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1、1,Key point: the knowledge of packaging materials, packaging technology and a trend toward packaging innovation Difficult points: the terms of packaging materials and packaging technology,物流专业英语,Unit Two Packing,2,Requirements,By the end of this lesson, you should be able to have a good command of u

2、seful terms given in the lesson major groups of packaging materials some packaging technique By the end of this lesson, you should be able to describe a trend toward packaging innovation,物流专业英语,Unit ,3,PART Packaging materials,Abstract: The article introduces the major groups of packaging materials

3、. Key words: glass; steel; paper; plastic materials; aluminium;.,物流专业英语,Unit ,4,New Words,withstand vt.抵挡, 经受住 appealing adj.吸引人的 significance n.意义, 重要性 confuse vt.搞乱, 使糊涂 receptacle n.容器 combination n.结合,合并,化合 identificationn.辨认,鉴定,证明 hygienic adj.卫生学的,卫生的,物流专业英语,Unit ,5,物流专业英语,Unit ,rust vt.(使)生锈

4、monomer n.单体 polymer n.聚合体 polyethylene n.化聚乙烯 terephthalate n.化对苯二酸盐(酯) transparent adj.透明的,明晰的 gloss n.光泽的表面 fizzy adj.嘶嘶的,泡沫腾涌 oven n.烤箱, 烤炉, 灶 roasting adj.烤肉用的v.煅烧,6,物流专业英语,Unit ,duvet n.用羽毛, 绒毛制成的棉被 anorak n.带兜帽的夹克 polymerize v.(使)聚合 fleece n.羊毛(尤指未剪下的) dustbin n. 垃圾箱 synthesize v.综合, 合成 ethyl

5、ene n.化乙烯, 乙烯基 versatile adj.通用的, 多才多艺的 translucent adj.半透明的, 透明的 mould n. 亦作mold 模具v. 铸造,7,物流专业英语,Unit ,insulation n.绝缘 toxic adj.有毒的, 中毒的 fume n.(浓烈或难闻的)烟, squeezability n. 威吓, 压迫 detergent n.清洁剂, 去垢剂 cling film n. 食品薄膜 polypropylene n.化聚丙烯 PVC n.化聚氯乙烯 yoghurt n.酸乳酪 margarine n.人造黄油,8,物流专业英语,Unit

6、,blister n.水泡 chlorine n.化氯 polystyrene n.聚苯乙烯 alkalis 碱金属 cutlery n.餐具 multiplayer n. 电 多层 vapour n.蒸汽, 水蒸气 chipboard n.硬纸板, 纸板 aluminium n.铝 bauxite n.矾土,铁铝氧石,9,物流专业英语,Unit ,foil n.箔,金属薄片 silica n. (化)硅石,无水硅酸,硅土 amber n.琥珀 oxide n. (化)氧化物 chromium n.铬 magnet n.磁铁,磁体 wax n.石蜡 bleach v.漂白,变白 crepe n

7、.绉纱,绉绸 fibre n.纤维,纤维制品,10,Sentence Explanations,Para.8 PET is light, clear or transparent with high gloss (sparkling crystal clear), hard and wear-resistant. It is also a good barrier to gases. 聚对苯二甲酸乙二醇酯质地轻,表面透明具有光泽,且坚硬耐磨。同时能有效防止气体挥发。,物流专业英语,物流专业英语,Unit ,11,Para.9 It is among the most important and

8、 versatile of the hundreds of commercial plastics. (聚乙烯)它是最重要并且用途最多的商业用塑料。 Para.11 HDPE is used for most consumer and industrial blow-moulded containers, and when strength is required. 在生活和工业中当需要一定强度容器时,用高密度聚乙烯来作为吹模容器。,物流专业英语,Unit ,12,Para.12 LDPE (Low-Density Polyethylene) is the most commonly used

9、 plastic packaging, in particular when good clarity is demanded. 低密度聚乙烯是一种常用的塑料包装材料,特别是要求透明包装时。 Para.19 Pure aluminium is a soft, silvery white, relatively light metal, which conducts heat and electricity easily. 纯铝比较柔软,呈现银白色,是相对较轻的金属,它容易导电和导热。,物流专业英语,Unit ,13,Para.13 Polypropylene (PP) is used as a

10、 clear, white or metallised film (metallising is where a 99.9% pure aluminum wire is heated to a vapor and vacuumed onto a plastic or paper surface to form a layer thinner than one 1/1000 of a mm). 聚丙烯作为白色金属薄膜材料(金属镀膜就是将铝加热成蒸汽然后覆盖在塑料或纸的表面形成薄薄的一层)。,物流专业英语,Unit ,14,Para.21 Glass is clear, rigid, chemic

