2019外贸函电英文课件unit 8.ppt

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1、International Business English Correspondence,杨晓辉 13972241852,By learning this unit, students should master the different sorts of payment terms command knowledge about Letter of Credit grasp the expressions in letters concerning L/C be able to write a letter involving terms of payment,Unit 8 Terms

2、of Payment,Teaching objectives,Unit 8 Payment Terms and L/C,Introduction,Instruments of payment Cash Credit card Draft / Bill of Exchange Bankers Draft and Commercial Draft Clean Draft and Documentary Draft Sight Draft and Time Draft Promissory Note Check,Introduction,Terms of Payment Remittance Rem

3、itter Payee / Beneficiary Remitting bank Paying bank Telegraphic Transfer T/T Mail Transfer M/T Demand Draft D/D Payment in advance Cash with order Cash with delivery Open account trade,Introduction,Terms of Payment Collection Principal Payer / Drawee Remitting bank Collecting bank Presenting bank C

4、lean collection Documentary collection Documents against Payment at sight ( after sight ) Documents against Acceptance,Introduction,Terms of Payment Letter of Credit Applicant / opener Beneficiary Opening bank/ issuing bank Advising/ Notifying bank Negotiating bank Paying/ Drawee bank Confirmed bank

5、 SWIFT = Society for Worldwide Interbank Financial Telecommunication 在信用证开立方面,已大量使用“环球银行金融电讯协会网络系统”,它较电传更直接快速,且安全可靠。,Letter of Credit 单数为a Letter of Credit,复数为Letters of Credit 单数为an L/C,复数为Ls/C ( credits ) letter of credit available by draft at sight; letter of credit payable against sight draft. L

6、/C available by draft at 30 days after sight; 30 days ( usance / time / term ) L/C,About L/C,As to our terms of payment, we usually adopt confirmed and irrevocable letters of credit in our favor. terms of payment支付条款,国际买卖合同中支付条款主要包括支付工具、支付方式、支付时间与地点等内容。 in ones favor (或in favor of sb.) 以为受益人(受款人) We

7、 have already applied to the bank for an L/C to be opened in your favor. 我方已向银行申请开立以贵方为受益人的信用证。,We still have not received your covering Letter of Credit to date. covering 有关的,relevant / relative Please see to it that the goods we ordered are shipped upon receipt of the covering L/C. to date 迄今为止,up

8、 to date / up to now We are sending you the remittance in payment of all commissions due to you up to date.,We have established today with the National Bank the confirmed, irrevocable Letter of Credit No.6783 in your favor for the amount of FRF62,000 by sight draft accompanied by a full set of the s

9、hipping documents. We have today instructed our bank, the Frank Bank in London, to open in your favor a confirmed irrevocable letter of credit with partial shipment and transshipment allowed clause, available by draft at sight, against (surrendering) the full set of shipping documents to the negotia

10、ting bank. confirmed, irrevocable L/C 保兑的、不可撤销的信用证(对出口商最有利)。 a full set of the shipping documents 全套装运单据,一般指代表货物所有权或证明货物已装运的运输单据、商业发票、保险单,以及商检证书、海关发票、产地证书、装箱单等。,Urging earlier payment The following items totaling ( amounting to ) $4000 are still open on your account. 贵方欠款总计为4000美元。 It is now several

11、 weeks since we sent you our first invoice and we have not yet received any of your payment. 我们的第一份发票已经寄出有好几周了,但我们尚未收到你的任何款项。 We are wondering about your plans for paying your account which, as you know, is now overdue more than 40 days. 我方想了解一下你的付款计划,要知道,你方付款已经逾期四十多天了。 We must now ask you to settle

12、 this account within the next few days. 请务必在这几日内结清这笔账款。,In view of the small amount of this transaction, we are prepared to accept payment by D/P at sight for the value of the goods shipped. 鉴于此次交易金额较小,我方准备接受即期付款交单的付款方式,金额相当于已装船的货物价值。 As the value of this order is rather small, we trust you would ag

13、ree to our making payment by mail transfer after receipt of the documents. 因交易金额很小,相信贵方会同意我方收到单据后再邮寄货款。 We regret to say that the payment terms stipulated in your order are unacceptable to us. 很遗憾,贵方订单中规定的付款条件不被我方接受。 As we must adhere to our customary practice, we sincerely hope that you will not th

14、ink us unaccommodating. 因我方必须遵循惯例操作,真诚希望贵方勿以为我方不予方便。,Urging establishment of L/C Please open the relevant L/C in time to ensure the fulfillment of the order. Wed like to remind you that ( You are invited to note the fact that ) it was agreed, when you placed the order, that you would establish the r

15、equired L/C upon receipt of our S/C. As to your order No. 2439, we wish to draw your attention to the fact that the delivery date is approaching, but up to the present we have not received the covering L/C. Please do your utmost to expedite the establishment of L/C, so that we may execute the order

16、within prescribed time.,Asking for amendment to L/C After checking ( On perusal ), we find that transshipment is not allowed ( delivery in September is required ). It would be to our mutual benefit if we could ship immediately whatever is ready instead of waiting for the whole shipment to be complet

17、ed. ( Therefore, we are asking you to amend your L/C to read “Partial shipment and transshipment allowed”) We found that the amount in your L/C is insufficient. The correct total CIF New York value of your order comes to US$ 2,750.00 instead of US$ 2,550.00, the difference being US$ 200.00. In view

18、of the above, you are kindly required to increase the amount of your L/C by US$ 200.00 ( to US$ 3570.00).,a. 因工厂罢工, 要求延长信用证期限: We are afraid the L/C may expire before shipment because of the strike in our factory. Therefore please explain our situation to your customers and try to get their consent

19、to extend the L/C to August 31. 因我方工厂发生罢工,恐怕信用证将在装船前到期。因此请向贵方客户解释我方处境,并使他们同意将信用证延期到8月31日。 b. 由于船位不足,请求延长信用证的期限: In spite of our effort, we find it impossible to secure space for the shipment owing to the unusual shortage of shipping space. 虽然我们已尽力,但由于舱位异常短缺,我们仍然不可能保证贵方货物的舱位。,c. 答应延长信用证的期限: As reques

20、ted in your letter of April 10, we have instructed our bankers to extend the L/C No. 1025 up to and including October 31. Therefore you will receive the extension advice by this weekend. 如贵方4月10日信函中要求,我方已指示我方银行将1025号信用证延期到并包括10月31日。因此贵方本周末将收到延期通知书。,Summary and supplement,Instruments of payment Terms of Payment Usage of Letter of Credit How to urge the payment of goods How to urge the establishment of L/C How to ask for amendment of a letter of credit,


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