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1、Module 5,Meimei Lin,5.1 Money and finance 5.2 Discussion options 5.3 The Listening Test: Part Two,What is the role of money in your life? How important is money to you?,5.1 Money and finance,Vocabulary : Money expressions How do you interpret this quotation? Money often costs too much. Ralph Waldo E

2、merson, Essayist (散文作家),There are two interpretations: It literally says that its expensive to borrow money A deeper interpretation is that pursuing only money makes you neglect the more important things in life.,Useful expressions:,Money isnt everything. 金钱不是一切。 There are many, many wonderful thing

3、s in the world that cannot be bought with money. 世界上有许许多多美丽的东西是用钱买不到的。 There are many other things more important than money, such as health, life, happiness, friendship, love and so on. 有许多东西比金钱更重要,比如说健康、生命、快乐、友谊、爱情等等。 A hunger for money pushes us to work harder and longer in an effort to obtain ev

4、en more money, thus ruining our health. 对金钱的欲望促使我们加班加点更加拼命地工作,从而使我们的健康受到了损害。,Complete the flow charts,1. Expressions collocated with money: earn money / borrow money / lend money / owe money / pay back money / win money / invest money / withdraw money make a profit; do a deal; do business; take out

5、a loan,2. Other words collocated with: earn respect spend time, your holidays (+ doing something) bet bet your life (= to be sure) repay a favour, kindness (how can I ever repay you) take out a subscription (to a mangazine) borrow a pen, someones car, etc. withdraw an offer, a product from the shelv

6、es be short of resources, time,Whats the difference between the following?,win money and earn money You earn money from your work; you win money in a game, eg in a lottery (抽彩给奖法); you make money from any kind of business deal or investment. lend and borrow money Lend and borrow are like give and ta

7、ke.,spend and waste money Wasting money is spending it in an unprofitable or unnecessary way. costs and is worth 300 You can say How much does it cost? when something is for sale; when you say How much is it worth?, it is a question about an items value (ie it is not for sale).,Speaking: A bank loan

8、,Useful expressions: How much do you earn a year? 你一年挣多少钱? What kind of security can you offer? 你能提供什么担保? How much is your house worth? 你的房子值多少钱? How much money have you saved? 你的存款有多少? How much money do you spend each month? 你每个月花多少钱? Do you have any shares or bonds, etc.?你有没有股票或债券等? Do you have an

9、y debts? 你有债务吗? For what do you want to borrow money? 你为什么要借钱? What is the interest rate? 利息率是多少? Within how many years should I repay the loan? 我在多少年内要还清借款? How much money can I borrow? 我可以借多少钱?,Listening: A culture of debt,Discussion: Is it easy to get credit in your country, for example, to buy a

10、 house, a car, a new TV? Is consumer confidence high at the moment? Why? / Why not? What is peoples general attitude to borrowing in your country?,Useful expressions,Inflation, rocketing house prices and soaring foodstuff prices have pushed consumer confidence to the lowest level. 通货膨胀,房价飙升和食品价格上涨使得

11、消费者信心降到了最低点。 Consumer confidence index 消费者信心指数 Chinese consumers are very gloomy. 中国消费者对市场非常悲观。 Chinas consumer confidence index dropped a lot in the first quarter, affected by inflationary pressure. 受到通货膨胀压力的影响,中国消费者信心指数在第一季度大大下降。 The savings rate in China is 40 percent. This is an indication of th

12、e consumers attitude toward borrowing. Chinese rarely borrow for consumption. They will borrow only if they have to. 中国的存款率是40%。这表明了中国人对借钱的态度。中国人很少借钱消费。不得不借钱时他们才借钱。,The comfort level for borrowing is low. Chinese people have a stronger desire to put money aside for the future. 中国人借钱感觉不舒服。他们往往都想把钱存起来

13、以防范于未来。 The trend now is toward encouraging more consumption, thus more short-term borrowing. 现在的趋势是鼓励更多的消费,因而有更多的短期借款。 As the economy changes and business activities increase, many Chinese people find that borrowing is a way of enhancing their earning power and upgrading their lifestyle. 随着经济不断发展,商

