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1、Discovering useful structuresDiscovering useful structures - The -ing form as the Subject and Object- The -ing form as the Subject and Object 学习目标: 熟悉掌握动名词做主语宾语 学习重难点: 了解动名词做主语宾语的形式用法并灵活运用 学习方法: 多读例句,感受规律,掌握结构,灵活应用 Task 1:Task 1: ReadRead thethe followingfollowing sentencessentences usingusing theth

2、e inging formform asas subjectsubject andand objectobject firstfirst andand try to learn by yourself how to use it and in what context.try to learn by yourself how to use it and in what context. 1) Reading is an art. 读书是一种艺术。 2) Working in these conditions is not a pleasure but a suffer. 在这种工作条件下工作不

3、是一件愉快的事而是一件痛苦的事。 3)They went on walking and never stopped talking.他们继续走,说个不停。 4)I found it pleasant walking along the seashore.在海滩上走真是乐事。 5)Mark often attempts to escape being fined whenever he breaks traffic regulations. 每当马克违反交通规则时,他常常企图逃避罚款的处分。 6)Would you mind turning down your radio a little, p

4、lease? 您介意把音响调低一点儿吗? 7)The squirrel was lucky that it just missed being caught. 这只松鼠很幸运没有被捉到。 8)Her job is washing,cleaning and taking care of the children. 她的工作是洗衣服,打扫和照顾孩子。 9)They run into constant discrimination in trying to find a job or friend. 在寻找工作和结交朋友方面,他们不断地受到歧视 10)Living in digs means hav

5、ing one room in someones house. 寄居的意思是在别人的家里借住一间房间。 v-ingv-ing 形式做主语宾语 1 定义: 动名词是由动词+ing 变化而来,它仍保留着动词的某些特征,具有动词的时态和语态的变化, 但没有人称和数的变化。用以表达名词所不能表达的较为复杂的意念。动名词的名词特征表现 在它可在句子中当名词来用,作主语、宾语、表语、定语。它也可以被副词修饰或者支配宾语。 作用: 动名词具有名词的性质,因此在句中可以作主语、表语、宾语、定语等。 动名词的形式:(其否定形式是在 v-ing 前面加 not) 主动形式 被动形式 一般式 doing being

6、 done having 完成式 having been done done 1 1动名词的一般式所表示的动作通常是一般性动作,即不是明确地发生在过去、现在或将来 的动作,或者是表示与谓语动词所表示的动作同时发生的动作。 we are very interested in collecting stamps.我们对集邮很感兴趣。 His coming will be of great help to us. 他来对我们大有帮助。 2 2动名词的完成式所表示的动作或状态在谓语动词之前完成或结束。 He regrets not having taken part in the work. 他后悔没

7、有参加这项工作。 We were praised for having finished the work ahead of time. 我们因提前完成了这项工作而受到了表扬。 3 3动名词的否定式是在 v-ingv-ing前面加 notnot。 he hated himself for not having work hard. 他悔恨自己没有用功。 he felt sorry for not having done the work well. 他为没有把工作做好感到难过。 4 4动名词的被动式:当动名词的逻辑主语是行为承受者时,用被动语态。如: i like being given ha

8、rder work. 我喜欢接受难点的工作。 she is proud of being admitted into the university. 她为被大学录取而感到自豪。 the meeting was put off without his having been consulted. 会议延期并未和他商量。 5 5逻辑主语: 由于非谓语动词在语法上是不能做句子的谓语的,也就是说在语法上它们是没有主语的。但是 在形式上,非谓语动词仍然是表示一个动作,所以在逻辑上仍然有一个动作的执行者或承受者。 2 非谓语动词动作的执行者或承受者和非谓语在逻辑上存在着主谓关系或动宾关系,但不能直接 作非

9、谓语动词的主语,因此叫逻辑主语。 一、动名词作主语 动名词作主语往往表示经常性、习惯性的动作。动名词作主语时,谓语动词要用单数。 Reading is an art. 读书是一种艺术。 Climbing mountains is really fun. 爬山真是有趣。 1直接位于句首做主语。 Swimming is a good sport in summer. 2. 用 it 作形式主语,把动名词(真正主语)置于句尾作后置主语。 动名词做主语时,不太常用 it作先行主语,多见于某些形容词及名词之后。常见的能用于这种 结构的形容词有: betterw,onderfule,njoyablei,n

10、terestingf,oolishd,ifficultu,selesss,enseless, worthwhile 等。常用这种结构的句型有:itit isis nono useuse.,itit isis nono goodgood.,itit isis funfun.,itit is is a a waste of timewaste of time.等句型中。例如: It is no use telling him not to worry. It is no use/good/a waste of time talking about that. 注意:important,essent

11、ial,necessary 等形容词不能用于上述结构。 3. “用于 there be”结构中。例如: There is no saying when hell come.很难说他何时回来。 4. 用于布告形式的省略结构中。例如: No smoking ( =no smoking is allowed (here) ). (禁止吸烟) No parking. (禁止停车) 5. 动名词的复合结构作主语 当动名词有自己的逻辑主语时,常可以在前面加上一个名词或代词的所有格,构成动名词 的复合结构(这时,名词或代词的所有格做动名词的逻辑主语)。动名词的复合结构也可以在句 中作主语。例如: Their

12、 coming to help was a great encouragement to us. 动名词作主语与动词不定式作主语的比较 动词不定式和动名词都可以用作主语。在意义上相近。但动名词多用来表示泛指或抽象动 作,不定式多用来表示特指或具体动作。比较: 3 Smoking is not good for health. It is not good for you to smoke so much. 注意: 1) 在口语中,用动名词作主语位于句首的较不定式多见。 2) 当句子中的主语和表语都是非限定动词时,要遵循前后一致的原则,主语和表语在形式上要 求统一: Seeing is beli

