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1、WorldClass,de Classe Mundiale,Clase Mundial,HANG DAU THE GIOI,2,Pigs will always tell you how they feel,猪总是会告诉你它的感受,3,You have to recognize what the pig is telling you,你一定要明白猪告诉你了什么,4,You have to recognize the symptoms and understand the problem(s) and how to improve the environmental status of the

2、pig living conditions,你应该认识到猪的征兆表现和了解存在的问题,并知道如何提高猪只的生活环境状况,5,影响猪只生长表现的因素 Ceiling to pig performance,营养 Nutrition 环境和管理 Environment & Management 疾病 Disease 猪(遗传) Pig (genetics),6,一头猪如果要发挥其遗传潜力,达到生长的最大化,往往要受到管理、环境、疾病的限制 A pigs ability to maximize growth to its full genetic potential is frequently lim

3、ited by management, environment and disease,7,环境 Environment,环境基本上是影响猪生长潜力的最大单一因素 Environment is perhaps the largest single factor influencing pigs growth potential 环境通常因为温度、猪群状况、空气质量等因素对猪的生长表现起到最大的限制作用 Environment frequently puts a ceiling on pig growth performance because of thermal, social and ai

4、r quality stresses,8,环境 Environment,当环境应激加上较差的管理,会大大降低免疫功能,结果增加了患病的可能性。 When these stresses are coupled with marginal management practices, environment will compromise immune status and result in increased disease incidence,9,营养环境 Nutrition & Environment,你可以给猪提供最好的营养,但猪不一定因此会有最佳的生长表现。原因是环境应激限制了猪生长潜力

5、的发挥。 You can provide the very best nutrition to a pig, but the pig may not perform accordingly, since the environmental stresses limit its growth potential,10,限制因素的消除 Ceiling removal,消除了影响生长潜力的限制因素,你可以利用最适宜的营养,使猪的遗传潜力得到最大程度的发挥。 By removing these ceilings which limit growth potential, you can capital

6、ize on an optimum nutrition program to achieve the pigs maximum genetic potential,11,临床症状 Clinical symptoms,12,症状 Symptoms,症状是指机体正常功能的改变所表现的失常状态或疾病的表现 Symptoms are changes in normal bodily functions or appearance indicating disorder or disease,13,猪栏内的症状 Pen Symptoms,堆叠 Piling 拥挤 Huddling 溜边 Avoiding

7、 areas of the pen 在躺卧区域内排粪 Dunging in sleeping area,14,堆叠和拥挤 Piling and Huddling,通常发生在因保温差或贼风导致的冷应激,或者是有效温度低于猪的最低临界温度 Frequently occur when pigs are subjected to cold stress caused by drafts and/or when effective temperature is less than the temperature in the pigs thermoneutral zone,15,溜边 Avoiding

8、areas of the pen,当猪栏内有贼风、有害气体增加、没有空气流动,或是温度升高,会有这种情况发生 May occur when there are drafts, noxious gases present, no air movement or elevated temperature is present,16,在躺卧区域拉粪 Dunging in the sleeping area,通常在有贼风或是温度不适宜,或是因通风差引起的高温,或是当地面很湿的时候就会发生。 Frequently occurs when there are drafts, suboptimal or h

9、igh temperatures resulting from poor ventilation or when wet floors are present,17,症状 Pig Symptoms,皮毛粗糙 Rough hair coats 肮脏的猪群 Dirty pigs 咬耳朵或尾巴 Tail/ear biting 生长表现差 Poor performance 嗜睡 Lethargic pigs 生长不均衡 Unevenness 脱肛 Prolapse,18,咬尾 Tail biting,19,为什么会要有咬尾的情况发生? Why does tail biting occur,应激 Str

10、esses - 恐惧 Fear - 疼痛 Pain - 不舒服(不高兴)discomfort(unhappy) - 亢奋 Hyperactive,20,产生恐惧、疼痛、不舒服的原因Causes of fear, pain, and discomfort,饮水和饲料 Water and feed 环境的变化 Environmental change 通风 Ventilation 分群 Regrouping 疾病 Diseases 粪便处理不当 Poor manure management 其它的情况 Other stresses,21,发生咬尾的原因 Causes of tail biting,

