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1、话题语篇专攻练 3131 政治经济( (一) ) ( (建议用时 4040分钟) ) . 阅读理解 A A San Francisco, a city by the bay, is named after St. Francis who had a deep belief in the connection and brotherhood of man, and I am pretty sure he meant the relationship between everyone not just some. But too often the most predominant problem

2、s of San Francisco dont reflect St. Francisvision but a growing gap between those who have and those who dont have. Unfortunately, the gap separates rather than unites people. Whats worse is that there is a percentage of people with growing wealth who show little respect for the poor. I heard just t

3、his morning about a tech executive who said“I make so much money I can afford to step over the homeless in this city. ”Local headlines over the past year have captured similar unhealthy attitudes. I believe that most people here truly care but dont know how to offer their help and that they dont und

4、erstand the problem. I believe that they dont even consider the possible challenges to ending it up. Therefore, I think they are paralyzed. Even we, after working in this field for two more years, are often puzzled when we wonder why solutions arent more actionable. But just as things start to feel

5、hopeless, we are encouraged by the simple acts of grace we see every day like the countless emails we get from people who believe in what we are doing and offer their time, money or other resources to help, or like the support we get from partners who remind us that together every life we touch is l

6、eft a little brighter and a little stronger because we care. Perhaps St. Francis would instantly see the good that still shapes this city. Id like to think that what he stood for, what San Francisco is named for, is unshakable here regardless of any incarnation( 典型人物 )the city takes. 【文章大意】本文是一篇议论文,

7、 旧金山倡导人与人之间的平等的兄弟姐妹关系, 然而, 目前 出现了贫富分化后的社会歧视。作者在文章阐述了自己对此现象的见解。 1 1. Why is the attitude of the tech executive unhealthy? A. He prefers to show his wealth to the public. B. He doesnt make a contribution to charity. C. He doesnt make his efforts to help other people. D. He is a member of those who ign

8、ore the homeless. 【解析】选 D“。细节理解题。从第二段的 I make so much money I can afford to step over the homeless. . . unhealthy attitudes”可知, 那位高管自恃收入高, 瞧不起无家可归之人, 这种态度是不健康的。故答案选 D 项。 2. The purpose of the fourth paragraph is to show that_. A. the author and his colleagues intend to continue their career B. more

9、encouragement is needed to promote the authors career C. the authors career should be more beneficial to other people D. its a relief for the author to hear his clients become stronger 【解析】选 A。推理判断题。从第四段的内容可知, 尽管旧金山的一些现象让作者很失望, 但 还有一些很暖心的事情让作者有了坚持下去的理由。故答案选 A 项。 3. The underlined sentence in the las

10、t paragraph implies that_. A. San Francisco is a city filled with goodness and evil as well B. the author is grateful for the contribution made by St. Francis C. most people in San Francisco live up to the spirits of their city D. people have different attitudes toward the spirits of San Francisco 【

11、解析】选 C。句意理解题。从句意可知, 尽管旧金山有各种典型人物, 但其城市的灵魂却是 不可动摇的。言外之意, 大部分旧金山人都是遵行旧金山精神的。故答案选 C 项。 4. Whats the main idea of this passage? A. Relationships between people in San Francisco should be improved. B. People in San Francisco should be called on to help the homeless. C. Nobody in San Francisco can live we

12、ll without good spirits. D. There are more advantages than disadvantages in San Francisco. 【解析】选 D。主旨大意题。从文章的内容可知, 尽管旧金山出现了一些瑕疵, 但其本身的精 髓依旧不可撼动。故答案选 D 项。 B B 2 (2017郑州模拟) How can you avoid running out of money in retirement? Our 15-Minute Retirement Plan can help you get started on a successful path

13、. Compared to the length of retirement, 15 minutes is no time at all. But thats all you need to learn the basics of developing a plan to make your savings last as long as you need them. Still, many investors(投资 者)dont take this timetherefore putting their retirement in trouble. Investorsbiggest mist

14、akes often occur long before any buying or selling takes place. They tend to have no real sense of how long they need the money to last and dont quite understand that any investment has risks and needs to be considered again. To start, ask yourself how long youll need your retirement savings. Most i

15、nvestors need their savings to last as long as they dosometimes longer if theyd like their investment to support a younger couple, children or charity after theyre gone. So exactly how long that could be for you isnt black and white. To get a better idea, consider your familys history of health and

16、life length. Be sure to consider advances in health care and technology. That only your father died at 70 doesnt mean youll do the same. Most peopleoutlivetheir ancestors, therefore rising average life length. Planning early for a longer life is smart. You could also be under estimating the amount o

17、f cash flow youll need after retirement. Keeping your lifestyle becomes much more costly if your expenses heavily rely on goods or services with fast-rising priceslike health care. A retirement plan that doesnt consider inflation(通货膨胀)has a big hole. 5. Investors without developing a plan probably w

