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1、Working the landWorking the land 单词学案 学习目标 1. 熟记重点单词和短语,会读、拼写以及使用; 2. 对次要单词和短语,要会读并知晓含义。 学习重难点 1. 单词:struggle, expand, therefore, equip ,focus 2. 短语:thanks to, ridof, lead to, would rather 学习方法 词不离句,句不离篇。多读多练,记忆保鲜。 Task 1:Task 1: 重点单词 Learn the four key words in the vocabulary by yourself. Read the

2、example sentences and try to master the usage and finish the exercise. If you have any problem, you can refer to the dictionary or turn to your group member for help. 1. struggle : to try very hard to do sth when it is difficult or when there are a lot of problems to fight against sb/sth in order to

3、 prevent a bad situation 教材原句: Indeed, his sunburnt face and arms and his slim, strong body are just like those of millions of Chinese farmers, for whom he hasstruggledfor the past five decades. (P10) 观察:1) They had to struggle with/against all kinds of difficulties. 2) Our task is to struggle for t

4、he modernization of our industry, agriculture, national defense and science and technology. 3) The struggle for independence was long and hard. 发 现 : 【 归 纳 拓 展 】 struggle可 以 用 作 动 词 和 _词 ; struggle with/against _; struggle for sth./to do sth. _struggle on/along _; with a struggle _; struggle to ones

5、 feet _ 1 【语境活用】完成句子 He has been _ ( 为而斗争) success in his business. The old man _ (与作斗争) his illness and finally he got over it. She _ ( 正努力 ) bring up a family on a very low income. 2. expand: to become greater in size, number or importance; (of a business) new branches are opened so that it can ea

6、rn more money; to add details 教材原句:Dr. Yuan searched for a way to increase rice harvests without expanding the area of fields. (P10) 观察:1)If water is heated, it will expand. 2)He expanded his short story into a novel. 3)The professor expanded on the topic. 发 现:【归纳拓展】expand既可以是 vt.也可以是_。expand _ 使扩大,

7、变大; expand on/upon _。n. 扩张;膨胀;扩大;发展_;adj. 扩张性 的;豁达的;广阔的_。 【语境活用】用 expand的正确形式填空,并且英译汉。 The group has _ into Germany . We plan to _ the pub by adding a family room. He has become a confident, _man again. Despite the economic crisis, the company is confident of further _. 3. therefore: as a result of

8、that adv.因此;所以 教材原句: He therefore gives millions of yuan to equip others for their research in agriculture. 观察:1)We do not have enough money. Therefore, we cannot afford to buy the new car. 2)He is only 17 and therefore not able to vote. 3)He was the only candidate; therefore, he was elected. 发现:【归纳

9、拓展】注意 therefore 在句子中的位置。therefore是副词,不能引导从句,两 个句子之间要用连词或者分号;而 so是连词,可接从句。 【语境活用】 He was very tired and _ he fell sound asleep.He was very tired. _ 2 he fell sound asleep. He was very tired, _ he fell sound asleep. He was very tired; _ he fell sound asleep. 4. equip: to provide sb. with the things th

10、at are needed for a particular purpose 教材原句: He therefore gives millions of yuan to equip others for their research in agriculture. 观察:1)A good education should equip you for life. 2)Our classroom is equipped with a TV set and a tape recorder. 3)Our school has been given some new equipment. 发现:【归纳拓展

11、】1) equip sb./sth. with sth. _; _(主语)装 备有某物; _使为(做)某事而准备;过去式和过去分词_ n. U 装备;设备; _;一件设备_ 【语境活用】按要求填空或翻译。 The soldiers were well _ _ (装备好了) weapons. We must equip young teachers _ _ _ (对付) difficult children. 5. focus: to give attention, effort to one particular situation n 焦点, 配光,对光 v. 调焦距,对焦 教材原句:The

12、y focus on keeping their soil rich and free of diseases. (P14) 观察:1) Bring the object into focus if you want a good photograph. 2) The attention of the news media was firmly focused on the elections. 发现:【归纳拓展】 focus on _; _fix.on. 使集中 于; 【语境活用】补全句子 The _ _ my camera isnt working properly. 我照相机上的调焦装置

13、有毛病。 Her diligence makes her _ _ _ _.她的勤奋使她成为关注的焦点。 Task 2:Task 2: 重点短语 Try to learn the important phrases through the example sentences and master the usage of them. And then finish the related exercise. 二、重点短语 1. thanks to 教材原句:Thanks to his research, the UN has more tools in the battle to rid the

14、 world 3 of hunger.(P10) 观察:1)Thanks to the efforts by Dr. Smith, I can walk around again now. 2)Thanks to the bad weather, our journey was not comfortable. 3)The dentist rid him of his pain by taking out the tooth. 4)It took him a week to get rid of his cough. 5)What can rid a house of rats? 发 现:【归

15、纳拓展】 thanks to _(介词短语,在句中只能做原因状语,常置于句 首或句中);类似的同义短语有:_;_;_。 【语境活用】根据汉语提示填空 _ _ (多亏)your advice, much trouble was saved. You should _ _ _ (使自己摆脱) that bad habit. You are supposed to _ _ _ (摆脱) carelessness. 短语积累与迁移 rid sb./oneself/sth. of sth. 使摆脱 be/get rid of 去掉,摆脱;抛弃 remind sb. of sth. 提醒某人某事 info