11、环境因素 environmental parameters 同栏猪的行为 Inmate behavior 建筑和设备 Construction and facilities 营养水平 Nutritional parameters 疾病 Disease,22,环境方面 Environment side,最适宜的通风(氨气、硫化氢、粉尘、温度、湿度)Optimum ventilation(NH3, H2S, dust, temperature and humidity) 控制温度的变化 Control temperature fluctuations 避免贼风:合适的换气通风和速度是很重要的Avo

12、id drafts: proper air movement and velocity are important 检查不稳的电压 Check for stray voltage,23,营养方面 Nutrition side,提供更多的盐(8-10kg/吨) Provide more salt (8-10kg/ton of feeds) 这时候确保提供更多的饮水Make sure plenty of water in this case 猪栏里提供青绿饲料、干草、和剁碎的稻草Put green grass, hay, chopped straw into the pen 青绿饲料好与干草和稻草

13、 Green grass is better than hay or straw,24,营养 Nutrition side,添加氧化镁 Add MgO(4-5kg/ton of feed) 水溶性的螯合镁可以有效地制止咬尾12天Magnesium chelate , water soluble, works well to stop the tail biting for a day or two. 过多的螯合镁会使猪嗜睡和采食量降低Too much of magnesium chelate will let pigs sleep and eat less as well,25,营养 Nutr

14、ition side,添加盐霉素0.42kg/吨 Salinomycin at 0.42kg/MT works 检查霉菌毒素 Check mycotoxin 检查水中的钠含量 Check high sodium in water,26,管理方面 Management side,检查饮水器和饲料槽 Check nipplers and feeders 合适的密度 Optimum animal density 避免混入新猪(如果必须混群,在猪栏后面,漏缝地板上方安装一个洒水装置,直到猪群稳定为止Avoid unfamiliar pigs(when mixing is inevitable, ins

15、tall a sprinkler system at the rear of the pen over slats until pigs are calm 保证猪栏中的猪体重大小尽量一致Keep pen groups as equal in weight as possible,27,症状 Pig Symptoms,腹胀 Skinny belly 叫喊着围绕在母猪乳头周围Crying around teats of sows 睡在母猪的肚子上面或母猪附近Sleep on the sows belly or near sows 主要待在在保温箱中Staying mainly in heat bo

16、x 集中在饮水器或饲槽周围Gathering around nipple or feeder,28,症状 Pig Symptoms,猪只需要生理和行为上的调整适应外界环境压力状况,这些变化都会从猪的外观和活动中表现出来 Pigs required to make adjustments in their physiology or behavior due to stressful conditions will show these changes by their appearance and activity,29,疾病症状 Health Symptoms,咳嗽和打喷嚏Coughing

17、and sneezing 眼睛和鼻子分泌物 Runny eyes and noses 干燥和苍白的皮肤 Dry and pale skin 痢疾/腹泻 Diarrhea/scours 张嘴呼吸 Breath with open mouth 昂贵的药物成本High medication cost,30,疾病症状 Health Symptoms,大多数差的环境状况是导致猪的健康问题的主要原因Most often poor environmental conditions have the largest influence on pig health status 当猪在环境状况糟糕的猪舍里,呼吸

18、道疾病和因呼吸道激发的疾病发生率都会大大增加When pigs are housed in poor environmental conditions, the pneumonia condition is exacerbated and the incidence of pneumonia is increased,31,疾病症状 Health Symptoms,当猪生病时和人类没有什么区别Pigs are not different than humans when they are sick 它们会表现出“我生病了”They will show you they are sick 典型的

19、症状就是前面幻灯片提到的那样Typical signs are those mentioned in previous slides,32,EAS的组成部分 Composition of EAS,33,EAS的关键点 Point of EAS,征兆 Symptoms,34,EAS的必要性 Necessity of EAS,35,处理征兆 Treating Symptoms,处理征兆不仅浪费时间,而且浪费金钱Treating the symptoms is not only a waste of time, but also a waste of money 征兆是判断动物对外界压力的反应程度直

20、接标准The symptoms are simply a measure of animal responses to stress 提高动物的生长表现,我们必须有能力确认问题产生的根源和正确的纠正这些到征兆症状的原因。To improve the well-being of the animal, we must be able to identify the problems causing the symptoms and correct the causes of these symptoms,36,处理征兆 Treating Symptoms,EAS会成为工具箱中重要的工具,帮助你更

