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1、2019(重庆)中考人教英语课本一轮聚焦夯练 八下Units7-8一、阅读理解。How to Be a Better StudentMaybe you are a common student. You probably think you will never be a top student. This is not necessary so, however. Anyone can become a better student if he or she wants to. Heres how: Plan your time carefully. When you plan your w

2、eek, you should make a list of things that you have to do. After making this list, you should make a schedule of your time. First set your time for eating, sleeping, dressing, etc. Then decide a good, regular time for studying. Dont forget to set aside enough time for entertainment. A weekly schedul

3、e may not solve all your problems, but it will force you to realize what is happening to your time.Find a good place to study. Look around the house for a good study area. Keep this space, which may be a desk or simply a corner of your room, free of everything but study materials. No games, radios,

4、or television! When you sit down to study, concentrate on the subject. Make good use of your time in class. Take advantage of class time to listen to everything the teachers say. Really listening in class means less work later. Taking notes will help you remember what the teacher says. Study regular

5、ly. When you get home from school, go over your notes, review the important points that your teacher is going to discuss the next day, read that material. This will help you understand the next class. If you do these things regularly, the material will become more meaningful, and you will remember i

6、t longer. Develop a good attitude about tests. The purpose of a test is to show what you have learned about a subject. They help you remember your new knowledge. The world wont end if you dont pass a test, so dont be over worried.There are other methods that might help you with your studying. You wi

7、ll probably discover them after you have tried these. 1.The writer gives you _ methods to help you in the passage. A. Four. B. Five. C. Six. D. Seven. 2.What should you do if you want to plan your time? A. Make a schedule of your time. B. Find a good study area. C. Take advantage of class time. D. R

8、eview the important points. 3. How can we remember what the teacher says? A. By taking notes in class. B. By concentrating on the subject. C. By listening to everything. D. By discussing with your classmates. 4. What is the purpose of a test according to the writer? A. To help you solve some problem

9、s. B. To make us become better students. C. To discover if you are interested in a subject. D. To show what you have learned about a subject. 参考答案1B 2A 3A 4D 二、单项选择。1. Sam is doing some _C_ about the ancient Silk Road. (2017,德州)A. exercise B. operationsC. research D. experiments2. It is accepted by

10、everyone that knowledge is the most valuable _B_ for human beings. (2017,泰安)A. standard B. treasureC. invention D. instruction3. (导学号:22604018)Sixty dollars for such a Tshirt! You _A_ be joking! Im serious. Its made of silk from Hangzhou. (2017,荆州) A. must B. need C. will D. can 4. Dreams are beauti

11、ful. However, to _C_ them needs lots of time and work. (2016,安徽)A. discover B. find C. achieve D. stop5. As we know, the Yangtze River is one of _D_ rivers in the world. (2016,泸州)A. long B. longer C. longest D. the longest6. Look! The light is still on in Helens office. Maybe she _C_ her work yet. (

12、2016,资阳)A. doesnt finish B. wont finishC. hasnt finished D. didnt finish7. Mom, Im so tired of doing so much homework everyday. Oh, dear, without hard work, you cant _D_ your dream. A. choose B. encourageC. manage D. realize8. Im nervous about _A_ myself to new classmates in front of the classroom.

13、A. introduce B. challengeC. include D. remind9. What a nice day! Look! There are some naughty boys _D_ football on the grass in the sun. A. play B. are playing C. played D. playing10. Our team got a great _C_ in this project, and the boss agreed to give us large bonuses. Oh, its really exciting. A.

14、mark B. forceC. success D. condition三、完形填空。通读短文,掌握大意,从所给的选项中选出一个最佳选项。 Young people are often unhappy when they are with their parents. They say that their parents dont understand them. They often think their parents are too strict 1 them. Parents often find 2 difficult to win their childrens trust a

15、nd they seem to 3 how they themselves felt when they were young. For example, young people like to do things without much 4 . Its one of their ways to show that they grow up and they can 5 any difficult problems. Older people worry more easily. Most of them plan things ahead and dont like their plan

16、s to be changed. So when you want your parents to let you do 6 , you will have better success if you ask before you really start doing it. Young people often make their parents angry by clothes they wear, the music they enjoy and something 7 . But they dont mean to cause any trouble. They just feel

