外贸交际英语scene2 Talking about the Price.ppt

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《外贸交际英语scene2 Talking about the Price.ppt》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《外贸交际英语scene2 Talking about the Price.ppt(110页珍藏版)》请在三一文库上搜索。

1、Talking about the Price,Warm-up Speaking Practical Writing Practical Learning Training,Scene Two,Teaching Objectives,1. 知识目标: (1 )了解价格洽谈的内容; (2 )掌握价格洽谈的词汇、术语和句型; (3)掌握询盘函及其回复函、发盘函、还盘函、 反还盘函以及订单函的写作内容及方法; (4)掌握在线发布新产品的方法。 2. 能力目标:(1)能够运用恰当的谈判语言和技巧进行价格洽谈; (2)能够根据掌握的信息熟练使用网络进行询盘及 回复、发盘、还盘、反还盘和下订单; (3)能

2、够在B2B网站上注册会员,在线发布新产品。 3. 素质目标:(1)熟悉并适应贸易工作; (2)能够进行商务英语交际; (3)具有一丝不苟、严肃认真的工作作风。,Dialogues,Writing,Practical learning,Training,Importances and Difficulties,教学重点:询盘、发盘、还盘、反还盘及订单 函的内容和写法;在线发布新产品。 教学难点:根据询盘,报FOB、CFR、CIF三 种不同价格;在线发布新产品。,Dialogues,Writing,Practical learning,Training,Basic Knowledge Price

3、is a key term bargained by both the buyer and the seller. It usually begins with an inquiry. It may be confirmed after a long negotiation after steps of inquiry, offer, counter offer, counter-counter offer, acceptance and order. The price is related directly with both parties benefits. The products

4、price includes fixed cost, variable cost and expected profit.,Section I. Warm-up,Dialogues,Writing,Practical learning,Training,Basic Knowledge,The fixed cost and variable cost of export products mean the total figure of production cost, selling cost, delivery cost, taxes and tariffs and some other u

5、nknown costs. Price terms are composed of Unit Price and Total Amount. Price includes Measure Unit, Unit Price, Amount, Currency, Price Terms and Destination Port. For example, Price: USD100.00/pcs CIF New York. Basically, there are three commonly used price terms: FOB, CNF and CIF.,Dialogues,Writin

6、g,Practical learning,Training,Work Background,Mr. Smith, buyer from England, has interests to Weifang kites. He is inquiring at Canton Fair for big QQ kite with Mr. Wang Dawei, the sales manager of Weifang Kite Plant. Mr. Wang Dawei is giving him the offer. They are bargaining and writing some e-mai

7、ls for big QQ kite.,Dialogues,Writing,Practical learning,Training,Section II. Speaking,Pre-task,Task,Practice,Dialogues,Writing,Practical learning,Training,Wei Fang Kites 潍坊风筝,NOTE,潍坊又称潍都、鸢都,制作风筝历史悠久,工艺精湛。潍坊风筝同中国许多民间艺术形式一样,产生于人们的娱乐活动,是寄托着人们的理想和愿望,与人们的生活有密切联系的娱乐品。随着国际风筝交流的逐渐频繁,风筝这一古老的民间艺术,在新形势下蓬勃发展,已

8、经成为一种重要的艺术品。其种类有软翅类,硬翅类,龙头串式类,板子类和立体桶子类等。它不仅被广泛用于放飞、比赛、娱乐,而且已经成为美化人们生活的时尚装饰品。,Dialogues,Writing,Practical learning,Training,潍坊风筝的源头可以追溯到鲁国大思想家墨翟制作第一只“木鸢”,至今已有两千多年的历史,但真正开始兴盛,走向民间却是在明代。到清朝中叶,潍坊开始出现专门从事风筝制作的民间艺人。据史料记载,在清代,潍县城里的风筝作坊和店铺就有30余家,清明时节在集市上摊的有数十户,外地客商在这里络绎不绝,生意十分兴隆。新中国建立后,潍坊风筝作为潍坊市的象征,更加受到当地人

9、民的珍爱和重视。从1984年起,潍坊市连续成功地举办了国际风筝节。1988年,潍坊市被国内外风筝界选为“世界风筝都”。2006年5月20日,潍坊风筝制作技艺经国务院批准列入第一批国家级非物质文化遗产名录。现在的潍坊风筝不仅已成为当代潍坊人的文化象征,而且也远销海外,成为潍坊市经济腾飞的巨大杠杆。,Dialogues,Writing,Practical learning,Training,Pre-task Talking about the Price,1. Would you please give your lowest quotation CIF Liverpool, England? 2

10、. Would you please give us your expected quantity? 3. Large order will get a lower price. 4. The offer is valid for10 days. 5. You should cut your price at least by 10%. 6. If you dont make any move, we might turn to other suppliers. 7. Lets meet half way. 8. The minimum order is 1000pcs for 120FCL.

