2019人教版(新目标)初中七下Unit4 I want to be an actor. ppt课件1.ppt

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《2019人教版(新目标)初中七下Unit4 I want to be an actor. ppt课件1.ppt》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《2019人教版(新目标)初中七下Unit4 I want to be an actor. ppt课件1.ppt(32页珍藏版)》请在三一文库上搜索。

1、,Unit 4-1 I want to be an actor. A: 1a, 1b, 1c,淘课件网,,淘课件网-免费提供课件、教案、试题、论文、计划、总结、说课、反思、手抄报、等资源.并且所有资料无须注册免费下载. 淘课件网是您永远的学习伴侣!,http:/ 用上面的地址免费下载,a student,-What does he do? -He is ,a teacher,school,-What does she do? -She is ,-Where does she work? -She works in a ,an actor,an actress,a waitress,a wait

2、er,in a restaurant,a shop assistant,supermarket,shop,a bank clerk,bank,a policewoman,in a police station,a policeman,policemen,policewomen,in a hospital,a nurse,a doctor,a reporter,in a TV station,CCTV,jobs,student,teacher,actor,actress,waiter,bank clerk,waitress,shop assistant,policewoman,policeman

3、,doctor,nurse,reporter,work places,bank,school,TV station,police station,restaurant,supermarket,shop,hospital,bank,shop,TV station,police station,hospital,Match the jobs with the work places :,restaurant,1a Match the words and the pictures.,1.shop assistant_ 2.doctor_ 3.actor_ 4.reporter_ 5.policema

4、n _ 6.waiter_ 7.bank clerk _ 8.student _,f,b,h,c,a,d,e,g,1,2,3,1b,Listen and number the people 1-3 in the pictures.,Listen and say the months in a year.,Lets play a guessing game.,a student,Is he/she a/an ?,a waiter,Is he/she a/an ?,a nurse,Is he/she a/an ?,a policeman,Is he/she a/an ?,a reporter,Is

5、 he/she a/an ?,Ask and answer.,A:What does he do?,A: What does he want to be?,B: He wants to be an actor.,B: He works in a restaurant.,A: Where does he work?,B: He is a waiter.,What does do? He/She is a Where does work? He/She works What does he/she want to be? He/She wants to be a/an ,Lily,Mr Wang,

6、Miss Chen,Alan,Make a survey,Ask and answer about your partners family.,Report: Bills is a/an He works in He wants to be a/an,A: Betty, what _ your father _? B: Hes a doctor. A: Do you _ to _ a doctor? B: Oh, no, I want _ _a teacher. A: What does your mother do, then? B: She _ a shop assistant. A: _

7、 _ she work? B: She works in a shop. A: What about your brother? B: He _ a student .He _ to be a policeman.,does,do,want,be,to,be,is,Where,does,wants,is,sum up,Words: Jobs: Workplaces:,actor actress waiter waitress doctor nurse student teacher policeman policewoman reporter shop assistant bank clerk

8、,bank restaurant hospital TV station police station,淘课件网,,淘课件网-免费提供课件、教案、试题、论文、计划、总结、说课、反思、手抄报、等资源.并且所有资料无须注册免费下载. 淘课件网是您永远的学习伴侣!,http:/ 用上面的地址免费下载,sum up,Sentence structures:,ask other peoples job: talk about what you want to be: ask peoples work places:,What do you/they do? What does he/she do?,What do you/they want to be?,What does he/she want to be?,Where do you/they work? Where does he/she work?,Thank you for attending !,Goodbye !,


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