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1、Contents,Reading Skills,Text B,Test Yourself,Reading Skills,自测,课文,Like the other skills for your use, the skill introduced in this unit does render you better ability in reading.,This practice is designed to help you get a deeper insight into the skill for this unit.,Distinguishing Between Facts and

2、 Opinions,自测,课文,Practice,The ability to tell the difference between facts on the one hand and the writers opinions or interpretations on the other is a crucial reading skill.,随 笔,Practice,Facts are statements that tell what really happened or what the case is, and they are usually based on direct ev

3、idence.,Facts,随 笔,Look at one example from Passage A:,Practice,Example,The radio clicked on. Rock music blasted forth. Like a shot, the music woke Sandy. She looked at the clock; it was 6:15 A.M. (Para. 1, Passage A),随 笔,Practice,Opinions,Opinions, on the other hand, are statements of belief, judgme

4、nt, or feeling. Opinions, of course, are often based on facts, but they also involve the writers personal interpretation of the facts or of a character in a story, which may or may not match your interpretation of them.,随 笔,One example from the same reading passage:,Practice,Why do you have to liste

5、n to such horrible stuff? Its the same thing over and over. Im not sure it is really music, though it does have rhythm. (Para. 2, Passage A),Example,随 笔,to be continued,Practice,Sometimes it isnt easy to separate fact from opinion. Writers may combine fact and opinion in a way that makes it hard to

6、tell where the facts end and where the opinions beginor they may present opinions as if they were facts:,随 笔,Some readers might say that “Sandy left for school, Jane Finch sat down in peace and quiet to,Example,Practice,Analysis,After Sandy had left for school, Jane Finch sat down in peace and quiet

7、 to drink her coffee. (Para. 21, Passage A),to be continued,Another example from the same reading passage:,随 笔,drink coffee” are all facts. However, some others might argue that “Jane Finch sat down in peace and quiet” is an opinion rather than a fact, since “peace and quiet” is subjective. The bigg

8、est difficulty in distinguishing facts from opinions, however, may arise when you agree with the writers or one of the characters opinions: When you believe something very strongly, its easy to mistake an opinion for a fact! So critical reading involves careful examination of your own beliefs as wel

9、l as those of the writer or a character.,Practice,随 笔,Directions: Read the following paragraphs from Passage B and identify each as fact (F), opinion (O), or fact plus opinion (F plus O).,Practice,Introduction,随 笔,_ 1. The term “generation gap” was coined in the 1960s. _ 2. One study compared four g

10、enerations, aged 18-30, 31-48, 49-62, and 63 and over. Several questions were asked to tap into basic beliefs and values, such as “Hard work is the key to getting ahead,” and “America is the very best place in the world to live in”. _ 3. Many studies on youth also refute the concept of a generation

11、gap.,Introduction,F,F,O,随 笔,_4. Of course, general trends cant always be applied to individual cases. _ 5. Here are some tips from an article entitled “Bridging the Generation Gap” that might help. _6. An attitude of respect and trust can be contagious. Young people tend to see themselves the way th

12、eir parents see them. In turn, they gain self-confidence and respect for themselves when you show that you respect their ability to make decisions and learn from their mistakes.,Introduction,F/O,O,O,随 笔,_ 7. If your object is only to listen, you should be careful not to be preparing your response wh

13、ile your teen is still talking. Youll hear better that way, and they will be encouraged to talk more. _ 8. When teens experience being liked, they usually act more likeable.,Introduction,O,O,随 笔,Text B,Questions,Text Study,Choice Making,随 笔,Questions,Text Study,Choice Making,随 笔,Questions,Text Study

14、,sound,vi.,听起来;好像,interrogation,n.,C, U审问,盘问,adopt,vt.,采用,采取,收养;领养,curiosity,n.,U好奇心;求知欲,view,n.,C观点,意见;U视力,oppose,vt.,反对,rebellion,n.,C, U反抗;反对,chore,n.,C家务;日常零星工作,conflict,n./vi.,C, U冲突,争论 ;抵触,Choice Making,随 笔,Questions,Text Study,Choice Making,随 笔,Questions,Text Study,Choice Making,随 笔,Questions

15、,Text Study,Choice Making,随 笔,point of view,get across,Questions,Text Study,Choice Making,随 笔,awaken sb. to sth,New Words,Text Study,Choice Making,For you to be better conditioned for reading as fast as 100 words per minute, as required in the new type of examination “Fast Reading”, Text B can serve

