英语应用文U等nit 3 CARDS.ppt

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1、WINTER,Template,Unit 3,CARDS,Wishing you, In your busy life, Time for Relaxation Good Sleep Good Health with Exercise Someone to Dance With A Bit of Adventure,01,OBJECTIVES,In this unit, you are going to learn how to write a(n): -Business Card -Congratulation Card -Seasonal Greeting Card -Sympathy C

2、ard -Get well Card -Invitation Card,02,Part I Lead-in,Contents,Part II Learning to Read-Cards,Part III Learning to Write-Cards,03,Part I Lead-in,1.Have you sent any greeting cards before? What were the occasions? List them down here. One example is given to you.,_,when Christmas is coming,04,Part I

3、Lead-in,2. Here are some greeting cards. Have a discussion in pairs and write down the occasions when you would send the cards.,Someone has moved Into a new house and invited his or her friends to a housewarming party,On Easter,Someone received a national award,05,Part I Lead-in,2. Here are some gre

4、eting cards. Have a discussion in pairs and write down the occasions when you would send the cards.,On Bob and Sues wedding anniversary,On New Years Day,When someones family member died,06,3. Here are some business cards. Answer the following questions and decide which one you like most in terms of

5、design.,Charlie Bienert Timbuktuu Coffee Bar 241 33rd Street Des Moines, La (515)213-2134 Fax 213-2143,1,DES MOINES PLUMBING 515-234-5111 Est. 1956 LARRY YOUNG Service. Sales. GENERAL MANAGER Installation,2,MagicHair DONATELLA PASCUCCI SENIOR DESIGNER TEL: 206.343.2455 ROOM NUMBER 2432 GOOD SHEPHERD

6、 CTR. 5843 SUNNYSIDE AVE. N. SEATTLE, WA35432,3,07,(1) You may call _ if you want to book a tour to Italy. (2) You may call _ if you want to install a hot water heater in your apartment. (3) You may go to _ if you want to dress up your hair. (4) If the pipes in your bathroom dont work, you may call

7、_. (5) _ is the place where you can have a cup of afternoon tea.,3. Here are some business cards. Answer the following questions and decide which one you like most in terms of design.,BARRY LAWSON CHIEF CONSULTANT 8632 35TH PALACE BELLEVUE, NY 98776 VOICE 340.456.9996 FAX 340.456.9955,TICKETING TOUR

8、S & CRUISES PASSPORT CURRENCY SERVICES TRAVEL BOOKS, GUIDES ON-LINE INFORMATION GIFT CERTIFICATES,4,340 456 9996 BARRY LAWSON,515 234 5111 LARRY YOUNG,Timbuktuu Coffee Bar,515 234 5111 LARRY YOUNG,MagicHair,08,Part II Learning to Read-Cards,Card(卡片)是社交活动、公务活动或商务活动中非常重要的一种应用文体。它们形式简洁、内容简单、中心突出、使用方便。虽

9、然格式、图案、色彩、字体等各不相同,但基本内容相对固定。卡片常根据用途分为以下几种类型: (1)Business card 名片 (2)Congratulation card 祝贺类卡片 (3)Seasonal greeting card 节日贺卡 (4)Sympathy card 慰问卡 (5)Get well card 康复贺卡 (6)Invitation card 请柬,09,1. Business Card,10,1. Business Card,11,名片写作要点:,(1)名片是各种社交活动,尤其是商业活动中的一种重要交际工具。 (2)名片上通常可印有个人所属的机构或单位的标志、名称

10、、广告词、地址和网址以及个人的姓名、职务、电话、传真和电子信箱等信息。 (3)名片的基本格式为: Company name 单位名称 Company message 单位信息 Full name 姓名全称 Job title 职位 Address line 1 地址行1 Address line 2 地址行2 Phone 电话 Fax 传真 E-mail 电子信箱 Website 单位网址,12,2. Congratulation Card,Sept. 21, 2010 Dear Michael, Amy and I were delighted to receive the announce

