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1、Tourism development planning,Presented by Liu Guiqi,Cases of bad tourism development,1、2004年入秋以来,河南鲁山县石人山有着“活化石”之称的国家二级保护植物秦岭杉木大面积死亡,原有的281株,现在仅有48株存活。据调查,冷杉枯死的直接原因是树体生虫,深层次原因是冷杉长势衰弱,而导致冷杉长势衰弱的5个因素中,除了第一个与全球环境变化、环境温度上升有关外,其余4个皆与旅游过度开发有关。 2、今年(2009年9月)依然是海龟上岸产卵的小年,在中国1.8万公里的大陆架上,唯一的国家级海龟保护区惠东港口海龟国家级自

2、然保护区里,今年到目前为止暂时只有4只海龟上岸产卵,产下了16窝蛋。保护区成立25年来,海龟产卵数量并未明显上升,一直在低位徘徊。有关海洋动物保护专家分析,这与附近居民以前的捕杀有关,数十年前海龟、龟蛋成为附近居民分食的良品,甚至有一些人专门捕杀海龟,结果造成现在成年龟数目减少;再由于附近开发旅游业、修建码头、道路等设施致使产卵沙滩减少,海龟生存活动的场所缩小。 3、暗访组的调查报告显示,少林景区“管理混乱,总体印象较差,服务质量与环境质量未能达到5A景区的标准要求”,并提出了整体旅游氛围不佳,与禅宗祖庭需要的庄严肃穆的要求有一定差距;景区入口管理十分混乱,社会车辆乱停乱放,黑车拉客现象严重,

3、小商小贩沿路叫卖,造成阻塞等问题。实际上,这些问题在少林景区由来之久。在百度搜索“少林寺宰客”两个关键词,共有58900个搜索结果。网上曝光的少林景区历年来管理混乱的现象触目惊心:动辄几千元乃至上万元的一炷“高香”、高价宰客的小饭馆、联手欺骗游客的导游和“僧人”,4、2月1日下午,登封市旅游局办公室的工作人员接受本报记者采访时承认,去年春节还保持增长的登封旅游经济却在今年出现下滑。另据本报记者调查,国家旅游部门的整改通知、全国各地的游客们的投诉抱怨,正在对少林景区的旅游经济造成影响,甚至波及到整个登封市。 登封市旅游局的一份统计数据显示,2012年春节黄金周期间,全市各景区(点)共接待中外游客

4、14.1万人次,比去年同期下降5.5%,门票直接收入572万元人民币,比去年同期下降9.1%。其中下滑幅度最大的,正是此次被国家旅游管理部门要求整改的少林景区,该景区2012年春节的游客接待人次为6.1万,该数据比2011年下降了41.8%,门票收入则下降了13.7%。而同期,登封市所在的郑州市及河南省旅游人次,却分别实现了10%以上的增长。 本报记者分别从河南省假日办、郑州市假日办获悉,2012年的春节7天长假,河南全省接待游客1129.9万人次,实现旅游总收入46.95亿元,同比分别增长16.1%、20.5%;郑州市则接待游客233.47万人次,实现旅游收入12.67亿元,同比分别增长8.

5、13%和10.04%。 但以佛教圣地少林寺为旅游卖点的少林景区,却迎来了2012年春节的惨淡,并因管理混乱,“距离5A级旅游景区标准差别较大”,接到了全国旅游景区质量等级评定委员会的要求“限期整改”通知,甚至面临“5A”可能被摘的处境。,5、错位旅游开发破坏生态 云南最后净土遭劫难。 云南省香格里拉县的下给温泉,是近代热泉形成的典型的地质景观,极具观赏性和科考价值,景区内的喷气(热气)孔尤为罕见。但在旅游开发过程中,在不了解喷气孔的地质构造及规律的情况下,开发者企图将喷气孔变为“桑拿浴”场所,结果严重破坏了稀有旅游地质景观。该县的另一处地下泉天生桥“彩泉”,因被“现代化”装饰而失去了“彩泉”再

6、现的自然条件。 西南净土香格里拉的一些地方,在旅游开发的大潮下难逃劫难。“中国风景园林学会”的多位专家指出,近年来,一些地方的错位开发,使不少国家级风景区人工化、商业化、城市化现象泛滥,有的风景区正蜕变为吃喝玩乐的游乐场,自然生态系统遭到空前破坏。 比如,丽江玉龙雪山被架设3条索道,每条索道都伸入自然保护区的核心区。其中,长近3000米的玉龙雪山索道,延伸到海拔4506米的雪山上,每小时单向运送客流量达426人。这些索道的建设和运营,给保护区带来了生态灾难。大量游人的涌入,使亘古冰川遭到破坏,部分冰川开始融化;高山植被和野生花卉被游客践踏、破坏;野生动物的数量急剧减少,当年规划时还存在的珍稀动