17、that 8 this way they can be cut off from the old peoples world and they want to make a new culture of their own. And if their parents dont like their music or clothes or their way of speech, the young people feel very sad. Sometimes instead of going out with their parents, they just want to stay at

18、home 9 and do what they like. If you plan to do something, youd better win your parents over and get them to understand you. 10 , your parents will certainly let you do what you want to do. 1. A. onB. withC. in2. A. itB. thisC. that3. A. forgetsB. rememberC. forget4. A. thinkingB. speakingC. reading

19、5. A. knowB. findC. solve6. A. anythingB. nothingC. something7. A. elseB. moreC. old8. A. byB. overC. in9. A. sadlyB. aloneC. lonely10. A. HoweverB. OrC. If so【答案】(1)B;(2)A;(3)C;(4)A;(5)C;(6)C;(7)A;(8)C;(9)B;(10)C; 【考点】社会现象类,议论文 【解析】【分析】本文讲述了年轻人在和父母待在一起时会感到不舒服,他们以为父母对他们要求严格,不理解他们,父母也认为获得孩子们的信任也很困难的代

20、沟问题。面对这个问题,作者从几个角度给出了建议,比如,年轻人应该在做事之前多请教一下将会拥有更多成功,如果年轻人计划做一些事情,最好先让父母理解自己,搞好沟通,父母一定会支持年轻人的行为的。(1)句意:他们经常认为他们的父母对他们要求很严格。根据句意,结合固定搭配:be strict with,对某人要求严格。故答案为:B.(2)句意:父母也认为获得孩子们的信任也很困难,他们似乎忘记了当他们小时候自己的亲身感受。根据固定句型:find it difficult to do sth.发现做某事是困难的。故答案为:A.(3)父母也认为获得孩子们的信任也很困难,他们似乎忘记了当他们小时候自己的亲身感

21、受。根据并列句中谓语动词的时态一致原则,结合often为一般现在时态的标志,可知此处forget为一般现在时态。故答案为:C.(4)句意:例如,年轻人喜欢不经过太多思考的做事。根据句意,结合下文建议:you will have better success if you ask before you really start doing it.建议年轻人应该在做事之前多请教一下将会拥有更多成功,可知年轻人做事欠缺思考。故答案为:A.(5)句意:向别人展示他们已经长大,并且可以解决任何难题是他们的方式之一。根据固定搭配:solve the problems,解决问题。故答案为:C.(6)句意:所

22、以,当你想要让父母让你做一些事情时,如果你征询一下他们的意见,你将会拥有更多的成功。根据句意,结合不定代词的使用方法:肯定句中使用something,anything使用在否定句和疑问句中。故答案为:C.(7)句意:年轻人很容易因为他们穿的衣服,喜欢的音乐和一些别的事情而惹恼他们的父母。根据固定搭配:something else,else 是个副词,与不定代词或副词(以-one,-body,-thing,-where结尾的词)连用,表示“另外”、“其它”的意思,用于这些词后面。故答案为:A.(8)句意:他们只是觉得,以这种方式,他们可以和老人们的世界切断开来,他们要创造自己的新的文化. 根据句

23、意,结合固定短语:in this way,通过这种方式,使用这种方法。故答案为:C.(9)句意:有时他们根本不想和父母一起出去,只是想独自待在家里,做自己喜欢的事情。根据句意,结合上下文,既然不喜欢和父母出去,那么在家里应该是独自一人。故答案为:B.(10)句意:如果那样,你父母一定会让你做你自己喜欢的事情的。根据句意,结合语境,可知作者建议年轻人应该和父母真诚相对,把自己的想法告诉父母,这是和父母建立良好沟通关系的方法。故答案为:C.【点评】it做形式宾语是教学重点,也是学习难点,需要加强语法专练,在使用中习得语言。完形填空属于一套试卷中难度较大的题型,既考查阅读,词汇,短语,又考查语法和上

24、下文,需要注意积累词汇短语和对词汇灵敏的反应速度。同时,完形填空中上下文是一个亦难亦易的题目,需要耐心阅读文章,捕捉到字里行间的潜藏信息,就会柳暗花明。例如第9题需要注意推理,第7题else需要放在疑问词和不定代词后面。四、任务型阅读。Are you the only child in the family? If so, you are the most important in your family. Parents are the closest people to you in the world. But a lot of middle school students have a