21、好的生产和获得更多的收益 This is where the Environmental Appraisal System becomes an important tool in your toolbox for better production and profits,37,EAS=收益 Environmental Appraisal System= Profit,38,空气质量 Air Quality,39,空气质量 Air Quality,空气质量对猪的环境福利起到最大的影响Air quality has a great effect on the environmental wel

22、fare of pigs 应该考虑为农场主、家人和雇员同样提供良好的工作环境Consideration must also be given to the work environment for the owner, family members and employees,40,为什么空气质量如此重要? Why is Air Quality so important?,41,空气质量主要关心 Air Quality is concern for 1) 人类的健康问题Human health issues 2) 畜产品的质量Livestock performance,42,空气质量 Air

23、Quality,因咳嗽和咳嗽引起的相关问题的抱怨大多来自管理密闭猪舍的工人Cough and coughing up phlegm are perhaps the most common complaints of swine confinement workers 每年都会有3个月或更长时间的慢性呼吸道疾病的症状Chronic bronchitis typically occurs three or more months per year,43,支气管炎 Bronchitis,慢性支气管炎Chronic bronchitis 咳嗽Coughing 因咳嗽引发的问题Coughing up p

24、hlegm 2060%的养猪生产者20-60% of all swine producers 慢性支气管炎Chronic bronchitis 长期影响肺胀脏Long-term irritation in lungs 吸烟者咳嗽Smokers cough 增加了30%的成本Additional 30% of all swine producers,44,空气质量 Air Quality,2060%的养猪生产者有这种情况Twenty to 60% of all swine producers have this condition 另外有30%的养猪生产者患有类似吸烟导致的急性支气管炎An ad

25、ditional 30% of swine producers experience acute bronchitis which is the same disease that smokers get 因为长期处于炎症状态,肺泡上皮细胞会出现恶化Because of long-term irritation, the cells lining the airways deteriorate,45,空气质量 Air Quality,这些肺泡产生粘液,同时排除异物的纤毛也不能正常地工作 These cells produce mucous and the small hair that nor

26、mally sweep particles out of the lungs, do not work properly. 因咳嗽问题引发呼吸道的炎症 We respond to this airway irritation by coughing up phlegm,46,每年因猪呼吸道疾病引发的损失 7亿美元 Annual industry loss due to Swine Respiratory Disease $700,000,000,47,空气质量 Air Quality,空气质量是对影响养猪生产和效益的疾病和病原传播途径的最大影响因素 Air quality has a sign

27、ificant effect on disease challenge and pathogen load has a significant effect on pig production and profitability 当猪群的压力增大和病原增多时,大多数生产者是想如何解决症状,而不去确认和解决产生这些问题的原因 When pigs are stressed and pathogen load is increased, many producers respond by treating symptoms, not by identifying the problem and tr

28、eating the cause,48,空气质量的改善可以减少75%80%的损失 Air quality improvement will allow you to recoup 75% to 80% of these losses,49,空气质量差的征兆 Symptoms of poor air quality 1) 喷嚏/咳嗽Sneezing/coughing 2) 剧痛 Tearing 3) 无生气,低迷Lethargy or listlessness,50,空气质量问题关键 Key air quality problems 1) 氨气Ammonia 2) 一氧化碳Carbon mono

29、xide 3) 粉尘Dust 4) 湿度Humidity,51,什么有毒气体是密闭猪舍中最普遍的? What is the most prevalent toxic gasfound in swine confinement facilities?,52,氨气 Ammonia,53,氨气的影响 Effects of ammonia 1) 眼睛:结膜炎 Eyes: Irritation 2) 肺:咳嗽 Lungs: Coughing 氨气+水=燃烧的结果 NH3 + H20 = Burning effect,54,人的鼻子习惯于氨气 The human nose habituates to am

30、monia,55,在冬季,密闭猪舍中氨气浓度是30 to 50 ppm Typical Ammonia concentration in swine confinement building during winte 30 to 50 ppm,56,25ppm 氨气 25 ppm Ammonia 1) 降低抗病力 Reduces disease resistance 2) 结膜炎 Eye irritations 3) 咽喉炎 Throat irritations 4) 咳嗽 Coughing 保持低于25ppm Maintain less than 25 ppm,57,氨气影响生长 Ammon