7、物,现在已难觅踪迹。玉龙雪山生态环境的破坏速度,令世界各国专家惊讶。,6、 本土居民“飞地”越多当地通胀压力越大 保继刚表示,从发展中国家发展旅游的经验来看,确实存在一个通病,就是本土居民无法融入旅游发展,不能从中受惠,这成为一些人认为旅游业不能致富的证据。 “海南的发展一定要严防出现这种本土居民和旅游两张皮的情况。”保继刚说,一些发展中国家的旅游区建设,人员、资金、客源等都从发达地区输入,然后又都回到发达地区,本地人只能做一些简单的工作。这样的旅游区,旅游学界称为“飞地”:本身虽然很好,但对周边发展没有带动,也不能让本土居民受惠,完全区隔于周边地区。并且危险的是,飞地越多,当地通货膨胀的压力

8、就越大。 保继刚认为,如何让本地居民面对外来旅游者能够“有尊严的生活”,这将是海南长期的艰巨任务。 保继刚就此介绍了加拿大和迪拜的例子:在加拿大的班夫国家公园,只有原住民可以开设家庭旅馆,外来购房者则不允许,且一家旅馆只能设两个房间,既保证了本地居民就业又不影响当地星级酒店的生意;迪拜则规定,在当地开设公司必须由本地居民开户,外来资金因此必须和本地人合作,使本地人可以从中受惠。,Introduction to the unit,Unit abstract,1. The aim of this unit is to increase learners awareness of the need

9、to plan and manage tourism at all levels within an international, national, regional and local framework.,Local tourism,regional tourism,national tourism,international tourism,World Tourism Organization,National tourism Administration of China,Regional Tourism Administration,2. Emphasis is placed on

10、 current trends in planning for tourism development in a range of destinations. 3. The stages in the planning process are identified and learners will be encouraged to apply theoretical models to practical case studies and site visits. 4. The principles and philosophy of sustainable development are

11、introduced in this unit and learners will be required to show an in-depth understanding of issues such as carrying capacities, environmental impact and the guest-host relationships as they relate to current tourism initiatives eg access, conservation, enclave tourism. Example:内地儿童香港地铁内吃零食引发对骂事件。,Con

12、tents,1. Rationale: 1.1 achieve the determined objectives eg improved employment opportunities, protection and conservation of wildlife, landscape, co- ordination between public and private partners; 1.2 maximize benefits, provide infrastructure, co-ordinate development, consumer protection, involve

13、ment of stakeholders eg developers, tourism industry, tourists and host community; 1.3 public and private partnerships, advantages and disadvantages of them, effective use of resources eg infrastructure; natural, cultural, heritage, human resources. 2. Planning and development 2.1 Planning: environm

14、ental; economic; social; international; national; regional; local; strategic; short term; qualitative; quantitative; methods of measuring tourism impact, interactive planning systems and processes. 2.2 Development: preservation, conservation, new build.,3. Sustainable tourism: definitions 4. Current

15、 issues: 4.1 conflict eg tension between the planner, tour operator, tourist, government, developer, local community, guest-host relationship; 4.2 impacts eg economic, social, environmental; 4.3 access eg balance of supply and demand, imposition of limits, pressure on finite resources; 4.4 enclave t

16、ourism eg advantages and disadvantages to the local community, moral and ethical issues of enclave tourism,Learning outcomes,Examine the rationale for planning in the travel and tourism industry. Investigate the various approaches to tourism planning and development. Examine the need for planning fo

17、r sustainable tourism. Investigate current issues related to tourism development planning.,Outcomes and assessment criteria for pass,Outcomes and assessment criteria for pass,Teaching and learning style,1、Where possible, visits to relevant destinations home and abroad should be undertaken. 2、Tutors

18、could also make considerable use of case studies (educational, TV current affairs and travel videos) and texts to bring the planning issues to life. 3、Learners should be strongly encouraged to become familiar with various definitions of sustainable tourism and responsible tourism. 4、Use should be ma

