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1、福建省永春县第一中学2018-2019学年高二英语下学期期中试题试卷满分:150分 考试时间:120分钟第一卷(选择题 共 100分)第一部分 听力 (共两节,满分 20 分)第一节听下面 5 段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的 A、B、C 三个选项中选出最佳选项。听完每段对话后,你都有10 秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话仅读一遍。1. What will the woman probably do at about 4 p. m? A. Take a swim. B. Have a class. C. See a doctor.2. How is the man g

2、oing to deal with the camera?A. To repair it. B. To return it. C. To exchange it.3. What does the man think of his new job?A. It has long working hours. B. It is near his home. C. It is well-paid. 4. What is the probable relationship between the speakers? A. Brother and sister. B. Repairman and cust

3、omer. C. Shop assistant and customer.5. What are the speakers talking about?A. A bank . B. A street. C. A restaurant.第二节 (共15小题,每小题1.5分,满分22.5分)听第6段材料, 回答6、7题6. Why does the man talk to the woman? A. To borrow something B. To ask for advice C. To invite her to do sports7. What sport does the woman d

4、o to try to keep fit? A. Table tennis B. Tennis C Running听第7段材料, 回答第8、9题8 What is Sallys problem? A. She lost Jakes CD. B. She broke Jakes computer. C. She doesnt get along well with Jake. 9. What does the man suggest Sally do?A. Apologize to Jake B. Have a talk with Jake C. Learn more about compute

5、rs. 听第8段材料, 回答第10至12题10. Where does the conversation probably take place? A. In a station. B. On a train. C. At an airport.11. Where is the man going? A. To London. B. To Brighton. C. To Newcastle.12. How much does the man have to pay? A. 20. B. 30. C. 50.听第9段材料, 回答第13至16题13. What happened to the ma

6、n?A. He forgot to make the reservation.B. The receptionist recorded a wrong room.C. The hotel has no record of his reservation. 14. What does the woman advise the man to do? A. Try another hotel. B. Talk to the manger. C. Check his email. 15. What room will the man live in finally? A. A single room.

7、 B. A luxury room. C. A standard room.16. How much will the man pay? A. $ 60. B. $290. C. $ 350.听第10段材料,回答第17至20题 17. What are the moon trips for? A. An adventure. B. Scientific projects. C. Entertainment. 18. What is the cost of a moon trip? A. 10,000. B. 20,000. C. 40,000.19. What is reminded abou

8、t the moon trip at last?A. When the trip is available.B. Whether the trip is dangerous.C. What the age limit is for the trip.20. What is the purpose of the speech? A. To introduce the future of science fiction. B. To advertise the moon trips. C. To plan a moon trip. 第二部分 阅读理解(共两节, 满分40分)第一节 (共15小题;

9、每小题2分, 满分30分)阅读下列短文, 从每题所给的A、B、C和D四个选项中, 选出最佳选项AWhats On at Dance Ireland?Mascushla Dance ClubDate: Every Thursday, August 16th-Decemher 20th (11:30-13: 00)Our club provides access to dance for retired people, develops links between older people and the professional dance community, and promotes per

10、formance opportunities for older dancers. Professional dance artists regularly give dance taster sessions, informal studio performances, open rehearsal(排演), and Q & A sessions at theater performances. Big Bang Festival Dance ProjectDate: Every Saturday, June 10th-July 21st (10: 00-13:00)Come and joi

11、n us to learn some African and Dabke dance and perform at the Big Bang Festival of Rhythm. ALL WELCOMEL (No experience needed)July 28th (dress rehearsal) & July 29th Show!Dance Classes for People with ParkinsonsDate: Every Monday, September 10th- December 10th (11: 30-13:00)Admission: 5 (tea/ coffee

12、 included)People affected by Parkinsons disease have hugely benefited from taking part in dance classes as they are inspired to explore movement and music in ways that are energizing, fun and creative. Tea and coffee are served before class. No partner required (carers, family and friends are welcom

13、e)!Space to CreateDate: Every Tuesday, October 9th- November 14th (15:00-18:00)We provide space at Dance House for dance artists to share and exchange amongst partners.This, in response to members requests, is aimed at members who wish to develop work within a group setting, or make a fresh start wi

