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1、Rationalising the Local Network a Sustainable Approach Ray James,Local Trails Responsibility,Managing lands for trails contingent on Demonstrable demand Measurable & reviewable risk assessment Sustainable containment of risk Resource supply longevity Community support for the long haul,Sensitive Set

2、ting,Environmentally & Culturally Clean drinking water for Plains dwellers A Region worth visiting Tourism Great place to bring up the kids Lets enjoy And be sensible how we do all this ,Risky Spaghetti,Sustainable = rational risk management Trails & informal tracks (routes) in the Hills Myriad of h

3、igh profile (Mawson, Heysen, Tom Roberts, Mt Lofty, Womens Pioneer, Yurrebilla) trails Interconnecting plethora of local routes that need rationalizing in a responsible manner within an atmosphere of clinical assessment & cool negotiation,Adelaide Hills Council Strategic Direction,Trail management f

4、its Councils strategic direction Socially responsible Environmentally sustainable Economically sound and the Mission that encourages Leadership empowers Community spirit within responsible Service provision,Adelaide Hills Council Spaghetti of Existing Trails & Road Reserves,The Long Paddock,Councils

5、 700 km2 Interconnects with 1/3 State Nature Reserves 1/3 Primary Production 1/3 Residential and Commercial development Council manages 450 land parcels (Reserves) (350 ha) Some 1500 km x 20m Road Reserves of Made (maintained) roadways incl. road verges Unmade (no roadway) open linear corridor,Passi

6、ve Use,Within such an Environmentally sensitive watershed Legislation & regulation directs Passive recreational trail possible PROVIDED Catchment not compromised Provision of sustainable wildlife corridors Retention / enhancement of native vegetation Dreaming trail prescription site protection Publi

7、c safety is not jeopardised,Paradigms are often inclusive,Compatible Recreation & Ecosystem demands Considerable effort but both land uses possible within triple bottom line philosophy Sometimes environmental / cultural /social paradigms are so outstanding NO contest!,Trail Determinations,Council po

8、licy dictates Trails may either be Established Refurbished or Closed (redirected resource allocation) In the regional context Council seeks to Enhance value to the community of its holdings . by utilising compatible multiple purposes,The Balancing Act,Councils challenge is to maintain safe trail fac

9、ilities within a balanced paradigm that is environmentally sensitive culturally appropriate socially acceptable resource friendly be accountable to its community,Measured Accountability,Risks addressed Aboriginal site / dreaming trail sensitivity Native plant associations & species diversity Habitat

10、 sustainability Ground cover stability and soil friability Water quality retention and ecological flows Ecological structural integrity Interested party support within an atmosphere of frugal business acuity,The Environment & Trails too ,everyone take on a responsibility! Council seeks to enhance ou

11、r living environment, long term (300 years?) all (good and reasonable) parcels and road reserve stands to remain contiguous all stable and sensitive sites to be retained in current stance to exclusion of other needs lesser quality corridors retained for trail enhancement &/or development,To date ,Co

12、uncil linear corridors assessed for Recreational trail potential Farming & access leasehold demand Traditional owner cultural significance Conservation value incl. soil & water So we can enhance Aesthetic appeal Cultural value, and sheer Exhilaration of being there,But how ,Sustainability Rating Rec

13、reation Risk Rating Counterbalanced against Conservation Rating,The Recreation Risk Rating,Categories & type of user assessed Level of interconnectivity (National, regional or local trail demand) Risk ratings: AUS standard and Corridor width Pathogens (eg Phytophthora) Livestock access and soil stab

14、ility Bushfire threat (fuel load) Waterway impact Natural Landscape value Culturally significant?,Conservation Rating,Natural stands of native vegetation, fauna habitat and associated ecological features assessed Threatened species Canopy cover Understorey status Habitat integrity Weed invasion Mech

15、anical damage Management strategy,Sustainability Measured ,Ratings A Extreme Risk No trail; No leasing B High Risk No leasing; local walking only (unless Phytophthora risk high = no trail) C High Risk Short term leasing; Local not suitable to resource as a trail nor for rehabilitation,Implications ,

16、Uses and impacts may clash with priority on sensitivity in the local community of Flora Fauna Soil and water Culture and Human settlement and visitation Now & into the future is paramount target!,Reality Check,Of all routes assessed considerable number unacceptable for trails use justified through h

17、olistic yet objective criteria Acceptable routes well reasoned options Suitable alternatives for projected demands human community reasonableness sounded out,Local Trails Guaranteed,Because threatening processes evaluated Many local trails will now be retained Some routes will be extended Unsustaina

18、ble ones to be decommissioned or not contemplated Alternative uses (eg conservation, social adjuncts, economic return) under consideration,Logic reigns,Method of determining a Sustainability Rating Appears to be equitable across all routes Incorporates the precautionary principle (of environmental &

19、 cultural protection) Accounts for resource allocation process in addressing Potential status of trail - National, Regional, Local Type of trail (walk &/or ride) Level of longterm support to maintain the route at AUS standard,Strategic Trails Management, is workable, provided it addresses essentials of responsible land stewardship,


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