31、ia affects growth,50 ppm 减少日增重12% Reduces ADG by 12% 饲料转化率差9% poorer F/G 100 ppm 减少日增重30% Reduces ADG by 30% 饲料转化率差9% poorer F/G,58,评估氨气的水平 Evaluation of ammonia levels,确认在室内或畜舍不同的点取样,同时保证在猪的水平取样品 Be sure the air in the room or barn is sampled at various locations and that the sampling is done at pi

32、g level,59,氨气是粪的问题Ammonia is a manure problem,60,氨气水平 Ammonia levels,氨气主要与新鲜的粪便和厌氧分解阶段有关系Ammonia is released from fresh manure and during anaerobic decomposition 在垃圾多、无漏缝地板、或刮粪式的猪舍里,氨气的浓度会更高些,原因是地面上的粪便会增加氨气的释放。Ammonia tends to be higher in buildings with litter, solid floors or scrapers because manu

33、re spread over the floor increases ammonia release,61,氨气水平 Ammonia levels,氨气会因利用液态处理粪系统而减少,原因是氨气会被吸收到水里。Ammonia release is less with liquid manure systems, because ammonia is absorbed in water,62,氨气控制 Ammonia control 1) 直列式风扇Pit fans 2) 垃圾的清除Waste removal 3) 水 Water 4) 饲料添加剂Feed additive,63,系统管理减少氨气

34、 Tips to reduce ammonia 1)经常打扫粪便 Remove manure more frequently 2)彻底的清扫Clean more thoroughly 3) 在粪沟里加入5-10厘米深的水Add water(5-10cm) to gutters 4) 如果使用虹吸式排粪系统,每14天拔一次塞子,同时加入5-10厘米的水 If pull-plug system, pull the plug every 14 days and add recharge water (5-10 cm) 5) 饲料中加入丝兰精Yucca extract in feed,64,丝兰精 Y

35、ucca Extract 1) 天然的脲素酶抑制剂Natural urease inhibitor 2) 添加控制粪便气味和氨气产生Aids in control of manure odor and ammonia 3) 减少氨气50% Reduces ammonia by 50% 4) 安全:无毒性和停药期Safe: No toxic worries and no withdrawal,65,一氧化碳 Carbon Monoxide,66,一氧化碳50ppm=降低生产表现 Carbon monoxide 50 ppm = Reduced performance 1) 降低日增重Reduce

36、d gain 2) 死胎增加Stillbirth 3) 减少采食量Poor feed intake 4) 流产Abortions 母猪的通常表现Sows appear normal,67,一氧化碳的来源 Source-Carbon monoxide 1) 坏的热交换器Cracked heat exchangers 2) 差的火炉调节器Poor burner adjustment 如果是桔黄色火焰,检查CO;蓝色火焰,没有问题) (If orange flame, check for CO; Blue flame, usually not a problem) 3) 脏的加热器Plugged,

37、dirty heaters 4) 氧气水平低Low oxygen level,68,如果存在高浓度的CO,如何测定? How can you determine if high CO exist 最便宜的方法就是使用直接读数的仪器,在或使用测定管检查,通常的时间至少为2个小时。这个办法与测定氨气浓度类似。 The cheapest method is to use direct-reading, passive diffusion tubes to measure average gas concentrations for a period of timeusually, at least

38、two hours, these are similar to those used to measure ammonia,69,如果存在高浓度的CO,如何测定? How can you determine if high CO exist ? 一氧化碳也可以利用专用的感应器测定,速度会快很多。Carbon monoxide can also be measured more quickly by using a pump and detector tubes designed for carbon monoxide 测定一氧化碳浓度的位置要距离加热器3米左右,在加热器开启时,测定热气流。Me

39、asure CO about 10 feet (3m) away from the heater, in the heater airstream, when the heater is on,70,减少一氧化碳的窍门 Tips to reduce CO 1)清洁和调整煤气加热器 Clean and adjust gas heaters 2) 防止后面加排气装置Prevent back-draft of exhaust 3) 提高通风速率Increase ventilation rate,71,硫化氢 Hydrogen sulfide,72,硫化氢 Hydrogen sulfide 无色 Co

40、lorless 剧毒 Extremely poisonous 硫和氢的气态混合物Gaseous compound formed by sulfur with hydrogen,73,硫化氢 Hydrogen sulfide 低于100ppm:闻起来像臭鸡蛋,所以人们可以判断出来Less than 100 ppm: Smells like rotten eggs: so a person is aware of the gas 100-150 ppm: 闻起来不再敏感No longer smell it 250 ppm: 感到令人作呕、头痛、眩晕、有呕吐气味Feel nauseous, head