11、,Dialogues,Writing,Practical learning,Training,Pre-task Additional Sentences,1. This offer is subject to market fluctuation. 本报价随行就市。 2. Do you allow any discount on this commodity? 这种商品你们是否给折扣? 3. Some discount on your price would make it easier to promote sales. 对你们价格打些折扣,易于我们促销。 4. If your price

12、is not competitive, there is little chance that we can push the sale of your products in our market. 如果你们的价格没有竞争力,那么我们不可能在我们的市场上推销你们的产品。,Dialogues,Writing,Practical learning,Training,Pre-task Additional Sentences,5. You will find our price highly competitive if you take quality into consideration. 要

13、是你把质量考虑进去的话,你会发现我们的价格是极具竞争力的。 6. Since were old friends/regular customers/long-standing buyers, I hope you would agree to use D/P for this transaction. 因为我们是老朋友/老客户了,我希望你们能同意这批生意用付款交单的支付方式。 7. In order to conclude the business, shall we meet each other halfway, say 50% by L/C and the balance by D/P?

14、 为了做成这笔生意,我们大家折中一下,比方说,50%用信用证,其余的用付款交单的方式,你看怎样?,Dialogues,Writing,Practical learning,Training,Task Assign a task by teacher,1. You should talk about the price about a certain goods that you are interested in. 2. You should search for information and typical expressions about the price, quantity and

15、 quality based on the goods you chose. 3. You make a role-play, one roles as exporters, the other one roles as customers.,Dialogues,Writing,Practical learning,Training,Practice check and make conclusion,Important sentences and phrases 1. Your price is much higher than we expected. 2. Lets compromise

16、. 3. What do you think is a competitive price? 4. Whats your idea of a reasonable price? 5. In order to conclude the business, shall we meet each other halfway, say 50% by L/C and the balance by D/P? 6. Since were old friends/regular customers/long-standing buyers, I hope you would agree to use D/P

17、for this transaction.,Dialogues,Writing,Practical learning,Training,Practice check and make conclusion,Basically, there are three commonly used price terms: FOB, CNF and CIF. 一般常用的价格条款有三种:FOB, CNF 和 CIF。 注意事项:主要分清买卖双方所负担的责任和义务,包括费用的承担。 其它价格条款参考如下: FOL (Free On Lighter) 驳船交货价 FOR (Free On Rail) 铁路交货价

18、 FOT (Free On Truck) 敞车交货价 CIP(Cost, Insurance Paid to) 运费、保险费付至目的地 CPT (Carriage Paid to) 运费付至(指定目的港),Dialogues,Writing,Practical learning,Training,Practice check and make conclusion,CIP (Carriage and Insurance Paid to) 运费、保险费付至(指定目的地) DCP (Delivered Carriage Paid to) 运费付至目的地 DAF (Delivered at Fron

19、tier) 边境交货(指定地点) DES (Delivered EX Ship) 目的港船上交货(指定目的港) DEQ (Delivered EX Quay) 目的港码头交货(指定目的港) DDU (Delivered Duty Unpaid) 未完税交货(指定目的地) DDP (Delivered Duty Paid) 完税后交货(指定目的地) FRC (Free Carrier) 货交承运人指定地点 FOB stowed 指卖方除船上交货外,并负担理舱费用,Dialogues,Writing,Practical learning,Training,Practice check and ma

20、ke conclusion,FOB trimmed 指卖方除船上交货外,并负担平舱费用 FOB vessel 按美国对外贸易定义解释,卖方必须在船上 交货 CIFW(Cost, Insurance, Freight and War risks) 到岸价格加兵险 CIFC(Cost, Insurance, Freight and Commission) 到岸价格加佣金 CIFE(Cost, Insurance, Freight and Exchange) 到岸价格加兑换费 CIFCI(Cost, Insurance, Freight, Commission and Interest到岸价格加佣金

21、及利息 EXW (EX works) 工厂交货(指定地点) FCA (Free Carrier) 交至承运人(指定地点) FAS (Free Along Side) 船边交货(指定装运港),Dialogues,Writing,Practical learning,Training,General Inquiry and Specific Inquiry,Section III. Practical Writing,Offer,Counter-counter offer,Dialogues,Writing,Practical learning,Training,Counter Offer,Acc

22、eptance and Order,General Inquiry and Specific Inquiry,Dialogues,Writing,Practical learning,Training,Sample 1. General inquiry from the buyer,Buy Kites Dear Sir or Madam, We know your company and products from . We are importer of kites in England. We have examined your website and have interests to