11、ally inert, heat resistant, resistant to internal pressure, and a complete barrier to water vapor and gases. 玻璃是一种透明,坚硬、不活泼、不导热、能抵抗内部压力的不透水和气的材料。 Para.25 Clay coating is a very fine wash of clay that fills in any unevenness on some carton board so that the surface is smooth to print on. 粘土涂料是一种很好清洗的

12、材料,将它填在不平坦的纸箱表面使表面光滑容易印刷。,物流专业英语,Unit ,15,Main contents,Packaging Materials 1. plastic materials There are many different types of plastic, depending on the kind of monomer, the length of polymer chains, and other added compounds.,物流专业英语,Unit ,16,(1)Polyethylene Terephthalate (PET) PET is light, cle

13、ar or transparent with high gloss , hard and wear-resistant. (2) Polyethylene (Polythene) Polyethylene is usually translucent, tough and unaffected by water and a large range of chemicals.,物流专业英语,Unit ,17,(3) Polypropylene (PP) PP is used as a clear, white or metallized film. It can also be molded i

14、nto bottles, jars and caps. (4) Polyvinylchloride (PVC) PVC is naturally transparent, heat-sensitive , has excellent resistance to oils and alcohol, and excellent stretch properties , but as a barrier to moisture it can be poor.,物流专业英语,Unit ,18,(5)Polystyrene (PS) PS is harder and more brittle than

15、polyethylene or polypropylene, and has a superior optical clarity and good chemical resistance to food acids and alkalis. 2. Multilayers Frequently different materials are used together in layers to meet all the needs of the product inside.,单层PET镀铝膜,物流专业英语,Unit ,19,3. Aluminium It is used for cans a

16、nd foil. 4. Glass Glass is clear, rigid, chemically inert, heat resistant, resistant to internal pressure, and a complete barrier to water vapor and gases.,铝软管,物流专业英语,Unit ,20,5. Steel Steel consists of iron. 6. Paper,物流专业英语,Unit ,21,Abstract: The article introduces some packaging technique. Key wor

17、ds: container of packaging; packaging technique; packing methods.,Part Packaging Technology,物流专业英语,Unit ,22,物流专业英语,Unit ,New Words,bale 大包,大捆 barrel 桶 cord 绳索,束缚 cylindrical adj. 计 圆柱的 preformed adj.预成型的,预制成的 tubular adj. 管状的 vibration n.振动, 颤动, 摇动, 摆动 staves n.杖,棍,23,物流专业英语,Unit ,hoop n. 箍,铁环,v. 加箍

18、于 diameter n.直径 cork n.软木塞,软木 screw n.螺丝钉,螺旋,螺杆 fiberboard n.纤维板 can vt.装进罐中 n.罐头, 铁罐 shelf n. 架子,搁板 crate n. 板条箱,柳条箱 framed n. 外加框 sheathing n. 覆盖物,罩子,24,物流专业英语,Unit ,lath n.木板条,条板 drum n. 鼓, 鼓声, 鼓形圆桶 convex 表面弯曲如球的外侧,凸起的 emboss vt. 饰以浮饰, 使浮雕出来 plywood n. 夹板, 合板 detachable adj. 可分开的, 可分离的 pail n. 桶

19、,提桶 tucker n.打横褶者, 打褶装置 lumber n.木材 staple n.钉书钉, 钉, 原材料,25,物流专业英语,Unit ,thermoform n.(塑料等的)加热成形 shrink v. 收缩, (使)皱缩, 缩短 trimming v. 清理焊缝 stretch v. 伸展, 伸长 aseptic n. 防腐剂adj.无菌的 sterile adj.贫脊的, 毫无结果的 carbon dioxide 二氧化碳 nitrogen n.化氮 vacuum n.真空, 空间 retard vt.延迟, 阻止, 妨碍,26,物流专业英语,Unit ,deterioratio

20、n n.变坏, 退化, 堕落 polished adj.擦亮的, 磨光的 slushing n. 减水(作用), 抗(腐)蚀 抗湿 airtight adj.密封的 dehumidify vt.除湿, 使干燥 stitch v.缝, 缝合 n. 针脚, 缝针 lid lid n.盖子 straw n.稻草, 麦杆 batten n.板条, 木条 fragile adj.易碎的, 脆的,27,物流专业英语,Unit ,corrugated adj.缩成皱纹的, 使起波状的 instrument n.工具, 手段, 器械, 器具 cushion n.垫子, 软垫, 衬垫 gasket n.束帆索,