41、ache, dizzy, vomiting, 500-700ppm: 令人倒下,死亡Knock a person down and kill them,74,营养与空气质量Nutrition and Air quality,75,营养与空气质量 Nutrition and air quality,猪饲料会对毒气和气味有重要的影响The pigs diet has a significant impact on gas and odor emission 修改猪日粮会改变气体排放而影响空气质量Modifying the pigs diet can alter these gaseous emis

42、sion and impact air quality 减少粗蛋白,降低氨基酸水平Reducing crude protein with synthetic amino acids,76,营养和空气质量 Nutrition and air quality,添加饲料添加剂改变PH值以减少气味和气体排放Addition of feed additives that alter pH reduce odors and gaseous emissions 在猪的消化道添加微生物制剂减少毒气的排放Manipulation of the microflora in the pigs digestive t

43、ract reduces gas emissions 可以利用可消化的中性洗涤纤维DigNDF is a good tool,77,粉尘 Dust,78,空气尘埃 Airborne dust 高浓度的空气粉尘可以影响猪的生长效果,一旦粉尘刺激猪的肺部,会提高猪的呼吸道疾病发病率High levels of airborne dust can influence pig performance since dust irritates the lungs, increasing the opportunity for respiratory disease 高浓度的空气尘埃更应注意对人的关心Hi

44、gh dust levels are of greater concern to people,79,猪舍的粉尘 Hog Dust 一种生物学上的活跃的物质 A biologically active material,80,粉尘 Hog Dust 粉尘一旦附着上细菌和有害气体,就会成为具有生物活性的物质Hog dust is a biologically active material since bacteria and gases attach to dust particles 可以成为猪场内病原体传播的载体This provides a vehicle for pathogens t

45、o travel throughout the facility,81,呼吸的粉尘Respiratory dust 呼吸进的粉尘(小于5微米)进入人的呼吸道并且进入肺泡,即肺部进行氧气交换的区域The respiratory dust (particle less than 5 micometers) enters into the human respiratory tract and into the alveoli, which is the important area for oxygen exchange in the lung 小于5微米的粉尘会对肺脏造成伤害 Particles

46、 less than 5 micrometers are damaging to the lungs,82,猪舍里什么是粉尘的来源?What are dust sources in swine building?,83,猪舍中粉尘的来源 Dust sources in swine building 饲料:淀粉颗粒和谷物颗粒Feed: Starch granule and grain meal 猪的排泄物:细菌、内脏上皮细胞、未经消化的食物Swine fecal material: bacteria, gut epithelial cells and undigested feed 猪的皮屑Sw

47、ine dander 霉菌Mold 花粉和草籽Pollen and grains 昆虫Insect parts,84,哪里是猪舍里粉尘的起源?Where does the house dust originate? 饲料造成80%,猪的排泄物造成15%的粉尘Feed represents about 80% while fecal material comprises about 15% of hog house dust 其它的部分是由猪的皮屑、霉菌、花粉和草籽、昆虫组成The remaining portion of dust consists of swine dander, mold,

48、 pollen and grains, and insect parts,85,呼吸进粉尘的最大量 (毫克/立方米) Maximum levels of respiratory dust (mg/cubic meter),人 Man: 2.5 猪 Pig: 4.5 平均值 Average found: 6.0 通常 Often 10 to 20,86,湿度 Humidity,87,潮湿的来源 Source of Humidity,环境中的湿气或水蒸气来自猪的呼吸、溅出的水、粪便和房子表面的蒸发 Humidity or water vapor enters the environment fro

49、m pig respiration, spilled water, manure and evaporation from building surfaces 主要的湿气来自于猪的呼吸The major source of humidity is from animals breathing,88,房间内湿气过高的标志 Signs that humidity may be too high in a room,额外的水从天花板滴下Excess water dripping from ceiling 额外的水在窗户或门上Excess water found on the inside of the window or door 饲槽和门上的粉尘经撞击后可以形成球状Dust can be rolled into a ball when swiped up from the top of a feeder or gate,89,每天湿气的产生(45公斤) Daily Humidity Production (45kg pigs),猪头数 No. of pigs 200 300 水 Kg of water 363 545 (根据猪的规模和体重,和粪便处理系统Depends on the size and weight of anim


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