大学外贸英语chapter 9 Regional Economic Integration.ppt

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1、Chapter 9,Regional Economic Integration 地区经济一体化,Warm-up Questions,What is meant by regional economic integration?,What forms of regional economic integration do you know?,What is your attitude toward regional economic integration?,New words,1. regional a. 地区的 2. integration n. 一体化 3. notable a. 显著的

2、4. standardized a. 标准化了的 5. to oversell vt. 过分吹嘘 6. participating a. 参加的,参与的 7. enduring a. 持久的,不朽的 8. associate a. 合伙的,有联系的,副的 9. Liechtenstein n.(国名)列支敦土登欧洲 10. to enhance vt. 增加,提高 11. Chile n. (国名)智利拉丁美洲 12. to bear vt. 承担,负担 13. Zollverein n. (德语)关税同盟 14. sovereign a. 有主权的 15. straightforward a

3、. 直接的,易做的,New words,16. external a. 外部的,对外的(反义词为internal) 17. immigration n. 移民入境 18. emigration n. 移民出境 19. to harmonize vt. 使协调 20. to unify vt. 使统一 21. to entail vt. 需要,使成为必要 22. bureaucracy n. 官僚(机构) 23. accountable a. 有责任的,有义务的 24. duty-free a. 免税的,无关税的 25. to abolish vt. 消除,废除 26. aspiration n

4、. 抱负,渴望 27. atomic a. 原子的,28. executive a. 行政上的,执行的 29. to initiate vt. 制定,启动 30. to implement vt. 贯彻,执行 31. the Americas n. 美洲 32. average a. 平均的 33. substantial a. 大量的 34. exodus n. (大批的)离去(只有单数) 35. environmental a. 环境的 36. to comprise vt. 包括,由组成 37. Brunei n.(国名)文莱(亚洲) 38. infra构词成分表示“在内”、“内部”,E

5、conomic Terms,1. regional economic integration 地区经济一体化 2. fiscal policy 财政政策(the use of government spending to influence macroeconomic conditions; policy dealing with government spending and taxation) 3. employment policy 就业政策 4. intermediate product(commodity) 中间产品(货物,商品)=a product in the process o

6、f production, therefore neither a raw material nor a finished product(成品) 5. trade volume 贸易量 6. industrial policy 产业政策,Useful Phrases and Idiomatic Expressions,1. to go beyond 超出,越出(与move beyond 意同) 2. on the road toward 在朝着的道路上 3. to be binding on sb. 对某人有拘束力 4. to headquarter. in 将的总部设在(常用被动式) 5.

7、 to exercise control over sth. 对进行控制 6. to impose the rule of law (on an organization)(对某一组织)强制实行法治 7. on the rise 在上升(指势头、价格等),8. to take effect 生效 9. pertaining to 有关,涉及 10. to phase out 逐步淘汰,逐步结束或减少 11. to commit oneself to doing sth. 承诺做某事,致力于做某事 12. a long way behind sb. 远远落后于某人 13. at the sugg

8、estion of 在建议下 14. to transform itself into 将自己转变成,Useful Phrases and Idiomatic Expressions,1. preferential trade arrangement优惠贸易安排 2. ASEAN东南亚国家联盟 3. Bismarck n.俾斯麦 4. European Economic Community欧洲经济共同体(已由EU取代) 5. common market共同市场,Notes,6. the European Commission欧洲委员会 7. the European Parliament欧洲议

9、会 8. the European Court of Justice欧洲法院 9. labour law劳动法 10. MERCOSUR南美共同体 11. APEC亚太经济合作组织,Notes,Definition of Regional Economic Integration,it is often defined as agreements among countries in a geographical region to reduce and ultimately remove tariff and non-tariff barriers to the free flow of g

10、oods, services and factors of production between each other. The purpose of regional economic integration is to achieve economic gains from such integration.,Forms of Regional Economic Integration,Preferential Trade Arrangement The least integrated regional economic integration form,A Free Trade Are

11、a (or Zone) Definition Examples Customs Union Definition Examples Comparison between a free trade area and a customs,Forms of Regional Economic Integration,A Common Market Definition Examples Comparison between a free trade area and a customs Requirements for setting up a common market Benefits,Form

12、s of Regional Economic Integration,Economic Union Benelux The United States Political Union EU,Forms of Regional Economic Integration,Regional Economic Integration in Europe,EFTA The EU,NAFTA Nature Objective Main contents Impact of NAFTA on trade among the three countries MERCOSUR,Regional Economic

13、 Integration in the Americas,ASEAN APEC The Proposed China-ASEAN Free Trade Area,Regional Economic Integration in the Asian-Pacific Region,Questions to be Answered,In what way is free trade area different from customs union? What requirements must be met before an economic union is formed? How much do you know about the EU? Give examples of regional economic integration in Europe as well as in Asia and Pacific region. Can you say something about NAFTA?,This is the end of Chapter 9,


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