经贸英语口译但实训教程Unit 9 Insurance and Claim.ppt

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1、Insurance and Claim,Unit 9,对外经济贸易大学出版社,Contents,Training Objectives,1,Training Steps,2,More Practice,3,Answers and Translation,4,Knowledge Objectives, You will be able to know: The definition of insurance The contract of insurance The risks covered by insurance Purpose of making claims Types of clai

2、ms Principles of making claims,Skill Objectives,You will be able to master: C-E translation of long sentences,Quality Objectives,You will be able to cope with: The insurance & claim interpretation,1. Training Objectives,2. Training Steps,1. Assessment on Long Sentences Translation 2. Self & Peer ass

3、essment on interpreting quality 3. Self & Peer assessment on groups performance,1. Phrase Interpreting 2. Sentence Interpreting 3. Field Interpreting 4. Situational Interpreting,. Performing,1. Knowledge Linkage (Preview before the lesson) 2. Interpretation Skill: Long Sentences Translation,. Prepar

4、ing,. Packaging,. Preparing,Interpretation Skill: Long Sentences Translation (长句翻译),. Preparing,Interpretation Skill: Long Sentences Translation (长句翻译),. Preparing,Interpretation Skill: Long Sentences Translation (长句翻译),. Preparing,Interpretation Skill: Long Sentences Translation (长句翻译),. Preparing,

5、Interpretation Skill: Long Sentences Translation (长句翻译),Phrase Interpreting Study and interpret the following words or phrases into Chinese or English respectively.,. Performing,1. 短语口译,参考译文,. Performing,2. Sentence Interpreting,. Performing,1)We cannot help filing a claim against you for the invoic

6、e value and inspection charges. 2)The goods supplied do not match the samples you sent to us. 3)The products are not of the quality we ordered. 4)We must request the immediate replacement of the cargo. 5)We look forward to your early settlement. 6)We trust that you will take the said issue into seri

7、ous consideration and favor us with a prompt solution. 7)The findings that are provided by the staff checking the damaged goods show that. 8)Therefore we find no grounds to compensate you for the loss. 9)The responsibility should rest with either the carrier or the insurer instead of us, and if you

8、need, we would like to lodge, on behalf of you, a claim against them. 10)With reference to your letter dated. we are deeply sorry over the unfortunate incident.,2. 句子口译,参考译文,1)我们只能向贵方提出索赔,索赔金额为发票金额加上检验费用。 2)贵方所供应的货物与之前寄来的样品并不一致。 3)这些产品的质量并没有达到我们所订产品的质量标准。 4)我方要求必须马上换货。 5)我方希望你们能早日进行理赔。 6)我方希望贵方能认真考虑

9、此事,尽快提出一个好的解决方法。 7)对受损货物进行检查的工作人员提交了检查结果,结果显示 8)因此我方找不到赔偿贵方此次损失的理由。 9)这个责任不应由我方而应由承运人或保险人来承担,如果有必要,我方可代你方向他们提出索赔。 10)关于贵方日的来信,我方对信中提及的这一不幸事件深表遗憾。,. Performing,Role Play,(1) Situation lead-in,The new salesman Kate is consulting Mr. Zhang, the general manager on the insurance company concerning the or

10、der of Mr. Smith. Please do two-way interpretation for them.,3. Field Interpreting,Group 1 Group 2 Group 3,Competition,Evaluation,Evaluation,. Performing,Question 1,If you are Mr. Chen, which sentences will you employ the translation skill learnt in this unit when interpreting?,. Performing 3. Field

11、 Interpreting (2) Group discussion,1. 我建议中国人民保险公司,他们公司收费比较合理,实际上对CIF价格没有多大影响。 2. 大体上讲,CIF和C&F之间的差价大约为0.4%,当然保险费要根据商品性质、投保险别以及目的港的不同而不同。 3. 相机是易损品,运输途中容易损坏,我建议投水渍险,不投平安险。 4. 平安险不赔偿运输途中的部分损失。水渍险赔偿任何情况下的部分损失。,What are the translation methods used in the above sentences?,. Performing 3. Field Interpreti

12、ng (2) Group discussion,Question 2,1. I suggest the Peoples Insurance Company of China, since the rates quoted by the PICC are moderate. They have very little effect on our CIF prices.(断句法) 2. Roughly speaking, the difference between CIF and C&F is about 0.4%. The premium varies with the nature of t

