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1、应用型大学英语综合教程,上海交通大学出版社,应用型大学英语系列教材,Book 4,2,上海交通大学出版社,Language in Use,Enhancement of Language Abilities,Unit Three,Table of Contents,Language Skills Development,3,上海交通大学出版社,Focus1 content,Starter,Text: The rise of cyber-bullying,Working with words and phrases,Discussion,Practice: interpreting,Practic

2、e: translation,Practice: writing,Surfing the Internet,Highlights,Table of Contents,Part 1 Language Skills Development,4,上海交通大学出版社,focus1highlights,Highlights S: Why do they do it? L: Cyber-bullying spreads in the US R: The rise of cyber-bullying W: Patterns of organization (1): chronological order I

3、nternet work: Introducing tips for having a safe online banking experience,Part 1 Language Skills Development,5,上海交通大学出版社,1. Starter,focus1starter,A. Read the question and answer in the box and discuss in pairs whether you agree with the explanation, and whether you think there are any other reasons

4、.,6,上海交通大学出版社,1. Starter,focus1starter,I agree with the explanation, but I think there are some other reasons for cyber-bullying, such as ill feelings, jealousy, revenge, aggressiveness, mischievousness, hatred, and cruelty, with the added advantage of anonymity that covers the identity of cyber-bul

5、lies who are free to do whatever they want online without worrying about being punished.,7,B. Listen to a short passage entitled Cyber-bullying Spreads in the US and answer the following questions.,focus1starter,上海交通大学出版社,1. Starter,Mind Map Pew Internet and American Life Project 皮尤互联网与美国生活项目 forwar

6、d / vt. 转发 social networking site 社交网站 blog / n. 网络日志,8,focus1starter,上海交通大学出版社,1. Starter,1. How many teen Internet users have become victims of cyber-bullying, according to the news report? 2. Why are young people on social networking sites easily cyber-bullied? 3. Why is cyber-bullying more serio

7、us than traditional bullying?,One third of teenagers who surf the Net have been victims of cyber-bullying.,Because they share personal information on social networking websites.,Because with a few clicks, a photo, a video, or a conversation can be shared with hundreds via e-mail or millions through

8、a website, online profile, or blog posting.,9,focus1starter,上海交通大学出版社,1. Starter,Cyber-bullying Spreads in the US A news report on the influence of the Internet on US teens reports that one third of teenagers who surf the Net have been victims of cyber-bullying. The research, conducted by the Pew In

9、ternet and American Life Project, says: “About one third of all teenagers who use the Internet say they have been targets of a range of annoying and potentially threatening online activities such as receiving threatening messages, having their private emails or text messages forwarded without permis

10、sion, having embarrassing pictures posted without permission, or having rumors about them spread online.” However, the most common complaint from online teens was about private information being shared rather than direct threats or physical violence. Teenagers still believe that worse bullying happe

11、ns offline.,To be continued,10,focus1starter,上海交通大学出版社,1. Starter,The report discovered that as more young people join social networking sites such as MySpace and Facebook, they are making themselves weak by sharing more of their personal information online for cyber-bullies to find. The survey foun

12、d that 39% of social network users had been cyber-bullied in some way, compared to 22% of online teens who had never used social networks. Report author Amanda Lenhart commented: “Bullying has entered the digital age. The materials of bullying would have been whispered, shouted, or passed around. No

13、w, with a few clicks, a photo, a video, or a conversation can be shared with hundreds via e-mail or millions through a website, online profile, or blog posting.”,11,focus1text,上海交通大学出版社,Text Organization,12,focus1text,上海交通大学出版社,Text Organization,13,focus1text,上海交通大学出版社,Text Organization,14,Here, via

14、 is a preposition meaning “using a particular person, machine, etc. to send something”, or “traveling through a place on the way to another place”. e.g. You can access our homepage via the Internet. We flew to Athens via Paris.,The infinitive phrase “only to do sth.” is used to mention sth. that hap

15、pens immediately afterwards, especially sth. that causes surprise, disappointment, etc. e.g. She turned up the driveway, only to find her way blocked. Dick hurried to the airport, only to see his plane taking off.,focus1text,2. Text: The Rise of Cyber-bullying,1 Ryan Halligan was taunted for months.

