经贸英语口译实训教程Unit 10 Bu分siness Travel.ppt

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1、Business Travel,Unit 10,对外经济贸易大学出版社,Contents,Training Objectives,1,Training Steps,2,More Practice,3,Answers and Translation,4,Knowledge Objectives, You will be able to know: What is business travel The purposes of business travel Tips for business travel abroad Useful terms relating business travel,

2、Skill Objectives,You will be able to master: Sight interpreting,Quality Objectives,You will be able to cope with: The in-field business travel interpretation,1. Training Objectives,2. Training Steps,1. Assessment on Sight Interpreting 2. Self & Peer assessment on interpreting quality 3. Self & Peer

3、assessment on groups performance,1. Phrase Interpreting 2. Sentence Interpreting 3. Field Interpreting 4. Situational Interpreting,. Performing,1. Knowledge Linkage (Preview before the lesson) 2. Interpretation Skill: Sight Interpreting,. Preparing,. Packaging,. Preparing,Interpretation Skill: Sight

4、 Interpreting(视译),. Preparing,Interpretation Skill: Sight Interpreting(视译),. Preparing,Interpretation Skill: Sight Interpreting(视译),Phrase Interpreting Study and interpret the following words or phrases into Chinese or English respectively.,. Performing,1. 短语口译,参考译文,. Performing,2. Sentence Interpre

5、ting,. Performing,1)The travel agency has arranged for a double room for me. 2)Id like a single/double room with a bath. 3)I prefer a room facing south/on the sunny side/with a balcony/with a front view/on a higher floor/overlooking the sea for a week. 4)What sort of amusements do you offer? 5)How m

6、uch is a suite for two nights? 6) Do we have to pay the full price for children? 7) Could I settle my bill now? Im leaving around ten. 8) What flights are there from New York to Shanghai? 9) What time is the plane due to arrive? 10) Are there any vacancies?,2. 句子口译,参考译文,1)旅行社已经为我安排了双人房。 2)我想要带浴室的双/单

7、人房。 3)我想要订为期一周的房间朝南/向阳/带阳台/观景/高层/海景。 4)有什么娱乐活动? 5)套房两晚多少钱? 6)儿童全价吗? 7)可以结账了吗?我十点左右得走。 8)从纽约到上海的航班有哪些? 9)飞机预计几点到达? 10)有空房吗?,. Performing,Role Play,(1) Situation lead-in,Mr. Smith is invited to tour around Guangzhou for two weeks after the successful business cooperation with ABC company. Having finis

8、hed the two-day tour, General Manager, Mr. Zhang is inquiring Mr. Smith about his impressions on Guangzhou.,3. Field Interpreting,Group 1 Group 2 Group 3,Competition,Evaluation,Evaluation,. Performing,Question 1,If you are Mr. Chen, can you use the anticipation skills when interpreting the following

9、 two longest passages delivered by Mr. Smith?,. Performing 3. Field Interpreting (2) Group discussion,1. I only know Guangzhou is a major destination for business travelers all year round, especially during the biannual Canton Fair(根据逻辑关联词especially预测广交会) 2. I realize that though Guangzhou is not as

10、 sophisticated tourism destination as Shanghai or Hong Kong(根据逻辑关联词搭配as.as预测as后面会是地点) 3. What I enjoy most including the cruise along the Pearl River,.and the tranquil vestige of the colonial era Shamian Island.(根据常识预测cruise是在珠江,殖民地时代的体现是沙面) 4. “Eating in Guangzhou” has become a popular saying both

11、at home and abroad.(根据谓语动词has become预测后面的套话) 5. Cantonese cuisine is good in color, fragrance, taste and presentation.(根据is good in预测后面的套话) 6. The delicate Cantonese pastry is also well-known for its wide range of varieties, delicious flavor and beautiful color.(根据is also well-known for预测后面的内容) 7. I

12、 really hope our company will have more cooperation with your side and therefore, well have more opportunity to visit Guangzhou.(根据逻辑关联词therefore预测后面的套话) ,Can you add double-slash to the following two passages to facilitate your sight-interpreting?,. Performing 3. Field Interpreting (2) Group discus

13、sion,Question 2,Sure./ I only know Guangzhou is a major destination for business travelers/ all year round,/ especially during the biannual Canton Fair,/ however,/ after the 2-day trip in Guangzhou/, I realize/ that though Guangzhou is not as sophisticated tourism destination/ as Shanghai or Hong Ko

14、ng, but it has a very special character of its own./ What I enjoy most including/ the cruise along the Pearl River,/ with lights and neon blazing on both banks,/ and the tranquil vestige of the colonial era / Shamian Island./ But the real treasure of the city/ is the life in its streets and the acti