13、he goods, the degree of cover desired and the place of destination.(断句法) 3. Cameras are fragile goods, which may be damaged on voyage. I suggest W. P. A. instead of F.P.A(断句法) 3. F.P.A. does not cover partial loss of the goods in transit, while W. P. A. covers partial loss in all cases.(合并法),Questio

14、n 3,. Performing 3. Field Interpreting (2) Group discussion,What is the key reason for using different translation methods to interpret these long sentences?,核心因素是要考虑原文各个分句之间的逻辑关系,根据逻辑关系进行合并拆分,或者根据中英文逻辑重心的差异进行结构重组和调整。,Work in groups and take turns to act as the interpreter, Mr. Chen; and the other s

15、tudents as Leon. While interpreting, the interpreter shouldnt look at the material. After six-minute preparation for it, you will be invited to act out the dialogue and interpret in the front of the classroom. Your performance will be evaluated by yourself, your teacher and other groups and recorded

16、 as your regular grade.,. Performing 3. Field Interpreting (3) Role play & interpreting,凯特:张经理,我想就史密斯先生那单订单所投保险公司咨询一下您的意见。 Zhang:I suggest the Peoples Insurance Company of China. The rates quoted by the PICC are moderate. They have very little effect on our CIF prices. Roughly speaking, the differen

17、ce between CIF and C&F is about 0.4%. The premium varies with the nature of the goods, the degree of cover desired and the place of destination. 凯特:0.4%,听起来相当合理。我还有个问题。 Zhang: What is it? I hope I can help you. 凯特:采取CIF纽约价运的这批数码相机,该投保什么险? Zhang:Cameras are fragile goods, which may be damaged on voya

18、ge. I suggest W. P. A. instead of F.P.A 凯特:这两种险有什么不同吗? Zhang: F.P.A. does not cover partial loss of the goods in transit, while W. P. A. covers partial loss in all cases. In that case. W.P.A. is much better.,参考译文,. Performing,3. 口译实战,口译重难点解析,. Performing,3. 口译实战,. Performing,口译重难点解析,3. 口译实战,. Perfor

19、ming,口译重难点解析,3. 口译实战,4. Situational Interpreting,3 students in a group (refer to P279),3 students in a group (refer to P279),Situation 1,Lee (Company A) is complaining to Mr. Zhang (Company B) about the high complaint rate of the new products. And Mr. Zhang is expressing his opinion. Please do two-w

20、ay interpretation for them.,Situation 2,Mary (Company A) is complaining about the short-weight of 20 tons to Mr. Wang (Company B), who is in charge of the problem. Mr. Wang is expressing his willingness to find the reason for this and to solve the problem. Please do two-way interpretation for them.,

21、. Performing,4.情景口译参考译文,里:张先生,我们有一些品质管理的问题必须设法解决。 Zhang: What problems exactly? 里:我们的新产品的投诉率很高,几乎高达8%。 Zhang: That is high. 里:没错。我们在测试声卡时就一直发现有问题。 Zhang: But your promotional materials claim the boards should be the cheapest of their types on the market. 里:我们是要最便宜的,但是也要有完备的功能啊。我们认为你们的工厂需要采取有效措施来改善你们

22、的品质管理。 Zhang: That will involve additional expenses for us, which we will have to pass on to you as a rate hike. 里:恐怕我们无法接受。 Zhang: Well. I will review the contract and talk with management department. Then we will get together and hash this out.,情景 1,. Performing,4. 情景口译参考译文,玛丽:也许贵方商检局只是随意抽查了几包,而那几

23、包正好是合格的。但那并不证明你们所有托运的货物都如我们期望的那样干燥。没充分脱水的那部分很可能被他们忽略了。这也就是为什么少了20吨的原因。 Wang: Can I have a look at the report from the Commodity Inspection Bureau? Was your analysis made on the retained samples? We will take no responsibility for air dehydration at the destination. 玛丽:我们的分析确实是根据保留货样做出的。 Wang: Well.

