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1、第五章 战略管理,MISSION, VISION, AND VALUES STATEMENT使命、愿景与价值观,Concisely, the mission is the purpose the organization exists (e.g., to bring high quality new plays about contemporary issues facing the world we live in). The vision is what the organization sees will be the outcome of pursuing this mission (

2、e.g., we will gain a better understanding of how we can work together to make our world and community a better place to live). Finally, the values articulate what the organization holds most important in the process of pursuing its mission and vision (e.g., we value the input of our creative team, s

3、taff, board members, and our community in shaping our choice of the issues we focus on in the creation of new plays),Mission=,麦肯锡公司(愿景与使命合一)帮助杰出的公司和政府更为成功 1.为高层管理综合研究和解决管理上的问题和机遇。 2.对高层主管所面临的各种抉择方案提供全面的建议。 3.预测今后发展中可能出现的新问题和各种机会,制定及时且务实的对策。 迪斯尼公司愿景:成为全球的超级娱乐公司 迪斯尼公司使命:使人们过得快活 迪斯尼公司价值观极为注重一致性和细节刻画;通过

4、创造性、梦幻和大胆的想象不断取得进步;严格控制、努力保持迪斯尼“魔力”的形象 IBM公司使命无论是一小步,还是一大步,都要带动人类的进步 IBM公司价值观成就客户、创新为要、诚信负责,mission,Southwest Airlines: The mission of Southwest Airlines is dedication to the highest quality of Customer Service delivered with a sense of warmth, friendliness, individual pride, and Company Spirit.,str

5、ategic plan,a strategic plan is a set of comprehensive plans designed to marshal all of the resources available to the arts organization for the purpose of meeting defined goals and objectives derived from the mission, vision, and value statements,Strategy Example: McDonalds,Strategic priorities Con

6、tinued growth Providing exceptional customer care Remaining an efficient and quality producer Offering high value and tasting products Effectively marketing McDonalds brand on a global scale,Core Elements of McDonalds Strategy,Add 2500 restaurants annually Promote frequent customer visits via attrac

7、tive menu items, low-price specials, and Extra Value Meals Be highly selective in granting franchises Locate on sites offering convenience to customers and profitable growth potential Focus on limited menu and consistent quality Careful attention to store efficiency Extensive advertising and use of

8、Mc logo Hire courteous (polite) personnel; pay an equitable wage; provide good training,宏观环境分析 行业竞争特点分析 顾客价值竞争要素分析 内部资源 能力分析 总体战略、分析工具及总体战略运用,WPP集团公司:无机成长策略,出版年:2004 作者:Shalini,Sumit库马尔乔德赫瑞 行业:广告 地区:英国 案件编号:MCS002 Under the leadership of its CEO, Sir Martin P Sorrell, the UK-based WPP Group Plc. has

9、 transformed itself from a small basket manufacturing company to one of the leading advertising conglomerates in the world. The growth has been mainly through acquisitions. For the year ending December 31 st 2003, WPP Group Plc., the worlds second largest marketing communications services company, h

10、ad revenues of 4,106 million。,the inorganic growth strategies of WPP by developing networks in important markets and sectors. A growth in the operations of a business that arises from mergers or takeovers, rather than an increase in the companies own business activity. Firms that choose to grow inor

11、ganically can gain access to new markets and fresh ideas that become available through successful mergers and acquisitions. In 1987 the Company acquired J. Walter Thompson (including JWT, Hill & Knowlton and MRB Group) for $566m. The Company was first listed on the NASDAQ in 1988.In 1989 it acquired

12、 Ogilvy Group for $864m and in 1998 formed an alliance with Asatsu-DK Inc. of Japan.日本第3大广告集团旭通 电通及博报堂In October 2008, the Company acquired market research firm TNS for 1.6 billion.-央视索福瑞,1997年总部位于英国的Taylor Nelson AGB与总部位于法国的Sofres公司合并形成了TNS。合并前的两个公司均是市场研究行业1960年以来的佼佼者。,1997年12月4日央视市场研究股份有限公司与Taylor Nelson Sofres共同建立合资公司央视-索福瑞媒介研究(CSM)为中国传媒行业提供可信的、不间断的电视观众调查服务,CSM拥有世界上最大的电视观众收视调查网络,调查网覆盖150多个市(县)、2.5万余户家庭、超过8万样本人口,对全国近700个主要电视频道的收视情况进行全天候不间断地监测。,广州日报,广州日报蓝海战略伞状竞争结构与广州日报的“蓝海战略” http:/ 战略 湖南卫视 华谊兄弟公司等 战略 Pixar等 战略 盛大网络 等战略 德云社 等 战略 奥美 等战略 山东商报 等战略 中青旅等 战略 中超 等 战略 泰山旅游等 战略,


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