国际商务礼仪Unit 16 Appointment Etiquette约会礼仪.ppt

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1、Unit Sixteen Appointment Etiquette 约会礼仪,Focal Points,1. How to arrange an appointment.,2. How to cancel an appointment.,3. How to reschedule an appointment.,Contents,Lead in,1,Reading A,2,Reading B,3,Reading C,4,5,Exercises,Test your Appointment Etiquette,1. Receptionist: “Good morning.” You: “Good

2、morning, Ive come to _ Mrs. Twain.” A. visit B. see C. do business with D. hold a talk with 2. Receptionist: “Have you got a(n) _?” A. meeting B. arrangement C. date D. appointment Which sounds the most natural? “Im afraid shes _ at the moment.” A. with someone B. engaged C. taken D. out of stock,Wa

3、rming-up,Test your Appointment Etiquette,Which of the following would be the most appropriate to use in a business environment? “Mrs. Smith will be a few minutes, _.” A. sit down B. please take a seat C. take a pew D. take the weight off your feet 5. On the telephone: “I have an appointment with Ric

4、hard Jones at 2.15, but Im afraid _.” Im not at time B. Im running a bit late C. Im on time D. Im out of time 6. Which of the following is NOT possible? call a meeting B. arrange a meeting C. attend a meeting D. appoint a meeting,Warming-up,How to Schedule Appointments Efficiently,An appointment-cra

5、mmed schedule can take on a life of its own, gobbling up your workdays like a ravenous beast. Tame your schedule by adopting some of the following simple techniques. The secret to success lies in applying them firmly and consistently. 1Block out time on your schedule for solitary work. Guard this ap

6、pointment with yourself fiercely. Make it clear youll accept no phone calls or pop-in visits. If possible, escape to a solitary spot during this time. 2Deflect excessive requests for your time from co-workers. Ask those who squander your time to submit written proposals, or schedule meeting times wi

7、th them far enough out so that they might just solve the issues on their own.,Reading A,Unit Sixteen Appointment Etiquette,How to Schedule Appointments Efficiently,3Allot blocks of time for making and taking phone calls. Avoid phone tag by suggesting these times to callers. Take a list of calls to m

8、ake when you have a drive of longer than 10 minutes. 4Cluster out-of-office meetings geographically. Traveling to and from appointments uses up vast amounts of time. 5Communicate clearly how much time you have to meet with people, and then enforce the finish times. Schedule appointments in your own

9、office back-to-back so the arrival of one person encourages the departure of the other. 6Keep track of how much of your workweek you devote to appointments. If the amount exceeds 50 percent, evaluate whether other peoples agendas are overpowering yours.,Reading A,Unit Sixteen Appointment Etiquette,H

10、ow to Schedule Appointments Efficiently,Tips & Warnings Be realistic about travel time to off-site meetings. Many a schedule has been sabotaged because it didnt factor in heavy traffic or public transportation delays. Beware of the phrase “Lets do lunch.“ Meeting for a restaurant lunch will suck a m

11、inimum of 90 minutes from your schedule. Ask yourself whether what you will accomplish will be worth the time invested. Sometimes it will. If youve been trying to meet with your boss for weeks, for example, getting him or her out of the office for lunch may provide uninterrupted, focused time.,Readi

12、ng A,Unit Sixteen Appointment Etiquette,How to Cancel an Appointment Politely,If you have a busy schedule, chances are you are going to have to eventually cancel an appointment. A cancelled appointment equates with changing anothers schedule. When you cancel an appointment you are affecting the day

13、of those with whom you are cancelling. Your reason may be important (you might have an emergency) it may be valid (conflict) or it may be an oversight (double-booking). Its possible, however, your need to cancel may be more selfish. You may have a better offer. That is where etiquette and considerat

14、ion come in.,Reading B,Unit Sixteen Appointment Etiquette,How to Cancel an Appointment Politely,Your first order of business is to begin your change of plans by calling and cancelling with style. Yes, I did say call. In this day of email, having to make an actual phone call might be a bit of a shock

15、. But you are now impinging on someone elses day. Convenience is no longer about you. You allowed inconvenience to rule you when you decided to cancel the appointment. Now you need to make your decision convenient for the canceled. Proper etiquette insists the least you do is make a phone call and p

16、ersonally take care of this. If its possible to talk to this person face to face then all the better. Odds are, however, that a phone call is much more reasonable.,Reading B,Unit Sixteen Appointment Etiquette,How to Cancel an Appointment Politely,Your phone call should begin with you asking, “Is thi

17、s a good time to call?” Actually, most phone calls should begin with that little question. Making sure your call is convenient for them. Let them know you care enough about what they are doing, and you are willing to call back. Next you need to explain what your call is regarding. Simply say, “Im ca

18、lling about the appointment (or lunch or phone call, etc.) we have scheduled for Wednesday at 3:00.” Letting them know that you are talking about a specific time in both of your week allows the listener to realize that you have them in your calendar and its a quick recall for them. If there is somet