15、vity in its alleys/: a stimulating mixture of color, sound and movement./,Can you add double-slash to the following two passages to facilitate your sight-interpreting?,. Performing 3. Field Interpreting (2) Group discussion,Question 2,You got it./“Eating in Guangzhou”/ has become a popular saying/ b

16、oth at home and abroad./ Cantonese cuisine/ is good in color, fragrance, taste and presentation./ In addition,/ the delicate Cantonese pastry/ is also well-known/ for its wide range of varieties,/ delicious flavor/ and beautiful color/. Oh, talking about it,/ I cannot help myself./ It is so mouth-wa

17、tering./ I really hope/ our company/ will have more cooperation with your side/ and therefore,/ well have more opportunity/ to visit Guangzhou./,Question 3,. Performing 3. Field Interpreting (2) Group discussion,Where do you use the linearity skills when interpreting?,1. 以前我只知道广州是商业人士的主要的目的地,全年都是如此。

18、 2. 然而,在这次为期两天的广州旅行之后,我发现广州虽然不是那么色彩斑斓的旅游目的地,像上海或香港一样。 3. 我最喜欢的是珠江夜游,欣赏霓虹灯光交相辉映的珠江两岸的美景,还有带有殖民地时期宁静痕迹的沙面岛。 4. “食在广州”的说法是闻名遐迩的,国内外都知道。 5. 此外,精致的广东点心也很有名,品种繁多、口感美味,颜色靓丽。 ,Work in groups and take turns to act as the interpreter, Mr. Chen; and the other students as Leon. While interpreting, the interpret

19、er shouldnt look at the material. After six-minute preparation for it, you will be invited to act out the dialogue and interpret in the front of the classroom. Your performance will be evaluated by yourself, your teacher and other groups and recorded as your regular grade.,. Performing 3. Field Inte

20、rpreting (3) Role play & interpreting,Zhang: How about the 2-day trip in Guangzhou. You must have experienced something different, right? 史密斯:是的。我现在还觉得很激动呢。这是我第一次来到这个充满活力的城市这次经历应该一辈子都难以忘怀。 Zhang: Tell me more details. 史密斯:可以。以前我只知道广州是商业人士的主要的目的地,全年都是如此,特别是在一年两度的广交会期间。然而,在这次为期两天的广州旅行之后,我发现广州虽然不是那么色彩斑

21、斓的旅游目的地,像上海或香港一样,但它有着独特的魅力。我最喜欢的是珠江夜游的美景,可以欣赏霓虹灯光交相辉映的珠江两岸,还有带有殖民地时期宁静痕迹的沙面岛。但真正的珍宝却是广州街头巷尾富有特色的市井生活,简直就是现代城市声色、活力的集中体现。,参考译文,. Performing,3. 口译实战,Zhang: Have you enjoyed Chinese food here? You know, Cantonese cuisine is among the most famous four in the country. and Guangzhou ranks first in the num

22、ber of restaurants and tea-houses in the country. 史密斯:你说对了。“食在广州”的说法在是闻名遐迩的,国内外都知道。广东菜可谓是色、香、味、形俱全。此外,精致的广东点心也很有名,品种繁多、口感美味,颜色靓丽。哦,说起这些,我又忍不住,真是垂涎三尺啊。我真心希望我们公司能与贵公司有更多的合作,这样我就有更多的机会来广州了。,参考译文,. Performing,3. 口译实战,口译重难点解析,. Performing,3. 口译实战,. Performing,口译重难点解析,3. 口译实战,4. Situational Interpreting,2

23、 students in a group (refer to P219),4 students in a group (refer to P279),Situation 1,Please sight interpret the two-day Guangzhou tour itinerary. Student A acts as the interpreter and Student B acts as the guider to read the passage.,Situation 2,Accompanied by Xiao Luo, Mr. Smith is buying a souve

24、nirthe Chinese fans. Please do two-way interpretation for them.,. Performing,4.情景口译参考译文,广州两日游 第一天:早上8点在所住酒店门口接你。先去越秀公园、五羊雕像和孙中山纪念堂游玩。午餐后,游览南越王墓。晚餐以后坐游船游览珠江,体验美妙的广州夜景。 孙中山纪念堂是由中国海外华人和广州居民出资捐赠而建的八角形纪念堂。 南越王墓可追溯到2 600年前,是迄今为止发现的在岭南地区的最大石头墓葬。遗址建有博物馆,展出超过1 000件的随葬品。 第二天:早上9点在所住酒店门口接你。先去云台花园、中信广场。午饭后,到二沙岛