16、rm sb. of sth. 通知某人某事 be free of. 摆脱 2. lead to 教材原句:Many of these chemicals can lead to cancer or other illnesses.(P14) 观察:1) This path leads to the next village. 2)What led to the accident? 发现:【归纳拓展】1)lead to 常用的含义有:_;_;这个短 语中的 to是_词,后面跟代词、_词或动名词,不用_语态。lead to 是前因后 果,相当于 result in; 而 lie in (resul

17、t from) 是_。 【语境活用】用 lead to的正确形式填空;并英译汉。 1) The bank has offered a reward for any information _ _ the arrest of the men. 2)What _ you _ take up acting as a career? 3. would rather 4 教材原句: He would much rather keep time for his hobbies. 他宁愿把时间花在自己的爱好上。(P10) 观察:1)Id rather take this red one. Hed rathe

18、r not take the holiday. 2)He would rather listen to others than talk himself. Id rather take some tea than coffee. Shed rather be told about this tomorrow than now. 3) Rather than get money in such a dishonest way, he would beg in the street. 4) I would rather you knew about it now, than afterwards.

19、 Id rather you hadnt told him the news that day. 发 现: would rather (not) do“后跟动词原形,表示 宁愿(不)做某事”,would可缩写为d would rather than宁愿而不愿, than 前后的两部分是相互对照的并列成分。 would do rather than do “也表示 宁愿而不愿”。例如: would rather后跟宾语从句时,从句用虚拟语气。从句形式为:用过去时表示现在或 将来,用过去完成时表示过去已经发生的事。 三、随堂自测 I. 汉译英: (单词和词组) 1._ adv.因此 2. _ ad

20、j. 晒黑的,起晒斑的 3. _v. 斗争,拼搏, 4. _ v. 使变大,扩大 5. _ v. 循环 6. _v.配备,装备 7. _n./v. 后悔,惋惜,遗憾; 8. _v.使迷惑 1. _多亏了,幸亏,由于 2. _摆脱,除去 3. _对感到满意 4. _使免受(伤害) 5. lead to_ 6. focus on_ II. 语法填空 1. Thanks _ the efforts by Dr. Smith, I can walk around again now. 2. The dentist rid him _ his pain by taking out the bad too

21、th. 3. We firmly believe that war never settles anything. It only leads_ violence. 4. When studying, he focused his mind _his lessons. 5. The professor expanded _the topic. 6. The new library is equipped _ devices of hi-technology. 5 7. He freed himself _the charge of stealing. 8. They struggled _pe

22、ace. 9. I deeply_ (regret) what I had said. 10. Costs have been reduced _ 20 % over the past year. III. 翻译句子。 1. 该中心为划船和登山提供精良装备。 _ 2. 依然有很多讨论的东西。因此,我们将在下一次会议上回归这个项目的讨论。 _ 3. 作者把他的短篇小说扩展成了一个长篇。 _ 4. 我们将聚焦于三个主要话题。 _ Nothing is impossible to a willing heart! Wish all of you great progress! 必修 4 Unit 2

23、 Working The Land答案 Section I Words and Expressions 一、重点单词 1. 【归纳拓展】名词;与搏斗/斗争;努力/争取;(虽艰难仍)继续努力地做某事;费 劲地,努力地;挣扎着站起来 【语境活用】struggling for struggled with/against struggled/struggles to 2. 【归纳拓展】 vi.; into/to; 阐述,详谈; expansion; expansive。 【语境活用】expanded expand expansive expansion 该组织已经扩展到德国。 我们计划扩大这个客栈,

24、增加一个家庭套房。他又成了一 个自信、豁达的人。 尽管遭遇经济危机,这家公司对进一步拓展依然充满自信。 3. 【语境活用】 therefore;Therefore;so;therefore 4.【归纳拓展】1)用某物装备某人/物; be equipped with sth.;equip sb./sth. for (doing) 6 sth.;equipped/equipped; equipment;a piece of equipment 【语境活用】 equipped with to deal with 5.【归纳拓展】使注意力/目光等集中于;focus sth. on (upon) sth

25、. 【语境活用】1)focus on 2)the focus of attention 二、重点短语 1.【归纳拓展】由于,多亏。because of; owing to;as a result of; due to;on account of ;【语境活用】Thanks to rid yourself of get rid of 2. 【归纳拓展】通向;导致、致使;介词,名,被动,前果后因。 【语境活用】leading to led you to 银行悬赏任何能将这些人绳之以法的情报。 是什么让你开始从事演艺事业的? 三、随堂自测 I. 汉译英: 1. therefore 2. sunbur

26、nt 3.struggle 4. expand 5.circulate 6.equip 7. regret 8. confuse 1. thanks to 2. ridof 3. be satisfied with 4. freefrom 5.导致,通向 6.围绕,聚 焦于 II. 用适当的介词填空 1. to 2. of 3. to 4. on 5. on/upon 6. with 7. of/from 8. for 9. regretted 10. by III. 汉译英。 I. The center is well equipped for boating and mountaineer

27、ing. The center provides good equipment for boating and mountaineering. 2. There is still much to discuss. We shall, therefore, return to this item at our next meeting. There is still much to discuss. Therefore, we shall return to this item at our next meeting. 3. The writer expanded his short novel into a long one. 4. We will focus upon/on three main topics. 7


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