24、Im afraid that well have to have the retained samples re-checked before we settle it. Its very unfortunate for you any way and well try our best to solve the problem. But we have to respect the final inspection analysis.,情景 2,. Performing,Self & Peer assessment on long sentence translation,1. Know h

25、ow to split sentences 2. Know how to combine sentences 3. Know how to reorganize sentences 4. Know how to analyze the logic links of sentences 5. Other aspects _ ,1. Faithfulness 2. Smoothness 3. Timeliness ,Assessments,. Packaging,Self & Peer assessment on interpreting quality,Self & Peer assessmen

26、t,whole groups performance ,Study and interpret the following words or phrases into Chinese or English respectively.,. Phrase Interpreting,3. More Practice,口译以下词汇短语。,.词汇短语口译,参考译文,Interpret the following sentences into English or Chinese.,. Sentence Interpreting,3. More Practice,English to Chinese: 1

27、)Its important for you to read the “fine print” in any insurance policy so that you know what kind of coverage you are buying. 2)The rates quoted by us are very moderate. Of course, the premium varies with the range of insurance. 3)We shall lodge a claim against the Insurance Company for the goods d

28、amaged during transit. 4)We file a claim against you for the short delivery of 145 lbs. 5)We shall, on strength of the Inspection Report issued by the said Bureau, have the right to reject the goods delivered.,. 句子口译,参考译文,英译中: 1) 阅读保险单上的“细则”对你是十分重要的,这样就能知道你要买的保险包括哪些项目。 2) 我们所收取的费率是很有限的,当然,保险费用要根据投保范

29、围的大小而有所不同。 3) 对于货物在运输途中损坏,我们将向保险公司提出索赔。 4) 我们向你方提出短交145磅的索赔。 5) 根据上述商检局的检验报告,我们将有权拒绝收货。,Interpret the following sentences into English or Chinese.,. Sentence Interpreting,3. More Practice,中译英: 1)我们已按发票金额的110%投保水渍险及战争险。 2)我们愿代你方投保。 3)经过保险人员的彻底调查,发现货物的损坏与装卸不当有关。 4)我们不能接受你方的索赔数额。 5)由“大庆”轮运来的50吨花生,由于短运,

30、我方提出索赔2 050美元。,. 句子口译,参考译文,Chinese to English: 1)We have insured W.P.A and against War Risk at 110% of the invoice value. 2)We will arrange/effect insurance on your behalf. 3)The findings of the thorough investigation made by the insurer found that the damage of the goods was in connection with care

31、less handling. 4)We can not accept the sum you proposed in your claim. 5)We claim US$ 2,050 for short shipment on the 50 tons peanuts ex s.s. “Daqing”.,Listen to the recording. Repeat promptly half or one sentence after the voice. Write down the numbers such as “1, 2, 3.” in sequence to do interfere

32、nce exercise at the same time.,. Shadowing Exercise,3. More Practice,Generally speaking, if goods are sold on CIF basis, as it is in your case, we insure goods against All Risks and War Risks for 110% of the invoice value. Should the buyer require broader coverage, the extra premium is for buyers ac

33、count. The insurance terminates when the goods reach the consignees warehouse at the destination named in the policy. It is limited, however, to sixty days after completion of discharge of the insured goods from the seagoing vessel at the final port of discharge before they reach the above-mentioned

34、 warehouse or place of storage.,. 影子跟读,参考译文,一般说来,如果货物是以CIF价售出,就像你们这种情况,我们将按发票金额110%投保一切险和战争险。若要投保更多险别,所需的额外保险费由买方负担。当货物到达保险单中列明的目的地受货人仓库,保险终止。但限制在保险标的物从目的港船上卸货完成直至到达上述仓库或存放地点前60天以内。,Listen to the recording. Do not take note while listening. And try to retell the passages one by one using the target

35、language.,. Retelling Exercise,3. More Practice,中国人民保险公司以其处理索赔迅速公正而享有盛誉。在全球几乎所有主要城市和港口都有代理可处理索赔。 贵方可以很便利地联系你处的保险代理就货物损失或损害问题提出索赔。 在向保险公司或代理提出索赔时,通常要求投保人递交下列单证: 1. 正本保险单或保险凭证 2. 正本或副本提单 3. 装箱单、发票 4. 损失或损坏的证明书和/或短缺备忘录、检验报告 如果想进一步了解详情,请与我们联系或与中国人民保险公司所在贵地的代理机构联系。,.复述练习,参考译文,PICC enjoys high reputation

