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1、以优化瘤胃健康来提高奶牛营养效率 Enhancing Nutritional Efficiency in Dairy Cattle through Improved Rumen Health,Ilkyu Yoon, Ph. D. 尹日奎 博士 Diamond V 美国达农威公司 October, 2012,中国奶业进展 China Dairy Industry,Dr. J. X. Liu, 2012 刘建新教授 , 2012,奶牛头数,奶产量,奶牛头数 (百万头),产奶量 (百万公吨),高质量粗饲料短缺 Short of Good Quality Forages,China Ministry

2、of Agriculture (2008) 中国农业部 (2008),Dr. J. X. Liu, 2012 刘建新教授 , 2012,饲料效率变得越发重要 Feed Efficiency Becomes More Important,需求增加&竞争 Increased Demand & Competition,提高饲料效率 Improved Feed Efficiency,饲料成本增加 Increased Feed Cost,提高成本效率 Improved Cost Effectiveness,饲料资源有限 Limited Feed Resources,健康的瘤胃=效率最佳化 Healthy

3、 Rumen = Maximum Efficiency,瘤胃的健康总是受到挑战 Rumen Health Is Under Challenge,Ration Ingredient Variation,Feed Sorting,Limited Bunk Space,Inaccurate TMR Mixing,Forage Quality,Rumen Efficiency,Starch Fermentability,Heat Stress,Inconsistent Feed Delivery Time,粗饲料品质,淀粉发酵率,TMR混合不精确,饲料运送时间 不一致,饲槽空间不足,挑食精料,热应激,

4、日粮原料变异,提高瘤胃功能的独特技术: A Unique Technology That Enhances The Rumen Function: 达农威益康XP酵母培养物 Diamond V Yeast Culture,The PROCESS, perfected and improved over 69 years to ensure consistency and continuity in all our products 过程:超过69年的完美与改善来保障产品的一致性与连续性 The FORMULATIONS that produce the unique blend of meta

5、bolites that cannot be matched or duplicated 配方:生产出无可匹配且无法复制的、独特的代谢物组成 The TECHNOLOGY that continues to harness the benefits of fermentation in emerging ways, to deliver the most innovative solutions for our customers 发酵工艺:持续利用新兴工艺技术所得到的发酵好处,来为我们的客户提供最具创新性的解决方案,达农威微生物发酵工艺 Diamond V Microbial Ferment

6、ation,酵母扩繁系统,酵母膏,液态扩繁培养基原料,液态发酵,干燥谷物原料,发酵培养液,干混合压出物挤压处理,干混合压出物 混合,干混合压出物固态发酵,发酵后干混合压出物干燥,粉碎,完成的产品,发酵使结果不同 Fermentation makes the difference,Fermentation,Fermentation,发酵,发酵,2000X magnification,达农威酵母培养物 Diamond V Yeast Culture,http:/,Intracellular Components,细胞外代谢产物,小肽,蛋白质,核苷,寡糖,芳香化合物,有机酸,细胞内容物,蛋白酶,核酸

7、,蛋白质,铜,钙,赖氨酸,亮氨酸,锌,维生素A,维生素B,维生素E,小肽,酵母 细胞壁,达农威益康XP能优化瘤胃功能性 微生物的生长与平衡: Diamond V Yeast Culture maximizes the growth of functional rumen microbes and optimizes their balance: 维持瘤胃功能的关键者 The Key Players of Rumen Function,瘤胃三种主要的微生物 Three Major Rumen Microorganisms,Courtesy of Agriculture and Agri-Food

8、 Canada,正在作用中的瘤胃微生物 Rumen Microorganisms in Action,Harrison et al. 1988. J. Dairy Sci. 71:2967-2975. Wiedmeier et al. 1987. J. Dairy Sci. 70:2063-2068.,+30%,+58%,达农威益康XP增加瘤胃细菌总数 XP Increases Total Rumen Bacteria,每 毫 升 十 亿 个 菌 落 形 成 单 位,肯塔基大学,尤他州大,对照组,达农威益康,Harrison et al. 1988. J. Dairy Sci. 71:2967

9、-2975. Wiedmeier et al. 1987. J. Dairy Sci. 70:2063-2068.,+59% *P 0.05,+82% *P 0.05,达农威益康XP增加纤维分解菌的数量 XP Increases Fiber-digesting Bacteria,肯塔基大学,尤他州大,对照组,对照组,达农威益康,达农威益康,每 毫 升 十 亿 个 菌 落 形 成 单 位,每 毫 升 十 亿 个 菌 落 形 成 单 位,Callaway and Martin. 1997. J. Dairy Sci. 80:2035-2044.,Selenomonas ruminantium,Me