25、和陈家祠游玩。 云台花园,可以看到世界各地四季的各种花卉。 陈家祠,由广东居住在72个县的陈氏家族出资修建,它是古代岭南建筑的典型代表。此殿的标志精心而巧妙的装饰,使其独具一格。今天的陈家祠也是广东民间工艺品博物馆所在地。,情景 1,. Performing,4. 情景口译参考译文,史密斯:小罗,我想买一些纪念品带回去给我的妻子和女儿。但我不知道该买什么,你有什么建议吗? Guide Luo: Oh, there are many counters selling fans. Would you like to have a look? 史密斯:当然。中国扇很漂亮。 Shop assistan

26、t: What can I do for you, sir? 史密斯:我想买些礼物给我的家人。 Shop assistant: Would you like to see sandalwood fans or silk fans? 史密斯:不知道哪个更好? Shop assistant: Well, sandal wood fans have a natural scent and are more expensive, and silk fans are made of silk and are light in weight. Both of them have designs that

27、are hand painted. 史密斯:噢,我明白了。能两种都给我看看好吗?,情景 2,. Performing,4. 情景口译参考译文,Shop assistant: Yes, sir. Here you are. You can have a smell of this one. 史密斯:噢,闻起来真香。我妻子一定会喜欢它的。丝绸扇也很漂亮。你能给我看一些不同的设计吗? Shop assistant: Sure. We have a wide range of designs for you to choose from. 史密斯:我的女儿一定会喜欢这美丽的兰花团。我买这一个了。一共多

28、少钱? Shop assistant: The sandal wood fan is 80 yuan, and the silk one is 40 yuan. Altogether it comes to 120 yuan. 史密斯:好的。这是150元。 Shop assistant: Heres your change, 30 yuan. 史密斯:谢谢。 Shop assistant: My pleasure.,情景 2,. Performing,Self & Peer assessment on sight interpreting,1. No backtrack 2. No “um”,

29、 “uh”, etc. 3. Able to do anticipation 4. Know how to use linearity skills 5. Other aspects _ ,1. Faithfulness 2. Smoothness 3. Timeliness ,Assessments,. Packaging,Self & Peer assessment on interpreting quality,Self & Peer assessment,whole groups performance ,Study and interpret the following words

30、or phrases into Chinese or English respectively.,. Phrase Interpreting,3. More Practice,口译以下词汇短语。,.词汇短语口译,参考译文,Interpret the following sentences into English or Chinese.,. Sentence Interpreting,3. More Practice,English to Chinese: 1)I will keep an eye on tonights weather forecast. If it rains tomorr

31、ow, we shall change it to the day after tomorrow. 2)We can have a birds eye view of the whole city from the top of the Guangzhou tower. 3)Today, you will tour around world-famous scenic spots and historical sites, visit magnificent ancient architectural complexes, and appreciate precious cultural re

32、lics. 4)From ancient times till now, tourism has demonstrated the beautiful aspirations of people for more knowledge, rich experiences and good health. 5)China International Travel Service offers you an interesting tour program which is characteristic of Chinese culture.,. 句子口译,参考译文,英译中: 1)今天晚上我会看天气

33、预报,如果明天下雨,则改在后天出发。 2)从广州塔顶,我们可以俯视整个城市。 3)今天各位将游览举世闻名的景点和名胜,参观雄伟的古建筑群,观赏珍贵的文物。 4)古往今来,旅游一直体现了人们增长知识、丰富阅历和强健体魄的美好追求。 5)中国国际旅行社为各位安排了富有中国民族文化特色的有趣的旅游线路。,Interpret the following sentences into English or Chinese.,. Sentence Interpreting,3. More Practice,中译英: 1)毫不奇怪,中国菜闻名于全世界。 2)这些是大自然的鬼斧神工。 3)欢迎各位游览广州长隆

34、旅游度假区,国家首批、广州唯一国家级5A景区。作为这些年来最受欢迎的旅游度假胜地,广州长隆旅游度假区已经成为广州的城市“名片”。 4)下面我来说一下明天的日程安排。明天早上8点我们在这家酒店大厅集合。上午是市内观光,主要游览白云山和云台花园。下午则大家自由安排,可以逛街购物,也可以在酒店休息。 5)如果您还想参观的话,陈家祠值得一游。,. 句子口译,参考译文,Chinese to English: 1)No wonder Chinese cuisines are well-known to the world. 2)These art natural wonders. 3)Welcome to

35、 the Guangzhou Chimelong Tourist Resort, which was awarded as one of Chinas first group of 5A National Tourist Areas, and is the citys only 5A Tourist Area. Being the most popular holiday destination over the years, it has become an icon of Guangzhou City. 4)Here is the schedule for tomorrow. We wil

