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1、Some Ideas on How to Handle Model 7, 8, and 9 Pan Jiannan Huzhou No.2 High School Jan.8th, 2008,对第七,八,九模块 教学的几点思考,浙江省 普通高中 新课程 实验工作专业指导委员会 潘 健 男 2008, 1,A. Try to Meet Social Needs ( 尽力满足社会需求 ) B. Refer to Teaching Tips ( 适当参照指导意见) C. Handle the Present Books Efficiently ( 有效处理现行教材 ),高中英语课程结构简图,浙江省普

2、通高中英语课程设置及课时安排表,一、 尽力满足社会需求 1. 参考以往考试大纲 2. 关注高考改革动向 3. 应对课改教学现状 (教师应有的观念与承担),2007年英语高考考试大纲摘选: . 考试性质(略) . 考试内容和要求 根据普通高等学校对新生文化素质的要求,参照教育部2000年颁布的全日制高级中学英语教学大纲 (试验修订版) ,并考虑中学教学实际,制定本学科考试内容。 一语言知识 要求考生能够适当运用基本的语法知识(见 附录),掌握2000左右的词汇及相关词组。,二语言运用 1听力(略) 2阅读 幻灯片 54 要求考生读懂公告、说明、广告以及书、报 、杂志中关于一般性话题的简短文章。考

3、生应能: (1)理解主旨和要义; (2)理解文中具体信息; (3)根据上下文推断生词的词义; (4)作出简单判断和推理; (5)理解文章的基本结构; (6)理解作者的意图、观点和态度。,3写作 要求考生根据题示进行书面表达。考生应能: (1)准确使用语法和词汇; (2)使用一定的句型、词汇,清楚、连贯 地表达自己的意思。幻灯片 64 . 考试形式与试卷结构 1答卷方式:闭卷、笔试。 2考试时间:120分钟。试卷满分为150分。 3题型:试卷一般包括多项选择题、完形填空 题、听力填空题、短文改错、书面表达等题 型。 4试题难易比例:试卷包括容易题、中等 题和难题,以中等题为主。,. 题型示例 一

4、、多项选择题 (一)考查听力(略) (二)考查语法和词汇知识(略) (三)考查阅读理解(略) 二、完形填空题(略) 三、听力填空题(略) 四、短文改错题(略) 五、书面表达题(略),二、 适当参照指导意见 1. 把握教学层次区分 2. 选用合适教学方法 3. 掌握教学基本要求,不同方法的采用 (Approaches) Task-based Learning Communicative approach Function-notional approach Audio-visual method Translation method,英语 学科 第七 模块教学指导意见 一、课程标准内容 ( Un

5、it 1 Living well ) 语言技能 能听懂关于残疾、残疾人生活的话题;了解残疾人积极进取的生活和他们所取得成就;能用英语就此话题进行简单的讨论;能用恰当的语言提出书面建议。 语言知识 学习有关介绍、祝愿和祝贺的用语;学习正式信件的写法和用语;理解并运用动词不定式;学习本单元39个单词和6个短语的意思和用法。 情感态度 了解“残疾”,理解残疾人,提高主动关心、帮助弱势群体的意识;激发自尊、自立、自强的精神。 学习策略 通过查找收集国内外身残志坚的残疾人士的资料,培养学生利用学习资源的策略;通过开展了解残疾人、关爱他人等活动,培养学生的交际策略。 文化意识 比较并了解国内外在日常生活、

6、工作环境等方面为残疾人提供的便利,培养学生主动关心他人的意识,同时提高跨文化意识。,二、教学要求,三、本单元教学建议 1、课时分配 建议本单元用5课时完成。 第一课时:Warming Up和Pre-reading 第二课时:Reading和Comprehending 第三课时:Learning about Language 第四课时:Using Language中的 Listening和Speaking 第五课时:Using Language中的 reading和writing,Assessment,2、单元要点 掌握动词不定式的基本用法。 初步学习正式信件的写法和用语。 学习有关介绍、祝愿和

