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1、数字信息服务的知识产权风险与预防,http:/ 点,数字信息服务面临的知识产权风险 国际立场 预防建议,http:/ 数字化技术 版权制度运行机制 终端用户 法律的变化,http:/ 作品网络上载 数据库 馆藏文献数字化 软件平台提供 转载与网络文献传递,http:/ 学位论文传递 元数据管理与开放描述 资源集成 情报与知识服务 开放内容 抗辩事由,http:/ 1990年9月7日七届全国人大常委会15次会议通过,2001年10月27日修改 中华人民共和国著作权法实施条例,自2002年9月15日起施行 信息网络传播权保护条例(自2006年7月1日起施行) 关于审理涉及计算机网络知识产权问题的司

2、法解释(年月),http:/ 1992年10月加入 1952世界版权公约 1992年10月加入 1961保护表演者、录制者和广播组织罗马公约 1971保护录音制品制作者禁止未经许可录制其录音制品日内瓦公约 1993年4月加入 1996 版权条约在中国生效 1996录音制品条约在中国生效 正在谈判的其他条约草案,http:/ 保障数字化资源的利用 保障图书馆高效地运行 信息资源自主知识产权 建设健康文化 提升在政府眼中的地位 融资,http:/ 缩小了公有领域 集体管理组织管理权利的机制 扩大了专有权的范围权 缩小了合理使用与法定许可使用的范围,http:/ 增加了技术措施与权利管理信息的规定

3、转载或作为文摘、资料刊登他人作品的,应当自使用该作品之日起个月内向著作权人支付报酬 规定了法定赔偿制度和全面充分赔偿原则 增加了诉前临时禁令和财产保全制度,http:/ 增加了对侵犯著作权的民事制裁措施 增加了出版者、复制品制作者注意的义务 过错推定原则 信息网络传播权,http:/ 将传统作品数字化属于复制 数字化作品在网络上传输是一种独立的对作品的使用行为,http:/ 提供链接服务者在知道所链接的信息侵权后仍不采取相应措施构成侵权 网络服务者有应要求提供其他侵权人注册资料的义务,否则应承担侵权责任 有利于提高司法效率的网络案件管辖权规定,http:/ 国际出版商协会 美国研究图书馆协会

4、美国全国人文科学同盟 美国科学院等,http:/ 欧盟知识产权联盟 电子前沿基金会 发展中国家 内容开放运动,http:/ positions on IP in digital age,国际图书馆协会联合会(IFLA) 国际出版商协会(International Publishers Copyright Council ,IPCC) U.S. National Humanities Alliance U. S. IP Rights and the Emerging Information Infrastructure European Union Law Some Scholars Views

5、,http:/ position:数字化的没有什么不同(Digital is not Different),Balanced Copyright is for everybody Digital is not Different To ensure permitted uses apply equally to information in electronic form and information in print Information resource sharing ,http:/ position:数字化的没有什么不同(Digital is not Different),借阅(l

6、ending) 保护与保存(preservation and conservation) 契约和复本保护系统(contracts and copy protection systems ) 版权侵权的责任(liability for copyright infringement ) 维持版权人和用户之间利益的平衡的原则概要,http:/ position:数字化是不同的 (Digital is Different),数字化是不同的(digital is different) 数字化作品版权保护需要新规则(digital versions of works need copyright prot

7、ection adequate to their nature) 关于合理使用 应创立新权利 并不是所有的图书馆和所有的出版者都一样对待(not all libraries nor all publishers are equivalent),http:/ 有关合理使用、图书馆及其他相关条文应得到保存。 必须包括研究图书馆对电子信息进行档案管理和保存的条文。允许图书馆使用各种信息技术保存电子信息。,http:/ Humanities Alliance Basic Principles for Managing Intellectual Property In the Digital Envir

8、onment,Copyright law provisions for digital works should maintain a balance between the interests of creators and copyright owners and the public that is equivalent to that embodied in current statute. The existing legal balance is consonant with the educational ethic of responsible use of intellect

9、ual properties, promotes the free exchange of ideas, and protects the economic interests of copyright holders,http:/ 数字千年版权法,http:/ 版权法应当鼓励为知识产权保持一种健全的公众使用的范围,这是保存知识和文化传统的必要条件 根据现行版权法,各种事实性的资料(如电话号码等)应属于公共领域,http:/ 各个学术教育机构应当培养一种尊重知识产权的环境,向其成员提供有关资料,保证由合适的资源澄清教学中使用的各种资料的版权问题,http:/ 实施版权法不应以某些产品也许会被用