14、th higher targets. 21. What is special about the members of Mascushla Dance Club?A. They can give dancing lectures. B. They can find a second job in dancing.C. They have more opportunities to perform. D. They are provided with skilled dancing partners.22. When will the show of Big Bang Festival of R

15、hythm take place?A. On June 16th. B. On July 2lst. C. On July 28th. D. On July 29th.23. Where will dance artists with higher targets go ? A. To S pace to Create. B. To Macushla Dance Club.C. To Big Bang Festival Dance Project.D. To Dance Classes for People with Parkinsons. B A man from New Brunswick

16、, Canada is now called Uber Robby locals for his heroic efforts in helping people cut off by the province s extreme flooding.Record floods have brought chaos to southern New Brunswick. Key highways have been under water, forcing many people to move to a safer place. But, there are still many people

17、who are not able to leave in time, trapped in their homes, and having no place to go. Feeling ignored by the local officials for their delayed response and lack of support, people are running out of time. Thankfully, the prayers of the helpless people have been answered. Not from their local governm

18、ent, but a local gentleman who has earned the nickname Uber Rob”.Rob has been using his powerboat to transport flood-stricken Darlings Island people to and from the mainland all week. But unlike Uber, his water taxi is free. Theres a schedule posted on a temporary Uber Rob sign at the edge of the wa

19、ter. He has taken time off from his job and arranged himself two sailings per day. I do it because if I were in this situation.I would want somebody to help me, said Rob. I have the means to help people, so this is what Im doing.”“Hes our savior (救星), Patty Johnston said as she stood in the rain, wa

20、iting to cross waters to get to her home. After days without access to food and water, locals finally have the opportunity to go back and forth from the mainland to their homes.Considering the ridiculously high price of gas for boats, Rob has spent thousands on the transportation. Yet, he refuses to

21、 take any money from his passengers, regardless of how much it is costing him. His selflessness has brought the community together to show him their gratitude.24. What can we learn from the second paragraph?A. People get support from the government in time.B. The trapped people don t get any respons

22、e.C. The flood cuts people off the outside world.D. Local officials do nothing to help the trapped people.25. How does Rob help the people?A. By giving up his job to help them all day.B. By carrying people in his powerboat twice a day.C By transporting people and taking money from them.D By posting

23、a Uber Rob sign at the edge of the water.26. Which of the following can best describe Rob?A. Considerate and selfless. B. Humorous and faithful.C. Active and outgoing. D. Energetic and friendly.27. Whats the main idea of the passage?A. Locals get away from the flood successfully.B. New Brunswick is

24、cut off by extreme flooding.C. Uber Rob helps the locals suffering from flood for free.D. A savior helps the locals in New Brunswick, Canada.C In his 1935 essay, In Praise of Idleness, British philosopher Bertrand Russell wrote,I think there is far too much work done in the world and great harm is c

25、aused by the belief that work is honorable. Russell advocated shortening the work day to four hours. And people all the world ignored his advice. Although the sweatshops(血汗工厂) and fourteen- hour work days are gone in most of these countries today, studies show that people in most of these countries

26、believe they are working longer and harder than ever.Many people blame technology for our longer working hours. Instead of giving us more leisure (闲暇) time as predicted, it seems to tie us more securely to our offices. In the days before fax, e-mail and videoconferencing, the office is closed. Today

27、 we take the office with us. A British manager, for example, can stay at work until midnight for a conference with the California branch. Downsizing is another contributor, because remaining workers have to do the jobs of those who have been laid off. Basically, people just seem to feel they need to

28、 work harder. According to Carole Pemberton, a research consultant with a British management organization, people worked hard in the 1960s to get ahead; now they feel they must work hard just to stay where they are.In the short run, workers may be rewarded for long hours, but experts point out that

29、finally people suffer from stress, depression and extreme tiredness. To improve the quality of their lives, many American workers are changing jobs and taking salary cuts. Internationally, organizations are helping workers slow down. When conducting performance reviews, the Bank of Montreal no longe

30、r rewards managers for working extra hours. In Great Britain, a group launched the Long Hours on Time! Get a Life. It remains to be seen if workers around the world will take this advice.28.The author mentions Bertrand Russell at the beginning in order to _ .A. emphasize the importance of working B.

