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1、.高频单词思忆 1.There are seven c and four oceans on the earth. 2.From the d I would see them waving their hands. 3.He has a g for poetry. 4.The pond is s by tall trees. 5.Her fluent English left a very good i on the interviewers.,基础落实,Unit 5 Canada“The True North”,ontinents,istance,ift,urrounded,mpressio

2、n,6.After the war broke out,they _(定居) in Europe. 7.The man with _ (宽的) forehead stared at the boy with wide eyes. 8.He tried to flee across the _ (边境) but was caught. 9.I feel _ (轻微地) ill today. 10.You run first and I can easily catch up with you _ (在之内) 50 meters.,settled,broad,border,slightly,wit

3、hin,.重点短语再现 1._ 在远处 2._ 对有天赋 3._ 设法做 4._ 定居;平静下来;专心于 5._ 看见;瞥见 6._ 与其;不愿 7._ 在旅途中 8._ 参加比赛 9._ 由环绕 10._ 在黎明的时候,in the distance,have a gift for,manage to do,settle down,catch sight of,rather than,on a trip,compete in,be surrounded by,at dawn,.典型句式运用 1.Look at the map on the right and discuss the foll

4、owing question in pairs:If you take a trip to Canada,what do you think you might see there?看右面地图并结对讨论下列问 题:如果你去加拿大旅游,你认为在那里可能看 到什么? do you think.意为“_”, 常作_置于句中。类似用法的词还有suppose, believe,guess,expect,imagine,hope等。,考点提炼,你认为,插入语,2.The thought that they could cross the whole continent was exciting.她们要横贯

5、整个大陆的 想法很是令人兴奋。 that they could cross the whole continent为_引导的_从句,对_ _加以解释说明。 同位语从句一般跟在fact,idea,news,hope,belief, thought,truth,doubt,suggestion,warning, instruction,information,question等抽象名词 之后,对这些名词进行说明或解释。引导同位语从 句的词除从属连词that,whether外,还有连接副 词how,when,where,why等。,考点提炼,that,同位语,名词,thought的内容,3.As t

6、hey sat in a buffet restaurant looking over the broad St Lawrence River,a young man sat down with them.当她们坐在一家自助餐 厅里眺望广阔的圣劳伦斯河时,一位年轻人坐到了 她们身边。 _ _为现在分词短语作状语,表伴随, 相当于_引导的并列句(=and they looked over the broad St Lawrence River);As至River是as 引导的 从句。,考点提炼,looking over the broad St,Lawrence River,and,时间状语,重

7、点单词 1.surround People say it is Canadas most beautiful city,_ by mountains and the Pacific Ocean.(回归课本P34) 观察思考 After the meeting he was surrounded by a crowd of reporters.会后,他被一群记者围住了。 The island is surrounded with/by the sea. 小岛四面环海。,导练互动,surrounded,David likes to surround himself with young peopl

8、e. 戴维很喜欢和年轻人在一起。 归纳总结 surround _。 surrounding adj.周围的 surroundings n.环境 surround.with.使包围 be surrounded by/with.被包围,vt. & vi.围绕,包围,易混辨异 surroundings,condition,environment,circumstances (1)surroundings表示“环境”,常用复数形式,主 要指周围的物质环境。 (2)condition的复数形式conditions可表示“环境, 情况”的意思,但它主要指抽象意义上的。 (3)environment环境,指

9、大的自然环境,范围比 surroundings大,有时也指人成长的家庭环境,强 调环境对人的感受、道德及观念的影响。 (4)circumstances指人生存的客观环境,还可以指 “境地,境遇”,尤指经济状况。,即学即用 (1)洛杉矶盆地三面都是高山。 The Los Angeles basin _ three sides high mountains. (2)允许农民耕种周围的土地。 The peasants are allowed to cultivate _ _. (3)动物园里的动物们不是生活在自然环境之中。 Animals in a zoo are not living _ _.,i

10、s surrounded on,the,surrounding land,in their,natural surroundings,by,2.impress Describe two or three things that _ you most and your feelings when you experienced them.(回归课本P39) 观察思考 The audience were deeply impressed by the actors wonderful performance. 观众对演员们的精彩表演印象深刻。 The teacher impressed the i

11、mportance of English on/upon me. 老师让我铭记(向我强调)英语的重要性。,impressed,My father impressed me with the value of hard work. 父亲要我牢记努力工作的重要性。 归纳总结 impress _ _。 impress sb.with sth.打动了某人 impress on/upon sb.使某人意识到 It impresses sb.that-clause令人佩服的是 impress sth.on/upon sb.使意识到(重要性、严重 性等),v.给留下印象;使意识到(重要性或严,重性等),im

