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1、提分专练(四).完形填空All of us go through some difficult times as we approach teenage years. Its the age when we have to deal with the most _1_ in our life. This transition (过渡) from childhood to adulthood is _2_ for some, but rough for others. The most important thing about being a teenager is _3_. When we

2、are teenagers, we would get blamed or even punished for anything wrong we do. Unlike before when we were small kids, even if we made a big trouble, we didnt need to pay anything for it.Its all not so _4_ about being a teenager though. We dont have to have our _5_ take us to somewhere we want to go o

3、r we couldnt go before. We can have _6_ with friends or even alone, which we couldnt have because we were too _7_ to know what pleasure is! Its a very enjoyable time of life. During this age, we are old enough to _8_ what is good for us, and make decisions without _9_ others.But like the saying goes

4、, “All good things must come to an end, but all bad things can continue _10_.” During this period, we are having much _11_ for our studies. If we dont pass, we wont get jobs, and things will take a turn for the _12_. With the present world economy in _13_, we have to do really, really well in our _1

5、4_ for a job. Adults say that their _15_ is the hardest part of life. But I think the transition from a kid to an adult is much _16_ than being already an adult. What we do in our teenage years will _17_ what we become and how we lead our life in the future.In conclusion, it is quite _18_ that paren

6、ts put much pressure on an already stressed out teenager. If they realized that, living condition for teenagers would be much better, _19_ for the teens ourselves we should get to know what is best for us. Whats more, we should understand the right _20_ of life we choose at this age can make us happ

7、y for the rest of our existence.1A.chancesBchangesCfeelings Dexpectations解析:选B青春期是我们经历人生中最大“改变(changes)”的时期。2A.smooth BpracticalCdemanding Dnecessary解析:选A根据下文“对于一些年轻人而言,青春期难熬”可知“对于另一些年轻人而言,青春期轻松(smooth)过去”。3A.knowledge BindependenceCconfidence Dresponsibility解析:选D根据本段最后一句“当我们是孩子时,我们即使惹了大麻烦也不必负责”可知青少

8、年必须“负责(responsibility)”。4A.easy BstrangeCbad Dinteresting解析:选C本段主要说明青春期也有“好的(not bad)”一面。5A.guides BpartnersCparents Dfriends解析:选C我们不必要求“父母(parents)”带我们去想去的地方。6A.fun BtroubleCrelation Dbusiness解析:选A我们可以同朋友一起“玩乐(fun)”。relation意为“关系”。7A.proud ByoungCsmart Dmature解析:选B当年我们没有感到那些快乐,是因为那时我们太“年轻(young)”,不

9、知快乐的滋味。8A.predict BrememberCimagine Dunderstand解析:选D在这个时期,我们大了,可以“知晓(understand)”什么对我们有益了。9A.guiding BhelpingCinviting Dconsulting解析:选D我们现在可以不必“询问(consulting)”别人来作出决定。10A.occasionally BtemporarilyCforever Dincreasingly解析:选C所有好的事情都会结束,而不好的事情都可以“永远(forever)”持续下去。11A.pressure BpassionCmotivation Dpanic

10、解析:选A青春期时我们有学习“压力(pressure)”。passion意为“激情”;motivation意为“激励”;panic意为“恐慌”。12A.better BworseCfewer Dmore解析:选B如果不能通过考试,我们就得不到工作,情况就会变得“更糟(worse)”。13A.decline BhopeCincrease Ddebt解析:选A参见下题解析。14A.contribution BeducationCapplication Dqualification解析:选B当今世界经济“下滑(decline)”,我们必须有非常良好的“教育(education)”以获取工作。cont

11、ribution意为“贡献”;application意为“运用”;qualification意为“资格”。15A.promotion BworkCexperience Dage解析:选D成年人认为他们那个“年龄(age)”最艰难。promotion意为“提高”;work意为“工作”;experience意为“经验”。16A.harder BhappierCeasier Dlighter解析:选A我认为度过青春期比已成年“更艰难(harder)”。17A.reflect BconfirmCdetermine Didentify解析:选C我们在青春期所做的一切将“决定(determine)”我们的

12、未来。18A.vital BurgentCcommon Dunnecessary解析:选D总而言之,父母“没有必要(unnecessary)”给我们压力,因为我们已经有很大的压力了。19A.thus BalthoughCwhile Dbecause解析:选C如果父母认识到我们已有很大压力,我们感觉就会更好一点;“但是(while)”我们也应该知道怎么做才对我们最好。20A.print BwayCcondition Dpower解析:选B我们应该理解青春期时所选择的正确的生活“方式(way)”能让我们的未来更幸福。.任务型阅读“A life of usefulness, literature,

13、and religion, was not by any means a life of event,” wrote Henry Austen of his unmarried sister Jane. This image of the sequestered (与世隔绝的) author persisted for years. But contemporary scholars have reappraised “dear Aunt Jane” as an independent and worldlywise woman who used a sardonic (嘲弄的) pen. S