18、ill_. A. avoid running out of money in their whole life B. not be able to save money for the future C. have trouble with their retirement D. make their savings last as long as they need them 【解析】选 C。细节理解题。根据第一段最后一句可知, 如果投资者不去制订计划就会让他们 的退休处于麻烦之中。 6. The underlined word“outlive”in Paragraph 4 probably

19、 means“_”. A. live shorter than B. live longer than 3 C. show respect for D. know little about 【解析】选 B。词义猜测题。根据第四段倒数第二句可知, 很多人比他们的祖先活得时间长, 因而提高了平均寿命。 7. According to the text, when making a retirement plan we should consider the following EXCEPT_. A. health and life length B. inflation C. your lifes

20、tyle D. history of technology 【解析】选 D。细节理解题。根据第四、五段可知, 制订退休计划需要考虑健康和寿命、个人 生活方式、通货膨胀。故选 D。 8. Why does the writer write this passage? A. To tell us what we should do after retirement. B. To prove that investment is very important. C. To show how to avoid running out of money in retirement. D. To make

21、 us prepare ourselves for a long life. 【解析】选 C。推理判断题。根据第一段特别是第一句可知, 本文主要围绕“如何避免在退休 ”生活中无钱可用 这一话题展开。 . 完形填空 When you eat out in a restaurant, it is not unusual to hear people yelling, “Let me get this one! ”Sometimes you can see them pushing or_1_wrestling to fight for the_2_for paying the bill. Thes

22、e fights are often very loud and active. Each person_3_shows an honest desire to pick up the bill, and in the end, all the people at the table give the winner_4_and gratitude. In fact, figuring out who will get the bill is always a_5_for Chinese people at formal meals. Although the people who_6_the

23、meal are very likely to pay the check, it is a_7_practice to make an effort to pay the bill. But you will_8_them if you do end up actually collecting money. In recent years, “going Dutch”has been embraced by many young people. _9_, older generations who fear“losing_10_”still find it embarrassing and

24、 mean to calculate each persons_11_of the bill. But these days, _12_digital payment apps, splitting( 分摊)the bill_13_is 4 becoming a widely-accepted idea. Even people from_14_generations may want to do so. By scanning a code_15_paying their share via WeChat or Alipay on their phones in one easy click

25、, Chinese are_16_it easy to relieve the embarrassment of figuring out each persons payment when they order a meal. This function has made“going Dutch”less_17_and more fun in China. “Many of us are never without our phones_18_they are convenient. And person-to-person mobile payment services are incre

26、dibly_19_to use and at the same time save the trouble of_20_change, ”said 18-year-old Han Chen, a student from Senior High School. 【文章大意】本文主要介绍的是在中国正流行的利用电子应用软件实现 AA制的趋势。 1. A. hand B. leg C. arm D. heart 【解析】选 C。考查固定用法。有时候你会看到饭店里吃饭的人通过掰手腕争抢着付款。arm wrestling 掰手腕。 2. A. turn B. privilege C. order D.

27、right 【解析】选 B。考查语境逻辑。争取付款的特权(privilege)。故选 B。 3. A. involved B. called C. selected D. invited 【解析】选 A。考查语境逻辑。涉及的每个人。involved 涉及, 使参与。此处是过去分词作后 置定语, 故选 A。 4. A. courage B. comment C. apology D. praise 【解析】选 D。考查语境逻辑。所有吃饭的人都给获胜者以赞美(praise)和感激。故选 D。 5. A. headache B. tradition C. plan D. conflict 【解析】选

28、 A。考查语境逻辑。事实上, 在中国吃饭时谁付款总是一件头疼(headache)的事。 故选 A。 6. A. eat B. cook C. host D. enjoy 【解析】选 C。考查语境逻辑。尽管主持(host)饭局的人很可能支付费用。故选 C。 7. A. unusual B. strange C. unexpected D. common 【解析】选 D。考查语境逻辑。unusual不寻常的; strange 奇怪的; unexpected 未料到的; common 共同的, 常见的。它是一个常见的惯例。故选 D。 8. A. disappoint B. frustrate C.

29、embarrass D. inspire 【解析】选 C。考查语境逻辑。但是如果你实际上是在收集钱, 这将使他们尴尬(embarrass)。 5 故选 C。 9. A. However B. Therefore C. Moreover D. Besides 【解析】选 A。考查语法知识。最近, AA 制已经为年轻人所认可。然而, 害怕丢脸的更老的一 代人仍然认为计算每个人的付款是令人尴尬和吝啬的, 故选 A。 10. A. promise B. face C. credit D. money 【解析】选 B。考查固定短语。lose face 丢脸, 故选 B。 11. A. task B. p

30、art C. ability D. share 【解析】选 D。考查语境逻辑。计算每个人的付款是令人尴尬和吝啬的。share表示份额, 故 选 D。 12. A. as well as B. according to C. thanks to D. apart from 【解析】选 C。考查语境逻辑。由于数字支付应用, 以电子形式分摊账单已成为被广泛接受的 想法。as well as 还, 又; according to按照; thanks to 多亏, 由于; apart from除之外。 故选 C。 13. A. personally B. electronically C. separa

