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1、Unit 3 The Million Pound Bank Note阅读理解ABefore you make friends, you have to decide who you want to be your friends. Most people like to have friends who like to do the same kinds of things they do. The quickest way to make a friend is to smile. When you smile, people think you are friendly and easy

2、to talk to. It may not be easy at first to smile, but remember most people will stay away from a scared or angry looking face.One easy way to start a conversation with someone is to say something nice about him. Think about how great you feel when someone says something nice to you. Doesnt it make y

3、ou want to keep talking to that person?Ask your new friends questions about themselves. Whos their favorite singer, where do they live, what do they do after school are all good questions to start a conversation. Make sure you have something to add to the conversation, too. When someone asks you a q

4、uestion, do have an answer for them. There is nothing that will stop a conversation quicker than a shrug for an answer.Kids who show an interest in other kids and who are kind and friendly make good friends. Remember, everyone wants to be around people who like to do similar things and people who ar

5、e nice to them.1. This passage gives us some advice on_.Athe importance of smile Bwhat kind of person you can make friends withChow to start a conversation Dhow to make friends2. Most people like to make friends with those_.Awho share the same interest Bwho are sad every dayCwho are fond of talking

6、Dwho say bad things to them3. From the passage, if a kid wants to make good friends ,he should _.A. smile to others B. show an interest in others C. be kind and friendly. D. All the aboveBI think people everywhere dream about having lots of money. I know I do. I would like to earn large amounts of m

7、oney. You can win a large amount of money in the United States through lotteries(彩票). People pay money for tickets with numbers. If your combination of numbers is chosen, you will win a huge amount of moneyoften in the millions.A few years ago, my friend Al won the lottery. It changed his life. He w

8、as not “born with a silver spoon in his mouth”. Instead, my friend was always short of money. And the money he did earn was chicken feed.Sometimes Al even had to accept handouts(施舍物) from his friends. But do not get me wrong. My friend was always very careful with the money he spent. In fact, he was

9、 often a cheapskate. He did not like to spend money. The worst times were when he had no single penny left.One day, Al scraped together a few dollars for a lottery ticket. He thought he would never gain lots of money unexpectedly. But his combination of numbers was chosen and he won the lottery. Al

10、was so excited. The first thing he did was buy a costly new carone thing that he normally would not buy. Then he started spending money on unnecessary things. It was like he had “money to burn”When we got together for a meal at a restaurant, Al paid every time. He would always tell me the money made

11、 him feel like a millionaire. But, Al spent too much money. Soon he was “down and out” again. He had spent his “bottom dollar”his very last amount. He did not even save any of the money.I admit I do feel sorry for my friend. He had enough money to “live like a king”. Instead, he was back to “living

12、on a shoestring” a very low budget. Some might say he was wise about small things, but not about important things.4What does the author desire to do like others?ATo combine the numbers perfectly. BTo make a huge fortune.CTo be chosen for selling lotteries. DTo get in touch with millionaires.5Before

13、Al won the lottery _.Ahe spent too much money buying chicken Bhe didnt value the money he had earnedChe had trouble feeding his family Dhe hated to give a hand to his friends6What does the fourth paragraph imply?AAl always had good luck in life. BAl valued his money above his life.CAl had loved the

14、expensive car probably. DAl pretended to have more money.7When a person is “down and out”, _.Ahe is as poor as a church mouse Bhe lives a life like other peopleChe has set aside all his money Dhe is looking forward to big successC When youre returning to Australia, be careful that you dont bring in

15、pests and diseases. Some items you might bring back from overseas can be pests and diseases that Australia doesnt have. When you return, declare(申报)all food, meat, fruits, plants, seeds, wooden souvenirs, animal or plant materials. Australia has strict quarantine(检疫)laws and tough on-the-spot fines.