14、务活动日益频繁,许多中国人发现借钱会让他们挣更多的钱,生活质量得到改善。,Words and expressions,legacy: n. 遗产 term of office: 任期 Great Depression: (美)大萧条 (20世纪30年代) equity: n. 所有者权益;股票,证券;资产净值 real estate: n. 不动产,房地产 mortgage: n. 抵押 irresponsibly: adv. 不负责任地,不可靠地 down-payment: n. 定金;(分期付款的)初付款项 automotive business: 汽车业 home equity loan

15、: 家庭担保贷款 consumer spending: 消费者支出 assets: n. 资产,plunge: vi. 1) to move forward and downward violently:突降,俯冲:猛烈地向前或向下运动: e.g. The disabled aircraft plunged to the ground and burst into flames.出故障的飞机俯冲至地面后化为一团火焰 2) to fall or throw oneself into a substance or place:投入;陷入:使自己陷入或投入物质或空间中: e.g. We plunge

16、d into the icy mountain lake.我们跳进冰冷的山间湖中 The students plunged into their examinations.学生们全神贯注在考试上 negative equity: 负债资产 liability: n. 债务,负债 avert: vt. 挡开(灾难等);防止(危险等) trillion: n. 百万兆(即万亿),Do you think a policy of borrow and spend helps the economy? Or do you think sooner or later there will be a de

17、bt crisis?,Useful expressions: As long as people are spending, economic growth continues. 只要人们在消费,经济就会继续发展。 As long as asset values rise faster than debt, theres no problem. 只要资产价值的增长超过债务的增长,就不会有问题。 Consumption is one of the main sources of strength in economy. 消费是经济增长的主要因素之一。 Increased spending wil

18、l buoy economy and boost stocks. 消费增长会刺激经济和推动证券市场。 Assets values will not continue to rise indefinitely. 资产价值不会永远持续增长。 Authorities warn that the economy is overheating and are taking steps to cool investment and lending, but to little avail. 权威们警告说经济过热,并已在采取措施使投资和借贷降温,但没有什么效果。 Easy money from banks

19、leads to large investment in new plants, hotels and golf courses, etc. Real estates price soared. In the end, there will be a debt crisis. 从银行很容易借到的钱导致了人们大量投资新工厂、饭店和高尔夫球场等。房地产价格飙升。最终将导致债务危机。,Explain the following financial terms from the text,1) to remortgage your home: to borrow money against the v

20、alue of your house when you have already done so once. 2) to make a down-payment: to put a deposit or first installment on something before paying the full amount. 3) asset values will crash: the value of peoples properties will fall suddenly 4) to be in negative equity: when your debts are greater

21、than your assets 5) 64 trillion dollars: 64,000,000,000,000 (64 million million) dollars,Grammar: Expressions of comparison & Vocabulary: Company finance,guzzle: vt. 大量消耗(燃料) criss-cross: vi. 在上交叉往来 gallon: n. 加仑(1加仑等于4.546升) equation: n. 综合体;影响综合体的因素 leverage: n. 杠杆作用;力量;影响 multiplex: n. 多剧场影院 leas

22、e: n. 租赁期限 p.a. (per annum 的缩略语)每年 fixed cost: 固定成本 variable cost: 可变成本 liabilities: n. 债务,负债 gross: adj. 总的,毛重的 dividend: n. 股息,红利,creditor: n. 债权人 debtor: n. 债务人 accounts payable: 应付账款 accounts receivable: 应收账款 retained profit: 留存利润 financial statement: 财务报表 port of call: 沿途停靠的港口;常去的地方 annual repo

23、rt: 年度报告 balance sheet: 资产负债表 snapshot: n. 快照,快相;简短描述 equation: n. 方程式 current asset: 流动资产,account: n. 账目 income statement: 所得计算书,损益表 turnover: n. 营业额 net profit: 纯利润 proverbial: adj. 出名的;众所周知的;谚语式的;格言式的 profit after tax: 税后利润 plc (Public Limited Company的缩略语) 公共股份有限公司 operating income: 营业收入 cash flo

24、w: 现金流,Speaking: Choosing an investment,If you had a choice, what kind of small business in your own town or city would you invest in? (e.g. bar or club, a restaurant, a shop or boutique, a cinema or theatre, a leisure facility such as a gym) What are the reasons for this choice? What factors would