12、pression n.印象 make an impression留下好印象 give the impression of给人的印象 即学即用 (1)令我佩服的是她记得我的名字。 _ she remembered my name. (2)他让我们认识到必须立刻采取行动。 He _ the need for immediate action.,It impressed me that,impressed on us,3.distance In the _,they could see the misty cloud that rose from the great Niagara Falls, w

13、hich is on the south side of the lake.(回 归课本P38) 观察思考 What is the distance from your home to the coast? 从你家到海边的距离有多远? Keep a safe distance between cars. 保持车距。 The town is a great distance away. (从这里)到那个城镇相当远。,distance,归纳总结 distance _。 (1)at a distance隔一段距离;距离稍远 in the distance在远方 at a distance of在远的

14、地方 keep sb.at a distance对冷淡;与疏远 keep ones distance from与保持距离 (2)distant adj.遥远的;远处的;久远的 即学即用 (1)那只狗看上去很凶,所以我决定躲远点儿。 The dog looked dangerous,so I decided to _. (2)他对我很冷淡。 He took _ towards me.,n.距离;远方,keep my distance,a distant attitude,4.confirm The next morning the bushes and maple trees outside t

15、heir windows were red,gold and orange,and there was frost on the ground, _ that fall had arrived in Canada. (回归课本P38) 观察思考 What you say confirms my opinion. 你的话证实了我的看法。 The expression on her face confirmed our worst fears. 她脸上的表情证实了我们对发生最坏情况的忧虑。,confirming,The new evidence has confirmed the first wi

16、tnesss story. 新证据证明了第一个证人的说法。 He was confirmed as captain for the rest of the season. 他被正式任命在这个赛季剩下的一段时间内担任队长。 归纳总结 confirm v. (1)_,后加sth.,that从句或wh- 从句。 confirm a theory证实一种理论 (2)_ confirm ones belief坚定信念,证实,进一步确认,坚定,使感觉更强烈,confirm sb.in ones belief/opinion/view使信 念/意见/观点更加坚定 (3)_ confirm sb.in off

17、ice/be confirmed in office批 准某人就职 confirm a contract批准合同 即学即用 (1)经过6个月的试用期之后,她获准正式担任该职。 After a sixmonth period of probation,she _ her post. (2)有人问她时,她肯定了她将要退休。 When asked,_ she was going to retire.,was confirmed in,she confirmed that,批准;确认;认可,重点短语与句型 5.settle down That afternoon aboard the train,th

18、e cousins _ in their seats.(回归课本P34) 观察思考 When are you going to get married and settle down? 你打算什么时候成家,安定下来? He has settled down to farming. 他已安心从事农业。 The chairman tried to settle the audience down. 主席设法使听众安静下来。,settled down,归纳总结 settle down意为:_。 settle sth.with sb.与某人解决某事 settle down to sth.静下心做某事

19、settle in/into sth.迁入新居;做新工作 settle on sth.决定做某事;选择做某事 即学即用 (1)It always takes the class a while _ _ (安静下来) at the start of the lesson. (2)He found it hard to _ (定下心来工作).,定居;安静下来;专心于,settle down,to,settle down to his work,6.rather than _ take the aeroplane all the way,they decided to fly to Vancouve

20、r. (回 归课本P34) 观察思考 I always prefer to start early,rather than leave everything to the last minute. 我总是愿意早开始,而不愿把所有的事情都留到最 后才做。 Ill have a sandwich rather than a full meal. 我宁可只吃一个三明治,而不要充足的一餐。,Rather than,I think youd call it a lecture rather than a talk. 我认为与其说是谈话,倒不如说是演讲。 归纳总结 rather than意为“_”。这个词

21、组是 一个连词,前后常用一种 结构,即前面用名词,后 面也跟名词;前面用动词原形,后也要接动词原形。 (1)other than除了,除以外 (2)would rather do.than do. =would do.rather than do.宁可而不愿,而不是,而没有,平行,注意:would rather所带的宾语从句,其谓语用虚拟 语气。表示一个现在或将来的愿望,谓语用一般过去 时;表示一个过去的愿望,谓语用过去完成时。 (3)prefer to do.rather than do.宁愿而 不愿 (4)or rather更确切地说 (5)rather than后接动词不定式时,可省略不

22、定式 符号to。,即学即用 (1)In many countries in the world,breakfast is a snack _ a meal,but the traditional English breakfast is a full meal. A.rather than B.more than C.other than D.less than (2)The youngest brother,rather than his two elder brothers,_ for the wrongdoings. A.was to answer B.were to answer C.