21、 垫圈 plywood n.夹板, 合板 plank n.厚木板, 支架 pilferage n.行窃, 偷盗 twisting v.翘曲, 扭曲 horizontal adj.地平线的, 水平的 tamper n.捣棒, 夯, 填塞者,28,Sentence Explanations,Para.2 No matter what environmental conditions are encountered, the package is expected to protect the product, keeping it in the condition intended for use

22、 until the product is delivered to the ultimate consumer. 不论遇到什么样的环境,包装是用来保护产品,在它最终到达消费者手中的这段过程中,保护产品在完好状态下。,物流专业英语,Unit ,29,Para.19 shrink wrapping is accomplished by trimming a piece of shrinkable film around an object, and then sending it through a heat “tunnel” which “shrinks” the film to confor

23、m to the exact size of an outer box or product. 收缩包装就是用收缩薄膜裹包物品,然后让它通过一个热的“通道”,使薄膜收缩而紧贴于物品。 Para.24 MAP (modified atmosphere packaging)a packaging method in which a combination of gases such as carbon dioxide and nitrogen is introduced into the package at the time of closure. 气体置换包装将二氧化碳气体或氮气等气体置换包装

24、容器中空气的一种包装方法。,物流专业英语,Unit ,30,Para.26 This process prolongs shelf life, preserves the flavors and retards bacterial growth. 这种方法延长了保存期限,保存原来的风味并阻止细菌的繁衍。 Para.27 There are a few practical suggestions that may be profitably offered to people. These methods governing packing are traditional ones and ha

25、ve been recognized by people through years of experimentation. 这里有些实际可行的建议或许对人们有助益。这些都是传统的包装方法,而且是经过人们长期实践予以确认的。,物流专业英语,Unit ,31,Para.28 highly polished metal surfaces are particularly subject to the dangers of rust and corrosion. It is customary to coat the surfaces thickly with a slushing oil; 高度抛

26、光的金属表面很容易生锈和受到腐蚀。通常在表面刷上一层厚厚的抗腐蚀润滑油。 anti-corrosive compounds, films, wax or grease should be applied. This is done with a brush, by means of a spray gun, or by a dip tank process; 防腐化合剂、薄膜、蜡、润滑油等是必用之物。用刷子、喷漆枪涂上,或在浸泡桶里加以处理。,物流专业英语,Unit ,32,Para.29wooden cases should be made of sound , undamaged timb

27、er, and closed with well- driven nails of the right length. For added safety, use steel banding or wire; 木箱要用完好没有破损的木材制作,用适当长度的钉子坚固地钉在一起。用铁箍或金属线加固,使它更为安全。 canvas bales should be stitched tightly. Colored string may facilitate opening; 帆布包要缝牢,用带颜色的线缝合方便开启。 card board containers and cartons must be ri

28、gid and undamaged and should be closed with gum and secured by steel banding; 纸板箱和纸板盒必须坚硬完好没有破损,用树胶粘牢并用铁箍扎紧。,物流专业英语,Unit ,33,pack parts of machinery in the same manner as they are fitted on the machine; 把机器的零件按装配在机器上的原样包装起来。 threaded portions should be protected with tapes or film of a hot wax to pr

29、otect if from damage; 螺纹部分应该用胶带,或用蜡层保护起来免受损伤。 thin or narrow parts, like gaskets of special shape, may be fixed to a plywood or a plank packing. 薄的或窄的零部件,如特殊形状的垫圈,在装箱前可以固定在一块胶合板或一块后木板上。,物流专业英语,Unit ,34,Para.30 avoid sharp edges on packages they may cut and fray rope or cord and may even damage other

30、 packages; 物品的包装避免边缘尖锐,否则,尖锐的边缘回磨损或割断绳子,甚至会损伤其它包裹。 measures of security against hazards and pilferage, fire, containerization corrosion, etc., should be attended to; 应注意采取安全措施预防海上意外风险、偷窃、火灾、集装箱腐蚀等等。,物流专业英语,Unit ,35,tea must be carefully packed not only against the usual climatic perils, but must be

31、also tightly scaled so as to prevent it from absorbing odors and smells from the surrounding cargo; 茶叶不仅必须仔细地包装起来,使它免受气候变化的影响,而且必须与周围货物分开,以预防它吸收周围货物的气味。 consumer goods must be packed suitably and attractively to reinforce companys image in the market. 消费品的包装要适宜并具有吸引力,这样能够增强公司在市场中的形象。,物流专业英语,Unit ,36