16、 to be your fast-reading material. But, for this purpose, the best course of action is to know what to scan for in your skimming. Thus, the trick is to keep in your mind the key words of each question before you start off. That is where the “Questions Previewing” comes in.,随 笔,Q1. Coined in the 1960

17、s, the term “generation gap” holds the idea that _.,Q2. When asked about the basic beliefs and values, the four generations studied _.,Q3. According to the author, the problem of generation gap _.,Q4. What can help teens gain self-confidence?,New Words,Text Study,Choice Making,随 笔,Q5. If you want to

18、 have a friendly relationship with your teens, _.,Q6. What is the best statement to use when talking with teens?,Q7. _ can easily destroy your credibility.,Q8. Parents are advised to _. This might even help them discover positive sides of themselves they had forgotten.,New Words,Text Study,Choice Ma

19、king,随 笔,1. The term “generation gap” was coined in the 1960s. One concept of the generation gap is that parents and children have different values and beliefs. As a result, many parents fear that peer opinions will become more highly valued and that they in turn will lose influence. Although the te

20、rm continues to be used often, some people are beginning to ask the question, “Is there a generation gap in todays society?”,New Words,Questions,Is There a Generation Gap?,Chinese,Question 1,Choice Making,随 笔,2. One study compared four generations, aged 18-30, 31-48, 49-62, and 63 and over. Several

21、questions were asked to tap into basic beliefs and values, such as “Hard work is the key to getting ahead” and “America is the very best place in the world to live in”. Across the generations, there was great consistency in the responses.,Chinese,New Words,Questions,Choice Making,随 笔,Question 2,3. M

22、any studies on youth also refute the concept of a generation gap. These studies show that while young people tend to value their peers evaluations over parents on things like music, clothing and whats “cool”, they continue to look to parents for basic values and guidance in the more important areas

23、of life, such as career and lifetime goals.,Chinese,New Words,Questions,Choice Making,随 笔,4. Of course, general trends cant always be applied to individual cases. It is natural to feel like there is an uncomfortable “gap” between our teens and us and that there is a need to bridge it. Perhaps, thoug

24、h, the problem does not lie in a difference of opinions or values, but in the way we relate to and communicate with each other. Here are some tips from an article entitled “Bridging the Generation Gap” that might help.,Chinese,Question 3,New Words,Questions,Choice Making,随 笔,5. Show respect. An atti

25、tude of respect and trust can be contagious. Young people tend to see themselves the way their parents see them. In turn, they gain self-confidence and respect for themselves when you show that you respect their ability to make decisions and learn from their mistakes.,Chinese,Question 4,New Words,Qu

26、estions,Choice Making,随 笔,6. Listen more than you talk. Questioning can sound like interrogation. Instead, adopt an attitude of curiosity rather than control. Ask questions like “How so? What do you think now? Were you surprised? What will you do now? Whats your plan? Is this something you want help

27、 with?” If your object is only to listen, you should be careful not to be preparing your response while your teen is still talking. Youll hear better that way, and they will be encouraged to talk more.,Chinese,Question 5,New Words,Questions,Choice Making,随 笔,7. Ask whether your child wants to hear i

28、t before sharing your point of view. Only go on if they say “yes”. Then be brief. Dont lecture, and dont expect them to agree with you. If you state your case with a “This is what makes sense to me” attitude as opposed to “This is the right way to see things”, he or she can listen more openly instea

29、d of planning rebellion.,Chinese,New Words,Questions,Choice Making,随 笔,8. Think “we” instead of “you”. “We have chores to do before we leave the house; how can we take care of what needs to be done?” Any way you can get across the message “Were in this together” can help bridge gaps that conflicts m

30、ight otherwise create.,Chinese,New Words,Questions,Choice Making,随 笔,Question 6,9. Keep calm. You can easily destroy your credibility by getting angry or too excited during a conversation. Instead of “Youre ruining your life!” say “Im concerned about what might happen if What do you think you might

31、do in a situation like that?”,Chinese,New Words,Questions,Choice Making,随 笔,Question 7,10. Dont apply double standards. Teenagers pay close attention to double standards. Dont expect them to follow rules you dont follow yourself. Whether its about checking in by the phone, putting things away or dri

32、nking out of the milk carton, “Do as I say and not as I do” will not improve the relationship.,Chinese,New Words,Questions,Choice Making,随 笔,11. Admit your own mistakes and talk about what you are learning from them. Showing self-acceptance and tolerance for imperfection is very encouraging to teena

33、gers (as well as other people around you) and tends to make you easier to approach with questions, regrets and challenges. Apologize when you think you had done or said something differently, like losing your cool or saying something hurtful during an argument.,Chinese,随 笔,New Words,Questions,Choice

34、 Making,12. Enjoy them. The humor, energy and sense of possibility teenagers often have can awaken parents to positive sides of themselves they had forgotten or neglected. When teens experience being liked, they usually act more likeable.,Chinese,New Words,Questions,Choice Making,随 笔,Question 8,Q1.