23、was answered D.were to be answered,A,A,7.as far as Its too bad you cant go _ Ottawa,Canadas capital. 观察思考 The children walked as far as the lake. 孩子们一直走到湖边。 We can walk as far as the seaside. 我们可以一直走到海边。 归纳总结 as far as意为:_。 so/as far as.与的距离相等,达到的 程度;尽,就,as far as,远至,远达,as/so far as it goes达到一定程度 as

24、/so far as sb./sth.is concerned就某人/某物而言 as far as the eye can see就视力所能及 as.as可用作程度副词,表示“程度之高,数量之 多,时间之久”等意思。 by far大大地;得多 so far迄今为止;到目前为止 far from远非,一点也不,即学即用 (1)就我而言,你想干什么就可以干什么。 _,you can do what you like. (2)你的计划目前看来不错,但有几点你忘了考虑。 Your plan is a good one _, but there are several points youve forg

25、otten to consider.,As far as Im concerned,as far as it goes,8,Canada has more fresh water than any other country in the world.,加拿 大的淡水比世界上任何其他国家都要多。 典例体验 Xiao Ming _ _.(同范围比较)小明比他班级里的其他 男孩都高。 Xiao Ming _ _.(不同范围比较)小明比他妹 妹班里的任何男孩都高。,is taller than any other boy in,his class,is taller than any boy in

26、his,sisters class,归纳总结 本句是_内比较,必须有other。 最高级意义的多种表示法: (1)never+such/so+原级+名词 Ive never seen such a glorious view. 我从来没有见过这么壮观的场面。 (2)as+原级+as ever He was as brave a man as ever lived in the country. 他是这个国家中无与伦比的勇士。,同范围,(3)否定词+比较级+than He likes nothing better than this one. 他最喜欢这个。 (4)比较级+than+any ot

27、her+名词/anyone else He is cleverer than any other student in the class. 他比这个班的其他学生都聪明。 (5)单数名词+of+同一单数名词 Confucius is the teacher of teacher. 孔子是万师之表。,即学即用句型转换 (1)This is the most interesting story I have ever read. I have _ _ _ _ _ story _ this one. (2)The boy is the most hard-working student in his

28、 class. The boy is _ _ _ _ _ student in his class.,never,read,a,more,interesting,than,more,hard-working,than,any,other,9.“We dont leave until this evening,” said Liu Qian.“直到今晚我们才离开”,刘 倩说。 典例体验 You cant get off the bus _ it has stopped. 你得等车停下才可以下去。 The little boy wouldnt begin to sing _ his mother

29、said “yes”. 直到他妈妈说了声“可以”,那个小男孩才开始 唱歌。,until,until,They couldnt see the Great Wall _ they came to China. (=It was _ they came to China that they could see the Great Wall.) (=_ they came to China could they see the Great Wall.) 他们到了中国才能看见长城。 归纳总结 (1)until与till都可作介词,后接名词或代词构成介 词短语,作状语。until与till也作连词用,引

30、导状 语从句。till与until同义,但语气较轻;till多用 于名词和较短的从句之前。美国人往往偏爱until。 放在句首用until,不用till。,until,not until,Not until,(2)until与till引导的时间状语从句中的动词用一 般现在时表示将来时;用现在完成时表示将来完成时; 用一般过去时表示过去将来时。 (3)在含有until与till引导的时间状语从句的复合 句中,主句动词如果是持续性的,一般用肯定式;如 果是短暂性的,则须用否定式。 (4)如果要强调until引导的时间状语从句,应注意要 将not和until一起提前,主句用部分倒装。,即学即用 (1

31、)It _ we had stayed together for a couple of weeksI found we had a lot in common. A.was until;when B.was until;that C.wasnt until;when D.wasnt until;that 解析 本题考查强调句。强调句的基本结构为: It is/was+被强调部分+that从句。句意为:我们 在一起呆了几个星期后我才发现我们有许多共同 之处。not.until.直到才。,D,(2)“You cant have this football back _ you promise n

32、ot to kick it at my cat again,” the old man said firmly. A.because B.since C.when D.until 解析 表示直到才发生的结果。,D,【例1】News came from the school office _ Wang Lin had been admitted to Beijing University. (四川高考) A.which B.what C.that D.where 解析 news后面跟同位语从句,从句中不缺少任何 成分,故用that引导。句意为:从学校办公室传来 消息说王林被北京大学录取了。 课文