16、 Every piece of luggage is now screened or X-rayed. If you fail to declare any quarantine items, or if you make a false declaration, you will get caught. In addition to on-the-spot fines, you could be accused and fined more than $60, 000 and you may risk 10 years in prison. All international mail is

17、 also screened. Some products may require treatment to make them safe. Items that are restricted because of the risk of pests and diseases will be seized and destroyed by the Australian Quarantine and Inspection Service(AQIS). In many cases, the goods you declare will be returned to you after inspec

18、tion. However, any item that presents a quarantine risk will be withheld(扣留). You will be given a range of options(选项) for each item depending on the quarantine risk: Treating the item to make it safe*; Holding the item until an import permit is presented*; Re-exporting the item*; Destroying the ite

19、m. Those treatments with the sign “*” are subject to fees(付费). Further information: For more detailed information about bringing in food, animals, plants, animal or plant materials, call the AQIS at 1800-020-504. 8. Which of the following dont you need to declare when returning to Australia?A. Tea.

20、B. Wooden combs. C. Some bread. D. A pair of glasses. 9. If you make a false declaration, you would _ . A. be fined a lot of money B. be forbidden to return to AustraliaC. have to declare your items again D. make yourself screened10. Where can we most probably find this passage?A. In an advertisemen

21、t. B. In a traveling guidebook. C. At the police station. D. In a hospital. 11. We can learn from the passage that _ . A. you can keep the item before an import permit is presentedB. all products must be treated according to the AQISC. not all treatments for your declared items are freeD. travelers

22、can sell their declared itemsDMark Twain,the famous American writer, liked to play jokes on others. Butonce a joke was played on him.One day Mark Twain was invited(被邀请)to give a talk in a small town. Atlunch he met a young man,one of his friends.The young man said that he has an uncle with him. He t

23、old Twain that hisuncle never laughed or smiled,and that nobody and nothing was able to make hisuncle smile or laugh.You bring your uncle to my talk tonight,said Mark Twain.Im sure I canmake him laughThat evening the young man and his uncle sat in the front. Mark Twain beganto speak. He told several

24、 funny stories. This made everyone in the room laugh.But the man never even smiled. Mark Twain told more funny stories,but theold man still kept quiet. Mark Twain told his funny stories. Finally he stopped.He was tired and quite disappointed(失望的)Some days later, Mark Twain told another friend of his

25、 about what hadhappened.Oh,said his friend.I know that old man. Hes been deaf(聋)for years.1. Mark Twain liked to play jokes on_.A. himself B. othersC. old men D. Americans2. One day Mark Twain met_at lunch.A. a friend B. a young mans uncleC. a young girl D. a deaf3. The young man told Mark Twain tha

26、t his uncle never_.A. spoke B. talkedC. laughed D. ate4. The young man and his uncle sat _that evening.A. at home B. near the doorC. at the back D. in the front5. Mark Twain stopped telling stories at last because he was_.A. thirsty B. tiredC. angry D. sleepy七选五Does failure really exist?If you belie

27、ve you have failed, then you have. If you believe you dont have the ability to succeed, then you dont. 16 The moment you decide to give up or stop working toward your goals, failure is born.17 Most people give themselves an out without even realizing it. They are willing to work hard on reaching the

28、ir goals, but only until the going gets too rough or their energy dies down. Dont do that! 18 Never quit, never admit failure, and never lose heart.Dont believe in a clear finish line for goals.Its a good idea to set a general timeline (时间表), but remember that something will be beyond your control.

29、19 If you lock yourself into a given timeline, you might make yourself feel like a failure! Instead, get a general idea of when youd like your goal to be completed. Then take it one day at a time and focus on making progress instead of reaching the finish line in as little time as possible.Be sure t

30、hat you dont see difficulties as failures.Difficulties mean only one thing: its not time for your goal to be completed yet. Thats it! It doesnt mean you failed; it doesnt mean youre weak; it doesnt mean youll never achieve your goals. 20 Youve got to keep moving forward and find a way over, around,

31、or through the difficulties.A. Never give up on yourself.B. Failure only exists in your own mind!C. Thats exactly how failure makes us feel.D. It simply means you have not done enough yet.E. You can never say exactly when your goal will be reached.F. Instead, make up your mind to make your goal happ

32、en, no matter what!G. Work hard towards your goal, and you will be likely to get good results.完形填空Lets suppose you have a four-year-old daughter who has just started kindergarten. Whenever she 21 something new, she always thinks it is hard. For example, you start a dance class this year and even tho