32、,1.Container of Packaging,Main Contents,Bag,Barrel,物流专业英语,Unit ,37,Bottle,Box,Can,Carton,物流专业英语,Unit ,38,Container,Crate,Drum,Pail,物流专业英语,Unit ,39,2. Packaging Technique (1)Blister packaging (2)Bundle wrapping (3)Fin seal packaging (4)Shrink wrapping (5)Skin packaging (6)Stretch packaging (7)Aseptic

33、 packaging (8)CAP (controlled atmosphere packaging),物流专业英语,Unit ,40,(9)MAP (modified atmosphere packaging) (10)Retort packaging (11)Vacuum packaging 3. Packing Methods (1) Protection from corrosion (2)Protection from damage (3)Other points to note,物流专业英语,Unit ,41,Part Packaging Innovative,Abstract:

34、This article is about innovative ideas abound for reducing, reusing and recycling transport packaging waste. Key words: innovation; disposal costs; shift of bargaining power; strategic implications; waste reduction; reuse; recycling.,物流专业英语,Unit ,42,物流专业英语,Unit ,New Words,pallet n.扁平工具, 棘爪, 货盘 munic

35、ipal () adj.市政的, 地方性的 transaction n.办理, 处理, 交易, 事务 explicit adj.外在的, 清楚的, incentive n.动机 adj.激励的 institutionalize v.使制度化或习俗化 innovation n.改革, 创新 deregulation n.违反规定, 反常,43,物流专业英语,Unit ,substitute n.代用品, 代替者v.代替, 替换 stimulate v.刺激, 激励 legitimacy n.合法(性), 正确(性), 合理(性) collusion () n.共谋, 勾结 tradeoff n.

36、(公平)交易,折衷,权衡 cardboard n.纸板 bin n.箱柜 barrier n. 障碍物, 栅栏, 屏障 storage n.贮藏(量), 贮藏库, 存储 vertically adv.垂直地,44,物流专业英语,Unit ,integrated adj.综合的, 完整的 allied adj.联合的, 同盟的v.联合 bargaining n.议价, 讨价, 交易, 交涉 returnable adj.可退回的 implication n.牵连, 含意, 暗示 incremental adj.增加的 compromise v.妥协, 折衷, 危及.的安全 facilitate

37、vt. 使容易, 推动, 帮助 exert v.尽(力), 施加(压力等) leverage n.杠杆作用,45,Para.2 In almost all cases, the explicit cost for disposal is borne by the company that purchased the goods in packages, and is an indirect transaction cost. 几乎在所有的情况下,购买有包装的产品的公司负担包装成本,这是一种间接成本。 Para.4 This trend has been stimulated by change

38、s in four important factors that affect the structure of the logistical packaging industry. 影响物流包装业结构的四个重要因素的改变促进了这一趋势。,Sentence Explanations,物流专业英语,Unit ,46,Para.7 The corrugated paperboard industry owes its successful recycling programs to the fact that it is relatively vertically integrated, comp

39、ared to other logistical supply industries, such as those that make wooden pallets and plastic packaging. 瓦楞纸箱的成功回收利用应归功于它比起其他物流供应产业相对综合,如木质货盘和塑料包装业。,物流专业英语,Unit ,47,Para.8 Logistical packaging management is becoming more than a simple purchase function that merely buys periodically according to the

40、 carriers packaging rules. 物流包装管理越来越不局限于简单的购买功能,这种功能仅仅是根据运输包装要求的周期性购买。 Para.9 Waste disposal is an explicit cost for logistical customers, and their influence on suppliers to reduce packaging is currently more important than legislative man-dates in reducing logistical packaging waste. 对物流消费者来说,废物处置

41、也是一项成本,它对供应商降低减少包装的影响比立法机构降低物流包装浪费的影响要大。,物流专业英语,物流专业英语,Unit ,48,Para.15 Policymakers can take advantage of market forces by incorporating the environmental costs of solid waste in the price of disposal. 制定政策的人们可以利用固体废物环境成本与处置价格将相结合这市场力量的优势。,物流专业英语,Unit ,49,1. A trend toward innovation There is a new

42、 trend, however, toward innovation aimed at reducing the amount of material used in logistical packaging. This trend has been stimulated by changes in four important factors that affect the structure of the logistical packaging industry. (1) Transportation deregulation.,Main Contents,物流专业英语,Unit ,50

43、,(2)Rising waste disposal costs (3)Market power (4)Shift of bargaining power 2. Strategic implications Logistical packaging innovation can be the source for a competitive advantage for four constituencies: (1) Firms and organizations (2)Manufacturers (3)Packaging suppliers (4)Policymakers,物流专业英语,Unit ,51,Reading Materials (1),Present Condition and Development Tendency of China Carton Industry Abstract: This paper introduce the


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