33、原文 The thought _ they could cross the whole continent was exciting.,考题回扣,C,that,【例2】It saves time in the kitchen to have things you use a lot _ easy reach. (山东高考) A.near B.upon C.within D.around 解析 句意为:在厨房里把你常用的东西放在随 手可及的地方,那样会节省时间的。within easy reach随手可及,在附近。 课文原文 At school,they had learned that mos

34、t Canadians live _ a few hundred kilometres of the USA border,.,C,within,【例3】A small plane crashed into a hillside five miles east of the city,_ all four people on board. (上海高考) A.killed B.killing C.kills D.to kill 解析 句中逗号后没有任何连词,因此不是并列 谓语,可排除A项;C项时态不对也可排除;现在分 词killing可作状语表示飞机坠毁的结果,而不定 式作结果状语时往往用onl

35、y to do形式。 课文原文 .and there was frost on the ground, _ that fall had arrived in Canada.,B,confirming,【例4】What do you mean,there are only ten tickets?There _ be twelve. (宁夏高考) A.should B.would C.will D.shall 解析 句意为:你什么意思?只有10张票吗?应该 是12张。would表过去将来;will表意愿;shall表 示一种语气,均不合题意。 课文原文 I _ phone her from a

36、telephone booth.,A,should,【例5】Theyve won their last three matches, _ I find a bit surprising actually. (辽宁高考) A.that B.when C.what D.which 解析 句意为:他们已经赢得了最后三场比赛,这 真使我感到有点惊奇。后半句应为定语从句,空格 处需填关系代词(副词)来引导定语从句,并在从句 中作find的宾语,同时指代前句内容,所以选D项。 课文原文 Their next stop was Calgary,_ _.,which is famous,for the Cal

37、gary Stampede,D,写作技能,利用复合句提高句子档次 复合句是使结构复杂化的一个方法,我们可以 借助于它表达比较复杂的内容。在应试写作时,考 生应尽可能地运用复合句以使文章更有逻辑性,同 时也提高了文章的档次。要写好复合句就需要注意: 千万不要将汉语一一对译成英语,一定要注意所写 复合句符合英语句子结构的特点及复合句中句子成 分的完整。如“到车站时,他发现火车已经走 了”,如果一一对译,则容易误译为:,When arrived at the station,he found the train had already left. 从句与简单句一样,需讲究句子结构的完整 性,只不过从

38、句前有一个引导从句的连词而已。在 when arrived at.中,很明显,缺少主语,需在 when后加上he。,即时练习把下列每组句子转换成复合句 1.In the town there was only one school.I studied there for six years. 2.I have spare time.I will go to see you. 3.He got up very early this morning.He could catch the first bus.,In the town there was only one school where,I

39、 studied for six years.,If I have spare time,I will go to see you.,He got up very early this morning so that,he could catch the first bus.,4.You study hard.You will pass the exam.(only if) 5.Stop blowing.The glass will become clear again.,Only if you study hard will you pass the,exam.,Stop blowing a

40、nd the glass will become,clear again.,.品句填词 1.It is said that the M of Japan will come to visit our country next month. 2.There are four oceans in the world,of which the P is the largest. 3.As is known to all,there are seven c in the world. 4.There is a h near our city,where you can find many big sh

41、ips in and out.,自主检测,inister,acific,ontinents,arbour,5.We admire her for she has a g for singing and dancing. 6.There is a s difference between the two words. 7.Could you help me f out the cost of this trip? 8.It is said that some o will come to our school to have a visit. 9.The terrible sound made

42、me t . 10.I have such a good eyesight that I can see the small things in the d .,ift,light,igure,fficials,errified,istance,.短语运用 make a trip,catch sight of,go eastward, rather than,have a gift for,less than, settle down,chat about,manage to do, thousands of 1.We couldnt decide whether to _ or westwa

43、rd. 2.My father will _ to New York next week. 3.I think Ill have a cold drink _ coffee. 4.She _ learning English.,go eastward,make a trip,rather than,has a gift for,5.We often _ our school life in the past. 6.That afternoon aboard the train,the cousins _ in their seats. 7.There are _ people on the s

44、quare every evening in summer. 8.I often _ some beggars in rags on the street. 9.I finally _ find the book I was looking for. 10.This piece of furniture is really inexpensive with a price of _ forty dollars.,chat about,settled down,thousands of,catch sight of,managed to,less than,.完成句子 1.Before he left,the visiting professor _ (表达了他的愿望) he would come to China again to give lectures the next year. 2.Standing on the top of the hill,you can see _ (远至大海). 3.He asked _ _ (距离有多远) between Beijing and Qingda


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