11、ment of your marriage in todays mail. Please accept our most sincere congratulations and very best wishes for all the good fortunes in the world. Fondly, Amy and Henry,Aug 3, 2010 Dear Allen, Ive just heard the good news. Congratulations. Ability such as yours cant be hidden for long. Im sure this p

12、romotion is just a stepping stone to even greater things. I can imagine how proud Penny must be of you. Good luck in the new job. Love, Judy,13,2. Congratulation Card,Jan. 2, 2010 Dear Tom, I was delighted to hear that you won second prize in the Contest. It must feel good to know that you ranked am

13、ong the best in a state-wide context. All of your friends are proud of you. Cheers, Barney,Feb. 9, 2009 Dear Mrs. Liu, May happiness and good health attend you and your family in your new house. I know this is a busy and exciting time for you, and Im going to give you an opportunity to get settled b

14、efore I come to call, but I just couldnt wait to express good wishes from George and me. Affectionately yours, Joe,14,祝贺类卡片写作要点:,(1)祝词表达了人们的良好祝愿,亲朋好友、同学同事常常利用贺卡互致诚挚的祝福。祝贺类卡片广泛应用于各类场合,如恭贺晋升、祝贺获奖、祝贺结婚、祝贺生日、祝贺毕业、祝贺购置新居、祝贺新公司开业等等。 (2)祝贺类卡片主要由祝词构成。有些祝词已经是约定俗成的,如通常印在贺卡上的各类祝词;有些祝词是个性化的表达,可以根据具体情况自由创作,如在贺卡中

15、附加的各种祝愿。,15,祝贺类卡片写作要点:,(3)约定俗成的祝词多为短语形式,有时也使用句子,一般均使用已形成习惯的各种套语。 名词性短语:Happy anniversary.(周年纪念日快乐!) 介词短语:Wish best wishes for a happy birthday.(生日快乐!) 分词短语:Wishing you a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.(祝你圣诞快乐,新年愉快!) 不定式短语:To wish you every happiness this Christmas and in the New Year. (祝圣诞和新年幸

16、福快乐!) 祈使句:May your Christmas and New Year be blessed with happiness.(圣诞和新年之际向你祝福。) 感叹句:Have a wonderful day!(祝你度过快乐的每一天!),16,(4)个性化的祝词可根据具体情况以短语或句子的形式写出,内容格式不限,风格各异。如:,(您是如此特别,爸爸,愿你的生日带给您一切祝福,度过快乐的一天。) (5)祝贺类卡片的祝词前需要有称呼,在祝词后有结束敬语和署名。日期写在右上角。,Youre special Father May your birthday bring all the favor

17、ite things Have a wonderful day!,祝贺类卡片写作要点:,17,祝贺类卡片常用语句:, Congratulations on your graduation. 祝贺你学成毕业。 My warm congratulations to you for winning the Teacher of the Year Award. 祝贺您获得“年度教师”称号。 Congratulations on the completion of your doctoral thesis. I am very proud of you. 祝贺你完成博士论文。 我为你感到自豪。 That

18、s great news about you. We congratulate you on your good fortune. 这真是个好消息。我们祝贺你好运。 I was thrilled to receive the announcement of your engagement. My heartfelt congratulations.听到您订婚的消息我真是太兴奋了。衷心祝贺您。 My husband and I send you our warmest congratulations on your anniversary. 我和丈夫祝您结婚周年快乐。,18,祝贺类卡片常用语句:

19、, Congratulations on the new baby! We wish you both all possible joy and happiness in your new little son. 恭喜添丁! Greeting on your golden wedding anniversary. 恭喜金婚快乐。 May God continue to grant you similar successes all through your life. 愿上帝的灵光与你同在,一生吉祥。 Let us wish you both a hundred years of happin

20、ess. 祝你们百年好合。 My heartiest congratulations on your new success and best wishes for the future. 最衷心地祝贺你取得新成就,并祝贺你来日获得更大成功。,19,祝贺类卡片常用语句:, Accept once again my felicitations on this grand occasion. 在这个大喜的日子里,请再次接受我的祝贺。 May you have lots of promotions in the future. 祝你步步高升。 Upon hearing of your promoti