36、l meet in the lobby of this hotel at 8 oclock tomorrow morning. In the morning, we will have a city sightseeing. We are going to visit Baiyun Mountain and the Yuntai Garden. In the afternoon, you are free. You can go shopping or take a rest in the hotel. 5)If you want to visit more places, Chen Clan

37、 Academy or Chen Clan Ancestral Hall is worth visiting.,Listen to the recording. Repeat promptly half or one sentence after the voice. Write down the numbers such as “99, 98, 97.” in inverted order to do interference exercise at the same time.,. Shadowing Exercise,3. More Practice,Tourism is a compr

38、ehensive economic undertaking and it plays a very important role in a countrys economic construction; and it is at the same time a part of foreign relations work, as it offers an effective mean for people-to-people diplomacy. Guide-interpreters are in direct service of foreign visitors, and their qu

39、ality and service play a decisive role in the development of tourism industry in China. Their speech and behavior directly influence foreign visitors mood in traveling. In a sense, the function of a tour guide is similar to that of a diplomat of the people. His or her duty is to try his or her utmos

40、t to make foreign visitors enjoy their trip in China and at the same time let them understand Chinas history, geography, peoples customs and its cultural tradition better through their interpreting and efforts. Therefore, a tour guides service is the key link of tourism industry.,. 影子跟读,参考译文,旅游是一项综合

41、经济,在国家经济建设中起重要作用,在对外交流中也非常重要,因为它能提供有效的人与人之间的外交。 导游口译直接服务外国游客,他们的服务质量对中国的旅游经济的发展起着关键作用,言行举止都会直接影响外国游客旅途中的心情。也可以说导游的作用类似于外交家,他或她的任务是尽其所能的使外国游客享受中国之旅同时也让游客通过他们的口译更好的明白中国的历史、地理、习俗和文化,因此,导游服务在旅游业中举足轻重。,Listen to the recording. Do not take note while listening. And try to retell the passages one by one us

42、ing the target language.,. Retelling Exercise,3. More Practice,Good afternoon, ladies and gentlemen, Welcome to Guangzhou! Allow me to introduce myself. My name is Bing Luo. Luo is my surname, so you may call me Xiao Luo. And this is Mr. Wen, our driver who has had 10 years of driving experience. We

43、 come from the Guangzhou Comfort International Travel Service. We are glad to have you here. On behalf of our company and our colleagues, wed like to extend a warm welcome to you all. Ill be your local tour guide during your two-day tour in this romantic city and well be at your service at any time.

44、 Well do everything possible to make your visit a pleasant experience. If you have any problems or suggestions, please dont hesitate to let us know. We have reserved two suites for you at Guangzhou Garden Hotel. It offers the best services in this city. We shall meet at the hotel lobby at 9 a.m. for

45、 our first visit tomorrow. Please do remember limo. The number is 78789. Thank you.,.复述练习,参考译文,下午好,女士们,先生们: 欢迎大家来到广州!请允许我做一下自我介绍。我叫罗冰。罗是我的姓,所以你可以叫我小罗。这是温先生,我们的司机,他已经10年的驾龄。我们来自广州康辉国际旅行社。我们很高兴在此款待你们。我谨代表我的公司和同事,向你们表示热烈的欢迎。我将是你们在这个浪漫的城市两日游的地陪,我们会随时为你服务。我们将尽一切可能,确保你们此行愉快。如果你们有任何问题或建议,请随时告诉我们。我们在广州花园酒店预

46、订了两间套房。该酒店的服务质量一流。我们明天早上9点将会在酒店大厅集合,开始我们第一天的旅行。请记住车牌号码是78789。谢谢。,Sight interpret the following passage.,. Sight Interpreting,3. More Practice,Traditional Chinese Painting Traditional Chinese painting is different from the Western painting. The painting is done using a brush on paper or silk, often w

47、ith black ink alone. The origin of Chinese painting can be traced back to Chinese neolithic pottery. Paintings were mainly painted on silk or walls before the Tang Dynasty; mural paintings were particularly popular. Classical Chinese painting can be divided into three categories: landscape paintings, figure paintings and bird-and-flower paintings.,.视译,参考译文,国画 国画不同于西方的油画。国画是使用毛笔在纸上或丝绸上作画,往往只使用黑色的墨水这一种颜色。国画的起源可以追溯到中国新石器时代的陶器。在唐朝以前,国画主要是画在丝绸或墙壁上,其中壁画特别流行。国画可分为三大类:风景画、人物画和花鸟画。,Thank you!,


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