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1、黑龙江省双鸭山市第一中学2018-2019学年高二英语下学期期中试题第一部分 阅读理解 (共两节,每小题2分,满分40分)第一节(共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的A、B、C和D四个选项中,选出最佳选项。AA family vacation in the Caribbean islands doesnt come cheap. These four affordable but wonderful kidfriendly hotels are ideal for you.Hilton Nassau HotelIn the Nassaus shopping distr

2、ict, this hotel is perfectly located to explore the nearby island, Prince George Wharf. Families can be guided to go to Bay Street for shopping or to the historic landmarks like Rawson Square. Then, return to the hotels pool bar for dining and overlooking Nassau Harbor and Paradise Island. The kids

3、menu and high chairs make family dining a treat, especially since kids eat for free!Dreams Palm Beach HotelClose to Higuey, this hotel by the sea is just the place to enjoy the feel of Caribbean sand. While adults can be organized to visit Punta Cana, go golfing and go swimming, kids will love the k

4、ids club and the kids pool. A range of meals from Mexican flavor to Asian and French flavor are offered there, making this hotel stand out. Need more good news? Theres a spa to really get adults in the vacation mood.Sugar Bay ResortYou can feel right at home on your private terrace in this 31acre pr

5、operty. Those who prefer a little action can catch a game of tennis in the gym, or even try surfing or jet skiing. No passport is required to visit the US Virgin Islands. Kids club is available for those who prefer to stay indoors.Club Med La CaravelleThis hotel, on the Caribbean island of Grand Ter

6、re in Guadeloupe, is ideal for sporty families. Youll find a pool, tennis courts, a gym, and a kids club where the activities schedule is brilliantly packed to keep your little ones busy all day.1What makes eating in the Hilton Nassau Hotel most pleasant?AIts high chairs. BTheres no charge for kids.

7、CThe speciallydesigned menu. DIts great to treat friends there. 2How is Dreams Palm Beach Hotel different from the other ones?ATourists can take part in sports programs.BThere are clubs and pools designed for kids.CIt offers a spa to relax tourists and their kids.DTourists can enjoy international fo

8、ods.3In which hotel can tourists experience the great adventure?AHilton Nassau Hotel. BDreams Palm Beach Hotel. CSugar Bay Resort. DClub Med La Caravelle.BMany years ago, when we were a young couple with two small children, aged 2 and 4, we were practically impecunious. My parentsinlaws lived from h

9、and to mouth, so we didnt expect any help from them. My parents lived a great distance away, and I was too ashamed to let them know about our situation.My husband was trying to earn a living with an old pickup truck, carrying groceries for local shopkeepers, but it was constantly breaking down. It t

10、ook almost all the money we had to have it fixed. The truck was also the only means of transportation for us.We lived in the countryside, and we always used the back door because the driveway led to it. One winter evening, I stepped outside to take a bag of trash to the barrel and almost tripped ove

11、r something. It was nearly dark, and I had to bend down to see what it was. I could hardly believe my eyes. There sat a large basket loaded with food.It was heavy, so I called my husband to carry it into the house. Once inside, we discovered two loaves of bread, some butter, several cans of vegetabl

12、es, a can of orange sauce, and a large turkey. There was so much that I couldnt remember it all, but it was everything we needed to fix a wonderful dinner everything except potatoes.A little while later I remembered that I hadnt taken the trash to the barrel. By now it was dark, so I had to turn on

13、the yard light and thats when I spotted a small bag of potatoes sitting on the porch.That dinner was the best I could remember.We werent able to thank our donators, though, because we never found out who had been so generous in helping a struggling young family. Whoever it was, we are forever gratef

14、ul.4.Which of the following can replace the underlined word “impecunious” in Paragraph 1?AGenerous. BCautiousCStubborn. DPenniless.5How did the authors husband support the family?ABy selling food door to door. BBy delivering goods. CBy starting a garage. DBy working as a shop assistant.6How did the