21、on, I would like to offer you my congratulations. 获悉您得到晋升,我向您表示祝贺。 Please accept the enclosed gift as a token of our best wishes to you. 请接受附上的礼物,以表我们对您最良好的祝愿。 to extend to you our warmest congratulations and best wishes on the occasion of 在之际,向您表达我们 最热烈的祝贺和最良好的祝愿。,20,3. Seasonal Greeting Card,Dear

22、Mommy, Thank you for tucking me in, picking me up, and showing me how. Thank you for teaching me to do things on my own, and believing in me when I try. Thank you for hugging me and loving me and doing special things to make me happy. Youre always in my heart. HAPPY MOTHERS DAY! Your daughter,14 Dec

23、. 2010 Dear Steve, As we once again approach the Christmas season, I should like to wish you a joyous holiday and express my hope for your happiness, and good fortune, in the years ahead. Cordially, Carol,21,节日贺卡写作要点:,(1)节日贺卡用于在各种不同的节日向朋友和友人致以祝贺。 (2)主要内容为相应的节日祝词以及个性化的祝愿。 (3)常见的节日包括母亲节、新年、圣诞节、情人节、父亲节

24、等。 (4)书写节日贺卡时,需要根据赠卡人、收卡人双方的关系选择合适的称呼、结束敬语和署名。,22,节日贺卡常用语句:, To the best mother/father in the world. 送给世界上最好的妈妈/爸爸。 Thinking of you on Mothers /Fathers Day. 祝您母亲节/父亲节快乐。 Best wishes for a Merry Christmas and a happy New Year! 祝你圣诞快乐,新年愉快。 Wishing you a very special Christmas and a very Happy New Yea

25、r! 祝你圣诞快乐,新年愉快。 May the music of Christmas brighten your holiday season and stay with you throughout the New Year! 愿圣诞音乐陪伴你度过圣诞节和新年,使你的假期更愉快。 May the joy and peace of Xmas be with you always! 愿圣诞的快乐与安静陪伴你!,23,节日贺卡常用语句:, Hope Christmas brings the nicest things! 祝圣诞快乐! Hope this is the Christmas of yo

26、ur dreams! 祝圣诞万事如意! Wishing you and yours an abundance of joy at Christmas and through the New Year! 祝你圣诞快乐、新年愉快! Thoughts of you are wonderful at any time of the year. But somehow, they mean even more when Christmas is here! 无时无刻不在想你。但圣诞的时候想你意义非凡。 May your holiday season be merry and bright! 祝你假期愉快

27、! Wishing you a jolly holiday season! 祝你假期快乐! Seasons Greetings and Best Wishes for the New Year! 恭贺新喜!,24,节日贺卡常用语句:, Sending you warmest greetings of the season and wishing you all the best in the New Year! 送上新年最真挚的祝福,祝新年一切顺利! Hope your holiday season is filled with lots and lots of happiness! 祝新年里

28、幸福吉祥! Wishing you joy, wishing you love, wishing you all that youre dreaming of! 祝万事如意! Wishing you a joyful holiday season and a happy and peaceful New Year! 祝圣诞快乐、新年愉快! Wish you many good wishes for the holidays and the year ahead! 祝新年好运! May the beauty, the blessings and the joy of this holiday s

29、eason be yours to share with the people you love! 祝您和您的家人圣诞快乐,好运常伴!,25,4. Sympathy Card,Dear Joe, I was sorry to learn that you had not been successful in the examination. Cheer up and I am confident that this time next year, I shall be sending a card, not of sympathy, but of congratulations. My kin

30、dest regards and best wishes. Yours, Linda,26,4. Sympathy Card,Dear Mrs. Kung, Mrs. Tompkins and I are deeply sorry to hear of your great loss. Please accept our sincere condolences and call on us if there is anything we can do. Sincerely, Mr. and Mrs. Tompkins,27,4. Sympathy Card,Jon Dodd, We want