7、祝贺的用语。 3、教学建议: “热身”(Warming Up) “读前”(Pre-reading) “阅读”(Reading) 本部分是残疾人马蒂菲尔丁在网页上叙述自己的故事。 故事展示了主人翁复杂的情感变化过程。在教学中教师 应重点引导学生体会马蒂菲尔丁的情感变化,提高他们 关心、理解、帮助他人的意识。,“理解”(Comprehending) 可以先从第1、3两题入手,帮助学生对全文有一个较全面的理解,尤其是对主人翁的情感变化的理解。第2题要求通过讨论,引导学生思考马蒂菲尔丁是怎样的人,帮助学生进行换位思考。第4题是拓展性练习,建议引导学生深入思考像马蒂菲尔丁这样的残疾人怎样从主观和客观两方

8、面来改善自己的生活。 “语言学习”(Learning about Language) “语言运用”(Using Language) “学习建议”(Learning Tip) 4、评价建议 非测试性评价 测试性评价,、有效处理现行教材 1. 话题资源准备 2. 课堂教学设计 3. 读写能力培养,第七模块需要的背景资料: 1. 残疾人的困难,权益,成功 事例,社会关注等。 2. 机器人的发展历史,现状与 未来。( 机器人有情感吗? ) 3. 海洋生物的了解与学习,海洋 资源的开发,利用和保护。 4. 不同地区、国家经济发展差距形成 不同的思想和生活方式. 5. 出国旅游、学习、生活的常识。,第八模

9、块需要的背景资料: 1. 美国的历史、地理概貌, 一个多元 文化的社会。 2. 克隆技术的基本知识,克隆的发展 历史及产生的争议。 3. 对一些发明、大发明家的了解,有关 专利申请的常识。 4. 英国剧作家萧伯纳根据希腊传说改 编的皮格马利翁. 5. 了解考古学, 周口店的“北京人”。,第九模块需要的背景资料: 1. 吉尼斯世界记录的缘由。 2. 航海事业的发展及其意义。 3. 澳大利亚的历史地理概貌, 野生动物, 旅游业, 风俗与文化。 4. 植物探索的历史。 5. 广告的种类及其影响, 广告的制作 与管理。,Under the sea Unit 3, M 7 I especially lo

10、ved the little orange and white anemonefish that hid in the poiso- us tentacles of the sea anemones. 我特别喜爱那些橙白相间的小海葵鱼,它们 藏在海葵有毒的触须里. sea anemone 海葵 (一种海生腔肠动物) anemonefish 海葵鱼(寄生于剧毒的海葵中) parrotfish 鹦嘴鱼 (能将珊瑚转换成沙) red seaslug 红色海蛞蝓 angelfish 天使鱼,Clone, also called reproduce asexually ( 无性生殖 /繁殖) , is

11、the creation of cells or whole animals using DNA from a single “parent”, without using the normal reproductive (有性生殖) process. The clone has the same DNA to the parent. Cloning Unit 2, M 8,Whats clone?,In 5000B.C. ( 谷物选种) Human Beings began to choose the best seeds from some kinds of crops. That was

12、 the beginning of controlling life according to humans will.,In 1952: Cloning tadpole ( 克隆蝌蚪) The American scientists created a copy of tadpole by means of using a tadpole cell. This tiny tadpole has become the first kind of cloning animal.,In 1978: The first case of tube infant (试管婴儿 ) appeared. A

13、British doctor used the sperm(精液)of a man and fertilized (受精 ) it in a test tube (试管). Then transplanted(移植) the embryo(胚胎) into the womb(子宫 ) of a healthy mother. The first tube infant called Louis appeared.,In 1996, the famous sheep “Dolly” was cloned successfully,Dolly and the Father of Dolly Ian

14、wilmut (伊恩.威尔姆),课堂教学设计: 1. 教学呈现要独特 2. 教学重点要突出 3. 讨论话题要适切,Unit 1 Art Period 1 Warming up & Reading (1),Choose two paintings for your classroom.,1,2,3,4,5,The starving Sudan,2005- Green cities- plan for the planet!,Empty words contain(包含) nothing but carbon dioxide. Our action reduces(减少) them!,Unit 4

