大学外贸英语chapter 8 International Trade Policies.ppt

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1、Chapter 8,International Trade Policies 国际贸易政策,Warm-up Questions,What is trade policy?,Can you name some of the commonly-used trade policies?,What are the component parts and objectives of trade policy?,New words,1. instrument n. 工具(tool) 2. fund n. 资金(大多数情况下fund的复数表示“资金”,但有时也可表示“多种基金”,具体意思应由下上文来决定)

2、3. welfare n. 福利 4. preferential a. 优待的,特惠的 5. to advance vt. 提出(理论、看法、理由等) 6. to contend vt. 坚决主张 7. to shield vt. 保护,保卫 8. to sue vt. 起诉 9. damages n. 损害赔偿金 10. lawsuit n. 诉讼(案件) 11. to enforce vt. 强制执行,New words,12. variously adv. 各种各样地,不同地 13. to unload vt. 抛售,倾销 14. indigenous a. 本土的(domestic)

3、15. ultimate a. 最终的,最后的 16. administrative a. 行政的 17. to boost vt. 增加 18. master n. 大师 19. critic n. 批评家,爱挑剔的人 20. to charge vt. 指控 21. bulb n. 灯泡,球茎,球状物 22. vertically adv.垂直地 23. ingenuity n. 机灵的人,足智多谋的人,Economic Terms,1. specific tariff 从量税,从量关税税率(also specific tax) 2. ad valorem tariff 从价(关)税,按值

4、所计关税(also ad valorem tax) 3. protective tariff 保护性关税(税率可高达100%) 4. punitive tariff 惩罚性关税(税率高于100%) 5. cash grants 现金赠款 6. tax breaks 赋税减免(a reduction in tax) 7. foreign sourcing (国内公司)购买或采购外国配件(the purchase of foreign components by domestic firms) 8. import substitution 进口替代 9. profit margin 利润率,利幅

5、10. customs inspector 海关检查人员,Useful Phrases and Idiomatic Expressions,1. to aim at目的在于 2. to be vital for对极为重要 3. to be characterized by使带有特征 4. at ones disposal供某人使用,由某人支配 5. under the auspieces of在领导下,在的资助下 6. to be committed to sth.致力于某事,承诺某事 7. to go into用于,8. in the context of 从前后关系,在方面 9. with

6、 a view to doing sth. 以为目的(注意view后的to是前置词。因此to后跟名词或动名词) 10. to drive sb. out of 将某人从赶出局 11. to file a petition with (an organization) 向(一组织)提出上诉 12. to put (the parts) back together 将(零件)复原,Useful Phrases and Idiomatic Expressions,1. policy toward 对的政策(英国人一般都在toward后加s,美国人一般不加) 2. industrial structu

7、re产业结构 3. preferential treatment优惠待遇 4. equity participation in domestic firm在国内公司中参股(在金融学中equity常用来表示“股票”),Notes,5. in physical term按实体 6. in value term按价值 7. the Commerce Department(美)商业部 8. tulip bulb郁金香球茎式的灯泡,Notes,Definition of protective trade policy,International trade policies mean those pol

8、icies adopted by governments toward international trade that involve a number of different actions. International trade policy sometimes can also be defined as policy of important export toward1 other countries or regions.,Component Parts of International Trade Policies,(1) General policies toward f

9、oreign trade which include general import policy and general export policy. Such policies are implemented during a longer period of time in consideration of the interests of a countrys whole national economy. (2) Import and export commodity policies which are policies formulated on the basis of a co

10、untrys general foreign trade policies, economic structure and domestic market conditions. (3) Foreign trade policies toward different countries and regions. These policies are made on the basis of a countrys general trade policies, in the light of its economic, political and diplomatic ties with oth

11、er countries and regions.,Objectives of International Trade Policies,To protect a countrys domestic markets; To protect a countrys domestic industries; To expand a countrys export markets; To promote the improvement of a countrys industrial structure To accumulate capital or funds; To maintain a cou

12、ntrys economic and political relations with other nations.,Principal Types of International Trade Policies,Free Trade Policy Definition Arguments Protective Trade Policy Definition Arguments,Tariff Import tariff Export tariff Specific tariff Ad valorem tariff Compound tariff Protective tariff,Intern

13、ational Trade Policy Instruments,Subsidies Import quotas Voluntary export restraints (VERs) Local content requirements Anti-dumping policies Administrative policies,International Trade Policy Instruments,Exercises for the Text,What are the usual arguments for protective trade policy? Why is free tra

14、de policy only an ideal? Is export tariff allowed in the U.S.? Why not? Can you tell the difference between specific tariffs and ad valorem tariffs? Why do countries subsidize their exporters? What is meant by “foreign sourcing?” Is there a uniform definition of dumping?,This is the end of Chapter 8,


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