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1、ModuleModule 5 5 TheThe ConquestConquest ofof thethe UniverseUniverse NewspapersNewspapers andand MagazinesMagazines 语境应用快检测 . 用所给词的适当形式填空 1. They gave him a_ (congratulate)for a job well done. 2. I shall be_ (delight)to show you around the place. 3. The lawyer found some new_ (evident)concerning th

2、e case. 4. Many people suffered from_ (culture)shock when they came abroad. 5. The town_ (found)in 1610. 6. I hold to my_ (believe)that people should be allowed to have private life. 7. I argued about the governments new_ (economy)policy with him. 答案:1. congratulation 2. delighted 3. evidence 4. cul

3、tural 5. was founded 6. belief 7. economic . 用以上短语填空 1. When do you guess the airplane will_? 2. I have an extended family, with over fifty members_. 3. You can_ him, because hell never let you down. 4. Having failed my French exams, I decided to_ science subjects. 5. That period was a bright page_

4、of Chinese literature. 6. _, everybody! Its your show time. 7. _ weve set our minds on the goal, we must go through with the task. 答案:1. take off 2. in total 3. believe in 1 4. concentrate on 5. in the history 6. Come on 7. Now that .句式仿写 1. 我正在街上散步, 突然听到有人喊我的名字。 _ along the street_ I heard my name

5、called. 2. 这是他第三次赢得金牌。 _ that he has won the gold medal. 3. 宫金杰是中国历史上第一个在自行车项目获得奥运会金牌的运动员。 Gong Jinjie is_ the gold medal of track cycling in Olympic Games in the history of China. 4. 她工作时父母可以帮忙照看孩子。 Her parents could help with child care_. 5. 既然孩子们已经完成了作业, 你可以让他们出去玩了。 _, you can let them go out to play. 答案:1. I was walking; when 2. This is the third time 3. the first athlete to win 4. while she works 5. Now that the children have finished their homework 2


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