19、hing specific you were supposed to talk about you can mention that too.,Reading B,Unit Sixteen Appointment Etiquette,How to Cancel an Appointment Politely,Now that youve called, made sure its a good time to talk and identified what you are calling about, all thats left is to simultaneously apologize

20、 that you need to cancel, explain what happened (or why you need to cancel) and then reschedule if necessary. Beginning by saying “Im really sorry, Mary, but Im going to have to cancel our appointment. You see, Ive accidentally double-booked that time and the other appointment involved three other c

21、lients.” Let Mary know that youd like to see her but rescheduling with her, the one person, is easier than affecting three other peoples lives. Follow this up by apologizing again. “Mary, I realize this is inconvenient and I do apologize. Could we please reschedule for Friday of the same week? I hav

22、e the same time of 3:00 available. What does your schedule look like?”,Reading B,Unit Sixteen Appointment Etiquette,How to Cancel an Appointment Politely,Finally, its a matter of ironing out the details of when to meet again. And make sure there are no possible conflicts for this future date. Once t

23、hats done you need to thank them for taking the time to talk, for understanding and rescheduling and then reconfirm when your future appointment is. Something like, “Mary, thanks so much for taking my call. I really appreciate your understanding about this cancellation. Im looking forward to seeing

24、you on Friday, the 22nd at 3:00. Ill see you here at my office. Thanks again, Mary. Good bye.” Schedules are full and theres bound to be a conflict here and there. When you do need to cancel an appointment with another human being, keeping in mind that you are affecting their schedule and being cons

25、cious of that will make cancelling easier on them and on you.,Reading B,Unit Sixteen Appointment Etiquette,A Professional Way to Reschedule a Job Interview,How you go about doing rescheduling a job interview reflects on your professionalism and ability to handle conflict and stressful situations. Yo

26、u can talk yourself out of a job if you try to reschedule inappropriately. This is as bad as if you did not show up for the interview without calling. Employers are more likely to sympathize1 with your need to reschedule if you approach them as a professional. Dramatization and overblown excuses are

27、 not the best ways to relate your problem to interviewers. Calm and polite requests to reschedule an interview are the way to go.,Reading C,Unit Sixteen Appointment Etiquette,A Professional Way to Reschedule a Job Interview,1Call the employer as soon as you discover the time conflict. Even if you ca

28、ll after your interview was to begin and you cant speak to the interviewer directly, leave a message for the employer about what happened and ask him to call you when it is convenient to reschedule the interview. 2Speak calmly and clearly if you are in an emergency situation. Briefly state the reaso

29、n for needing to reschedule and ask if it is possible to do so. 3Email the employer if he prefers to email and you still have a few days before your interview. If you are down to the wire, however, a phone call is preferable.,Reading C,Unit Sixteen Appointment Etiquette,A Professional Way to Resched

30、ule a Job Interview,4Avoid excessive apologies or long explanations. Simply state your situation and request another time for the interview. Speak confidently to portray your ability to stay calm under pressure and to control an otherwise difficult situation. For example, if you call the interviewer

31、, say, “Hello, Mr. Wilson. This is Bob Smith, and I have an unforeseen conflict with our interview next Tuesday, the 16th at 4 p.m. Would it be possible to reschedule?“ 5Reschedule the interview only if you have a valid reason, such as being very ill. Dont go to the interview if you have a contagiou

32、s illness.,Reading C,Unit Sixteen Appointment Etiquette,I. Role-play: Make an appointment. Act out the role-play according to the following cues.,Exercises,Student A: Patient Student B: Secretary of a doctors office,II. Reschedule an appointment. Act out the role-play according to the following situ

33、ation.,Exercises,Student A: Juliet Student B: David Juliet has phoned David to tell him that something has happened so she cant meet him on Monday afternoon. They try to rearrange the appointment, but David is busy on Tuesday and Wednesday. David arranges the meeting time on Thursday so he can meet

34、Juliet at 9:00. Juliet asks David to call her if anybody cancels his meeting on Tuesday.,III. Write an email,Exercises,You have made an appointment with Lisa Scott, Finance Executive of Apple Software Limited, to meet her on December 20, at 10:30 a.m. at her office. But youve just learned that your

35、friend had a car accident and you need to go the hospital. Write an email to Lisa to cancel your appointment with her. Part of the email has been done for you.,III. Write an email,Exercises,crammed ADJ If a place is crammed with things or people, it is full of them, so that there is hardly room for

36、anything or anyone else. 塞满的 例:The house is crammed with priceless furniture and works of art. 这房子里堆满了价值连城的家具和艺术品。,Words & Expressions,gobble up 狼吞虎咽;贪婪地抓住 例:Emerging firms are advancing on a greater number of fronts than the Japanese did 30 years ago and also advancing much faster, gobbling up West