23、 your advertised kites. It is appreciated to get a price list and catalogue in details for all kites related.,General Inquiry and Specific Inquiry,Dialogues,Writing,Practical learning,Training,Sample 1. General inquiry from the buyer,Thanks for your quick response. Best regards Mr. Smith Global Trad

24、e Company, Kite Branch E-mail: K,General Inquiry and Specific Inquiry,Dialogues,Writing,Practical learning,Training,Sample 2. Reply of a general inquiry,Re: Buy Kites Dear Mr. Mr. Smith, Thanks for your kind inquiry. Were manufacturer of Weifang kites for 100 years. We have designed more new types o

25、f kites this year, which are not shown on our website. Attached with your required price list,General Inquiry and Specific Inquiry,Dialogues,Writing,Practical learning,Training,Sample 2. Reply of a general inquiry,and catalogue as well as sample photos for your reference. Wish to receive your furthe

26、r information. Any comment and requirement is welcome!,General Inquiry and Specific Inquiry,Dialogues,Writing,Practical learning,Training,Sample 2. Reply of a general inquiry,Best regards Wang Dawei Weifang Kite Plant Tel:86-536-8881234 Fax: 86-536-8881235 E-mail:,1.什么是询盘?询盘包含什么内容?,Generally speakin

27、g, inquiry is given by the buyer asking for information about his interested products. The contents of an inquiry may basically include the price of the product, the specifications, packages, delivery time, payment and other terms. In an inquiry letter, it also may ask the seller to offer product ca

28、talogue or samples.,Dialogues,Writing,Practical learning,Training,Discussing Questions,2. 客户为什么发询盘?,Discussing Questions,Dialogues,Writing,Practical learning,Training,3.网上的询盘都是真实询盘吗?,Discussing Questions,Dialogues,Writing,Practical learning,Training,Writing skills of general inquiry from the buyer,D

29、iscussing Questions,How did you know the information Your products interested Type of our company: manufacturer/exporter/importer/broker Line and products General ideas of price list and catalogue Samples requirement Other details you want to know Wishes Contact information,Dialogues,Writing,Practic

30、al learning,Training,Writing skills of reply of a general inquiry,Discussing Questions,Thanks Reply each point of the inquiry Quick response ASAP Wishes Contact information,Dialogues,Writing,Practical learning,Training,1.实用词汇,Practical Expressions,1. Ask for a catalogue ( catalog), samples and a pri

31、celist 索取产品目录、样品、价目单 2. illustrated catalogue 附有插图的目录 3. the latest catalog 最新目录,Dialogues,Writing,Practical learning,Training,2.实用句型,Practical Sentences,询盘实用句型 1. 说明信息来源(告知对方从何种渠道得知对方公司的情况) 1)Your name has been given us by the Chamber of Commerce/ the Embassy/ the bank in).(我们从在地方的商会/从使馆/从银行获悉你方名称。

32、) 2)Your firm has been recommended to us by Bayer AG, with whom we have done business for many years.(多年来与我们有业务联系的拜尔股份公司将贵公司推荐给我们。),Dialogues,Writing,Practical learning,Training,2.实用句型,Practical Sentences,询盘实用句型 2. 直截了当地说明想要购买的货物 1)We are considering the purchase of(我们打算购买。) 2)We are interested in i

33、mporting snooker tables but we need to have further details of the costs before making a final decision. (我们有兴趣进口台球桌,但在最后决定之前需要进一步了解有关价格的详细情况。) 3)We are regular buyers of mens knitwear.(我们是购买男用针织品的老客户。),Dialogues,Writing,Practical learning,Training,2.实用句型,Practical Sentences,询盘实用句型 3. 请求对方寄送目录、价格表和样

34、品 1)Will you please send us your illustrate/ latest catalogue and price-list.(请您寄给我们带插图的/最新的产品目录和价格表。) 2)We should like to receive a copy of your latest catalogue and full details of your export prices and terms of payment, together with samples.(我们非常希望获得贵公司的最新产品目录和有关出口价格、付款条件以及样品的详细材料。) 3)Kindly le

35、t me have a description of your electric hedge trimmers.(请贵方寄来电动修剪机的说明书。),Dialogues,Writing,Practical learning,Training,2.实用句型,Practical Sentences,询盘实用句型 4. 强调对方所报价格应合理和具有竞争性 1)If your quotation is really competitive, (如果你方报价具有竞争力,。) 2)Provided prices are right.(前提是价格便宜。) 3)If your products and term

