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1、,An Enhancement Approach to Quality: The Experience of a Scottish University in Enhancing the Student Experience. 强化质量的途径:一所苏格兰大学在强化学生体验方面积累的经验,Greetings from Scotland and Edinburgh 来自苏格兰和爱丁堡的问候,Presentation Outline演讲提纲,Four sections: 四个部分: Give you some context about my own university 介绍关于我所在的大学的一些

2、背景 The UKs approach to quality assurance & enhancement 英国的质量保障和质量强化方法 The uniqueness of the model adopted in Scotland 苏格兰模型的独特性 Edinburgh Napier Universitys experience of engaging with the Scottish enhancement agenda 爱丁堡龙比亚大学在参与苏格兰质量强化进程方面的经验,Edinburgh Napier University 爱丁堡龙比亚大学,Post 1992 university

3、, established 1964 “1992年后大学”,建立于1964年 One of 4 universities in and around Edinburgh 爱丁堡市内及周边地区范围内的四所大学之一 By 2015 aim to be one of the leading modern universities in the UK 目标是在2015年前成为英国顶尖的现代化大学之一 City Centre location, 4 major campuses 位于市中心,拥有4个主要校区 Over 17,600 students from 115 countries 学生总数超过17

4、,600,来自115个国家 One of the UKs top universities for graduate employability 毕业生的就业能力在全英国高校中名列前茅,Faculty of Health, Life & Social Science 健康、生命与社会科学学院 Faculty of Engineering, Computing & Creative Industries 工程、计算机与创意产业学院 The Business School 商学院,Faculties学院,Edinburgh Napier University 爱丁堡龙比亚大学,Programmes

5、 accredited by 94 professional/statutory bodies 课程得到94个专业团体的认证 “Confident Futures” “自信的未来” Strategic Commitment to widening access 致力于从战略高度扩大受教育的范围 2000 college articulation routes 2000种学院升学途径 26% of students from lower quintile 26%的学生来自处于贫困状态的40%人口 81% of students have declared a disability 81%的学生因

6、残疾等问题需要帮助 28% of students from overseas 28%的学生来自海外 Many students are 1st in family to undertake a degree. 许多学生都是各自家族中第一个进入大学攻读学位课程的人,Quality Assurance in the UK 英国的质量保障,Maintain our international reputation for excellence and maintaining academic quality and standards is key 仍享有卓越的国际声望,而维持学术的质量和水准正是

7、保持这一声望的关键因素 All universities are autonomous but receive funding from the government. 所有大学都是自治的,但同时接受政府的资金。 Publication of the recent White paper where; 最近发布的白皮书中: Students will pay more towards the costs of their degrees 攻读学位的学生将付出更多费用 Government promises of improvements in student experience, choic

8、e and accountability. 政府承诺将改善学生的体验,提供更多选择,并推动相关院校承担更多责任。 http:/discuss.bis.gov.uk/hereform/white-paper/,Quality Assurance in the UK 英国的质量保障,Sparked much debate on relationship between: 围绕以下内容引发了激烈的争论: Fees 学费 Consumerism 消费主义 And mechanisms for enhancing quality. 以及质量强化机制。,Quality Assurance in the U

9、K 英国的质量保障,The Quality Assurance Agency for Higher Education (QAA) 高等教育质量保障署(QAA) http:/www.qaa.ac.uk/AboutUs/Pages/default.aspx Role: to check how well each HE provider in the UK is meeting responsibilities, identify areas of good practice and make recommendations for improvements. 作用:评估每个高等教育机构在履行职

10、责、总结良好实践以及提出改进建议等方面的表现。 One Core functions: 核心职能之一: to carry out reviews and report to the public on how HE providers maintain the quality of the learning opportunities to students and the academic standards of the awards they make. 对以下方面做出评估并向公众作出报告:大学以及其他高等教育机构是如何保证它们为学生提供的教育质量以及它们在颁发学位时遵循了哪些学术标准。

11、 Reviews are evidence based, with review teams made up of senior staff from UK HE, the professions, a student member and in Scotland an international member. 评估过程以实证为基础,评估团队由英国高等教育机构和相关专业的高级官员以及一名学生组成,苏格兰的评估团队中还有一名国际成员。,Academic Infrastructure 学术规范体系,The Scottish context 苏格兰的高等教育,Within UK, Scotland

