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1、Unit 3Unit 3 SectionSection Warming Up Warming Up and for $999, hed write 50. At one point, Todd was making more than $28,000 per month; and one of his clients (客户) (John Locke) became a bestselling author because of Todds reviews. So, just be careful when you are looking for reviews of the things y

2、ou need on the Internet. 【文章大意】 本文是说明文。作者主要对网上购物后产品或服务质量的评语提出了质疑。 9Which of the following words can best describe RJ Ellory? AProud. BFriendly. CImpolite. DDishonest. 解析:D 推理判断题。由第三段中的 writing 5star reviews of his own books 和 RJ also wrote unkind reviews of his competitors books 可知,RJ Ellory这个人很不诚实,

3、 故选 D 项。 10What do we know about the Cove Hotel? AIt is the most popular hotel on TripAdvisor. 3 BIt is close to the city center but has poor service. CIt is not as good as what people say on the Internet. DIt allows guests to pay less if they write reviews. 解析:C 细节理解题。由第四段中的 the Cove Hotel in Cornw

4、all was caught giving guests discounts if they wrote “honest but positive” reviews以及两位顾客的评语可知, 这家宾馆实际上并没有评语说的那么好,故选 C 项。 11GettingBookReviews. com _. Amade John Locke a popular writer Boffers 50 reviews at most for one book Cwas created by Todd Rutherford in 2000 Dis a good website to learn about ne

5、w books 解 析 : A 细 节 理 解 题 。 由 最 后 一 段 中 的 American Todd Rutherford created GettingBookR 和 one of his clients (John Locke) became a bestselling author because of Todds reviews 可知,在该网站的宣传下 John Locke成了一名畅销书作家, 故选 A 项。 .七选五 Easy and relaxing novels, like love stories and actionpacked mystery stories, a

6、re popular in summer. Many people who take a holiday in summer want to read such books to relax. _1_ Instead, you can choose something better, according to a recent paper. Researchers studied 65 MBA students on what they read most frequently. _2_ As the result shows, the students who read academic (

7、学术的) journals and wellwritten novels were likely to do better in writing than those who read easy and relaxing novels. They also did better than those who did all of their reading through onlineonly news sources, like BuzzFeed or The Huffington Post. Study author Yellowlees Douglas told The Boston G

8、lobe“, _3_ You should think twice when choosing what to read.” _4_ Thats what the study authors say. “Surprisingly, the reading materials we provide most frequently for our students are not that good. They may be more closely like the simple sentences our students read on BuzzFeed than those they wo

9、uld read in, for example, The Big Short”, the study authors wrote. Of course, thats not to say you should give up reading altogether. _5_ For example, it leads to better sleep and reduced stress. Also, if you enjoy fiction, youll have a more developed sense of empathy (移情) ASuch books can really hel

10、p people relax. BChildren should read textbooks less than before. CHowever, youd better avoid such books in summer. DEven reading the easy and relaxing novels does good to us. EAnd poorlywritten textbooks may be the worst example of all. FThen they compared the students writing skills with their rea

11、ding habits GIf you spend all your time reading through BuzzFeed, your writing is going to suffer. 【文章大意】 研究发现,读什么样的书对我们的写作会有不同的影响。 解析: 1C 根据下文的 Instead, you can choose something better, according to a recent paper.可知,这里建议我们这个夏季不要读这样的书籍。 2F 根据下文的 the students who read academic journals and wellwritt

12、en novels were likely to do better in writing than those .可知,那些研究人员还比较了阅读习 惯对写作能力的影响,故选 F 项。 3G 根据上文的 They also did better than those who did all of their reading throughonlineonly news sources, like BuzzFeed .可知,如果花所有时间读网站上的文字 也不好。 4E 根据下文的 Surprisingly, the reading materials we provide most frequently 4 for our students are not that good.可知,这里是指教科书上面的文字也不是很好。 5D 根据上文的 thats not to say you should give up reading altogether.可知, 作者并不建议我们彻底不读书,因为即使简单、让人放松的书对人也是有好处的。 5


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