25、you consider when investing in such a business? What would be the risks?,Words:,mutiplex: n. 多剧场影院 a big out-of-town mutiplex cinema 在郊区的大型多剧场影剧院 a six-screen cinema 6个剧场的电影院 lease: n. 租赁期限 p.a. (per annum 的缩略语)每年 auditorium: n. 听众席, 观众席, 会堂, 礼堂 go for: v. 主张, 拥护, 去找, 努力获取, 被认为 better off: being in

26、a better or more prosperous condition境况较好地,文中译为“更赚钱” reservation: n. 保留,有异议e.g. agree to a plan with certain reservations有某些保留地赞同计划,Study the information and decide which you think would be a better investment (Page 49),Useful expressions: Option A is closer to the city centre. 项目A离市中心更近。 Option A h

27、as access to a larger audience because its located in the popular student area. 项目A有更多的观众,因为它坐落在人口众多的学生居住区。 Option A has a longer period of lease, i.e. 15 years, while Option B has only 9 years remaining. 项目A 有更长的租赁期,即15年,而项目B 只剩下9年。 Though Option B has a larger seating capacity, its current cost of

28、 a ticket is higher than Option A. 虽然项目B能容纳更多的人,但它每张票的成本比项目A高。 The running costs of option B are higher. 项目B的经营费用更高。 By comparison, much more investment for option B is needed. 相比较而言,项目B需要的投资更多。 Whats worse, Option B made a loss last year. 更糟糕的是,项目B去年还亏损了。 The only drawback of Option A is it has no

29、parking space. 项目A 的唯一缺陷是它没有停车场。,Vocabulary: Company finance,What financial mistakes do you think small businesses most commonly make? Work with a partner and make a list. Cashflow problems from late payment by customers. Taking out loans they cannot service properly. Not keeping cash reserves for t

30、imes of difficulty. Not insuring themselves against business risk. Not setting aside enough money for marketing and advertising. Not providing for their own retirement.,What do these words and phrases from the passage on page 50 mean?,your first port of call: the first place you should go to a snaps

31、hot: literally a photograph, in other words, just a picture of a companys finances at a particular point in time. over a given period: in a particular length of time the bottom line: what ultimately matters or is most important, ie in business, the bottom line is the profit do some sums: make some b

32、asic calculations,Reading: A financial summary,Study this financial summary of Tesco plc, Britains largest supermarket chain. Find the following items. 1) the turnover = total revenue (39,454.00) 2) the profit made after tax = net income (1,570.00) 3) the value of the company = total equity (= total

33、 assets less total liabilities) (9,380.00) 4) the cash still available after other investments = net change in cash (181.00),Does the company seem to be in a healthy position or not? Tesco plc is in a very healthy position. Apart from having a strong balance sheet, it has a very positive cash flow,

34、which enables it to earn extra interest at the bank and to keep financing investments.,5.2 Business skills: Discussing options,Vocabulary: Business costs overheads: n. (企业的)一般管理费用,间接费(如工资、租金、电费、电话费等) material costs: 材料成本 administrative costs: 管理费用 distribution costs: 运输成本 labour costs: 劳动力成本 develop

35、ment costs: 开发成本 finance costs: 财务成本,Listening: Discussing costs,Speaking: Discussing options and making recommendations,bank charges: 银行手续费 worksheet: n. 工作单 research and development expenditure: 研究和开发费用 margin: n. 盈余;利润;(成本与售价之间的)差额,赚头 hire: n. 租用 operating expenses: 营业费用 manufacturing costs: 生产成本

36、 retail: n. & vi. & vt. 零售 shopping mall: 大型购物中心,Possible answers: Something like a central telephone booking system might mean fewer people need to be employed at each office. Another possibility would be to have automatic drop off for the cars (ie no one meets them when they drop the car off). Thi

37、s wouldnt affect the quality of service from the customers point of view.,3. This is very tricky! Probably if the company was operating as a monopoly in the past, it is overstaffed, so reducing the work force will be the first thing to look at. It may also need to close some smaller, underused post

38、offices.,4. Completely outsourcing the making of the cars is going to reflect badly on the company: made in Germany is a mark of quality and reliability in itself. However, theres no reason why more of the manufacturing couldnt be outsourced to countries where labour is cheaper and the car could sti

39、ll be assembled in Germany.,5. Relocating out of town is a possibility but might affect sales adversely. So other options might be to sub-let space within each store to a partner business which is complimentary. Another option might be to look at how energy is used in the stored and see if some can be saved.,


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