writing.,“ 6 Introduction The Introduction summarizes the rationale for the study and gives a concise background. Use references to provide the most salient background rather than an exhaustive review. The last sentence should concisely state your purpo

44、se for carrying out the study (not methods, results, or conclusion). 9 Results Emphasize or summarize only important observations. Simple data may be set forth in the text with no need for tables or figures. Give absolute values, not merely percentages, particularly for the control values. Present y

45、our results followed by (Table 1 or Figure 2). Do not write “Table 1 shows that“ or “Figure 2 demonstrated that.“ ” Author guidelines, Acta Pharmacologica Sinica,Example,37,How to write a good manuscript for an international journal Preparations before starting Construction of an article Technical d

46、etails,38,The general structure of a full article,Title Authors Abstract Keywords Main text (IMRAD) Introduction Methods Results And Discussion (Conclusions) Acknowledgements References Supplementary material,Make them easy for indexing and searching! (informative, attractive, effective),Each has a

47、distinct function.,39,The progression of the thematic scope of a paper: general particular general However, we often write in the following order: Figures and tables Methods, Results and Discussion Conclusions and Introduction Abstract and title For example, if the discussion is insufficient, how ca

48、n you objectively demonstrate the scientific significance of your work in the introduction?,40,1. Title what the paper is broadly about,A good title contains the fewest possible words that adequately describe the contents of the paper. Effective titles Identify the main issue of the paper Begin with

49、 the subject of the paper Are accurate, unambiguous, specific, and complete Do not contain infrequently-used abbreviations Attract readers,41,the main issue,Example,Specific,The title honestly reflects the subject matter of the paper.,42,Does the title give a full and honest indication of what is in the paper?,“I recently received a paper whose title indicated that it concerned the preparation of carbon nanoparticles as a fil


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