2019年大学外贸英语chapter 13 GATT.ppt

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1、Chapter 13,GATT 关贸总协定,Warm-up Questions,What is GATT?,When was it established?,What were the objects of GATT?,New words,1. predecessor n. 前辈,前身 2. to observe vt. 遵守 3. successor n. 继承者 4. permanent a. 永久的,持久的 5. forum n. 论坛 6. vicious a. 恶性的 7. to obligate v. 强制,强迫 8. like a. 相似的,同类的 9. to institute

2、 vt. 实行 10. to retard vt. 妨碍,阻止,耽误,延迟 11. predictable a. 可预言的 12. comparable a. 可比较的,类似的,13. emergency n. 紧急 14. to incur vt. 招致 15. to suspend vt. 推迟,中止 16. consultation n. 磋商 17. counter-retaliative a. 反报复性的 18. mediation n. 调解 19. transparency n. 透明 20. contribution n. 贡献 21. to initiate vt. 发动 2

3、2. sweeping a. 范围广大的 23. to tumble vi. 倒塌 24. surge n. 突然的增长,New words,25. reciprocity n. 互惠的义务 26. to strain vt. 使紧张 27. to check vt. 控制,制止 28. proliferation n. 扩散 29. to reverse vt. 使倒转,逆 30. to ensure vt. 保证 31. provision n. 条款,规定 32. pharmaceutical n. 药品 33. apparel n. 服装,衣服 34. to resolve vt. 解

4、决(争端、问题等) 35. to ban vt. 禁止,取缔 36. hormone n. 激素,37. phase-in a. 分批引入的 38. guilty a. 有罪的 39. to block vt. 阻止,拦阻 40. psychologically adv. 心理学上的 41. destructive a. 破坏性的 42. to address vt. 对付,处理(problems,etc.) 43. reversal n. 倒退 44. remaining a. 剩余的 45. to induce vt. 引诱,劝使 46. to explore vt. 探讨,探索 47.

5、interbloc a. 集团间的,Economic Terms,1. most-favored-nation provision (or clause) 最惠国待遇条款 2. preferential tariff 特惠税率,特惠税则 3. protection by tariff and tariff concession 关税保护与关税减让 4. general elimination of quantitative restriction 全面取消数量限制 5. export license (licence) 出口许可(证)=official permission for expor

6、t 6. countervailing duty (or tariff)抵消关税=extra import duty imposed by a country on certain imports. It is usu. used to prevent dumping or to counteract export subsidies given by foreign countries.,Economic Terms,7. normal value 正常价值 8. primary product 初级产品 9. exemption and emergency action 豁免与紧急行动 1

7、0. consultation and mediation 磋商与调解 11. protectionist device 保护主义手段 12. research cost 研究成本 13. security firm证券公司 14. centrally planned economy 中央计划经济 15. market economy 市场经济,Useful Phrases and Idiomatic Expressions,1. without regard to 不考虑 2. to be embodied by 被所包含 3. in excess of 超过 4. in respect o

8、f 关于,至于 5. in whole 全部地 6. in part 部分地 7. in a nutshell 扼要地 8. to go into effect 生效(to become effective; to take effect) 9. on a product-by-product basis 在一个产品一个产品的基础上,10. in ruins 处于破产境地,处于崩溃状态 11. to peak at 高达 12. to get around GATT regulation 绕过关贸总协定的规定 13. to bar sb. from doing sth. 阻止某人做某事 14.

9、 to break up into 分成 15. to phase out 逐步结束,逐步淘汰,逐步撤出 16. to be excluded from 被排斥在之外 17. to be better off 经济情况较好的,生活较优裕的 18. to slip into 滑入,跌进,Useful Phrases and Idiomatic Expressions,1. GATT 关贸总协定 2. Doha Round 多哈回合(WTO成立后的第一个回合) 3. Uruguay Round 乌拉圭回合 4. non-discrimination 非歧视 5. contracting parti

10、es 订约方 6. Annecy Round 安纳西回合 7. Torquay Round 托尔基回合 8. Punta del Este 埃斯特角(乌拉圭的首都),Notes,GATT: General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade,Reasons for discussing the GATT The nature of GATT The objectives of GATT Major principles of GATT Chief contributions of GATT Uruguay Round,Chapter Outline,For more

11、than 45 years before the setting up of the WTO in 1994, international trade policies had been governed by the GATT. GATT is the predecessor of the WTO, so we must have a look at it before we discuss the WTO. The basic principles of the GATT are still observed by its successor, the WTO.,Reasons for d

12、iscussing the GATT,The GATT was not a formal international trade body but an international treaty or a multilateral agreement signed by 23 countries in 1947 with efforts mainly from the U.S. and the U.K. It came into force on January 1,1948.,Nature of GATT,To expand world trade through multilateral

13、trade negotiations and decreasing and eventually eliminating all trade barriers; To provide a permanent forum for resolving international trade problems, esp. for solving those facing developing countries; To limit government intervention that restricts international trade; To prevent the vicious ci

14、rcle of trade protectionism of the 1920s-1930s from happening again.,Objectives of GATT,Non-discrimination Protection by Tariff and Tariff Concessions General Elimination of Quantitative Restriction Fair Trade Based on Prohibition of Dumping and Restriction Exemption and Emergency Action Principle C

15、onsultation and Mediation Principle Special Preferential Treatment to Developing Countries Transparency Principle,GATTs Principles,Tariff Reduction Preferential Treatment to Developing Countries Gradual Elimination of Tariff and Non-tariff Barriers to Trade in Some Sectors Setting-up of the WTO in 1

16、994,Contributions of GATT,Why Called the Uruguay Round (UR) Background Objectives of the UR Reason for Delay in Completion of the UR Major Provisions of the Uruguay Round Tariff Quotas Antidumping Subsidies Safeguard Intellectual property Services Other industry provisions Trade-related investment m

17、easures World Trade Organization Outstanding Trade Problems,Uruguay Round,The Uruguay Round implies that the world is better off with a GATT deal than without it. Without this GATT deal, the world might have slipped into increasingly dangerous trade wars. With this GATT deal concluded, the world tra

18、ding system looked secure.,Implication of Uruguay Round,Questions to be Answered,What were the objectives of GATT? Can you tell briefly the eight principles of GATT? What were the principal contributions made by GATT? What was the historical background against which the Uruguay Round was carried out? Can you give a brief introduction to the main provisions of the Uruguay Round? What are the three reasons for rising protectionism in 1980s?,This is the end of Chapter 13,


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