31、you to know that our thoughts are with you during this difficult time of the Penguins loss. May you have time to grieve and yet be filled with anticipation for the possibilities of the future. Sincerely, Bri and Andrea,28,慰问卡写作要点:,(1)写慰问卡只有一个目的,就是要给收卡者慰问和鼓励。写慰问卡的场合有:生病、住院、考试未通过、失恋、比赛失败、亲友去世等。 (2)慰问卡

32、应简短、真诚,有技巧,表达同情、鼓励或对死者的仰慕、怀念等。但要避免虚情及引起悲痛的字句,如“desperate”、“the end of the world”、“hopeless”等。 (3)书写慰问卡时,需要根据赠卡人、收卡人双方的关系选择合适的称呼、结束敬语和署名。,29,慰问卡常用语句:, In this time of sadness, our prayers are with you. 在这个伤心的时刻,我们为你祈祷。 I was so sorry to hear of your loss. 得知您失去亲人的消息我非常难过。 My thoughts are with you in

33、this time of sorrow. 在这个悲痛的时刻,我的心与你在一起。 We wish to express our deepest sympathy. 我们向您致以最深切的同情。 We hope that time will ease the sorrow of your recent loss. 我们希望时间将治愈你的伤痛。 May our sympathy help to comfort you. 希望我们能够安抚你悲伤的心。,30,慰问卡常用语句:, May you find comfort in knowing that we care. 希望你知道我们都在关心你。 (Lar

34、ry)s death has sadden me beyond words. (莱莉)的去世给我带来的悲伤难以言表。 There are no words to express our grief at the sad news. 获悉噩耗,简直无法表达我们的悲伤。 I want to express my sympathy to you and your family on your fathers death. 惊悉令尊不幸与世长辞,深为悲痛,谨向您及您的家属表示深切的哀悼和诚挚的慰问。 Please accept my condolences. 请接受我的吊唁。 I am stunned

35、 by the tragic news. 对这一噩耗我感到震惊。,31,5. Get Well Card,Dear Mr. Smith, I was so sorry to hear you were in the hospital. Do hurry and get well! Everyone at the office misses you and hopes you will be back at your desk very soon. Sincerely, Judy,32,康复贺卡写作要点:,(1)康复贺卡主要用于亲友生病时,送上卡片表达慰问和祝福,目的在于表达温馨友好的情谊。 (

36、2)康复贺卡的信息一般包括同情对方生病和祝福对方早日康复两个部分。 (3)康复贺卡通常与礼物或鲜花一起送达。因此在卡片上可提及与礼物或鲜花有关的信息。 (4)书写康复贺卡时,需要根据赠卡人、收卡人双方的关系选择合适的称呼、结束敬语和署名。,33,康复贺卡常用语句:, Hope youll bloom again soon! 希望你早日活力重现! Hope these flowers brighten your room and your heart! Get well soon! 希望这束鲜花能使你的房间生辉,使你的心情好转!祝早日康复! Sending a big bunch of brig

37、ht wishes for you to feel better soon! 送上无数美好祝福,祝早日康复! Loving thoughts are tucked inside this bundle of flowers! 伴随这束鲜花送上我的深情祝福! Good health starts with a happy heart. Hope these flowers start the job! 心情好身体就好。希望这束鲜花可以让你有个好心情! Sending you healing thoughts and a little sunshine to brighten your day.