16、 Classmates spread rumors via instant messaging that the 13-year-old boy was gay. A popular female classmate pretended to like him and chatted with him online, only to copy their personal exchanges and share them with her friends. Unable to cope, the teenager from Vermont in the US, killed himself.,

17、Translation,网霸的出现与漫延 1 瑞安哈利根几个月来一直受同学嘲弄。他们通过即时信息散布谣言,说这位十三岁的男孩是同性恋。一位颇具人气的女同学假装喜欢他,并和他在网上聊天,结果却把他们交流的信息复制下来与朋友分享。这位家住美国佛蒙特州的少年因无法应对这种羞辱,自杀身亡。,上海交通大学出版社,bully: vt. 1) 欺负,恐吓 e.g. My son was bullied at school yesterday. 2) 胁迫 e.g. I wont be bullied into signing anything. n. C仗势欺人者,横行霸道者 e.g. Jim is a b

18、ully. He keeps all the younger children under his thumb.,rumor: n. C, U谣言,传闻 e.g. I heard a rumor that they are getting married. Rumor has it (= People say) that he was murdered.,taunt: vt. 嘲弄,戏弄 e.g. He was badly hurt when his girlfriend taunted him about his weight.,15,focus1text,2 Gail Jones, a 1

19、5-year-old from the UK, took her life after receiving, at one point, 20 silent calls on her cell phone every 30 minutes. Her father, Glyn, suspects a final call in the middle of the night pushed her over the edge.,Translation,2 英国十五岁的盖尔琼斯在一度每半小时接到20个无声电话后也自杀了。她的父亲格林怀疑半夜的最后一次来电把她推入死亡的深渊。,上海交通大学出版社,Qu

20、estion about Para. 2,at one point: 一度,在某一时刻 “Point” here refers to a particular time or stage of development. e.g. At one point, I thought he was going to burst into tears. At this point I dont care what you decide to do.,over the edge: 精神错乱,疯狂 e.g. He had gone right over the edge. They were pushed

21、over the edge by some kind of carrot-and-stick offer.,2. Text: The Rise of Cyber-bullying,16,focus1text,1. What happened to Gail Jones?,She killed herself because she could not stand the constant silent calls bothering her all the time.,上海交通大学出版社,2. Text: The Rise of Cyber-bullying,17,focus1text,3 T

22、hese are extreme but far from unique examples of the devastation caused by cyber-bullying. Since Halligan died in 2003 and Jones in 2000, more and more children are logging on to the Internet, so its likely that online bullying, including sending threatening messages, displaying private messages, an

23、d posting embarrassing videos and photos online, is also increasing.,Translation,3 这是网霸行为带来的灾难中的两个极端例子,但绝非罕见。自从2003年哈利根和2000年琼斯自杀以来,上网的孩子越来越多,因此包括发送威胁性信息、暴露私人信息和在网上上传羞辱他人的录像和图片的网霸行为很有可能相应增加。,上海交通大学出版社,Question about Para. 3,devastation: n. U 毁坏,破坏,蹂躏 e.g. The country is still feeling the devastation

24、 of the war.,log on / in登录 e.g. Please log on with your registered email and password. He logged on to the website but could only find some useless information.,2. Text: The Rise of Cyber-bullying,18,focus1text,2. What are the main forms of cyber-bullying, according to the text?,Online bullying incl

25、udes sending threatening messages, displaying private messages, and posting embarrassing videos and photos online.,上海交通大学出版社,2. Text: The Rise of Cyber-bullying,19,focus1text,4 A study last month by the Pew Internet & American Life Project, based in Washington, found that one third of US teenage Int

26、ernet users have been targets of cyber-bullying. And as online communication evolves from instant messaging and chatrooms to social networking sites and YouTube, the venues where bullying occurs are becoming both more central to young peoples lives, and more public.,Translation,4 总部位于华盛顿的皮尤互联网与美国生活项

27、目组于上个月进行的一项研究发现,美国三分之一的青少年网民都曾受过网霸攻击。而且,随着网上交流从即时信息和聊天室发展到社交网站和YouTube视频网站,网霸行为发生的场所日益成为青少年生活的中心,并日益公共化。,上海交通大学出版社,2. Text: The Rise of Cyber-bullying,20,focus1text,5 Research into the causes and effects of cyber-bullying is still in its infancy. But it is becoming clear that aspects of online commu

