大学外贸英语chapter 14 WTO1— A General Introduction.ppt

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1、Chapter 14,WTO(1) A General Introduction 世界贸易组织(1) 综述,Warm-up Questions,What do you know about WTO?,Can you name some of its functions?,When is Chinas entry into WTO?,New words,1. secretariat n. 秘书处 2. to parallel vt. 与平行,与相当 3. unanimity n. 一致,一致同意 4. ruling n. 裁决,裁定 5. to license vt. 允许 6. to deem

2、 vt. 认为 7. cardinal a. 基本的 8. automaticity n. 自动性 9. uniformity n. 一致性 10. mutuality n. 相互性 11. universality n. 普遍性,广泛性 12. to notify vt. 通知 13. transition n. 过渡,Economic Terms,1. subject matter 标的物 (如在汽车销售合同中的“汽车”就是标的物) 2. GSP treatment 普惠制待遇 3. exchange rate (or rate of exchange) 汇率(=the price of

3、one currency in terms of another) 4. customs valuation 海关估价 5. certificate of origin 原产地证明书,Economic Terms,6. safeguard measure 保障措施 7. export financing 出口资金融通,出口融资 8. differential treatment 差别待遇 9. intellectual property right 知识产权 10. budgetary estimate 预算 11. final accounting of revenue and expend

4、iture 决算,Useful Phrases and Idiomatic Expressions,1. to be responsible for 负责 2. within the framework of 在框架内 3. to provide an arena for 为提供一个舞台 4. to resolve a complaint 解决一项起诉 5. to reach judgment 作出判决 6. in effect 实际上 7. to retaliate against对进行报复,8. to carry more weight 有更大的影响力或重要性 9. to inherit

5、from 从继承 10. to be put into effect 使生效 11. to run counter to 与背道而驰 12. on a non-periodic basis 非定期地 13. to come to an end 结束,Useful Phrases and Idiomatic Expressions,1. national treatment国民待遇 2. the Ministerial Conference部长会议 3. the General Council总理事会 4. dispute settlement body争议解决机构,Notes,WTO A Ge

6、neral Introduction,To continue the work of GATT in agreeing international trading rules To further the liberalization of international trade To implement the measures agreed at the Uruguay Round To strengthen the GATT mechanism for settling trade disputes.,Aims of the WTO,Being responsible for the i

7、mplementation, administration and operation of multilateral trade agreements within the framework of WTO and promoting the attainment of WTO aims mentioned above Providing an arena for multilateral trade relationship negotiations with the ministerial conference to materialize the outcomes of such ne

8、gotiations Helping to settle trade disputes through its dispute settlement mechanism,Specific Functions to Be Performed by the WTO,Reviewing periodically the trade policies of its member nations and their impacts on the operation of multilateral trading system Helping to realize the goal of boosting

9、 greater uniformity of global economic decisions by cooperating with other international economic bodies such as IMF and the World Bank and their subsidiaries. WTO goals in trade area parallel those of the IMF in the financial area Offering technical assistance and training service to the developing

10、 member countries and the least developed nations.,Specific Functions to Be Performed by the WTO,the nature of the two is different the scope of governance is different the way of settling trade disputes is different,Comparison Between the GATT and WTO,Most-favored-nation Treatment Principle Definit

11、ion Essential Elements Automaticity Uniformity Mutuality Universality Exceptions,Basic Principles of the WTO,National Treatment Principle Definition Key Points of National Treatment Principle only applicable to goods, services or service-providers, intellectual property owners and holders only invol

12、ves the goods, services, service-providers, intellectual property owners and holders of other member nations “No less” means the treatment given to the goods, services, service-providers, intellectual-property owners and holders shall be the same as that accorded to like domestic goods, services, se

13、rvice-providers, intellectual-property owners and holders,Basic Principles of the WTO,Transparency Principle Definition Main Contents Announcement of trade measures Notification of trade measures,Basic Principles of the WTO,Free Trade Principle Definition Five Key Points of This Principle Realizatio

14、n of trade liberalization Trade liberalization and multilateral talks Trade liberalization and WTOs dispute settlement mechanism Negative effects of trade liberalization and trade remedial Application of differential treatment,Basic Principles of the WTO,Fair Competition Principle Definition The Thr

15、ee Important Aspects of This Principle must be reflected in the areas of goods trade, service trade and intellectual property relating to trade involves actions of both the member nations governments and the member states enterprises requires the WTO members to maintain fair competition on domestic

16、markets for goods, services or service-providers regardless of whether they come from the home country or from any other member,Basic Principles of the WTO,Organizational Structure of the WTO,Questions to be Answered,What are the aims of the WTO? Can you tell briefly the specific functions of the WTO? Are there any differences between the GATT and the WTO? What are they? What are the basic principles followed by the WTO? What are the five key points contained in the free trade principle? How much do you know about the organizational structure of the WTO?,This is the end of Chapter 14,


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