31、tely D. immediately 【解析】选 B。考查语境逻辑。以电子形式(electronically)分摊账单已成为被广泛接受的想 法。故选 B。 14. A. younger B. newer C. older D. later 【解析】选 C。考查语境逻辑。甚至更老一代的人也想这样做。older generations 在第三段 段首已有呈现。故选 C。 15. A. and B. but C. or D. for 【解析】选 A。考查语境逻辑。通过扫描一个密码来付款。可知此处是并列的递进关系, 故选 A。 16. A. hoping B. finding C. looking

32、D. making 【解析】选 B。考查语境逻辑。中国人发现用这种方法很容易缓解计算每个人付款的尴尬。故 选 B。 17. A. sadness B. excitement C. quarrel D. trouble 【解析】选 D。考查语境逻辑。在中国, 这种功能使 AA 制变得烦恼更少、快乐更多。sadness 伤心; excitement 兴奋; quarrel 争吵; trouble麻烦。故选 D。 6 18. A. although B. because C. if D. so 【解析】选 B。考查语境逻辑。我们中的很多人手机不离手, 因为它们用起来很方便。故选 B。 19. A.

33、easy B. expensive C. difficult D. complex 【解析】选 A。考查语境逻辑。person-to-person 移动支付服务是非常容易使用的。故选 A。 20. A. putting on B. setting aside C. providing with D. dealing with 【解析】选 D。考查语境逻辑。put on穿上; set aside储存, 留在一边; provide with 提供; deal with 处理。同时解决处理零钱的麻烦。故选 D。 . 语法填空 阅读下面短文, 在空白处填入 1 个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。 (

34、2017合肥模拟) As is known to us all, there are more and more supermarkets in many 1. _(country). Last year, one of Britains leading supermarket chains set 2. _a Sunday School to help parents 3. _want to do their shopping on Sunday. Although the store described the Sunday School 4. _experimentation, it w

35、as a good sign of just 5. _important supermarket shopping has become in 6. _(people)daily lives. The reason for this is that Britains supermarkets 7. _(experience)huge changes in the past decade. Opening hours have been extended to weekends. And, whereas supermarkets used 8. _(sell)only food and hou

36、sehold products, they now sell everything. This rapid expansion has been very good for supermarketsprofits, 9. _(make)the stores take a larger share of consumersmoney. Consumers, too, have welcomed the growth of supermarkets with more branches, 10. _(good)stores and easier ways to pay. So shopping h

37、as become easier and quicker. 【文章大意】英国的超级市场十年来有了很大发展。不仅延长了开放时间, 而且采取了很多 方式来扩大营销。 1. 【解析】countries。句意: 如同我们大家都知道的, 在许多国家有越来越多的超级市场。 country 是可数名词, 有 many 修饰, 所以用复数 countries。 2.【解析】up。句意: 去年, 英国最大的超级连锁市场之一为了帮助在星期天购物的父母, 创 7 立一所周日学校。set up“”创立 是固定词组。 3. 【解析】who/that。分析句子结构可知, _want to do their shoppin

38、g on Sunday 是定 语从句, 所填词在从句中作主语, 指人, 用关系代词 who/that。 4.【解析】as。句意: 尽管这家商店描绘开办这所周日学校仅仅是为了做实验, 但是它标志着 超级市场购物在人们日常生活中是多么重要。describe. . . as. . . . “把描述 ”成是固定搭配。 5. 【解析】how。分析句子成分可知, _important supermarket shopping has become in_(people)daily lives 作介词of 的宾语, 是宾语从句, how 修饰important, 意思“是多 ”么的 符合语境。 6. 【解析

39、】peoples。分析句子结构可知, 空格处作定语, 修饰 lives, 所以填名词所有格 peoples. 7. 【解析】have experienced。句意: 英国的超级市场在过去的十年里经历了巨大的变化。in the past decade“”在过去的十年里 , 表示过去发生的动作一直持续到现在, 用现在完成时, 主语 supermarkets 是复数, 与谓语 experience 之间是主动关系, 所以填 have experienced。 8. 【解析】to sell。句意: 超级市场过去只卖食物和家居用品, 现在什么都卖。used to do sth. “”过去常常做某事 后跟

40、动词不定式, 所以填 to sell。 9.【解析】making。句意: 这种快速发展十分有利于超级市场盈利, 结果这些商店占据更大的 市场。分析句子结构可知 making the stores take a larger share of consumersmoney 作 结果状语。指意料之中的结果。 10.【解析】better。句意: 消费者, 也欢迎超级市场有更多分支, 更好的商店, 更方便的付费 方式。 predominate adj. 主要的 gap n. 分歧 executive n. 总经理; 行政部门 unshakable adj. 不可改变的 run out 耗尽 retirement n. 退休 investor n. 投资者 charity n. 慈善机关; 慈善(行为) 8 inflation n. 通货膨胀 9


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