秘书英语Unit2 Wish义ing you a bright future.ppt

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1、秘 书 英 语,总主编 史玉峤 姚怀山,主编 冯修文 陈 璇 主 审 吕菊林,Wishing you a bright future,Unit 2,Speaking Module,Listening Module,Reading Module,Writing Module,2.4,2.1,2.2,2.3,Translating Module,2.5,Culture Module,2.6,Topic 1 How do they recruit? Youd better start by introducing yourself to the candidate in the interview.

2、 Give the candidate a hope. Dont fail him on the spot. I recommend that you briefly explain the decision-making process. I recommend that you briefly explain the decision-making process. The introduction helps the candidate to settle down and also shows a professional image. We are asking questions

3、to get information we want.,2.1 Sprsking Module,Direction: Four or five students in a team make group discussion and then make presentation with the help of expressions given for reference.,The questions include education, qualifications, work experience. We do our recruiting through a special consu

4、lting firm. We are going to see his character, his ability to react, his intelligence and his suitability for the position. It is important that the candidate is well presented, is neat and tidy and has a good manner. We ask the candidate to tell us a little bit about the company that were working f

5、or. We give them a period of 5 to 10 minutes to ask some questions. Then I go back to him and just let him talk about himself. When he is fully relaxed, Id put in one or two trick questions. The whole process lasts about 45 minutes to an hour.,2.1 Sprsking Module,Topic 2 Talk about training, interna

6、l transfers and promotion The company will send you to attend a language course. Every year one needs to attend the training program designated by the company. Training may include business etiquette, management, presentation skills, negotiation skills. The employees are usually promoted or transfer

7、red on the basis of performance and merit. Internal transfers or internal recruitment is good for motivation. We also take seniority into consideration. Ive been sent over to audit our branch in Britain.,2.1 Sprsking Module,I used to work as an account executive but transferred to be Personnel Manag

8、er. Benjamin joined the company as an electrical engineer but switched selling after four years. If some new project needs people, we may select people from different departments. Michael is now helping out in the Auditing Section. Sometimes you need to wait for someone to retire and get his job. Be

9、fore being promoted, your working experience, capability and communication skills are considered. Youve got good career prospects. Someone even has been invited to join the Management Board of the company.,2.1 Sprsking Module,A: With me today is Peter Williams from Kingston University. Welcome! Pete

10、r. B: Thank you. A: Peter, recently you have just launched your new book entitled Getting off on the Right Foot. Why do you entitle your book that? What do you mean by that? B: You know, many companies provide some sort of introductory training or orientation for their new employees. It may take the

11、 form of an older employee assigned to show the new employee “the ropes”. Or it may be left to the HR Department or the individuals new supervisor to show them where the coffee pot is and how to apply for time off. Some companies in highly competitive industries recognizing the value in New Employee

12、 Orientation (NEO) goes much farther.,2.1 Sprsking Module,Direction: Work with your partner on the following conversation Training Issues, using it as guide when making up your own conversation.,A: But there is a measurable cost to that training, how do companies consider its value? B: The technolog

13、y in the workplace is changing very rapidly and companies that cant keep up will drop out of competition. Let me show you some issues and background facts. A survey by the Ontario Skills Development Office found 63% of the respondents planned to introduce new technology into the workplace that would

14、 require staff training. However, the American Society for Training and Development reports that less than $1500 per employee was spent for training in 2010. The largest part, 49% of that was spent for technical and professional training. Only 2% was spent for New Employee Orientation and 3% on qual

15、ity, competition and business practices training. People have reasons not to do New Employee Training. You see, even at the less than $1500 per year for training an employee that was reported above, it is still a cost.,2.1 Sprsking Module,For some companies, especially those with traditionally high

16、turnover, it can be a major expense. If your profit per employee is less than $1500, it would be difficult to convince the shareholder that training is justified. Besides, we all know it is the responsibility of the school system to train people to be workers. And it is the workers responsibility to

17、 learn how to do a job so they can get hired.,2.1 Sprsking Module,A: Despite of such reasons for not doing New Employee Training, why do you perceive New Employee Training necessary? B: Not surprisingly, all the reasons not to train new employees except cost itself are actually reasons to do that tr