15、 M 6 Greenhouse Effect,Time for us to enjoy your good writing !,Unit 5 M 6,课文讲解要突出重点, 一般 3至5 个点. 王荣生教授,falls ill or gets injured,First aid,a kind of help,before a doctor can be found.,is,given to someone who,Tip: First aid should be given in the golden four minutes!,Unit 5 M 5,First aid should be gi

16、ven timely!,First aid should be given properly!,America,China,28.7%,1%,The survival rate(生存率) of heart attack,Data,First aid knowledge should be spread(传播) widely in China !,First aid should be given timely! First aid should be given properly! First aid knowledge should be spread(传播) widely in China

17、 !,Visit (词汇教学也应抓重点) to go to see - or spend time at (a place) with a certain intention go to see - in an official or professional capacity visit an exhibition / Hangzhou visit a friend /teachers /my parents a doctor / patient visit classes ( give, have, attend),关于小组讨论话题 教学组织形式的变换 (Forms): individua

18、l participation pair work group work class involvement T vs S / S vs S interaction,Considerations: purpose, content, introduction time, time length, presentation for group work. Samples: 1. Discuss “What will be possible dangers in your school ?” 1 2. Which classmate may be a great person in the fut

19、ure ? 2 3. What will a person be like after 30 years prison life ? 1.5 4. What does each Fuwa mean ? 3 幻灯片 46,潜在学习 水平 Potential level,实际学习 水平 Real level,Z P D: Zone of Proximal Development 维果茨基的最近发展区理论模型,Z P D,怎样提出适合小组讨论的话题 ? 应满足以下条件: 1. 具有思考价值. (思维深度与广度) 2. 具有交际意义.(句型模仿准交际)幻灯片 53 3. 具有一定难度.(略高于实际水平

20、) 4. 具有合作需要.幻灯片 44 (集体力量) 5. 具有可操作性. (组织参与展现评价)幻灯片 52,Unit 1 M 7 Comprehending Read Martys story and fill in the chart. 2. Discuss these questions with others in your class. 1. What kind of person do you think Marty is ? 2. What do you think is the most difficult thing that Marty has to deal with in

21、 his life ? ? 3. How would your life change if you were to develop a muscle disease like Martys ?,How to give a good/suitable topic for group discussion ? A: What do you think of the fact that some parents get their children to and from school by car ? B: Do you agree with the saying “The more elect

22、ric equipment, the better life will be” ? Why?,Our Duty ! Unit5 M 5,As a senior school student, please give some suggestions about how to help spread first aid knowledge in our society(社会).,Could you give some suggestions (at least 3) about todays Chinese education reform ?,DISCUSSION:,Discussion Un

23、it 1 M 9,Here are some of Ashritas ( 阿西里塔 福尔曼 ) beliefs. In groups, discuss whether you agree with them or not.,1.There is no limit to peoples physical abilities. 2.The body is just an instrument of the spirit. 3. You can use your spirit to accomplish anything. 4. There is only one perfect road. It

24、is ahead of you, always ahead of you.幻灯片 46,Interview about cloning Unit 2 M 8 Situation: A reporter from China Daily is interviewing a famous scientist about his opinion of cloning .,Do you think it is wise? Whats your opinion of ? I think you should I agree with you that I would never accept 幻灯片 4

25、6,Unit 4 M 5 Group Task: Make an interview A: Interview Liu Xiang, after he has won the hurdle race in the 2008 Olympic Games. B: Interview Mayor of Zhoushan City after the across-sea bridges have been put to use in 2009. C: ?,读写训练重在: 1. 阅读习惯的培养 (专注与速度)幻灯片 8 2. 逻辑思维的训练幻灯片 55 3. 读写教学的结合幻灯片 64 The Lak

26、e of Heaven ( 天池一课的示范 ),概念的大小:,General / Specific Concept 一般概念 / 具体概念 ( 上位 / 中位 / 下位 / 同位),General/Specific,Food,Apple,Fruit,General/Specific,Fruit,Pear,Peach,Banana,Orange,General/Specific,Pear,Banana,Peach,Orange,Thick skin,General/Specific,1. Word Level 2. Phrase Level 3. Sentence Level Topic sen