13、eving. To see is to believe. 二、动名词作宾语 1某些动词后只能用动名词作宾语,不能用不定式。常见的此类动词有:admit,appreciate, excuse, stand, advise, allow, permit, avoid, consider, enjoy, finish, give up, cannot help, imagine, include, keep, understand, keep on, mind, report, risk, miss, put off, delay, practise, resist, suggest, depend

14、 on, think about, set about, succeed in, worry about, burst out, insist on, cant help, feel like, be used to, get used to, devoteto, look forward to, pay attention to, get down to, escape 等。 i have finished writing the book. i suggest going to the park on sunday. 2在 allow, advise, forbid, permit后直接跟

15、动名词作宾语,如果有名词或代词作宾语,则 “构成 allowadviseforbidpermit 名词代词不定式(宾语补足语)”之形式。如: we dont allow smoking here we dont allow anybody to smoke here 3动词 need, require, want“意为 需要”时,后跟动名词的主动式或不定式的被动式作宾语, 意义没有区别。如: The window needs cleaning. = the window needs to be cleaned Your hair needs cutting. = your hair needs

16、 to be cut. 4在 begin, continue, love, like, hate, prefer, intend, start后用动名词和用不定式作宾 语均可,意义没有多大区别。 In spite of my efforts the baby continued to cry / crying. 尽管我尽力哄这个婴儿,但他还是哭个不停。 4 5动词 forget, go on, mean, regret, remember, stop, try, be used to, cant help 后跟动名 词和跟不定式区别较大,须注意: forget, regret, remembe

17、r 后跟动名词,动名词表示已经发 生的动作;后跟不定式表示将要发生的动作。 go on doing 继续做原来做的事 go on to do 接着做另一件事 mean doing 意味着要做某事 mean to do 想要做某事 stop doing 停止做某事 stop to do 停下来(别的事)开始做某事 try doing 试着做某事 try to do 努力做某事 be used to doing 习惯于做某事 be used to do 被用来做某事 cant help doing 禁不住做某事 cant help to do 不能帮助做某事 Task 2:Task 2: Try

18、to use what you have learnt and check whether you have mastered it 用所给词的正确形式填空 1. Can you imagine yourself _ (stay) in a lonely island? 2. I cant understand your _ (laugh) at that poor child. 3. She didnt mind_ (work) overtime. 4. We are looking forward to Marys_ (come). 5. She was praised for _ (sa

19、ve) the life of the child. 6. She ought to be praised instead of _ (criticize). 7. Is there any possibility of our _ (win) the championship? 8.He came to the party without _ (invite). 9. They thought there is no trouble _ (tell) their favorite brand from other brands. 10. Some birds finally reach ho

20、me by accidentally _ (come) across landmarks which they recognize. 11. Millions of pounds have been spent _ (improve) the free state 5 education system in Britain. 单项选择 1. _the meeting himself gave them a great deal of encouragement AThe president will attend BThe president to attend C. The presiden

21、t attended DThe presidents attending 2. In some parts of London,missing a bus means _for another hour A. waiting Bto wait Cwait Dto be waiting 3. I really appreciate _to relax with you on this nice island Ato have had time Bhaving time Cto have time Dto having time 5One learns a language by making m

22、istakes and _them Acorrect Bcorrecting Ccorrect Dto correct 6Mr. Reed made up his mind to devote all he had to _some schools for poor children Aset up Bsetting up Chave set up Dhaving set up 7Tony was very unhappy for _ to the party Ahaving not been invited Bnot having invited Chaving not invited Dn

23、ot having been invited 8You were brave enough to raise objections at the meeting Well, now I regret _that Ato do Bto be doing Cto have done Dhaving done 9She didnt remember _him before Ahaving met Bhave met Cto meet Dto having met 10The library needs_,but itll have to wait until Sunday Acleaning Bbe

24、 cleaned Cclean Dbeing cleaned 11. All the staff in our company are considering _ to the city centre for the fashion show. A. to go B. going C. to have gone D. having gone 12. Can I smoke here? Sorry. We dont allow _ here. A. people smoking B. people smoke C. to smoke D. smoking 6 13. Its hard to im

25、agine _ anywhere else but here. A. live B. to live C. living D. to living 14. The light in the office is still on. Oh, I forgot _. A. turning it off B. turn it off C. to turn it off D. having turned it off 15. What do you think of the book? Oh, excellent. It s worth _ a second time. A. to read B. to

26、 be read C. reading D. being read 16. This sentence needs _. A. a improvement B. improve C. improving D. improved 17. Having been ill in bed for nearly a month, he had a hard time _ the exam. A. pass B. to pass C. passed D. passing 18. You cant imagine what difficulty we had _ home in the snowstorm.

27、 A. walked B. walk C. to walk D. walking 19. The parents suggested _ in the hotel room but their kids were anxious to camp out during the trip. A. sleep B. to sleep C. sleeping D. having slept 20. According to a recent U.S. survey, children spent up to 25 hours a week _ TV. A. to watch B. to watching C. watching D. watch Nothing is impossible to a willing heart! Wish all of you great progress! 答案 填空 1. staying 2. laughing 3. working 4. coming 5. saving 6. being criticized 7. winning 8. being invited 9. telling 10. coming 11. improving 单选 1DABB 6BDDAA 11BDCCC 16CDDCC 7 8


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