33、ugh she loves dancing, she 22 to do it because she thinks its just too hard. In such a situation, what would you do? This is a real 23 for a lot of parents. Your daughter is 24 four years old. Kids at this age are generally self-centered. That is why they are lying down on the ground and 25 when the

34、y cant get the ball or when things dont work out. They only 26 things from their own perspective(思考方法). Therefore, she thinks taking a dance class is hard though in your opinion it is the 27 . Here the problem is that your daughter 28 easily. You certainly dont want to raise a child that always give

35、s up if something is 29 . And this is the area where we need to be 30 so that her interest in things isnt 31 . There are some things to do here: Expose (使体验) your daughter to different hobbies and activities and 32 her to choose what she likes to do the most. At the young age, one or two activities

36、are enough, and they should only be for 33 . The idea is that our children get to 34 new things and make up their own minds. You should help her understand that her 35 doesnt matterr - what matters most is that she is trying and she has fun. 36 , if your daughter struggles with activities that are n

37、ew to her, as parents, you should be 37 . Tell her its normal for new things to be hard and that things are hard 38 theyre easy. In short, your daughter is just a baby, 39 let her have fun doing the things she likes to do and realize how 40 it is to try new things.21. A. tries B. remembersC. getsD.

38、misses22. A. refuses B. pretendsC. wantsD. wishes 23. A. rewardB. resultC. challengeD. reason24. A. alreadyB. stillC. almostD. just 25. A. smiling B. sleepingC. cryingD. leaving 26. A. seeB. teachC. solve D. buy27. A. favoriteB. oppositeC. exception D. choice28. A. works out B. gives up C. turns aro

39、und D. brings in 29. A. popular B. cheapC. difficult D. dirty30. A. readyB. angry C. braveD. careful31. A. developed B. protected C. damaged D. prevented 32. A. allowB. forbid C. orderD. promise33. A. life B. fun C. example D. luck 34.A. produce B. designC. appreciate D.experience35. A. performance

40、B. safety C. lesson D. health 36. A. However B. Besides C. InsteadD. Anyway 37. A. serious B. anxiousC. frightened D.supportive 38. A. unlessB. before C. while D. as 39. A. for B. but C. soD. or 40. A. foolish B. terrible C. successful D. important 语法填空Online shopping is coming into fashion in most

41、cities, where people are able to make full use of the rapidly-developed Internet technology. Nowadays, can we find a person_41_has not experienced online shopping? Definitely not. Online shopping_42_(welcome) by most people due to various reasons. From the perspective(观点) of consumers, it can save s

42、ome time for people who dont have much spare time. Just click the mouse, they can get_43_they want while staying at home. For the retailers(零售商), it can cut some costs for those who dont have much circulating funds (流动资金). _44_ (compare) with the traditional trade mode, it doesnt need renting a hous

43、e. _45_, there are still some disadvantages in online shopping. First, a face-to-face deal makes online shopping less_46_(rely) and trustworthy(可靠的). Second, people will lose_47_fun of bargaining. _48_is undeniable that shopping on the Internet has become an irresistable(不可阻挡的) trend in modern socie

44、ty. Its of great urgency that we need to make the relative laws in accordance with(根据)the rapid 49 ( grow) of online shopping. Only in this way can we enjoy the pleasure and _50_(convenient) of online shopping without the concern of being cheated. 短文改错假定英语课上英语老师要求同桌之间交换修改作文,请你修改你同桌写的以下作文。文中共有10处语言错误

45、,每句中最多有两处。每处错误仅涉及一个单词的增加、删除或修改。增加:在缺词处加一个漏字符号(),并在其下面写出该加的词。删除:把多余的词用斜线()划掉。修改:在错的词下画一横线,并在该词下面写出修改后的词。注意:1.每处错误及其修改均限一词。 2.只允许修改10处,多者(从第11处起)不计分。Im very sorry to have missed the first two lesson this morning. I got up early as usually in the morning, but when I was ready to leave I find my bicycles front tyre flat. I wanted to take bus or taxi to school, and I didnt have any money with me. I had to look for a place along the street to get my bicycle repairing. Unluckily, there were not any bicycle repair shops was open in the early morning. So I had to walk to


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