10、gasphaera elsdenii,*P 0.05,24 Hour Turbidity,达农威益康XP增加乳酸利用菌的数量 XP Increases Lactate-utilizing Bacteria,反刍月形单胞菌,埃及巨球形菌,光学密度,24小时培养液混浊度,对照组,1%益康XP滤液,5%益康XP滤液,Mao et al. 2012. Submitted.,*P 0.05,达农威益康XP增加瘤胃真菌数量 XP Increases Rumen Fungi,稻草,玉米秸秆,不带棒玉米青贮,带棒玉米青贮,对照组,每升1克益康XP,肉牛瘤胃中原生虫族群分布百分比 Percent generic

11、 distribution of rumen protozoa in steers,Arakaki et al., 2000. Anim. Feed Sci. & Technol. 84:121-127,533% 574%,* P 0.05,-21%,达农威益康XP平衡瘤胃原生虫族群 Balances Rumen Protozoal Population,Increases microbial protein synthesis,Improves oxygen scavenging,-15%,内毛虫属,等毛纤毛虫属,多毛属,前毛属,改进 氧气 清除,增加 微生物 蛋白 合成,达农威益康XP能优

12、化瘤胃环境: Diamond V Yeast Culture Optimizes Rumen Environment: - Stabilizes the rumen pH 稳定瘤胃酸碱值 - Enhances oxygen scavenging 增加瘤胃氧气清除 提高瘤胃效率 Improves Rumen Efficiency,瘤胃酸碱值与细菌族群 Rumen pH and Bacterial Population,瘤胃酸碱值,达农威益康XP维持较高的瘤胃酸碱值 XP Maintained Higher pH,瘤胃酸碱值,淀粉添加量,Diamond V, 2003,对照组,益康XP,达农威益康

13、XP能优化瘤胃环境: Diamond V Yeast Culture Optimizes Rumen Environment: - Stabilizes the rumen pH 稳定瘤胃酸碱值 - Enhances oxygen scavenging 增加瘤胃氧气清除 提高瘤胃效率 Improves Rumen Efficiency,瘤胃中的氧气清道夫 Oxygen Scavengers in The Rumen,Oxygen scavenging is an important aspect of some rumen bacteria and protozoa 氧气的清除,对某些瘤胃细菌

14、与原生虫而言是很重要的工作 Oxygen scavenging ruminal facultative anaerobic bacteria 具清除氧气功能之兼性厌氧细菌 Streptococcus bovis 牛链球菌 Lactobacillus acidophilus 嗜酸乳杆菌 Propionibacterium acnes 痤疮丙酸杆菌 Oxygen scavenging protozoa 具氧气清除功能之原生虫 Isotricha spp. 等毛(纤毛)属 Dasytricha spp. 多毛属,肉牛瘤胃中原生虫族群分布百分比 Percent generic distribution

15、 of rumen protozoa in steers,Arakaki et al., 2000. Anim. Feed Sci. & Technol. 84:121-127,533% 574%,* P 0.05,达农威益康XP平衡瘤胃原生虫族群 Balances Rumen Protozoal Population,Improves oxygen scavenging,等毛纤毛虫属,多毛属,改进 氧气 清除,达农威益康XP能改善瘤胃与消化道消化率: Diamond V Yeast Culture improves ruminal and total tract digestion: 提高瘤

16、胃效率 Improves Feed Efficiency,Sullivan and Martin. 1999. J. Dairy Sci. 82:2011-2016.,Yoon and Garrett. 1998. World Anim. Prod. Vol 1:322-323.,*P 0.05,益康XP提高瘤胃粗饲料消化率 XP Increases Ruminal Forage Digestibility,Corn silage digestion,Alfalfa and grass hay digestion,玉米青贮的消化,苜蓿及禾草的消化,百慕达干草,苜蓿干草,干物质,中洗纤维,酸洗纤

17、维,半纤维,消化率,消化率,益康XP,对照组,对照组,每升0.35克XP,每升0.73克XP,Yoon et al. 1999. J. Anim. Sci. 77(Suppl. 1):82.,益康XP增加全肠道精料消化率 XP Increases Concentrate Digestibility,未 消 化 玉 米 的 比 例,整粒玉米,部分玉米,总计,益康XP,对照组,达农威益康XP提高能量和蛋白的供应: Diamond V Yeast Culture increases energy and protein supply: 提高生产效率 Improves Production Effic

18、iency,益康XP增加能量(挥发性脂肪酸)的供给 XP Increases Energy (VFA) Supply,Miller-Webster et al., 2002. J. Dairy Sci. 85:2009-2014,+83% P 0.01,+15% P 0.04,每 日 挥 发 性 脂 肪 酸 產 量,乙酸,丙酸,总挥发性脂肪酸,对照组,麦可食,益康,益康XP增加瘤胃微生物蛋白至小肠的供给 Increases Microbial Protein Supply,1 Hristov et al., 2010. J. Dairy Sci. 93:682-692; Allen and Y