15、author feel when she saw the basket?AShe was annoyed. BShe was terrified. CShe was astonished. DShe felt a sense of relief.7What may be the best title for the text?AA struggling young couple BA tale of potatoes CA helping hand in time DA reward from a strangerCCareer success could be predicted as ea

16、rly as kindergarten, according to a 20year study recently published in the American journal Public Health.Researchers from Pennsylvania State University and Duke University tracked more than 700 children from across the US between kindergarten and age 25 and found a significant connection between th

17、eir social skills as kindergarteners and their success as adults two decades later.In the research, teachers assessed how the kindergarteners interacted with each other socially using a range of criteria like whether they cooperate with their peers without being encouraged, whether theyre helpful to

18、 others, whether theyre good at understanding feelings, and whether they can solve problems on their own.Researchers then kept track of whether the students go on to graduate from high school on time, get a college degree, and find and keep a fulltime job by 25. They also monitored the participants

19、involvement with crime, drug abuse, public assistance, and mental health issues.The results showed that socially capable children are far more likely to earn a college degree and have a fulltime job by 25 than those with limited social skills. Those with limited social skills also have a higher chan

20、ce of getting arrested, binge drinking, and applying for public housing.“This study shows that helping children develop social and emotional skills is one of the most important things we can do to prepare them for a healthy future,” said Kristin Schubert, program director at the Robert Wood Johnson

21、Foundation, which funded the research, in a release. “From an early age, these skills can determine whether a child goes to college or prison, and whether they end up employed or addicted.”The good news, according to Damon Jones, lead author of the study, is that intervention (干预) at a young age can

22、 help improve social and emotional skills.“This research by itself doesnt prove that higher social ability can lead to better outcomes later on, ” he said. “But when combined with other research, it is clear that helping children develop these skills increases their chances of success in school, wor

23、k, and life.”8What did the 20year study find?ASocial skills play a key role in childrens development.BHelpful children understand others feelings better.CMost kindergarteners can solve problems alone.DOutgoing children cooperate with their peers easily.9Whats Paragraph 2 and 3 mainly about?AWhen the

24、 researchers began their study.BHow the researchers conducted the study.CHow long it took to complete the study.DWhat factors were studied by the researchers.10What should parents do to help their children to succeed according to Kristin Schubert?ATeach them some basic living skills.BTell them to ke

25、ep off alcohol.CCoach them in their lessons.DTeach them how to cooperate with others.11According to the passage, it is probably intended for _.Ateenagers Bdoctors Ceducators Dgeneral readersDIt is not only praise or punishment that determines a childs level of confidence.There are some other importa

26、nt ways we shape our kids particularly by giving instructions and commands in a negative or positive choice of words.For example, we can say to a child “Dont run into traffic!” or “Stay on the footpath close to me.” In using the latter, you will be helping your kids to think and act positively, and

27、to feel competent in a wide range of situations, because they know what to do, and arent scaring themselves with what not to do.Actually, it is all in the way the human mind works.What we think, we automatically rehearse.For example, if someone offered you a million dollars not to think of a blue mo

28、nkey for two minutes, you wouldnt be able to do it.When a child is told “Dont fall off the tree,” he will think of two things:“dont” and “fall off the tree”. That is, he will automatically create the picture of falling off the tree in his mind.A child who is vividly imagining falling off the tree is

29、 much more likely to fall off.So it is far better to use “Hold on to the tree carefully.”Clear, positive instructions help kids to understand the right way to do things.Kids do not always know how to be safe, or how to react to the warning of the danger in negative words.So parents should make their

30、 commands positive.“Sam, hold on firmly to the side of the boat” is much more useful than “Dont you dare to fall out of the boat?” or “How do you think Ill feel if you drown?” The changes are small but the difference is obvious.Children learn how to guide and organize themselves from the way we guid

31、e them with our words, so it pays to be positive.12Positive choice of words helps kids to _.Alearn in different situations Bdo things carefully Cbuild up their confidence Dimprove their imagination 13What can we infer from Paragraph 2? A. A child will act on what is instructed.B One cant help imagin