10、于支持违反版权法的活动而妨碍其正常的研究活动。 版权行使不应妨碍研究,http:/ 煤窖中的金丝雀 保持利益平衡 知识产权仍然是适用的,但必须变革 从长远看待变革,http:/ 欧洲知识产权联盟关于用户利用图书馆数字化出版物权利的立场,http:/ 向公众传播权和提供获取权与图书馆 关于发行权与图书馆 关于技术措施保护和权利管理信息与图书馆 关于权利的例外、限制与图书馆 欧洲图书馆界的态度,http:/ scholars view,Everything you know about IP is wrong, John Perry Barlow , 1995 Should we begin di

11、gging copyrights grave ? T. C. Vinjie,2000 Why Lawmaking for Global IP is Unbalance, P. Gerhart 2000 Offering Cake for the South EIPR ,2000,http:/ 我们需要找出一套新的方法以适应全新的环境。 他们仍在用法律的无理扩张或强制力来处理问题,好象以往的法律还可以拿来用似的。他们错了。,http:/ 特别权(Sui generis right) WIPO版权条约,美国数字千年版权法1998 版权走到尽头了吗?Should we begin digging c

12、opyrights grave ? T. C. Vinjie,2000,http:/ 对你的知识产权财富进行评估 对你面临的知识产权风险进行评估 建立知识产权工作制度,http:/ 华信捷诉中国机械信息研究院案 图书馆的知识产权 国家科技图书文献中心 国家科学数字图书馆,http:/ 中国经济信息社诉万方数据等 海口网威科技有限公司案 阳光数据公司诉霸才数据公司 多家杂志社诉维普公司案 出版社诉数字图书馆版式设计权案 超星版权案 全国人大、政协专家关注数字图书馆的公益性,http:/ 诉 New York Times 案 Dmitry Sklyarov案 NAPSTER案 PROCD案,htt

13、p:/ 从点-面传播到点-点传播 互动与个性化 边际曲线的变化 侵权隐蔽 容易 作者、出版者与读者金三角的坍塌 网信息社会刚刚起步,知识产权政策难以确定,http:/ is king (OCLC),E-content, or e-text is, generally, any textual information that is available in a digitally encoded human-readable format and read by electronic means, but more specifically it refers to files in the

14、ASCII text file format. an ebook,ejournal, emusic, ecoursware and so on.,http:/ is king (OCLC),All kinds of digitized content (music, books, documents, video). Generally, all information that is capable of being stored in digital format can be e-content.,http:/ in Libraries,Library Web Sites (the pa

15、ges of information, data, text, images, graphics, hyperlinks or computer code published on, or available via the world wide web, which are under the ownership or control of Kings and from which a hyperlink has been created to these terms and conditions) Library and Consortia Catalogs Full Text Datab

16、ases Electronic journals E-Books CD-ROMs and DVDs E-databases,http:/ of e-content:,E-reference database, such as:ISI:SCI,SSCI,A&HCI,BIOSIS Preview Full-text dadabase, such as:ProQuest:ABI/INFORM ,ARL,PQDD(A) ,PQDD(FullText),http:/ is the copyright holder of e-content?,As a principle of Chinese Copyr

17、ight Law, copyright belongs to the author. According to Article 11, the copyright of a work shall belong to its author, unless otherwise provided in the Law. The author of a work is the person who has created the work. When a work is created according to the intention and under the supervision and r

18、esponsibility of a legal entity or other organization, such legal entity or organization shall be deemed to be the author of the work. The citizen, legal entity or other organization whose name is mentioned in connection with a work shall, in the absence of proof to the contrary, be deemed to be the

19、 author of the work. The copyright holder of the print material and its digital format is the same. There are no fundamental differences between the two. In Chinese Copyright Law, there are no additional rules which separate the belonging of the copyright of the print or digital material; therefore,

20、 when the copyright and the permission of use is not transferred, the person who creates the work or the legal entity or organization who is responsible for the work is the copyright holder of the work. Article 12 reads: “Where a work is created by adaptation, translation, annotation or arrangement

21、of a preexisting work, the copyright in the work thus created shall be enjoyed by the adapter, translator, annotator or arranger, provided that the exercise of such copyright shall not prejudice the copyright in the original work.” The digitization of print materials is a simple act of duplication,

22、not a creative activity; therefore, it does not generate any new copyright.,http:/ publishing,In 1994, several Chinese information technology companies began marketing electronic databases to serve Chinese academic institutions, libraries, and government agencies. While initially focusing on CD-ROM

23、formats, Chinese products followed larger market trends, user demand, and the growing accessibility of information technology by switching from CD-ROMs to Internet access. Within a single decade, the industry has witnessed rapid growth in both the number of companies and the variety of products. Ele

24、ctronic databases, especially full-text databases of Chinese publications, emerged like bamboo shoots after a spring rain. All of Chinas top universities and hundreds of smaller academic institutions throughout China began to subscribe to a wide array of new databases. An increasing number of Americ