36、in settling claims promptly and equitably. It has agents in almost all major cities and ports all over the world to handle claims. It will be very convenient to file claims against the loss of or damage to the goods with the insurance agent at your end. In case of the claim, the insured is required

37、to submit the following documents: *Original Policy or Certificate of Insurance *Original or copy of B/L *Packing List and Invoice *Certificate of Loss / Damage, or Short-landed Memo, and Survey Report *Statement of Claims Please feel free to contact us again if you have any further questions or you

38、 may contact the agent of PICC at your end.,Sight interpret the following passage.,. Sight Interpreting,3. More Practice,Brown: Good morning, Mr. Chen. Thank you for your reception at such a busy hour. 陈:早上好,布朗先生。见着你非常高兴。我们之间交易往来已有5年多了,我感到很欣慰,我们之间的交易大部分令人满意。 Brown: Thats right. Its been entirely tha

39、nks to your full support. You made it a point to abide by the contract and especially you were always prompt and equitable in settling claims. All these played an important part in prompting the sales between us. 陈:布朗先生,我听出你话外有音。有什么请明讲。 Brown: Let me be more to the point. Very regretfully, there occ

40、urred something unusual in this transaction of ours. Now, I am here, hoping to get the matter cleared up. 陈:好啊,我们一直努力在改善对客户的服务,特别是对你这样的老客户。 Brown: When your last shipment arrived at our port last week, we had them weighed. The result proved that the goods were underweight. 陈:不会吧!,Sight interpret the

41、 following passage.,. Sight Interpreting,3. More Practice,Brown: As compared with the total weight of 50 metric tons stipulated in the contract, the actual landed weight was only 48.5 metric tons. The difference was 1.5 metric tons. 陈:那真是没法理解了。1.5公吨可不是个小数字,不可能在运输途中丢失呀。这1.5公吨到哪儿去了呢? Brown: As the goo

42、ds were sold on CIF terms, you must be held responsible for the shortage. 陈:你有证明吗? Brown: Undoubtedly. Here is a survey report issued by a well-known lab in Singapore. It verifies the short weight of 1.5 metric tons. And then the report further testifies that the short weight is caused by improper p

43、acking, 15 bags were broken during transportation and contents got irretrievably lost. 陈:布朗先生,我们合作不是一年了。我完全相信你的话。考虑到我们之间的友好关系,我们准备满足你方1.5公吨短重索赔。 Brown: Thanks. Do I understand that the inspection fee is also included? 陈:是的,包括检验费。,.视译,参考译文,布朗:你早,陈先生。谢谢你在百忙中还能抽出宝贵时间见我。 Chen: Good morning, Mr. Brown. N

44、ice to see you. We have done business for five years and I am glad to say that most of the transactions have turned out to our natural satisfaction. 布朗:是啊。这全得感谢你方大力支持。你们很注意尊重合同恪守信用。尤其是你们在理赔方面迅速、公平合理。所有这些都对我们之间的贸易发展起了重要作用。 Chen: Mr. Brown, it seems you are driving at something. Why not tell me frankl

45、y? 布朗:我直截了当地说吧。很遗憾,我们之间这笔买卖出了点意外。我这次来也就是想澄清一些问题。 Chen: You are welcome, Mr. Brown. Weve been trying to improve on services for our clients, especially for an old client like you. 布朗:上一批货物上周到达我方港口后,我们进行了过磅。结果表明货物短重。,.视译,参考译文,Chen: You dont say! 布朗: 与合同规定总重量50公吨相比,实际到货重量为48.5公吨,相差1.5公吨。 Chen: That is

46、really very incomprehensible. One point five metric tons is no small quantity and cannot get lost on route. Where can these 1.5 tons have gone? 布朗: 鉴于货物是按到岸价条款成交,你方要为短重负责。 Chen: Have you any evidence? 布朗: 那当然了。这是新加坡一家著名实验室签发的检验报告,证实短重1.5公吨。该报告还进一步证明短重是由于包装不当所造成。15只袋子运输途中破损,袋中货物无可挽回地丢失。 Chen: Well, Mr. Brown, we have been partners for quite a few years and I can believe every word you say. In view of our friendly relationship, we are prepared to meet your claim for the 1.5 metric tons short weight. 布朗: 谢谢。是否检验费用也在内呢? Chen: Yes, also the inspection fee.,Thank you!,


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