36、s compare favorably with those of other suppliers, we shall send you an order.(如果贵公司的产品及条件与其他供货商相比有优势,我方就会下订单。),Dialogues,Writing,Practical learning,Training,2.实用句型,Practical Sentences,询盘实用句型 5. 表示定购货物的可能性 1)Please let us know by return of post whether you would be interested in such an order.(请发信告知

37、我们,你方是否对这样的订单感兴趣。),Dialogues,Writing,Practical learning,Training,2.实用句型,Practical Sentences,询盘回复函实用句型 1. 感谢对方的询价 1)Many thanks for your enquiry of (多谢您于日的询价。) 2)Thank you for your enquiry and for your interest in our products.(感谢你方询价以及对我方产品的兴趣。) 3)We thank you for your enquiry of (对你方在日的询价信深表感谢。),Di

38、alogues,Writing,Practical learning,Training,2.实用句型,Practical Sentences,询盘回复函实用句型 2. 表示很高兴寄给对方 1)We are pleased to enclose (我们很高兴附寄给您。) 2)We have pleasure in enclosing (我们很高兴附寄给您。) 3)We are sending you our latest price-list and catalogue. (我们附寄给您我们的最新价格表和产品目录。),Dialogues,Writing,Practical learning,Tr

39、aining,2.实用句型,Practical Sentences,询盘回复函实用句型 3. 说明所能提供商品的详细信息及优点 1)We are confident you will find our products the finest on the market and considerably better than those of our competitors who supply your market at present.(我们确信,您将会认为我方产品是市场上最好的,大大优于竞争对手目前所供的产品。) 2)The specimens sent will convince y

40、ou of the excellent quality of our medical instruments.(寄去的样品会使您相信我方制造的医疗器械质量上乘。),Dialogues,Writing,Practical learning,Training,2.实用句型,Practical Sentences,询盘回复函实用句型 4. 表明所提供的价格是合理的和具有竞争性的且说明实行价格的期限 1)This is the most favorable offer we can make and you will agree that none of our competitors can equ

41、al these terms.(这是我们能做到的最低报价,您会承认,在我们的竞争者中没有一家能提供与我们一样的报价。) 2)Price is valid until Dec.31.(这些价格至12月31日有效。) 3)Subject to being unsold.(以未售出为前提。),Dialogues,Writing,Practical learning,Training,2.实用句型,Practical Sentences,询盘回复函实用句型 5. 希望客户对报价满意并能很快收到订单或希望未来长期开展交易 1)We hope you will find our quotation sat

42、isfactory and look forward to receiving your order.(我们希望您对我们的报价满意并期盼您的订货。) 2)We look forward to doing business with you.(我们盼望与你方洽谈业务。),Dialogues,Writing,Practical learning,Training,根据以下询盘函,写一封回复函 General Enquiry Dear Sirs, We have been informed by the Bank of U.S. Commerce, New York, that you are on

43、e of the leading exporters of textiles in China, and that you wish to export pure silk garments to our market. You will be pleased to note that our corporation is one of the leading importers of textile products, having over 30 years history and high reputation. We shall be able to give you consider

44、able orders, if the quality of your products is fine and the prices are moderate. We would be obliged if you will send us some samples with the best terms at your earliest convenience. Yours faithfully, VANCOUVER TEXTILES CORPORATION,Do it yourself,Dear Sirs, We take pleasure to acknowledge receipt

45、of your letter of January 20, from which we learn that you are interested in bringing silk garments to the New York market. We are enclosing our quotation sheet covering different sizes and colors of our pure silk garments that can be supplied from stock. We are also airmailing you two dozen sample

46、garments in different sizes and colors. Delivery will be within 30 days after your placing an order to us. Payment of the purchase is to be effected by an irrevocable L/C at sight in our favor. This offer is subject to your immediate reply which should reach us not later than the end of next month.

47、The price will probably be changed once this particular offer has lapsed. Yours faithfully, CHINA NATIONAL TEXTILES IMP. & EXP. CORP. SHANGHAI HOME TEXTILES BRANCH,Key to this letter,General Inquiry and Specific Inquiry,Dialogues,Writing,Practical learning,Training,Sample 3. Specific Inquiry from th

48、e buyer,Dear Sir, We have interests to your QQ kite shown on Canton Fair. Please offer your most competitive price at CIF Liverpool for a 20 FCL. Send us also the related specifications, packing and latest delivery time. Payment will be 100% an irrevocable L/C at sight and we prefer quality certific

49、ate by S.G.S.,General Inquiry and Specific Inquiry,Dialogues,Writing,Practical learning,Training,Sample 3. Specific Inquiry from the buyer,We would be most grateful if you could send us your firm offer immediately. If your price meets our clients demand, then the order will be placed with you on regular basis. (At least 6 times in a year.) Look for


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