19、de of local case studies and guest speakers from interested/involved organizations. For example, new hotel/country club/health club developments; airport extensions and upgrades; new tourism attractions have benefited from interactive planning processes, public/private partnerships and the adoption

20、of sustainable principles. These could be studied as examples of best practice and should support the theoretical study of tourism planning processes, systems, models and techniques.,5、Evidence of outcomes may be in the form of assignments, presentations or written reports. Learning and assessment c

21、an be undertaken by integrating the outcomes into a series of case studies on various destinations. 6、Tourism development planning can be a dry subject and it is strongly recommended that delivery and assessment of the theory, principles and concepts be undertaken within contextual studies of destin

22、ations. This can be achieved through a residential trip, visits and/or the use of case studies and videos.,Chapter 1 The purpose of tourism planning,What is tourism planning,1. The definition of planning: 1.1 Planning is a multidimensional activity and seeks to be integrative. 1.2 It embraces social

23、, economic, political, psychological, anthropological, and technological factors. 1.3 It is concerned with the past, present and future.,2. The definition of tourism planning: Tourism planning is a process of planning and arranging the current and future tourism development to seek the optimal econo

24、mic, social and environmental benefits.,3. Why do we plan the tourism development? 3.1 Tourism is more competitive than every before. 3.2 Travel markets are more complicated and new travel markets are burgeoning. 3.3 Tourism is a very complicated phenomenon. 3.4 Tourism is producing some negative im

25、pacts on the environment.,The definition of tourism,1. Mathieson and Wall: Tourism is the temporary movement of people to destinations outside their normal places of work and residence, the activities undertaken during their stay in those destinations, and the facilities created cater to their needs

26、. 2. Chadwick: 2.1 The movement of people; 2.2 A sector of the economy or industry; 2.3 A broad system of interacting relationships of people ,their need, and services that respond to these needs.,3. The model of tourism system: 3.1 Tourism is not a discipline; instead it is a multidisciplinary fiel

27、d; 3.2 Tourism is generated by two major powers- demand, supply; 3.3 Within demand is a diversity of traveler interests and abilities. 3.4 Within supply are all the physical and program developments required to serve tourists. 3.4 Tourism includes many geographic, economic, environmental, social, an

28、d political dimensions; 3.5 Tourism is not an industry; it is made up of a great many entities as well as business.,The planners,1. The tourism business sector 1.1 types of the tourism business sector: Travel agency (旅行社)、Restaurant (餐馆)、Hotel(饭店)、 Tourist shop(旅游商) Transport company(交通公司)、Tourist a

29、ttractions( 旅游景点)、Entertainment places(娱乐场所) 1.2 the unique feature of the tourism business sector: 1.2.1 Tourism involves a tremendous diversity of “product”. 1.2.2 Tourism destination locations have everything to do with meeting the needs of tourism markets. 1.2.3 Tourism destination must have the

30、ir special features to appeal to tourist market. 1.2.4 Tourism “product” and their foundations are far more “perishable” than are manufactured products. 1.2.5 Tourist businesses at the planning stage are obligated to cooperate with other sectors and to consider potential profits and many implication

31、s of their decisions.,2. The public sector government 2.1 the primary role of government is governance enactment and implementation of laws and regulations and provision for defense. 2. 2 Tourism promotion and marketing have been accepted as roles of government. 2.3 Governments provide a great numbe

32、r of visitor attractions, such as museums, archeological sites, and reserves. 2.4 The government sector owns and manages much of the infrastructure upon tourism depends.,3. The nonprofit organization 3.1 Definition of nonprofit organization: 国外: 它一般是指独立于政府之外, 不以营利为目的自愿者组织。 政府一般被称作第一部门, 市场部门或者私人企业属于第

33、 二部门, 而NPO则被称作是介于政府与企业之间的第三部门, 又 称非营利部门。 特点:(1)组织性:实现一定程度的制度化; (2)非营 利性:组织不向其经营者或者所有者提供利润, 组织资金的用 要符合组织的宗旨; (3)自愿性:接受一定程度自愿者的参与; (4)自治性: 基本上独立处理各自的事务, 拥有自我较为完善 的处理程序系统; (5)私有性: 组织与政府在制度上要分离。 旅游非营利组织类型:health, recreation, historic, ethnic, professional, archeological and youth organizations,国内: 旅游非营利