37、ern rivals. 新兴企业正在蓬勃发展着,无论是从广度还是速度上来说,取得的成绩都比30年前日本国的兴起还要优异,势将鲸吞蚕食其西方的对手们。,Words & Expressions,ravenous adj. 贪婪的;渴望的;狼吞虎咽的 例:The ravenous appetite for fossil fuels traces partly to an economic stimulus program in 1997. 现在对化石燃料的贪婪需求部分的源于一项始于1997的经济刺激计划。,Words & Expressions,solitary ADJ A person or an

38、imal that is solitary spends a lot of time alone. 独处的 例:Paul was a shy, pleasant, solitary man. 保罗是个腼腆的、讨人喜欢的、惯于独处的人。,Words & Expressions,deflect V-T If you deflect something such as criticism or attention, you act in a way that prevents it from being directed toward you or affecting you. 转移 例:Cage

39、changed his name to deflect accusations of nepotism. 凯奇改了名字以转移裙带关系的指责。,Words & Expressions,squander V-T If you squander money, resources, or opportunities, you waste them. 浪费 (金钱、资源或机会) 例:Hobbs didnt squander his money on flashy cars or other vices. 霍布斯没有把钱挥霍在奢华汽车或其他恶习上。,Words & Expressions,allot V-

40、T If something is allotted to someone, it is given to them as their share. 分配 例:The seats are allotted to the candidates who have won the most votes. 这些席位被分配给了赢得了最多选票的候选人。,Words & Expressions,geographically adv. 在地理上;地理学上 例:Back in the drivers seat, he is now doing precisely the opposite: trying out

41、 new approaches and diversifying Dells business model both geographically and commercially. 回到驾驶员的席位,他要做的是相反的事情:尝试新的方法,以及从地理和商业角度多元化戴尔的商业模式。,Words & Expressions,enforce V-T To enforce something means to force or cause it to be done or to happen. 强制执行 例:They struggled to limit the cost by enforcing a

42、 low-tech specification. 他们通过强制执行一种低技术规范来竭力限制成本。,Words & Expressions,off-site n. 工地外;厂区外 例:Todays workers tend to dress as they want, shun the factory canteen and live off-site with their friends. 如今的工人们往往穿着随意,不去工厂食堂就餐,与朋友们住在厂外。,Words & Expressions,sabotage V-T If a machine, railroad line, or bridge

43、 is sabotaged, it is deliberately damaged or destroyed, for example, in a war or as a protest. 蓄意破坏 例:The main pipeline supplying water was sabotaged by rebels. 主供水管道被叛乱分子故意破坏了。,Words & Expressions,equate V-T/ V-I If you equate one thing with another, or if you say that one thing equates with anothe

44、r, you believe that they are strongly connected. 将等同于; 等同于 例:But now the discount equates to $60 a ton, while the spot is about $90 a ton. 但现在,折扣为每吨60美元,而现货价格则约为每吨90美元。,Words & Expressions,affect V-T If something affects a person or thing, it influences them or causes them to change in some way. (某事

45、物) 影响 (某人或物) 例:More than seven million people have been affected by drought. 七百多万多人受到了干旱的影响。,Words & Expressions,oversight 1. N-COUNT If there has been an oversight, someone has forgotten to do something which they should have done. 疏忽 例:William was angered and embarrassed by his oversight. 威廉对自己的疏忽

46、感到恼火和尴尬。 2. ADJ An oversight committee or board is responsible for making sure that a process or system works efficiently and correctly. 监督的 例:The bill creates an oversight board with the authority to investigate and punish accounting firms. 该法案创建了一个有权调查并处罚会计师事务所的监督委员会。,Words & Expressions,impinge v

47、i. 撞击;侵犯 vt. 撞击 例:It may not come as a surprise to parents, but having children really does impinge on marital bliss. 它的到来对父母不再是个惊喜,孩子的到来真的会影响婚姻的质量。,Words & Expressions,odds N-PLURAL You refer to how likely something is to happen as the odds that it will happen. 可能性 例:What are the odds of finding a

48、parking space right outside the door? 就在门外找到一个停车位的可能性有多大?,Words & Expressions,simultaneously ADV同时地 例:The two guns fired almost simultaneously. 两支枪几乎同时开火。,Words & Expressions,accidentally ADV意外地 例:A policeman accidentally killed his two best friends with a single bullet. 一位警察意外地用一颗子弹杀死了他的两个最好的朋友。,Wo

49、rds & Expressions,reconfirm vt. 再确认;再证实 例: I want to reconfirm my reservation. 我要再确定我的预约。,Words & Expressions,conflict N-VARA conflict is a serious difference between two or more beliefs, ideas, or interests. If two beliefs, ideas, or interests are in conflict, they are very different. (信念、观点、利益之间的) 冲突 例:There is a conflict between what they are doing and what you want. 他们在做的和你想要的之间存在冲突。,Words & Expressions,conscious ADJ If you are co


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