28、nication encourage people to act aggressively, prompting them to do things they wouldnt dare to try in real life.,Translation,5 对网霸行为产生的原因及其影响的研究才刚刚起步,但有一点逐渐变得清晰:网上交流的某些方面使人们变得具有侵略性,促使人们去尝试现实生活中不敢尝试的事情。,上海交通大学出版社,Meaning: Research has been conducted to find out why cyber-bullying takes place and wha

29、t its consequences are, but it is now still in the early stage of development.,in (ones) infancy: 1)在初始阶段,在萌芽状态,在初期 e.g. Genetic engineering is still in its infancy. 2) 在幼年 e.g. In the past, many children died in infancy.,Question about Para. 5,3. What conclusion has been drawn from recent research

30、into the causes and effects of cyber-bullying?,Aspects of online communication encourage people to act aggressively, prompting them to do things they wouldnt dare to try in real life.,2. Text: The Rise of Cyber-bullying,21,focus1text,6 Whats more, the ability to reach more people, and the always-on

31、culture of the Internet, mean that cyber-bullying can have an even more detrimental effect on the victim than conventional playground bullying. “Its school-yard bullying taken to the next level,” says Justin Patchin, a criminologist at the University of Wisconsin. A study by UK-based Internet market

32、 research firm YouGov in 2006 found that for one in eight young people cyber-bullying is even worse than physical bullying.,Translation,6 更为严重的是,网络影响面大以及网络“始终在线”的文化特点使得网霸行为对受害者造成的伤害远远超过普通操场上的欺辱行为。“这是操场欺辱的升级版。”来自威斯康星大学的犯罪学家贾斯廷帕钦如是说。2006年由英国尤佳互联网市场调查公司进行的研究发现,每八个年轻人中就有一个认为网络欺凌比肉体欺辱更可怕。,上海交通大学出版社,detri

33、mental: a. 有害的 e.g. Lack of sleep is detrimental to ones health.,2. Text: The Rise of Cyber-bullying,22,focus1text,7 One reason for this is the sheer number of people who can view something that is posted online. “It would be bad enough to be cyber-bullied by one kid and nobody else knew about it, b

34、ut a video seen by hundreds or thousands of your peers could be devastating,” says Robin Kowalski, a psychologist at Clemson University in South Carolina and co-author of the book Cyber Bullying: Bullying in the Digital Age, which will be published in October.,Translation,7 原因之一是网上信息的受众人数巨大。“遭受一个孩子的

35、网络欺凌就算没人知道也已经够糟了,如果有几百个或上千个同龄人看了录像那将是灾难性的。”南卡罗来纳州克莱姆森大学心理学家罗宾科瓦尔斯基这样说,他也是十月份即将出版的网霸数字时代的欺辱的作者之一。,上海交通大学出版社,sheer: a. 1) 用于强调事物的大小、数量或程度 e.g. The sheer size of the country makes communications difficult. 2) 完全的;纯粹的 e.g. Its a sheer waste of time to persuade him to give up smoking.,2. Text: The Rise o

36、f Cyber-bullying,23,focus1text,8 Ghyslain Raza, also known as the “Star Wars Kid”, learned this the hard way. In 2002, the somewhat overweight and slightly awkward Canadian adolescent made a video of himself playing with a pretend light sabre and left it lying around at school. When his classmates f

37、ound the video in 2003, they posted it online as a joke. (To be continued),Translation,8 吉斯林哈扎,即众所周知的“星战小子”,非常痛苦地领教了这一点。2002年,这个胖乎乎有些笨拙的加拿大少年模仿绝地武士舞动假光剑拍了一段录像,然后将其随手丢在了学校里。2003年他的同学找到了这段录像,并放到网上当笑料。(待续),上海交通大学出版社,the hard way: 经历痛苦;通过出错 e.g. She wont listen to my advice so shell just have to learn t

38、he hard way.,pretend: a. 假装的,想象的 e.g. We sang and danced around a pretend campfire. It is a pretend meal this evening, with nothing whatsoever on the table.,2. Text: The Rise of Cyber-bullying,24,focus1text,Raza was so upset he finished the school year from a psychiatric ward. Unfortunately for him,