18、aining. If you have high turnover, training new employees will make them more productive. They will feel better about themselves and the job. They will stick around longer. The training and development knowledge, attitude and skills of the staff are fundamental to the continued efficient and profita

19、ble performance. And if you still believe that our schools provide adequate training to make students laboring ready, you are living in a dream world. Yes, some job seekers make the effort to learn on their own the skills needed for a new job, but most get that training on the job.,2.1 Sprsking Modu

20、le,A: You made an interesting proposal that has aroused many HR managers attention. Can you make a further explanation? B: OK, I recommend companies make training a stand-alone function, separate from HR. You know, a 20% increase in training expenditure since the 1990s has not kept pace with 24% inc

21、rease in workers in the same period. So I believe that training function is a profit center, not just a cost center. A: In your article cited above, you mentioned companies such as Sprint, Xerox, General Electric and General Motors. What is special about them? B: These companies have opted to establ

22、ish Corporate Universities, reflecting the importance they place on employee training. The value for smaller companies is inarguably even greater. And there is no better time to start employee training than New Employee Orientation.,2.1 Sprsking Module,2.2 Listening Module,Direction: You will hear f

23、ive short recordings about Working Together. Each recording is followed by three different statements decoding it. Choose the correct statement, and mark one letter (A, B or C) for the correct choice.,1 A. Writing CV, one should focus on conventions. B. Writing CV, one should focus on information. C

24、. Writing CV, one should focus on style. 2 A. This topic is about staff motivation. B. This topic is about disadvantages of internal promotions. C. This topic is about moral issues of an organization.,2.2 Listening Module,3 A. Training is money-wasting. B. Training can improve your abilities in work

25、. C. Training contents cannot be above your level. 4 A. The training event was postponed. B. The training event was arranged on September 23rd. C. The training event will be held on September 3rd. 5 A. The topic covers 3 forms of interviews. B. The topic covers 5 forms of interviews. C. The topic co

26、vers 6 forms of interviews.,2.2 Listening Module,Job assessment or _(1) rating is a part of any job as knowing what to expect can affect the way you do your job. Staff _(2) schemes are now conducted by many organizations to monitor the performance of staff. When attending an appraisal interview vari

27、ous aspects of your work career _(3) and further training will be discussed. The staff appraisal interview will aim to: assess the performance of employees; help staff achieve their _(4); discuss problems and weaknesses and ways of overcoming them; identify training needs; set targets/objectives for

28、 staff to achieve;,Direction: Fill in the blanks with the words/phrases or sentences youve heard.,2.2 Listening Module,prepare staff for _(5). Those who work hard, learn everything they could, and have a strong desire to advance have more opportunities for _(6) in their career. Here are some tips fo

29、r personal _(7): establish, agree and maintain an action plan for your career; succeed in achieving qualified diploma or _(8); use initiative and a logical approach to solving day-to-day problems; adopt a positive approach to motivation and the motivation of others; _(9); relate well with people at

30、all levels; _(10); be ambitious to succeed in your career.,2.3 Reading Module,Direction: Scan the passage below and match the words and phrases with their definitions.,2.3 Reading Module,Direction: Read the passage below again and answer the following questions.,2.3 Reading Module,How to Welcome New

31、ly-hired Staff Most employees decide whether to stay at their companies during the first six months at work. Unfortunately, not all companies put much effort into welcoming their new hires. Many hand them an employee manual and their computer passwords and send them off to their cubicles. Developing

32、 strong orientation and, later, “on-boarding” programs can mean the difference between keeping great employees and losing them to a competitor. Creating an Orientation Program Current employees can provide excellent input to help you develop your orientation program. Not only will you garner valuabl

33、e information, youll make them feel appreciated by including them in the process. Ask employees the following questions:,2.3 Reading Module,Were they made to feel welcome when they started their jobs? What would they have appreciated the first day that they didnt receive? Were they overwhelmed with