34、组织是指以满足大众在旅游方面的各种需求, 如娱乐、 学习、交流、购物、交友等为宗旨的, 独立于政府部门之外的, 不 以营利为目的的且具有公益性质的社会组织, 它同时具有NPO的 基本特征, 即组织性、非营利性、自愿性、自治性、私有性, 包括 了各种旅游社团、旅游协会和非营利性的旅游俱乐部等。,4. Professional consultants 4.1 types of professional consultants: 4.1.1 four main types: building architects,landscape Architects,urban planners,civil e

35、ngineers. 4.1.2 other specialists: historians, archeologists, wildlife specialists, forests, golf designers. 4.1.3 some researchers and teachers in universities. 4.2 roles of professional consultants: 4.2.1 they can provide unbiased information and plans 4.2.2 they can collaborate with each other as

36、 teams resolving planning conflicts and offer objective solutions. 4.2.3 they often serve as catalysts to bring many factions together to resolve community planning conflicts.,Goals for development,1. The difference between objectives and goals: 1.1 Objectives are specific, real, and actual activiti

37、es that can be accomplished within a given time. 1.2 Goals are ideals or aims that one strives for but may never completely accomplish. 1.3 Goals provide the framework for the identification of policies and accomplishment of specific objectives.,2. Four goals of tourism development: 2.1 enhanced vis

38、itor satisfactions 2.2 improved economy and business success 2.3 sustainable resource use 2.4 community and area integration,2.1 Enhanced visitor satisfactions 2.1.1 Tourism begins with the desires of travelers to travel and ends with their satisfactions derived from such travel. 2.1.2 Applicable re

39、commendations: The amateur tourist needs help. He needs confidence that the strange world to which affluence admits him deals candidly with him and that there are standards of price, service and facility he can rely upon. He needs assurance that if somehow things do not turn out as expected, he has

40、a resource.,2.1.3 Manila Declaration on World Tourism: The total fulfillment of the human being. A constantly increasing contribution to education. Equality of destiny of nations. The liberation of man in a spirit of respect for identity and dignity. The affirmation of the originality of cultures an

41、d respect for the moral heritage of peoples.,2.1.3 Collaborative tourism planning:,Figure 1-1 Decisionmaking and Tourist Use Compared.,2.2 Improved economy and business success _Table 1 Economic benefits of travel and tourism_ A. Primary or direct benefits 1. Business receipts 2. Income a. Labor and

42、 proprietors income b. Corporate profits, dividends, interest, and rent 3. Employment a. Private employment b. Public employment 4. Government receipts a. Federal b. State c. Local,2.2 Improved economy and business success _Table 1 Economic benefits of travel and tourism_ B. Secondary benefits 1. In

43、direct benefits generated by primary business outlays, including investment a. Business receipts b. Income c. Employment d. Government receipts 2. Induced benefits generated by spending of primary income a. Business receipts b. Income c. Employment b. Government receipts,2.3 Sustainable resource use

44、 2.3.1 The controversy between environmentalism and development continues. 2.3.2 Natural sites and historic sites all require environmental protection if they are to serve as foundations for development desired by visitors. 2.3.3 Both a tourism economy and visitor satisfactions depend upon the absol

45、ute necessity of stopping resource degradation so flagrant around the world. 2.3.4 The new trends toward sustainable tourism development are double-edged.,2.4 Community and area Integration 2.4.1 Tourism development often bring positive and negative impacts on communities and regions. Positive impac

46、ts: more job opportunities, more business opportunities and greater entertainment, parks, shopping, and hotels and restaurants. Negative impacts: creating congestion, litter, and even competition for goods and services, competition for land and amenities, such as parks, museums, and cultural events,

47、 extra utility infrastructure such as water supply, waste disposal, police and fire protection, streets, lighting and maintenance. 2.4.2 tourism must be planned with the specific goal of fusing tourism with social and economic life of region and its communities.,Tourism planning scales,1. Three tour

48、ism planning scales:,The site scale,The destination scale,The regional scale,2. The site scale 2.1 The site projects include the planning of facilities, services, attractions and so on 2.2 Every site project for tourism must include detailed and current travel market information 2.3 The most importa

49、nt principle of site scale planning is that of balancing internal with external influences on success. 2.4 Planning for every tourism facility and service must encompass many relationships if they are to be most successful.,3. The destination scale 3.1 Tourism “destination” refers to the “community-attraction complex and “destination zone”. 3.2 The basic elements of planning at the destination scale are: Transportation and access from travel markets to one or more communities. One or more communities with adequate public utilities and management. Attraction


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