39、 it wasnt just his friends who found the video amusing. According to UK marketing firm The Viral Factory, it became the Internets most downloaded video of 2006.,Translation,哈扎受到极大刺激,以致在精神病院度过了那一学年。不幸的是,不仅仅是找到录像的同学感到好玩,根据英国营销公司病毒工厂的统计,该录像是2006年网上下载最多的录像。,上海交通大学出版社,2. Text: The Rise of Cyber-bullying,

40、25,focus1text,9 Another reason cyber-bullying is so harmful is its relentlessness, says John Carr, chair of the Childrens Charities Coalition for Internet Safety in London. “When I was a kid, playground bullying stopped when the bell rang and you went back inside or when you went home at the end of

41、the day,” he says. “With cyber-bullying it is 24/7, 365 days a year. There is no escape.” (To be continued),Translation,9 伦敦互联网安全儿童慈善联合会主席约翰卡尔认为,网霸危害如此巨大的另一个原因是它永无休止。他说:“在我小的时候,操场上的欺辱行为会随着铃声响起、走进了教室或是放学回家而停止,而网霸行为却是一年365天,一周7天,一天24小时地存在,无处可逃。” (待续),上海交通大学出版社,Meaning: Cyber-bullying is always there a

42、nd we simply cannot get rid of it.,24/7, 365:一年365天,一周7天,一天24小时,2. Text: The Rise of Cyber-bullying,26,focus1text,While an adult could simply turn off the computer, thats not really an option for todays teens, who are dependent on the Internet for communicating with their peers. “This is the always-

43、on generation,” says Kowalski. “This is how they communicate.” A 2007 Pew study found that 93 percent of US teens use the Internet and 61 percent go online daily.,Translation,成年人可以直接关掉计算机,可如今的青少年却不能这么做,因为他们依赖互联网和同伴保持联系。“这是始终在线的一代。”科瓦尔斯基说,“这是他们互相交流的方式。”2007年皮尤研究中心调查发现美国93%的青少年使用互联网,61%的人每天上网。,上海交通大学出

44、版社,2. Text: The Rise of Cyber-bullying,27,focus1text,10 The Internet doesnt just amplify the effect of bullying, however. The many options to remain anonymous when online, by using pseudonyms, say, for instant messaging, mean people can write things they would not dare to if their identity was known

45、.,Translation,10 但是,互联网不只是增强了欺辱他人的危害。上网时很多时候可以匿名,比如使用假名发送即时消息,这就意味着人们可以随意写下实名时不敢写的东西。,上海交通大学出版社,Question about Para. 10,Note that say is used to suggest that something might happen or be true, or give something as an example. e.g. If we put out, say, twenty chairs, would that be enough?,Meaning: But

46、 the Internet does not merely make the harm of cyber-bullying greater. (In other words, the Internet does other bad things.),2. Text: The Rise of Cyber-bullying,amplify: vt. 1) 放大,增强 e.g. We must amplify our effort by working a lot harder. 2) 补充叙述,详述 e.g. Let me amplify my earlier remarks.,28,focus1

47、text,4. Why is online anonymity to blame for the widespread cyber-bullying, according to the text?,Because by remaining anonymous, people can write things they would not dare to if their identity was known.,上海交通大学出版社,2. Text: The Rise of Cyber-bullying,29,focus1text,11 Anonymity was at the heart of

48、a 2001 incident when a student at an elite high school in New York City set up a Web page that let students vote anonymously on who they felt was their most promiscuous peer. (To be continued),Translation,上海交通大学出版社,elite: a. (只作定语)精英的 e.g. an elite group of artists n. C 精英,尖子 e.g. A government compr

49、ised mainly of the elite.,2. Text: The Rise of Cyber-bullying,at the heart of: 在核心,在中心 e.g. Most notably, capital, or lack of it, is at the heart of the crisis.,11 匿名制也是2001年一次事件的核心因素。纽约市一名精英学校的学生建了一个网页,让学生匿名投票选出他们认为最放荡的同学。,30,focus1text,“Just enter the name of the person in the interschool who u think is the biggest ho (be them FEMALE or MALE) and write the number of their grade next to their name (maybe even their school),” read the site. “Since its anonymous, u can write about whomever u please!” Mor


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