14、he continues to fascinate, 200 years after the publication of Pride and Prejudice. This is the charm of a new biography from Paula Byrne, a British author, who breathes yet more life into Austen and her works by considering the objects that populated her days.Each chapter is organised around a singl

15、e thing. Some are Austens possessions, such as a topaz cross she received from her brother. Others are simply from the period, such as an upmarket carriage, which helps to illustrate how welltravelled she was and how transport indicates status in her novels. Broadly chronological (按发生时间顺序排列的) , this

16、 thematic approach offers a revealing picture of Austen and a lively social history.Austens formative years are the most interesting. Three notebooks contain her “Juvenilia” the stories and poems she wrote as a teenager. Her greatest gifts are here in embryo (在萌芽时期), writes Ms Byrne, clearly appreci

17、ating Austens criticism of famous figures. But she reserved her choicest words of wit for her sister Cassandra. When they were not living together they corresponded frequently, and Austen often tried out different voices “gossipy, jokey, affectionate” to make her laugh.During this time the movements

18、 of family followed the flow of inheritance (继承): a matter that drives Austens writing. An East Indian shawl (披肩) introduces Aunt Phila who at 21 sailed to Bengal in order to find a husband and her daughter, Eliza. A romantic figure, Eliza first married a man who died in the French Revolution, and l

19、ater married Austens brother Henry. This spoiled cousin is fictionalised as Mary Crawford in “Mansfield Park”. Austen also drew on Henrys military experience for her description of attractive redcoats in Pride and Prejudice. Her officer brothers helped inform references to the navy.The books livelie

20、st passages are about city life and romance. Austen frequently visited London and lived in Bath for years. She was probably not a beauty but her wit and intelligence won many lovely hearts. None of them won her heart, but many are recalled with laughter in her letters.Ms Byrne has an obvious affecti

21、on for Jane Austen. This book may offer few revelations, but it paints a fresh and vivid picture of a woman none can imitate.A New Biography of Jane AustenDifferent peoples (1)_ on Jane Austen*Henry Austen: She (2)_ all her life to literature and religion, and lived an (3)_ but meaningful life.*Cont

22、emporary scholars: She was an independent and worldlywise woman, who was skillful at writing in a sardonic way.*Paula Byrne: She still holds a great (4)_ for people even 200 years after she published Pride and Prejudice.Some introductions to Jane Austen*Her social life is (5)_ considering the object

23、s of her time.*She has a great (6)_ for writing, which is developed in her criticism of famous people and is reflected in her (7)_ writing styles.*Her works paint a (8)_ picture of a small circle of people in England leading their apparently peaceful lives.*She was attractive to the young guys of he

24、r time but she remained (9)_ for various reasons.ConclusionPaula Byrne thinks highly of her subject as a(n) (10)_ woman in spite of few revelations in the book.答案:ments/opinions2.devoted/committed/dedicated3uneventful/ordinary4.fascination5.lively6.gift7changeable/various/different8.realistic9single

25、/unmarried10.inimitable/unique.书面表达(2019南京、盐城高三模拟)请认真阅读下面有关公共图书馆的文字及相关图表,并按照要求用英语写一篇150词左右的文章。Libraries have always been at the heart of the communities they serve. They are accessible and safe spaces, providing access to huge resources of information and knowledge. Libraries have played an importan

26、t role in helping generations of immigrants, young people, job seekers and readers to learn, stay connected and get ahead in life. Offering access to books, newspapers and, later, computers, they opened up a world of knowledge and ideas for millions of people. The public library transcends national

27、and cultural boundaries no matter where you are in the world, they are an essential part of creating and maintaining an educated and literate population.But today, public libraries are at a turning point. The way we access and consume information has changed dramatically in the 21st century, and thi

28、s presents major challenges and opportunities for public library systems across the world.The advent of new technologies has changed some of our reading habits. But our need for shared, communitycentred spaces to find information and connect with others is unlikely to change any time soon.写作内容1用约30个

29、单词概述上述信息的主要内容;2结合上述信息,简要分析公共图书馆仍受欢迎的主要原因;3就公共图书馆如何与时俱进,应对新挑战提出你的建议(不少于两点)。写作要求1写作过程中不能直接引用原文语句;2作文中不能出现真实姓名和学校名称;3不必写标题。评分标准内容完整,语言规范,语篇连贯,词数适当。 参考范文:Though challenged by the development of new technologies and ebooks, public libraries still play an important role in our life and appeal to increasin

30、g numbers of people, especially the young.There are several reasons accounting for public libraries surviving the wave of digitalization. To begin with, they are open to all, providing free access to the latest resources and technologies. Whats more, one of the drawbacks of the digital materials is

31、that theyre not always trustworthy while public libraries can offer a large collection of reliable reference books. These practical functions aside, we still need the physical space, where we can fully concentrate on our study without easily getting distracted.To better develop public libraries, the government should first give more financial support. Meanwhile, the facilities of the libraries are expected to be updated accordingly and the employees should be professional. Only in this way can libraries meet the needs of various age groups.8


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