38、送上我的祝福,祝天天快乐。,34,康复贺卡常用语句:, Sending you some get well cheer! 祝早日康复! To brighten your day! 祝天天快乐! Warmest wishes for a speedy recovery! 祝早日康复! Hope youre back on your feet again soon! 祝早日活力重现! Wishing You A Speedy Recovery. 祝早日康复! Hope Youre Feeling Better Soon. 祝早日康复! We miss you! Come back soon! 我们

39、都想你!快点回来! Heres a gift to give you a lift! Best wishes for a speedy recovery! 这个小礼物可以帮助你快点好起来! Smiles are the best medicine. Heres a generous dose! 微笑是最佳良药。送上我们开心的笑脸!,35,6. Invitation Card,36,6. Invitation Card,37,请柬写作要点:,(1)请柬实质上是用特殊形式表现的邀请信,用于宴会、庆典等正式活动中。请柬需要在活动前到达邀请人手中,一是让被邀者能按时出席,二是出于对被邀请者的尊重,让别

40、人有时间考虑和安排出席事宜。 (2)请柬格式上采用固定的分行式。在内容安排上一般由以下内容构成: 邀请方 发出邀请 地点 被邀请者 活动名称 时间(具体到日、时、分,还要有星期几) 其他(如:请回复、联系方式、着装要求、附属 活动安排) (3)因其常用于正式活动的特点,请柬往往使用较严肃的第三人称手法。宾主姓名一律采用第三人称,其中人名、单位名、节日和活动名称都应采用全称。,38,(4)行文不用标点符号。 (5)时间不用阿拉伯数字写。 (6)应注意中文请柬和英文请柬有固定的格式和措辞,因此不能简单地以单句为单位进行翻译,而应从整个篇章的角度去把握,使译文符合目的语的表达习惯。,Mr. and

41、Mrs. John Smith request the honour of the presence of Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Brown at the marriage of their daughter Elizabeth Smith to Mr. John Frederick Hamilton Saturday, the twenty-ninth of September at four oclock p.m. Church of Heavenly Rest New York,J.A.布朗先生及夫人: 兹定于九月二十九日(星期六)下午四时在纽约天安教堂为小女伊丽莎白史密

42、斯与约翰弗雷德里克汉密尔顿先生举行婚礼,届时恭请光临。 约翰史密斯夫妇谨订,请柬写作要点:,39, (Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Beazley) request the honour of your presence at (the marriage of their daughter Nora Beazley to Scott Jackson) (马文毕力夫妇)邀请您参加(女儿娜拉毕力和女婿斯科特杰克逊的婚礼,),届时恭请光临。 (Together with their families, Jane Doe and Sam Smith), invite you to join

43、us at the celebration of (our marriage) (简窦和山姆史密斯及双方家庭)邀请您参加(我们的婚礼庆典)。 would be delighted for you to attend 敬请光临。 Join us for an evening of fine wine and cheese. 诚邀您参加美酒加奶酪晚会。 You are invited to attend 诚邀您参加 Save the date! 记住这一天! The favor of a reply is requested before (the first of June). 请于(6月1日)

44、前回复。,请柬常用表达方式:,40, Regrets only to (555-979-4965). 如不能出席,请致电 (555-979-4965)。 Number of people in party_. 参加人数_。 Dress code 着装要求:Black Tie 黑领结/ Semi-formal 半礼服/ cocktail attire 小礼服/ white tie 白领结/ dressy casual 休闲装/ informal 简礼服。 Adult reception. 儿童禁入。 By invitation only. 凭请柬进入。 Dessert and dancing t

45、o follow. 随后有甜点和舞会。 Reception to follow at (the Briar Hills Country Club). 随后在(布莱尔山乡村俱乐部)举行招待会。 And afterwards for cocktails and cake in (the Rose Room). 欢迎随后在(玫瑰厅)品尝鸡尾酒和蛋糕。,请柬常用表达方式:,41,Part III Learning to Write-Cards,1. Listed in the following are some pictures of greeting cards and greetings. Wo

46、rk in small groups and match the greetings to the correct greeting cards. There is more than one greeting for most of them.,42,a.Your English Writing Lessons were really fantastic. Please accept this present from our class. b. Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year! c.We send our good wishes to you bo

47、th. Have another happy year! d. Honestly, I dont know how I could have moved all that furniture without you. e. The office will be in chaos now! Dont forget to drop in and see us from time to time.f. Well done! I knew youd pass this time. g. All the best for the coming year. h. I was very sorry to hear about this. Mary and I both send our best wishes for a speedy recovery. i. We shall miss you. The place wont


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