19、ing, 2012. J. Dairy Sci. 95: (In press),a,bP 0.1,达农威益康XP酵母培养物的作用机理 How Diamond V Yeast Culture Works?,Stimulates the growth of critical functional rumen microorganisms and optimizes their balance 增加瘤胃重要功能性微生物的增长与平衡 Stabilizes the rumen environment 稳定瘤胃的环境 Reduces lactate accumulation 降低乳酸在瘤胃的堆积 Incr

20、eases propionate to lactate ratio 提高瘤胃丙酸对乳酸的比例 Maintains higher rumen pH 保持较高的瘤胃酸碱值 Increases number of oxygen scavenging rumen microorganisms 增加瘤胃内能清除氧气的微生物 Improves ruminal and total tract digestion 增进瘤胃及全肠道消化 Increases energy and protein availability 增加能量及蛋白可利用率 Increases ruminal VFA production (

21、i.e. propionate) 增加瘤胃挥发性脂肪酸的产生(特别是丙酸) Increases microbial protein supply to the small intestine 增加瘤胃微生物蛋白至小肠的供给,使用达农威益康XP的应用意义 Practical Implication of Using Diamond V Yeast Culture,低质量粗饲料的体外发酵 Fermentation* of Low Quality Forages,*24 hr fermentation and XP at 1 g/L (24小时发酵,益康XP添加量每升1克) BOLD indicat

22、es significant differences at P 0.05 (加粗字体显示统计上有显著差异),Mao et al., 2012,中国奶牛的产能表现 Performance of Dairy Cows in China,7% increase 饲料效率提高7%,Zhang et al., 2012,中国奶牛的产能表现 Performance of Dairy Cows in China,9% increase 饲料效率提高9%,Zhang et al., 2012,奶牛研究总结 Research Summary 荟萃分析 Meta-analysis,Poppy et al., 20

23、12. J. Dairy Sci. 95: (In press),奶牛研究总结 Research Summary 荟萃分析 Meta-analysis,Poppy et al., 2012. J. Dairy Sci. 95: (In press),奶牛研究总结 Research Summary 荟萃分析 Meta-analysis,Poppy et al., 2012. J. Dairy Sci. 95: (In press),益康XP降低瘤胃酸中毒对瘤胃健康及 生产性能的影响 XP Reduces Negative Impact of Acidosis,Acidosis problems

24、瘤胃酸中毒 lactate producers 生产乳酸的微生物增加 rumen pH 瘤胃酸碱值降低 ruminal LPS 瘤胃脂多糖类增加 feed efficiency 饲料效率降低 milk fat content 乳脂率降低 milk production 产奶量降低,Diamond V solutions 达农威的解决方案 lactate utilizers 利用乳酸的微生物增加 rumen pH 瘤胃酸碱值提高 ruminal LPS 瘤胃脂多糖类降低 feed efficiency 饲料效率提高 milk fat content 乳脂率增加 milk production 产

25、奶量增加,益康XP维持了较高的乳脂百分比 XP Maintains Higher Milk Fat Concentration,Longuski et al., 2009. J. Dairy Sci. 92:160-167,正常状况下,日粮发酵淀粉挑战,乳脂百分比,对照组,益康XP,受日粮含高可发酵碳水化合物的挑战 Dietary Challenge: Fermentable carbohydrate,Longuski et al., 2009. J Dairy Sci. 92:160-167.,3.5% FCM,3.5 乳 脂 校 正 奶 量,公斤,对照组 益康组,非挑战日粮 挑战日粮,益康

26、XPC减少瘤胃内毒素的产生 Reduces Ruminal Endotoxin Production,Li et al., 2012. J. Dairy Sci. 95 (Suppl. 1),P = 0.13,正常状况下,瘤胃亚急性酸中毒,瘤胃脂多醣类浓度,对照组 益康组,益康XP可缓和热应激所造成的负面影响 XP Alleviates Impact of Heat Stress,Heat stress problems热应激的影响 rumen microbes 瘤胃微生物减少 rumen pH 瘤胃酸碱值降低 feed efficiency 饲料效率降低 glucose demand 牛只葡

27、萄糖需求增加,9 Heat Stress Trials 9个热应激试验,Milk Production, kg/d,环境挑战 Environmental Challenge 热应激 Heat stress,对照组 益康XP组,产奶量 (公斤/每天),Robinson et al., JAS., 1999,益康XP增加产奶早期牛只的干物质采食量XP Increases DMI in Early Lactation,产犊前后天数,每 日 干 物 质 采 食 量 的 公 斤 数,益康XP减少牛只在产奶早期的体脂动用 XP Reduces Tissue Mobilization Post-calvin