31、 introduce the topic of working hoursC. show his contribution to philosophy D. remind people of his famous essay29. What does the underlined word downsizing mean?A. Reducing the number of staff. B. Training new employees.C. Hiring more people. D. Cutting salaries.30. Why do people have to work hard

32、now according to Carole PembertonA. To increase their income. B. To please the employers.C. To get ahead of others. D. To keep their positions.31. According to the last paragraph, in the long run working overtime can be _ .A. rewarding B. beneficial C. addictive D. harmfulD The Platland tree, a baob

33、ab in South Africa, also known as the Sunland baobab, was the continents biggest baobab tree, at about 62 feet high and 111 feet around, and was more than 1,000 years old. It had a vast central hollow that hosted a fully functional cocktail bar with seating for 15 people.Beginning in spring 2016, th

34、e tree began to split apart. By November 2017, it had broken completely. If the Platlands death was sudden and tragic, it wasnt unique. Scientists are wondering whats behind the mysterious disappearance. Patrut began to notice the deaths during a long-term effort to use radiocarbon dating to judge t

35、he ages of major baobabs. Patruts survey began in 2005 and eventually covered more than 60 trees. Of these, a group of around two dozen stood out for their special size or age. In a common myth, native people living near southern Africas Zambezi river hold that the the earliest baobabs were too prou

36、d of their huge size, and as punishment, they were pulled out of the the ground and replanted upside down, with their roots in the air. They are often the holy sites and meeting places, and support their own ecosystems of mammals, birds, reptiles and insects.In a typical tree ring, its easy to trace

37、 a straight line from the oldest part at the center to the youngest part at the edge. But on a baobab, new wood grows both on the outside and into the hollows, meaning that a straight line from the center of the tree can pass both forward and backward in time or even skip decades altogether if they

38、rot out or are eaten. That makes it ery hard to know which part of the tree is the oldest, or even to know if the oldest parts still exist.A better understanding of the trees ages may help conservationists know which baobabs may be the next to go and to offer a chance to support and protect them bef

39、ore its too late.32. Why did the author mention the Platland tree?A. To show the fact of baobabs dying out. B. To explain the process of a dying tree.C. To introduce the oldest baobabs in history. D. To amuse the readers with a special cocktail bar.33. How did Patrut judge the ages of baobabs?A. By

40、looking at their rings. B. By using radiocarbon analysis.C. By tracing historical records. D. By interviewing the local people.34. What does paragraph 4 tell us about the Flatland tree?A. Its value in business. B. Its importance in culture and ecosystem.C. The custom of the native people. D. The his

41、tory of the tree.35. Why are the baobabs hard to date?A. They need different nutrients to grow.B. They grow at the lowest speed.C. They are the tallest in height.D. They have strange growth patterns.第二节 (共5小题,每小题2分,满分10分) 根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余选项。Studying at the University of Illinoi

42、s at Springfield (UIS) has been the most exciting experience I have ever had. 36 During the three months I have spent at UIS, I have had some really memorable experiences in my academic life and after-school activities.The US history class happened to be the very first class I have had here. I assum

43、ed the professor would talk a lot and the students might sit there rigidly while carefully taking notes. 37 The class turned out to be a seminar. Since I was not very familiar with American history, I was not even able to say a word in the first class. When the professor had noticed this, she encour

44、aged me to stay in her class. She thought since I was an international student, I would be able to contribute a new point about the US history. 38 Gradually I got used to the discussion environment of the class. Besides, all my classmates were also very interested in my opinion, which encouraged me

45、a lot.39 I had a busy time attending those interesting activities, whether on campus or off campus. On September 13th, the UIS organized a tour called Find Lincoln, which gave me a good opportunity to know more about Abraham Lincoln while enjoying the beautiful traditional music and dancing played b

46、y the villagers.Joining a student organization is also a good choice for you to make more friends and enjoy campus life. 40 It is such a good place for you to make friends from different parts of the world and get familiar with other cultures.A. The professor introduced the course carefully.B. However, the truth was far from my assumption.C. Inspired by her words, I began to give some opinions.D. It has been challenging and helped me to be more mature.E. I feel proud of our own culture and the cultural diversity at UISF. As an exchange student from China, I join


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