12、 has its own Parliament. 在英国,苏格兰有自己的议会。 This means that education can be managed differently. 这意味着苏格兰可以以不同的方式管理教育。 4 year degree, 1 year Masters, supports Europe-wide Bologna Process 四年制学位课程,一年制硕士课程,与在欧洲范围内推行的“博洛尼亚进程”相符,Quality Assurance Agency (Scotland) QAA(苏格兰),Sub-set of QAA QAA的分支机构 http:/www.q

13、aa.ac.uk/Scotland/Pages/default.aspx Remain true to the requirements of the Academic Infrastructure 可以满足学术规范体系的需要 Different Quality Enhancement Framework 不同的质量强化体系 Developed in conjunction with the sector in Scotland, student bodies and the Scottish Funding Council (SFC). 由苏格兰的教育机构、学生团体以及苏格兰高等教育拨款委员

14、会联合设立。,Scottish Quality Enhancement Framework. 苏格兰的质量强化体系,Consists of 5 parts:由五部分组成: Institutional-led quality review 院校主导的质量评估 Enhancement-led institutional review (ELIR) 以质量强化为导向的机构评估(ELIR) http:/www.qaa.ac.uk/Scotland/Pages/Enhancement-led-institutional-revuew.aspx Student engagement and sparqs

15、学生参与和“学生参与苏格兰教育质量”组织 Enhancement themes 质量强化主题活动 Information for the public 公开信息。,2 Parts of the Framework 体系中的两个部分,Enhancement-led Institutional Review 1. 以质量强化为导向的机构评估(ELIR) 5 year cycle 周期为五年 Looks at the effectiveness of a universitys approach to the learning experience and achievements of its s

16、tudents 关注的对象是大学在提升学生的学习体验和学习成就方面所起到的作用 4 integrated elements 四项综合因素 Annual discussion with each institution 每年与每所院校展开讨论 Production of a Reflective Analysis 进行回顾分析 Review Visit 评估视察 Sector-wide feedback on learning points from the ELIR activity. 在苏格兰高等教育体系的范围内对ELIR活动提供的学习点作出反馈。,2 Parts of the Framew

17、ork 体系中的两个部分,Enhancement-led Institutional Review 1. 以质量强化为导向的机构评估(ELIR) Defines enhancement as “taking deliberate steps to bring about improvement in the effectiveness of the learning experience of students” 将质量强化定义为“通过慎重的步骤改善学生学习体验的效果” Strategic, planned, reflecting and improving 战略性、有计划的、回顾和改善 Cy

18、cle of reflection, planning, implementation and evaluation 回顾、规划、实施和评估周期 http:/www.qaa.ac.uk/Publications/InformationAndGuidance/Pages/Enhancement-led-institutional-review-handbook-Scotland.aspx,2 Parts of the Framework 体系中的两个部分,Enhancement Themes 质量强化主题活动 http:/www.enhancementthemes.ac.uk/publicati

19、ons/Default.asp - Under direction of Scottish Higher Education Enhancement Committee. 在苏格兰高等教育质量强化委员会领导下,2 Parts of the Framework 体系中的两个部分,Enhancement Themes 2. 质量强化主题活动 No expectation of engagement with a theme in a pre-determined way 并未要求以预设的方式参与主题活动 Rich resource of practice from across the world

20、 世界各地良好实践的丰富资源 Used as a reference point to shape policy and strategy 作为规划的政策和实践的参考 Supported by an annual conference and workshop/seminar series 包括年度会议和一系列专题会/研讨会 Reflections on engagement with themes is now part of ELIR. 回顾对主题活动的参与现已成为ELIR评估的一部分。,The Edinburgh Napier experience 爱丁堡龙比亚大学的经验,Example

21、 1: Our latest Enhancement-led Institutional Review 例1:最近的一次ELIR评估 February/ March 2011. 2011年2月/3月 Institutional team prepared the Reflective Analysis 由全校各部门人员组成的团队准备回顾分析 Opportunity to reflect on how we had grown since 2006 一个机会来回顾自2006年上一次评估以来学校所取得的发展 Large amount of strategic change/initiatives