34、names, faces, and information? Were they given a main contact for questions and support? Did they understand what was expected of them from the first day? Were the companys values and mission explained to them clearly? Were the dress code, hours, and procedures clearly explained? Did anyone show the

35、m the bathroom? How to work the coffee machine? The local lunch spot? What do they think should be included in a first-day orientation?,2.3 Reading Module,Once youve gathered this information, powwow with your human resources manager about measures you can take to improve the current process. What i

36、s your current process, and what measures do you think will create a better first impression and experience for new employees, making them want to stay? Your orientation program should both welcome your new employees and make them feel useful right away. Theres nothing more demoralizing to a new hir

37、e than sitting in a cubicle for eight hours unsure of what to do or whom to ask for help. And youre unlikely to spark much enthusiasm if you require them to watch mind-numbing training videos all day. Make their first day fun, informative, and personal. Incorporating the following strategies will he

38、lp:,2.3 Reading Module,Give employees assignments related to their jobs the very first day. Often the first day is chaotic and unproductive. Providing new employees with something to focus on ensures they feel part of the routine immediately. Provide a cheat sheet with co-workers names, important ph

39、one numbers, and other pertinent information covered during the initial orientation. Assign new employees a “go-to” person who can serve as a mentor. New employees should be encouraged to ask the big questions (“Is this the correct way to do this task?”) as well as the little ones (“Um, where is the

40、 extra toilet paper?”). Ask other employees in the department to take new hires to lunch on the companys dime. This puts everyone in a good mood and helps new employees get to know their colleagues. Have a short “welcome” party in the break room, complete with a sweet treat such as doughnuts, cookie

41、s, or cakes.,2.3 Reading Module,Continuing Education Welcoming a new employee doesnt stop at 5 p.m. on the first day. Many companies stretch training and “on-boarding,” an HR term referring to programs that last from four to six months. On-boarding takes many forms. Some companies provide full-time

42、classes in necessary skills for the first few months; others offer weekly coaching to help new employees integrate. Still others use online, self-paced training programs. The goal is to make sure the hiring is successful for the employee and the company, ensuring a strong, long-term relationship. Th

43、e goal of both your orientation and your on-boarding programs should be to help employees understand expectations, the company culture, their jobs, and how to succeed.,2.3 Reading Module,Word Bank,unfortunately adv. 不幸地 new hires n. 新员工 manual n. 手册 “on-boarding” programs 员工入职培训 competitor n. 竞争对手 v

44、aluable adj. 有价值的 overwhelm v. 使某人不知所措;压倒;制服 contact n. 联系人 dress code n. 穿衣条例 powwow vi. 开会;讨论 demoralize v. 使士气低落;使意志消沉 spark v. 使大感兴趣;导致 mind-numbing adj. 使人感到无聊的 informative adj. 提供信息的 incorporate v. 包含,2.3 Reading Module,Word Bank,assignment n. 分给,分配;任务,工作,(课外)作业 related to 与相关的 chaotic adj. 混沌

45、的;一片混乱的;一团糟的;无秩序的 unproductive adj. 不毛的;没有产物的,没有收益的;非生产性的;徒然的, 没有效果的 focus on 对(某事或做某事)予以注意 pertinent adj. 有关的,相干的;恰当的,中肯的;关于的;切题的 cheat sheet 备忘单 “go-to” person 可以给予帮助的人 mentor n. 有经验可信赖的顾问或导师;指导者 putin a good mood 让有个好心情 complete adj. (用以强调)完全的;完成的;达到结尾的;完整的 stretch v. 伸展;张开;充分利用;使紧张 vi. 伸展;伸开 sel

46、f-paced adj. (课程等)学生自订进度的 integrate v. 使一体化;整合;完整,2.3 Reading Module,Direction: Task Three Reading ComprehensionUnderstanding Details,1. What can current employee contribute to the orientation program? A. They can persuade the new employee to stay in the company. B. They can provide valuable information, which may help to develop the orientation program. C. They would feel appreciated if included in designing an orientation program. D. They can provide useful information for the new hires.,2.3 Reading Module,2. Which of the following question is not included in the list of questions t


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