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1、Body LanguageBody Language SectionSection ReadingReading 学习过程 生命课堂 互动探究 Task 1:Task 1: 阅读课本 2626页课文,并完成下面问题 Fast-reading:Fast-reading: 1. What is the purpose of learning language?1. What is the purpose of learning language? _ 2.Choose the right answer:2.Choose the right answer: (1.) What is the main

2、 idea of the text? A. There are different customs in different countries. B. Foreigners should follow the customs of the country where they are visiting. C. People use body movements to send messages and different body movements have different meanings. D. The importance of knowing customs. (2.) If

3、two men stand close to each other while talking, they cannot be from _. A. an Arab country B. USA C. Britain D. Russia 3.3. 连线题(根据课文内容,把左边的人物和右边的字母正确连线) (1)Mr Garcia A. shake hands and kisses other twice on each cheek. ( Columbia ) (2)Julia Smith B. bows. (Britain ) (3)Akira Nagata C. shake hands. (

4、 Japan) (4)George Cook D approaches others closely and touches their shoulder ( Canada ) and kisses them on the cheek (5)Madame Coulon E. does not stand close to others or touch strangers ( France ) 4.Ways to greet each other(4.Ways to greet each other(连线) (1).Approach others closely and are more li

5、kely to touch them. A.JapanJapan (2).Bow. B.JordanJordan 1 (3).Shake hands. C.ColumbiaColumbia (4).Shake hands and stand quite close to other men. D.CanadaCanada Nod to women but do not shake hands with them. Careful reading:Careful reading: 1.Read1.Read thethe texttext carefully,carefully, thenthen

6、 decidedecide ifif thethe followingfollowing statementsstatements areare truetrue (T)(T) oror false (F).false (F). (1 ).English men often stand close to others or touch strangers as soon as they meet. (2.)Most people around the world now greet each other by kissing . ( ) (3).Japanese will bow to oth

7、ers as greeting. ( ) (4).People from Jordan will move very close to you as you introduce yourself to them( ) (5).Some body languages in some countries are good while some countries body language are bad. ( ) 2.Find out the two mistakes the writer found in the airport:2.Find out the two mistakes the

8、writer found in the airport: The first mistakeThe first mistake : : Mr. GarciaMr. Garcia from_ He approaches Ms Smith by _ _ _ and _ her on the _. JuliaJulia SmithSmith from_ She _ _ appearing _ and take a few steps _ _ Mr. Garcia. The second mistakeThe second mistake : : A A JapaneseJapanese_ to Mr

9、. Cook and his nose _ Mr. Cooks _ _. GeorgeGeorge CookCook from_ He _ _ _ _ to the Japanese. Task 2: Learning the language pointsTask 2: Learning the language points 1. student canteen 学生餐厅 2. (1)I saw several young people enter the waiting areas, looking around curiously. 我看见几个年轻人走进了等候区,好奇地向四周张望。 (

10、2)I stood for a minute watching them and then went to greet them. 站着观察了他们一分钟,我便走过去打招呼。 (3)She stepped back appearing surprised and put up her hands. 他后退了几步,看上去有些吃惊并举起了手。 2 (4) Then Akira Nagata from Japan came in smiling来自日本的永田明微笑着走了进来. (5) Darlene Coulon from France came dashing through the door. 法

11、国的达琳.库隆匆忙地走进门. 注: 以上句中的划线部分都是现在分词, 或现在分词短语作状语. step back 往后退 looking around 环顾四周,向四周张望 3. kiss sb on the cheek 亲吻某人的面颊 4. a major misunderstanding 一个大误会 5. reach out ones hand to 把手 伸到 、 、 / reach out 伸出 reach sth 伸手够到,拿到; reach for 伸手去够 , 伸手去拿 , 摸 ( 某物 ). Reached out an arm. 伸出一只手臂 The invalidreach

12、ed forthe glass but could not get it. 病人伸手去拿水杯, 但是够不着。 Can you reach the book on the top of the cupboard? 你能够到柜顶的那本书吗? 6. move close to sb.= get close to sb. 靠近,接近 stand close to 靠近某人站立 7. shake hands with sb. 同某人握手 8. on the contrary 正相反 9. nod at sb. 向点头 10. Not all cultures greet each other the s

13、ame way, nor are they comfortable in the same way with touching or distance between people. 并不是所有文化背景下的人们都用同样的问候方式,身体接触和相互之间的程度也不尽相同。 11. communicate with spoken language 用口头语言交流 12. express one s feelings 表达情感 13. These actions are not good or bad, but are simply ways in which cultures have develop

14、ed. 这些行为都无所谓好坏,只不过文化发展的方式不同而已。 ways 是先行词,引起定语从句,后面 in which 可换成 that,也可以去掉 in which,句意不变。 14. In general, though, studying international customs can certainly help avoid difficulties in todays world of cultural crossroads! (其翻译及其他语句的解释见 课本 8484 页) though “”意为 可是,不过,然而 常用在句末,用用逗号与前面隔开。有时也用在句中, 3 其前后用

15、逗号与其他部分隔开,例 He said he would come. He didnt, though. 他说他要来,可是并没有来。 I expect youre right Ill ask him, though. 我认为你说得对-我去问问他也好. Task 3: Task 3: A A quit for the periodquit for the period ( (当堂检测) ) - 英汉互译 1. student canteen _2. step back _ 3.环顾四周,向四周张望_ 4.kiss sb on the cheek _ 5.a major misunderstanding _ 6.reach out _ 7.reach sth_ 8.伸手去够,伸手去拿,摸(某物)._ 9.靠近,接近_ 10.同某人握手_ 11.正相反_ 12.向点头_ municate with spoken language _ 14.express ones feelings _ 4


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