22、大量战略性变化和举措 E.g. Move to 20 credits, changes to the academic year, Week 1, new academic and LTA strategies, Confident Futures 如学分模块增加到20个、学年变化、第一周的入学教育活动,新的学术以及学习、教学和评估策略及“自信的未来” Rather impressive! 令人印象相当深刻! Much due to the energy, engagement and commitment of our staff. 很大程度上归公于教职人员的能量、参与和投入。 Allowe

23、d confidence in our academic standards and student experience. 增强了人们对我们的学术水准和学生体验的信心。,The Edinburgh Napier experience 爱丁堡龙比亚大学的经验,Example 1: Our latest Enhancement-led Institutional Review 例1:最近的一次ELIR评估 Allowed confidence in our academic standards and student experience. 增强了人们对我们的学术水准和学生体验的信心。 The

24、changes dovetailed well with ELIR expectations. 改变与ELIR的预期相吻合。 Conduct of the ELIR team ELIR团队的行为 Rigorous set of questions but a genuine dialogue with staff and students 问题严密但与师生进行了诚恳的对话 Our staff and students fed back that the sessions were demanding but much more a dialogue and conversation. 我们的师

25、生认为会面要求严格,但更像是对话和非正式的谈话。 Reduction in “quality assurance” / “box checking” “质量保障”/“格子打勾”减少 Enquiring how we had perceived the benefits and reflected on these 询问我们对这些好处的看法以及我们是如何考虑的 Impact on academic standards and enhancing the student experience. 对学术水准和强化学生体验的影响。 We were awarded a “confidence” outc

26、ome! 我们得到的结果是“有信心”!,The Edinburgh Napier experience 爱丁堡龙比亚大学的经验,Example 2: Our engagement with the QAA Enhancement Themes 例2:我们对QAA质量强化主题活动的参与,The Edinburgh Napier experience 爱丁堡龙比亚大学的经验,Example 2: Our engagement with the QAA Enhancement Themes 例2:我们对QAA质量强化主题活动的参与 Graduate Attributes for the 21st C

27、entury 21世纪的毕业生素质 Illustrates the developmental and iterative nature of quality enhancement practices. 证明质量强化进程的发展性和迭代性。 Key strategic objective is to “develop employable, confident graduates” 关键战略目标是“培养掌握就业技能的、自信的毕业生” Working on for over 10 years 朝这个方向努力超过十年 Started with the generation of our Emplo

28、yability Model in 2000 始于我们于2000年提出的就业能力模型,Student Employability Model 学生就业能力模型,Personal & professional development planning skills 个人和专业发展规划技能,Intellectual skills 智力技能 Source knowledge effectively 有效获取资源 Critically evaluate complex evidence 批判性地评估复杂的现象 Argue logically & appropriately 进行符合逻辑和适当的辩论 A

29、pply theory to practice 理论联系实际 Model problems qualitatively & quantitatively 以定性和定量的方式使问题模型化 Challenge take-for-granted assumptions 对想当然的假设提出质疑,Understanding of professional practices 对专业实践的理解 Professional ethics & standards 职业道德和标准 Professional behaviours & accountability 职业行为和责任 commercial awarene

30、ss 商业意识 entrepreneurship 创业精神 Recognition of organizational culture & diversity 认识到组织文化和多样性 professional networking 专业人际网络,Personal attributes 个人素质 Positive attitude 积极的态度 Effective self presentation 有效的自我表现 pro-active 积极主动 Self reliant 自我依赖 resilient 对困境有承受力 Adaptable/flexible 有适应能力/灵活 Understandin

31、g of personal values 理解个人价值观 respect for self & others 尊重自己和他人 creative 有创造力,Personal & professional development planning 个人和专业发展规划 commitment to continuous learning to learn 致力于不断“学习如何去学习” constructive reflection, self review & evaluation 建设性回顾,自我评价和评估 recognition of own strengths & development nee

32、ds 认识到自己的长处和发展需要 strategies for continuously improving own performance 持续完善自我表现的策略,Personal skills 个人技能 Communication; oral, written & digital 沟通;口头、书面和数字形式的表达 Information literacy 信息素养 Numerical competence 数能力 Personal goal setting 个人目标设定 Time management 时间管理 Working with others 与他人合作 Problem analy