32、ing what is heard. CA child will fall off the tree when told not to. DOne wont think of a blue monkey when given money.14Which of the following commands helps kids to be safe? AHow do you think Ill feel if you get hurt? BDont play by the lake. CDont you dare to walk through the red light? DFasten yo

33、ur seat belt. 15The main idea of the passage is that _.A . positive instructions guide kids Bpraise makes kids confident Cright instructions keep kids safe Dclear commands make kids different第二节 (共5小题;每小题2分,满分10分) 根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余选项。Friendship, do you value?Friendship is a gift

34、 of God.But it may be taken for granted in some cases and not valued. 16 Say one has no child even after many years of marriage and the other has many children, more than they can manage.What do you think? Will the couple with many children value the children as much as the couple which has none? Ev

35、erything is relative in life.We value what we dont have and give less value to what is freely available to us. 17 Why should we value friendships? What qualities does a good friend bring to our relationship that makes the friendship so valuable? Let us examine some of these.Judgment A good friend is

36、 rarely judgmental.We can be open in our behavior with our good friends because we know that they will not judge us. 18 With other people our actions and behavior are always calculated and guarded and that takes away lots of pleasure from our life.Share sorrow and losses A friend can be depended upo

37、n to share all our problems and sorrows.19 Once I saw the image of a man left alone in a village after an earthquake.The whole village got killed except this man.With whom, will this man share his sorrow? A friend gives us this gift.Hope During our times of trouble, only a friend comes forward and g

38、ives us encouragement and hope. 20 AThis sharing may not reduce the loss but helps us unburden ourselves.BThis is no small gift of friendship.CSome of us are blessed with good friends.DFriendship is one such relationship.EIt is similar to a case of two couples.FWe can enjoy this freedom only with fr

39、iends.GWith that inspiration, we regain confidence in ourselves.第二部分 语言知识运用(共三节,满分75分)第一节 完形填空(共20小题;每小题1.5分,满分30分)阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的A、B、C和D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。My life wouldnt be so wonderful without my parents. Every time I look at them or even think of them, I am very _21_.Our native country was Vi

40、etnam, but, to _22_ the war, we had to leave our home and all our _23_ and go on a long boat journey to America. I was two years old and the youngest of seven children.This journey was not _24_ for my parents, but throughout they thought of their children first. I was even told that they once ate on

41、ly apple peels to _25_ the fruit part for me. This was special because at that time many children were _26_ by their parents because of the war.Our journey to America was not the last of our _27_. We were also faced with starting a life in America with nothing. My parents strong _28_ to give their c

42、hildren a good life was what has taken us where we are today. Of course, our beginning years were hard. We lived on just enough food bought with food stamps, wore old clothes and played with toys bought at secondhand shops. _29_ almost everything we had was bought at secondhand shops, we were _30_ b

43、ecause our life was really peaceful.My parents _31_ very hard to build a better life. I will always _32_ how early they got up in the morning. After a few years my dad got a degree in business and then he got a(n) _33_. Slowly, our living status began to _34_. My parents bought a car and _35_ they s

44、aved up enough money to buy a house; this was the true sign of my parents _36_.Today we moved out of the apartment, _37_ all the hard times and starting our new _38_. We really live very _39_ and my parents greatest achievement is that they have _40_ that nothing is impossible.21A.honorableBadmirabl

45、e Cgrateful Dpowerful22Aprevent B.escape Cend Dstop23Amemories Bfriends Ccolleagues D.belongings 24A.easy Bpossible Clong Ddangerous25A.demand Bspare Cstore Dfind 26A.adopted Babandoned Craised Dprotected27A.struggles Bworry Cburdens Dpain28Adecision Bability C.determination Dpatience29A.Because BSince CUnless DWhile 30A.cautious Bhappy Cnervous Dcrazy31A.thought Bexpected Cfought Dworked 32A.cherish Bremember Cenjoy Dunder


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