25、an academic institutions have initiated or expanded their course offerings related to the study of Asia. Over 230 colleges and universities offer an undergraduate major in Asian studies or East Asian studies. (see Yurong Y. Atwill 2005) Tsinghua Tongfang Optical Disc Company (TTOD) Chongqing VIP Inf

26、ormation Consulting Company (VIP) Wanfang Data,http:/ of e-content:,E-reference database, such as:ISI:SCI,SSCI,A&HCI,BIOSIS Preview Full-text dadabase, such as:ProQuest:ABI/INFORM ,ARL,PQDD(A) ,PQDD(FullText) E-fact databases:,http:/ library collections,NLC Shanghai Library Provincial library Academ

27、y library Rare books Images Newspapers Magazines Reference books,http:/ e-content,Started in 1997 Science Online ,36 consortia for different databases National library consortia Academic library consortia Special library consortia Regional library consortia Cooperated with 27 publishers/database ven

28、dors (ProQuest, EBSCO, Academic Press, China InfoBank, IOP, John Wiley, Kluwer, Nature, RSC, ISI, Science, Gale, Ei, OCLC, CSA, IEEE, Elsevier, Springer, ACM, AIP, APS,Royal Society, Maney) Total:112 database Reference databases(abstracts and index):SCI, SSCI,AHCI,Ei,INSPEC,CSA,OCLC FirstSearch,WOSP

29、(ISTP+ISSHP),BIOSIS,PQDD Full-text databases ARL,PQDD全文,ABI,ASE,ASP,BSE,BSP,IEL, Factual databases Genome Database, China InfoBank, Gale Resource Center, JCR, E-journal Science, Nature, Kluwer, Elsevier, IOP, RSC, Springer, John Wiley, IDEAL, AIP, APS, ACM, Maney, Royal Society E-book NetLibrary 112

30、 databases 12,000 full-text e-journals Member libraries involved in:More than 5600 academic libraries,about 100 special libraries and public libraries,http:/ e-content,Consortium organizers includes National Project e.g.:CSDL,NSTL,CALIS Regional Project,e.g.:Shanghai Education Network Library,Shangh

31、ai Library,Jiangsu Academic Library and Information System Funding from the government and related library,http:/ cost declines,During the year 2003-2005,there are 31 university libraries each download PQDD over 40000 titles. download per paper cost from RMB 8.74 Yan to RBM 6.06 Yuan. (by Yan Yi, Qi

32、nhua University),http:/ cost declines,http:/ Book Spending Down,Library Book Spending DownThe Survey of Academic Libraries, 2002 Edition, shows that U.S. academic library purchases of print resources are down precipitously:6 percent from 2000 to 2001, and 8 percent in 2002. (Against the Grain, Nov.

33、2002.),http:/ Book Spending Down,Rick Anderson, University of Nevada, Reno, believes that five years from now “research journals will be published almost entirely online.” (Against the Grain, Sept. 2002.) Large scientific publishers have primary titles onlineIn 1994, fewer than 75 peer-reviewed, ele

34、ctronic journals existed. In 1998, 30 percent of titles cited in Science Citation Index were online. In 2002, 75 percent of journals cited in Science Citation Index, and 63 percent of journals cited in Social Sciences Citation Index were available electronically. (Library Journal, Apr. 15, 2002.) By

35、 OCLC 2004,http:/ expanding, ePrint Archives ExpandingOne prominent example,ArXiv Scholarly Articles AccessibleStevan Harnad observed Theses & Dissertations Digital Electronic Theses & Dissertations Increasing More College Courses AvailableAccording to results Digital project wordwide: Digitization

36、Projects,http:/ expanding,Widespread Involvement in Digitization Projects commercial digitization expanding national digitization growing state and local projects increasing Google ,yahoo Other,http:/ E-Journal increased quickly,http:/ copyright special From the view of copyright owner,Copyright has

37、 always been a tension between owners and users Machine readable materials pose particular problems for copyright owners easier to be copied high quality easily sent to many other people low cost copying difficulty in policing such actions different countries have different rules and traditions rega

38、rding copyright,http:/ the view of enforcement,law evidence jurisdiction cross board or region,http:/ the view of library,public access to information increase in powers of rights owners and a decrease in the ability of users to gain access to materials fair use of content easy to infringing copyrig

39、ht technology measure and right management,http:/ the view of library,balance between copyright and public good libraries use E-Content purchased Protect Copyright Protect library,http:/ copyright holders of the Printed Materials and their Digital Content are same one,The digitization of print mater

40、ials is a simple act of duplication, and it does not generate new copyright. There are no fundamental differences between the two types of copyrights Please reference to 2003 interpretation by The Supreme Peoples Court, Art.2 and 3,http:/ Strategies: general,Some crucial areas librarians should look for in the contracts to ensure that those e-resources purchased can be used to support activities of regular teaching and research needs at the library. To avoid of the risk of copyright infringement, the library should take the


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