35、Coined in the 1960s, the term “generation gap” holds the idea that _. A. parents fear that peer opinions will become more important in the eyes of their children B. parents fear that they will lose control over their children C. parents and children have different values and beliefs D. parents and c

36、hildren dont believe each other,Refer to Para. 1,New Words,Questions,Text Study,随 笔,Q2. When asked about the basic beliefs and values, the four generations studied _. A. gave the same answers B. gave different answers C. gave positive answers D. gave negative answers,Refer to Para. 2,New Words,Quest

37、ions,Text Study,随 笔,Refer to Para. 4,New Words,Questions,Text Study,随 笔,Q3. According to the writer, the problem of generation gap _. A. lies in a difference of opinions or values B. lies in great consistency in the responses of the four generations studied C. lies in the way of bridging the uncomfo

38、rtable “gap” D. lies in the way of understanding and communicating with each other,Refer to Para. 5,New Words,Questions,Text Study,随 笔,Q4. What can help teens gain self-confidence? A. Respect from their friends based upon the things teens can do well. B. Respect from their parents based upon the dec

39、isions teens can make on their own. C. A good set of values that can teach them the true meaning of happiness. D. Rebellion and discovery of what is really important.,Q5. If you want to have a friendly relationship with your teens, _. A. you should talk more B. you should ask more C. you should prep

40、are more D. you should listen more,Refer to Para. 6,New Words,Questions,Text Study,随 笔,Q6. What is the best statement to use when talking with teens? A. “Youre ruining my life!” B. “I think you should listen to my way of doing things.” C. “How can we take care of what needs to be done?” D. “You can

41、see your friends after you do your homework.”,Refer to Para. 8,New Words,Questions,Text Study,随 笔,Q7. _ can easily destroy your credibility. A. Thinking “we” instead of “you” B. Becoming angry or too excited during a conversation C. Listening more than you talk D. Showing self-acceptance and toleran

42、ce for imperfection,Refer to Para. 9,New Words,Questions,Text Study,随 笔,Q8. Parents are advised to _. This might even help them discover positive sides of themselves they had forgotten. A. value teenagers humor, energy, and sense of possibility B. value their own humor, energy, and sense of possibil

43、ity C. show patience and tolerance for imperfection D. practice double standards,Refer to Para. 12,New Words,Questions,Text Study,随 笔,Test Yourself,Listening Comprehension,Reading Comprehension,Directions: In this section, you will hear 10 short conversations. After each question there will be a pau

44、se. During the pause you must make your choice.,Reading,随 笔,1. A) The man should stay a little longer. B) The man should leave at once. C) The man will miss the train. D) The man must try to catch the last train.,M: Ive got to go now. I have to catch the last train. W: But its too late. You should h

45、ave said so earlier. Q: What does the woman mean?,Reading,随 笔,2. A) Walking. B) Boating. C) Driving. D) Shopping.,W: Jim, there is a really good view over there. M: Sorry, cant stop here. Theres nowhere to park. Q: What is the man doing?,Reading,随 笔,A) Twenty minutes. B) Fifty minutes. C) Twenty-fiv

46、e minutes. D) Fifty-five minutes.,M: How long does it take you to drive home when there is not much traffic? W: Only twenty five minutes. But if I cant leave my office before 5: 30p.m., it sometimes takes me fifty minutes. Q: How long does it take the woman to drive home when it isnt rush hour?,Read

47、ing,随 笔,4. A) Go and see a performance. B) Try to get some tickets. C) Go and buy a new dress. D) Do some sewing at home.,M: Would you like to come with me to the theater? W: No, not today. Ive got some sewing to do now, but you can get some tickets for next Saturday. Q: What does the woman want to

48、do next weekend?,Reading,随 笔,5. A) Take care of the woman. B) Do the work for the woman. C) Work together with the woman. D) Drive the woman home.,W: Im so tired today that I can hardly stay up late tonight. M: Just leave the work to me. Q: What does the man offer to do?,Reading,随 笔,A) The man is showing the woman round the way. B) The two persons are talking about sending letters. C) The man is a stranger to the city. D) The woman is asking the way.,W: Excuse me, sir, could you tell me wher


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