25、 problem. They feel theyre not as close to their parents as before. They even dont think parents are fair to them. Some students complain that their parents say a lot to them, but never listen to them. Some say their parents dont allowed them to play computer games when other classmates are doing th

26、at. Others say when theyre making phone calls to friends, their parents like to ask if theyre speaking to a boy or a girl. These make them very unhappy. Some students even decide to leave home when they have done something wrong, especially when they do badly in exams, because they are afraid to tel

27、l their parents. Then they usually think running away is the only choice. But they dont know running away may bring them some more problems.Problems are parts of life. Here is some advice for you to solve your problems.Find a good chance to talk with your parents. Dont be afraid to tell them your fe

28、elings.Get help from others like good friends or teachers. Keep a diary to help you understand more about yourself and your feelings. Show your parents youre growing up. Then theyll feel youre no longer a small child.If you follow these suggestions, youll have a happy life and never think of running

29、 away.1. Who are the closest people to the only child? 2. Do all the middle students feel happy in their daily life? 3. What will some students do when they have done something wrong? 4. How many pieces of advice have you got from the article? 5. Which do you think is the best way if you have proble

30、ms with your parents? 【主旨大意】本文是一篇说明文。主要谈论了孩子和父母之间的问题。虽然孩子是家庭的重心,但是很多中学生感到自己并不幸福,经常和父母之间出现这样或者那样的问题,作者针对这些问题提出了一些建议。1. His or her parents.【解析】细节理解题。题干意为:谁是独生子女最亲近的人?根据短文第一段最后一句“Parents are the closest people to you in the world.”可知答案。2. No, they dont.【解析】细节理解题。题干意为:在日常生活中,所有的中学生都感到幸福吗?根据第二段第一句“But a

31、lot of middle school students have a problem.”以及本段描述可知答案是否定的。3. They decide to leave home.【解析】细节理解题。题干意为:当一些学生做错事情时,会做什么?根据第二段第八句“Some students even decide to leave home when they have done something wrong, especially when they do badly in exams, because they one afraid to tell their parents.”可知答案。4

32、. Four./4.【解析】细节理解题。题干意为:从这篇文章中,你得到了几条建议?根据短文倒数第二至第五段描述,可知我们可以得到四条建议。5. Find a good chance to talk with them./Get help from others like good friends or teachers./Keep a diary to help me understand more about myself and my feelings./Show my parents Im growing up.【解析】细节理解题。题干意为:如果你和你的父母产生问题,你认为哪一条是最好的

33、方法?文中提出了四条建议,任何一条都有助于我们解决和自己父母之间的问题,因此根据自己的实际情况回答即可。如:Find a good chance to talk with them./Get help from others like good friends or teachers./Keep a diary to help me understand more about myself and my feelings./Show my parents Im growing up.。注意人称的转换,只能写一条。五、书面表达。(2017,黔东南)一直以来, 随着孩子不断长大, 很多父母与孩子之

34、间的沟通变得越来越难, 交流更是令人头疼的问题。究其原因, 主要是父母的教育内容和管理方式跟不上孩子成长的需求, 甚至很老套。而孩子们由于本身年龄和认识的局限性, 缺乏主动和父母交流的想法和勇气。可在同学们的心里, 确实是有一肚子的话要和父母说的。假如你是李欣, 请根据内容要求给父母写一封信,文中不得出现真实的个人信息, 开头和结尾已给出(但不计入总词数),80词左右。内容提示:1. 告诉父母自己三年来的学习情况和收获;(study hard)2. 和父母说说自己在成长过程中的一些心里话;(grow up)3. 表达自己对父母的爱, 并告诉父母自己会继续努力学习, 不让他们担心, 做开心一家人

35、。(worry about)My dear mother and father, I will graduate from school soon, and Id like to talk about my life and studies in school to you. During the past three years, I think I studied hard, made some good friends and was really happy. But there was probably something wrong between us. I know you l

36、ove me so much, but I also know you may be not interested in some of my hobbies, such as playing basketball, playing the guitar and chatting with my friends. They really waste time, but they are parts of my life. So I hope you can encourage and support me to do some things I like. Now I have already grown up a lot. I will keep on studying hard to get good grades and achieve my dream. Besides, I hope you can spare your time to stay and chat with me, so we can get on better. I love you very much and I believe we will be a happy family forever. Wish you all the best. Yours, Lixin9


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