28、g,1Robinson and Garrett. 1999. JAS. 77:988-999; 2Dann et al., 2000. JDS. 83:123-127; 3Erasmus et al., 2005. AFST. 122:219-239; 4Robinson. 1997. JDS. 80:1119-1125,平均每日减少下降 0.22公斤 Average daily saving of 0.22 kg/d,头胎牛 经产牛 经产牛 头胎牛+经产牛 头胎牛+经产牛,每日体重改变公斤数,对照组 益康XP组,益康XP增加奶牛日粮能量浓度 XP Increases Energy Densi

29、ty of Dairy Rations,*Improved energy density of diets in early lactation cows (5.5%)! 产奶早期日粮能量浓度增加5.5,兆卡,兆卡,头胎牛+经产牛,头胎牛,经产牛,经产牛,经产牛,兆卡,Schingoethe et al., 2004. J. Dairy Sci. 87:4178-4181,益康XP提高饲料效率 XP Improves Feed Efficiency 南达科他州立大学研究,益康增加饲料效率8% South Dakota State University 8% improvement with X

30、P,a,b P 0.05,饲料效率 = 3.5%乳脂校正乳干物质采食量 Feed Efficiency = 3.5% FCM/DMI,益康XP提高产奶中期牛只饲料效率 Feed Efficiency in Mid-lactation Cows,以益康来管理风险与最大化产奶潜能Manage Risks and Maximize Production Efficiency with XP,Better Resist to Ration Variation,Reduce Impact of Rumen Acidosis,Minimize Negative Energy Balance,Maximiz

31、e Feed Efficiency,Greater Use of Low Quality Forage,Rumen Efficiency,Save Cost on High Priced Feed,Alleviate Impact of Heat Stress,Optimize Rumen Fermentation,降低瘤胃过酸的负面影响,增加使用低质量粗饲料,减少使用高价格饲料来降低成本,饲料效率最大化,负能量平衡最小化,减轻热应激带来的负面影响,对日粮变异有更佳的抵抗力,瘤胃功能优化,总结 Summary,Sub-optimal rumen function limits producti

32、on potential of dairy cattle. 次优化的瘤胃功能限制了牛只产奶潜能 Dietary modification with scientifically proven feed supplement such as Diamond V Yeast Culture can help improve the rumen health and productivity of dairy cattle and maximize the profitability. 以经科研证实的饲料添加剂,如达农威益康XP酵母培养物,来改善日粮质量,可以帮助改善瘤胃功能、提高奶牛产能、与加大產

33、業盈利能力,不推荐活酵母的原因 Why Not Live Yeast? 因为活酵母Because live yeast ,在储存期间不能维持活性 Is unable to maintain viability during storage 对热处理敏感(例如制粒)Is sensitive to heat treatment (i.e. pelleting) 在预混料中丧失活性迅速 Lose viability fast in premixes 在瘤胃中丧失活性迅速 Lose viability quickly in the rumen,产品稳定性差异大 无法预期一致性的产品效益! Variab

34、le product stability. cant expect consistent product benefits!,77% loss 损失,维持活性干酵母菌的活性 Maintaining ADY Viability,高温 (35C),室温 (21C),冷藏 (7C),周数,Diamond V,制粒会杀死活性干酵母 Pelleting Kills ADY,Conducted by Diamond V Mills,酵母菌活性,制粒前,制粒后,活性损失,达农威益康XP酵母代谢产物功能不受制粒影响 Pelleting does not affect Diamond V Nutritional

35、 Metabolites,乙酸,丙酸,总计,挥 发 性 脂 肪 酸 浓 度 mM,对照组,XP制粒,XP未制粒,Diamond V, 2003,美国堪萨斯州州立大学Bradford教授 对活性干酵母菌的活性研究,目标:8.34,刚混合后,混合两周后,每克含有菌落生成单位,与粉碎玉米 混合,与维他命与矿物质盐混合,酵母菌在奶牛瘤胃中的活力 Yeast Viability in the Rumen of Lactating Dairy Cows,Bruns et al., 2011,饲喂酵母菌后小时数,酵 母 菌 数 每 克 可 形 成 菌 落 数,结论 Conclusion,地球人口预计在205

36、0年时超过90亿人,对农产品的需求持续增加中 Human population is estimated to be exceed 9 billion by the year 2050 and demand for agricultural products is increasing. 对饲料原料的高度需求,造成乳产品生产成本提高 Increasing demand for feed resources push the cost of dairy production higher. 對饲料的有效利用,可达到更具经济效益的乳产品生产 Efficient use of feeds can h

37、elp achieve more cost effective dairy production. 经科学研究证实,达农威益康XP酵母培养物是改善饲料效率与提高奶业盈利能力的一个有效工具 Scientific evidences proved that Diamond V Yeast Culture can be an effective tool to improve feed efficiency and to maximize the profitability of dairy operations.,謝謝! Thank You! What questions do you have?,问题?,


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