27、tence,Word Level,1. _ place 2. _ Susan 3. _ evergreen,_ Room 243 _ girl _ spruce,_ classroom _ person _ tree,G = most general S = most specific,G,S,G,G,S,S,Phrase Level,G = most general E = equally specific,1. _ parts of body _ the arms of a man 2. _ May Day _ New Year 3. _ basic needs of man _ love

28、 and respect from others,G,G,E,E,4. _ smallness of Holland _ largeness of Russia 5. _ quick, powerful lions _ several wild animals _ powerful, huge elephants 6. _ can be harmful to health _ an expensive habit _ reasons for not smoking,G,G,E,E,Holidays,Country size,Sentence Level,G = most general E =

29、 equally specific,1. _ Africa falls into seven divisions. _ East Africa is the roof of Africa. 2. _ A snake smells with its tongue. _ A snake swallows its food whole. 3. _ The necktie started out as a piece of lace and turned into a silk bow. _ The necktie has been getting smaller and smaller for hu

30、ndreds of years. _ Now many neckties are no wider than a piece of string.,G,G,E,E,Snake is a strange animal.,46. How did the scientists study aphasics? A. By asking them to watch TV together. B. By organizing them into acting groups. C. By comparing them with normal people. D. By giving them chances

31、 to speak on TV. 2007 浙江卷,43. From the last sentence of the text, we learn that raising butterflies has _. A. made Bonner famous B. changed Bonners life C. brought Bonner wealth D. enriched Bonners knowledge 2007 浙江卷,阅读教学 应与写作教学 有机结合。幻灯片 9 请看天池教学范例,-Tianchi,The Lake of Heaven,Unit 5 M 6,Find out the

32、 key word in each paragraph,Para1,Para2,Para3,Para4,Changbaishan,coin,story,Tianchi,Para1 Changbaishan,the location of Changbaishan,a brief description of this area by using some adjectives,the features(特色) of Changbaishan,the purposes of coming to Changbaishan,Many people come toto. Others come to,

33、 to, or to. However, the most popular attraction is.,Para2 Tianchi,how Tianchi was formed,a brief description of Tianchi by using some numbers,the beautiful scenery around Tianchi,the power of nature,When you arrive you are rewarded not only by the sight of, but also by the view of,Writing: Use the

34、notes below to write a paragraph about the hot pools at Changbaishan. Begin like this:,When you have finished your visit to Tianchi, dont rush away. There are plenty of other things to see and do in Changbaishan. For example, you can relax in the nearby hot springs. .,Hot springs pools heated by hot

35、 water out of the ground water heated by boiling rocks in the ground a group of springs in an area of 1,000 square ms some pools very hot ( over60) but others very pleasant for bathing bathing supposed to be good for health,The West Lake,Imitation(模仿) Writing,Para1 Hangzhou,Location,Bird view of Han

36、gzhou,adjectives:,beautiful,rich,green(mountains),blue/clear(waters),The purposes of coming to Hangzhou,to do some shopping,to drink a cup of Longjing tea,to visit some historical sites,the most popular attraction is the West Lake,to eat some delicious food,Para2 The West Lake,a shallow bay(海湾),a be

37、autiful lake,the power of human beings,miracle(奇迹),Describe the West Lake with numbers,Size : 5.66 square kilometers,Depth: 2.7meters,Time needed to walk around the West Lake: about 5 hours,It covers a water area of,The scenery around the West Lake,the crystal clear waters,ten scenic spots(十景),Famou

38、s stories about the West Lake,Lady White Snake,Broken Bridge,The Butterflies lovers,Long Bridge,Su xiaoxiao,Xiling Bridge,lovers bridges,If you go across the three,with your loved one, your love will have a happy ending.,Para1,Hangzhou,the location of Hangzhou,description of this area with some adje

39、ctives,the features of Hangzhou,the purposes of coming to Hangzhou,best tourism city,to visit some historical sites,Para2,the West Lake,how the West Lake was formed,description of the lake with some numbers,the beautiful scenery around the West Lake,ten scenic spots(十景),5.66 square kilometres; 2.7metres; about 5 hours,Para3,Lovers bridges,by the power of human beings,Give help and comments On Ss work,Time for us to enjoy your good writing!,Thank you for your attention !,


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