33、sis & solving 问题分析和解决 Think strategically 战略思维,Understanding of professional practices 对专业实践的理解 Professional ethics & standards 职业道德和标准 Professional behaviours & accountability 职业行为和责任 commercial awareness 商业意识 entrepreneurship 创业精神 Recognition of organizational culture & diversity 认识到组织文化和多样性 profe

34、ssional networking 专业人际网络,Personal & professional development planning 个人和专业发展规划 commitment to continuous learning to learn 致力于不断“学习如何去学习” constructive reflection, self review & evaluation 建设性回顾,自我评价和评估 recognition of own strengths & development needs 认识到自己的长处和发展需要 strategies for continuously improv

35、ing own performance 持续完善自我表现的策略,2010年,The Edinburgh Napier experience 爱丁堡龙比亚大学的经验,Example 2: Our engagement with the QAA Enhancement Themes例2:我们对QAA质量强化主题活动的参与,自信的未来,我们的专题会,提出有说服力的建议,有创造性的解决问题,应对变化,有效沟通,设定目标,影响他人,与他人互动,了解自己和他人,让反馈为你服务,管理自己,管理自己的时间,管理冲突,人际沟通,应对挑战,Manage Yourself 管理自己 Communication 沟通

36、 Working with Others 与他人合作 Professional Working 专业工作,影响他人,培养对困境的承受力,提出有说服力的建议,应对挑战,设定目标,与NLP有效沟通,应对变化,有创造性地解决问题,自信,人际沟通,管理自己,管理自己的时间,管理冲突,了解自己和他人,让反馈为你服务,与他人互动,Dimensions 维度 (outer circle)(外圈),Skills, qualities & Characteristics 技能、质和特点 (inner circle) (内圈),Conscious employability 明确的就业能力 (centre) (中

37、心) (www.napier.ac.uk/standout,Pursuing Graduate Excellence 追求毕业后的优异表现,Application of & contribution to knowledge 知识的应用和对知识的贡献 Learning for life 终身学习 World of work prepared 为步入职场做好准备 Citizenship 公民身份,Conscious employability 明确的就业能力,Personal effectiveness & self efficacy 个人效能和自我效能,Ethical, Social & Pr

38、ofessional Understanding 道德、社会和专业理解,Intellectual curiosity & autonomy 求知欲和自治,Intrapreneurship & entrepreneurship 内部创业和创业精神,The Edinburgh Napier experience 爱丁堡龙比亚大学的经验,Example 2: Our engagement with the QAA Enhancement Themes cont.例2:我们对QAA质量强化主题活动的参与(续) Graduate Attributes for the 21st Century cont.

39、 21世纪的毕业生素质(续) The model helps us:该模型帮助我们: Inform沟通 Motivate 激励 Focus关注 Ask the right questions提出正确问题 Do the right things做出正确的事情 Aligns externally with the sector与高等教育领域相一致 Students played a key role in its formation.学生在该模型的建立过程中发挥了关键性的作用。,The Edinburgh Napier experience 爱丁堡龙比亚大学的经验,Example 2: Our e

40、ngagement with the QAA Enhancement Themes cont. 例2:我们对QAA质量强化主题活动的参与(续) Graduate Attributes for the 21st Century cont. 21世纪的毕业生素质(续) Currently being rolled out during session11/12 在2011/2012学年期间正在执行中 Agreed local/subject level statements are developed 形成了一致同意的地方/学科水平声明 Part of programme approvals fr

41、om session 11/12 2011/2012学年计划的一部分已获批准 Improve dialogues 改善对话 Staff and students教职人员和学生之间的对话 Students and employers学生和雇主之间的对话,The Edinburgh Napier experience 爱丁堡龙比亚大学的经验,In conclusion, through my case studies I have demonstrated: 最后,以上案例研究已证明: Active staff and student participation 教职人员和学生的积极参与 We have used the enhancement focus in Scotland to: 我们利用苏格兰对质量强化的关注: Support organisational strategy 为学校的战略提供了支持 Embed an enhancement culture 培养出质量强化文化 Maintain our academic standards 保证了我们的学术水准 Enhance our student experience 强化了学生的体验 Allow our graduates to succeed. 使学生取得成功。,


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